Gay Erotic Stories

The Gloryhound

by Lukewp

There is was, the place that I’d read about. I was sitting in my car, in the parking lot of a local adult "theater." I had found the place off, the review said that you could get your fill of whatever it was that you were looking for. I didn’t know exactly what I was looking for, heck I didn’t know if I could work up the courage to go in. But I finally did paying the entrance fee to the "peeps", where I read that almost all of the booths had glory holes built right into them. I walked through the swinging doors into a dark room. The only lights came from black-lights in the ceiling fixtures, and the light from the Videos in the open booths. After my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw several guys leaning against the walls, just by the doors of the individual booths. The guys ranged from 18 to somewhere over 50, and they all had that hungry look in their eyes. The one that caught my eye immediately was this huge, blond stud. He looked like one of the extras from Bay Watch, you know, broad shoulders, bond hair, tanned, and a thick neck that was just made to be licked. He was leaning against a wall giving off serious attitude, and I’m sure every guy in the place wanted a shot at him. Since it was my first time there, I just wandered around, and found me a booth that only had one gloryhole in it. I quickly peeked in the hole, and saw that the other side was blocked by someone’s clothes. BUMMER. Well I decided to see what was on the videos, and found myself a hot video showing these two guys going nuts rimming a third guy. Well nothing gets me going like being rimmed, or at least watching someone else get rimmed, so I popped the buttons on my jeans and got to stroking my rapidly hardening cock.. Just as I was really getting into it, I saw the clothing blocking the glory hole disappear, and a tongue take it’s place. At first, I didn’t know what to do. I mean, I knew what he wanted me to do, but I didn’t know if I could go through with it. I let my pants drop to my ankles, and moved toward the hole. As my dick neared the hole, his fingers shot out and grabbed my cock. He pulled me into the glory hole, till my stomach was pressing against the wall. Once he had my dick on his side, he started licking it as if it were a Popsicle, getting it all nice and wet. Then I felt his lips wrap around my cock head. I had to close my eyes because the sensations were too intense. He slowly engulfed my entire cock in his mouth, no easy feat, since most guys can only get halfway down the shaft. He set up a steady rhythm, sliding up and down the length of my cock, and I just got harder and harder. Suddenly he pulls off my cock, and I leave it hanging there for a couple of seconds, not knowing what’s going on. Finally I pull my cock out of the glory hole and peek through. I finally get a good look at the guy who was sucking my cock. He could have been my next-door neighbor, he just looked like your normal everyday guy. Unfortunately for me, he was bouncing against the other wall, obviously riding someone’s cock through another glory hole. Well just the thought of that got my cock a little bit harder. As I watched, he straightened up, and slammed his ass against the wall one final time as ribbons of cum shot out of his cock. What a show! I watched him clean up, get dressed and leave. I stayed put, wondering who would show up in the other booth next. Nobody seemed to be that eager to be in there, so I started watching the videos again. Just as I was getting into the video, I heard the door close in the other stall. I looked through the hole and saw someone in a pair of khakis. Next, a hand came into view and started groping the swelling bulge in the khakis. The had was big, with long well formed fingers, and when my mystery stud groped himself, I could see a thick covering of hair on the back of his hand. I was already in heaven. If there’s something I like, it’s a man with a lot of hair. The stud knew he was being watched, and he slowly, teasingly opened his fly. Then he shoved his hand into the gap, and started groping his hard cock inside his khakis. Feeling brave, not to mention hornier than hell, I ran my finger around the inside rim of the hole. No response. I continued watching as my mystery man finally undid the button holding his pants up, and his hard cock leapt into view. My patience was rewarded with the sight of a cock that was made for a god. About 8 inches long, it was thick and roped with veins. Capped with a blunt head the same size as his shaft, it was already dripping pre-cum. All my inhibitions dropped, as I pressed my face against the hole, and shot my tongue through the hole. I was rewarded with a drop of pre-cum from the tip of his cock, as he teasingly held his cock just out of my reach. I felt him pull his