Gay Erotic Stories

Take the Snake

by Risk Taker

My name is Greg. Brandon is a great friend of mine. I have known him for four years. We go to the same university. We have some of the same classes, played intramural sports together, and meet socially in group settings. Brandon is very handsome--dark-skinned, 6'3", dark hair, with incredible looks. Brandon also has a nice, hairless, swimmer's body. Even with all these great physical traits, I was always surprised that Brandon was so shy around everyone, especially girls that really wanted to get to know him but, for some reason, just couldn't break through. I never confronted him about it because I thought he would be very sensitive about this trait. Now I know why he was so reserved. Brandon had kept a secret for a long time, and I found out about it in an incredible way. Brandon called me up about a month ago and asked to meet with me. I was not really surprised by the call, since he and I had always shared just about everything else about our lives --- past and present. We agreed to meet at an upstairs meeting room at the student union. When I got to the room, I could tell Brandon was really shaken up. After a little encouragement, Brandon admitted to me that he was bisexual and that he was afraid everyone would hate him if they found out. I asked Brandon why he thought he was bisexual, and he answered that he could not stop sexually fantasizing about many of the guys he knew, and that he really wasn't interested in starting a relationship with any girl at the moment. Then the big question: "Brandon, are you attracted to me?" I had never considered myself to be that attractive (although others have said otherwise), so I expected Brandon to say, "No". Much to my surprise, he said that he had often thought of what it would be like to have sex with me. He was so ashamed to tell me this--until I told him my secret. I felt like I was going to be sick. You see, I had never told anyone that I was bisexual. Everyone thought I was straight as an arrow --- just like Brandon --- because I was so popular with the girls and because I was such a brainchild. The weird thing about this whole situation was the fact that I had continuously fantasized about Brandon, but knew that I would never act on it because I knew (or so I thought) that he was straight. After I spilled the beans, Brandon was so relieved. So was I. We talked about the fact that both of us were virgins and how difficult it had been to keep our secrets for so long. After a good heart-to-heart, we agreed to keep our news secret, got up and started to walk out of the student union. I think the stress had gotten to me because I had to pee like crazy. I told Brandon to wait up as I walked to the restroom. After I opened the door, I felt someone hold the door open. I turned around and it was Brandon. He said he needed to empty out as well. Wild thoughts immediately came to mind, but I ignored them. I walked up to one of the urinals, fully expecting Brandon to go into a stall. But he didn't. He walked up to the urinal next to me. I had already pulled out my dick and started to pee when Brandon walked up. I assumed Brandon would check me out --- which he did --- and, strange as it sounds, I was more than willing to show him most of my 5" cut dick. Brandon and I had never seen each other naked before, despite the fact that we had played intramurals on the same teams. I think Brandon was a little surprised to see that a short guy (5'8") could have a nice-sized dick. Now for the moment of truth--as Brandon unzipped his pants, I was waiting with unbelievable anticipation. And I was not disappointed. When he pulled out his dick, I looked sideways in an attempt not to be detected and was surprised to find that Brandon's dick was only slightly larger than mine. This was such a awkward moment, especially when we finished peeing at about the same time. Then the totally unexpected happened. As we both had our dicks in our hands, Brandon looked straight at me and said, "Greg, let's go into the stall right now. I can't wait to be with you!" I don't know what happened at that moment, but the hidden wild side of me came out like crazy, and I zipped up and quickly followed him into the handicapped stall. We were both standing as we began to take each other's shirts off. When that was done, we hung our shirts on the hook attached to the inside of the stall door. We passionately kissed for only a second before moving our hands to our chests, abs and crotches. I wanted to see Brandon before he got hard, and he must have had the same thought about me, because we both unbelted, unbuttoned, and pulled down our jeans (to our knees) so that only underwear separated us from fulfilling our fantasies. I quickly reached into Brandon's underwear and began to massage his dick. It felt great. He immediately started breathing harder and quietly moaning, so I pulled down his tidy whities and started massaging him even more. His dick was beautiful. It was not completely hard, but it was very firm--about 7" long with an incredible head. I just wanted to suck that dick until Brandon couldn't stand it any longer. But he had different ideas. Brandon reached into my underwear and pulled them down. I was at near attention by then--about 7 1/2", hard, and with a purple head that wanted to be in Brandon's mouth. He must have sensed this because he dropped to his knees and licked the underside of my shaft and the rim around the head. That drove me wild. Then, without hesitation, Brandon took my dick in his mouth and started to suck it just like a guy likes it. As he continued to suck me off, I told him what felt good. All he wanted to do was please me. It was phenomenal. It wasn't long before he sucked me to the point of no return. I told him I was going to cum, thinking that he would pull his mouth off. But he didn't pull off. I then put my hands behind his head and began pushing more and more of my dick into his mouth until I couldn't stand it any longer. I pushed his head one more time onto my dick and came into his mouth. As I watched this whole event happening, I was unbelievably turned on. Never in my wildest of dreams could this have happened. But it did. After Brandon had swallowed my cum and licked off the rest from my dick, he got up and gave me a beautiful passionate kiss. After that kiss, all I wanted to do was please him. Brandon had gone soft while he was sucking me off, so I massaged his dick and began kissing his neck, upper chest, erect nipples, and navel. I did this several times until I detected that Brandon was getting turned on. Then Brandon said that he was ready for me to return the favor, which I did willingly. As I ran my hands up and down Brandon's back, chest, and abs, I licked the underside and head of his dick. I could tell he was already going crazy, but I wasn't going to let him go so easily. I just teased him with my tongue for a little while until he was completely hard. His dick was beautiful --- almost the same size and shape as mine. Finally, I put my entire mouth on his head and part of his shaft and slowly began moving up and down with just the right amount of pressure. Brandon was right--he obviously had not had sex before. Which made this rendezvous more exciting. Every now and then, I would take my mouth off of Brandon's dick and lick the underside of it just to make sure he was good and ready. Brandon almost screamed for me to start sucking him off again, so I knew he was close to cumming. As I began to suck his dick again, Brandon began plunging his dick further and further into my mouth. His hips began to thrust, and I knew this was the moment of truth. Then, Brandon moved toward me so that I couldn't leaned back any further and dumped his load in my mouth. I had never tasted cum before, but I didn't care what it tasted like. All I knew was that he continued to push his dick in my mouth as he let out groan after groan. I didn't take my mouth off his dick until he stopped thrusting his hips. Then he exhaled and said, "That was awesome". I licked off the rest of the cum from his dick, got up, and kissed him. This was a moment I will never forget. I still can't believe it. Brandon and I have agreed to meet at least once or twice a week in more discreet places on campus. I'm already looking for hideouts.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Risk Taker

Take the Snake

My name is Greg. Brandon is a great friend of mine. I have known him for four years. We go to the same university. We have some of the same classes, played intramural sports together, and meet socially in group settings. Brandon is very handsome--dark-skinned, 6'3", dark hair, with incredible looks. Brandon also has a nice, hairless, swimmer's body. Even with all these great


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