cock away, and second later, he was grinding his ass against my tongue. The taste of his ass almost made me shoot my load right there. I thought I would see how far I could go, so I stood up and started sliding my cock through the hole. As my cock touched his pucker, he jumped. He hadn’t been expecting that. Then I felt his hot mouth close around my cock, sucking so enthusiastically, he was banging his head on the wall. I let him suck on my cock for a while, and just before I was ready to shoot, I pulled away. I leaned down to the hole, and feeling even more brave, invited my new friend over to my booth. To my surprise, he said "okay." I pulled my pants up and unlatched the door waiting for him to get himself together and head over. When he finally slid into my booth, we both got as naked as we could, and started kissing and licking every part that we could get our mouth on. I was right about him being hairy. He was about 6’ tall, and thick built, with a nice patch of fur over his midsection. The hair was trimmed, so that his defined body could show through. The only parts of his body that didn’t have any hair was his back and his balls. I started licking his balls, rolling each one around in my mouth, slowly sliding my tongue back between his legs, in search of his hot pucker again. He seemed to be as interested in my goal as I was, because at that moment, he turned around and shoved his fuzzy ass in my face. I dived in like a starved man, lapping and sucking on his hot asshole, I felt him reach down and start stroking my cock, his hands slick and dripping with some kind of lube. I stood up and pressed my knob against his wet pucker, watching it unfold around my cock, engulfing the entire head. My new friend was moaning his appreciation, and I could see his arm moving, and I knew he was stroking his hot cock. Suddenly I felt a hand on my ass cheek I looked behind me, and saw a tan muscular arm sticking through the hole. The unknown hand slid between my cheeks, and started fingering my tight hole. It was almost too much for me. With my cock already buried in an incredibly hot man, and having someone I couldn’t even see playing with my ass. I gave in to the feeling, and moved, so that my ass was against the glory hole. While my new friend kept riding my cock, I felt a hand, slick with lube start playing with my ass, getting it ready for a mystery cock. The fingers that slid into my hole were long and thick enough to make think I was already getting fucked. That is until they disappeared, and were replaced by something that felt like the end of a baseball bat pressed against my hole. I relaxed as much as I could, to let this mystery cock in, almost blacking out from the pleasure. I started pulling on the hips of the man I was fucking, impaling him on my cock, his moans growing louder and louder. The mystery cock in my ass finally must have got in as far as he could through the wall, cause the next thing I know, the mystery man is slamming my ass so hard that the walls are shaking. My new friends’ moans take a new tone, as I feel his ass tightening around my swelling cock. I can’t hold on any more, and I start shooting my load deep into his ass. As if I started a chain reaction, my new friend shoves his ass down my cock one last time, and lets out this long drawn out moan, and I see shots of cum hit the opposite wall. My ass, in the meantime is being pounded, as if by a jackhammer. I flex my muscles around the mystery cock, milking it for all it’s cum. As if on cue, the mystery man pulls his cock out, and starts showering my ass with his scalding cum. When he’s done, I wipe my ass off with my underwear. I’m planning on saving that for future j/o sessions. As I’m getting dressed, I peek through the hole, but all I can see is someone with a nice ass buttoning his jeans. He’s almost ready to leave, and I want to at least put a face with my future fantasies, so I hurry and finish my getting cleaned up and dressed. I bound out of my booth sure that I’ve missed him, when the other door opens, and I run face first into the "Bay Watch" blond with attitude. WOW… What a surprise. He just smiled at me and said, "Thanks, we’ll have to do that again sometime." "You’ve got it, big guy!" I said, giving him my pager number. Well, that was yesterday… hey… is that my pager going off in the other room?


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Lukewp

The Gloryhound

There is was, the place that I’d read about. I was sitting in my car, in the parking lot of a local adult "theater." I had found the place off, the review said that you could get your fill of whatever it was that you were looking for. I didn’t know exactly what I was looking for, heck I didn’t know if I could work up the courage to go in. But I finally did paying


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