Gay Erotic Stories

Walking on the Beach


It had been a long day at work and I couldn't be bothered cooking so I decided to go for a walk on the strand down the road from my house. It was a very warm evening and I had been feeling particularly horny so I got into my shorts and t-shirt, the kind of tight shiny Adidas shorts that accentuate my bulge and ass. I may be in my thirties, but I keep trim and, if I may say so, look good for my age. The tide was well out and I spent the first half hour walking along the shoreline towards the cove on the far part of the strand. For such a lovely evening the beach was deserted save for a few people out with dogs. In the distance I could make out a solitary figure approaching me from about a hundred yards away. He immediately got my attention as he was about 18, cropped blond hair, about 5'10 at a guess and wearing denim cutoffs and a white shirt open to his navel. My cock began to stir in my shorts as my mind fantasized about this beautiful looking twink that was fast approaching. As he neared it was quite clear that he was looking intensely at me, as I was with him and as we passed each other by I was sure that he had seen my bulging shorts - his bulge looked just as impressive. I couldn't resist looking back and was surprised to see him doing likewise. Perhaps this was going to be my lucky evening. I steered towards one of the caves and loitered outside, sitting on a rock, looking out to sea. He turned around and ambled back, hi hands in his pockets rearranging the visible line of his cock down his left pants leg. He passed my by without a word and went into the cave. I could hear his footsteps on the gravel as he went deeper into the darkness. This was too good to be true, so I followed him in, keeping a respectful distance. In the semi-darkness I could clearly see his outline against the wall, he had his shorts zipper open and was calmly stroking his 7" teen cock. He smiled as I got closer and we exchanged pleasantries. I pushed aside his white shirt exposing a smooth chest and took his nipples in between my fingers and pinched him gently and at the same time drew him closer to me. His lips parted and we kissed, deeply, sucking each other’s tongues. He moaned as my fingers manipulated his nipples and his hard cock twitched and pushed against the fabric of my shorts, rubbing against my now fully erect and leaking penis. I sank down onto my knees and gripped his cock at the base. It was silky smooth, hard and slightly curved upwards. I licked the tip and began to glide my lips up and down his shaft. His hands gripped my hair and his hips bucked back and forth as he delved deeper into my mouth. I pushed forward to engulf his whole length and began to feel it push deeper and deeper until the tip was down my throat and making me gag. This kid was good. He made me stand up and as I did, he shucked my shorts and jock down my thighs. My cock sprang fully erect, the tip wet with precum. He bent over and took it into his mouth, sucking deep and hard. I leaned over his back and began to rub his ass, my hand delving between his ass cheeks and my finger finding his rose bud. I pushed in gently as he sucked until my finger was fully inside him. Suddenly he stood up, startling me. I thought I had gone too far but all he wanted to do was take a bottle of poppers from his pocket. We shared the bottle, sniffing deeply and getting high together. This kid was making me really hot. He asked me if I would fuck him - I didn’t need another invitation. Turning around to face the cave wall, he bent over, spread his legs and braced himself. I gave him another sniff of the poppers in the hope that he would be relaxed enough to take my cock without too much discomfort. I’m 7" too but very thick, it will not be too easy for him. Holding my cock by the base and rubbing it up and down his pucker, I found the hole and began to push in. God this kid was tight. He was clearly hurting judging from the sounds he was making. As my cock invaded his teen hole he began to cry out. I pushed one final time and my cock slid in right up to the hilt. I held it there so that he could relax a little and at the same time kissed his neck. He turned his face and we kissed as I began to slide my cock in and out of his tight hole. Faster and faster I pounded in response to his moaning, grabbing his shoulders and ramming harder and deeper. I fucked him for what seemed an age and I could feel myself getting close to shooting my load into this horny boy. To my surprise he wanted me to pull out and spray my cum all over his face. I pulled out of his ass, he turned around, got on his knees and I began to furiously jerk in his face. That orgasm was one I'll never forget, five to six streams of spunk flew out of my cock, coating his face and lips with cum. It dripped down his cheeks, mouth and chin, pooling on his chest. I wanted more of this young boy, so getting him to stand, I knelt down and engulfed his cock in my mouth. I wanted that teen cum so badly. He was very close and my urgent sucking soon had him shooting a wad of teen cum into my mouth and down my throat. He lay against the wall exhausted looking like a model from a Cadinot Film. We smiled, pulled up our shorts, kissed and made our way out of the cave and down the strand towards the car park. He passed out of sight with a wave and a shout that he'd be down the beach again the following night. I'll be waiting.


16 Gay Erotic Stories from DAVE

Another Real Experience

You may remember me from a story (which was a true experience) that I submitted a few weeks ago (called 'My Model' under 'First Experiences") . My name's Dave and I'm 18 yrs old , 19 next year I had my experience when I was 17 and haven't been able to get enough man cock since. Anyway I've dumped the girlfriend now and would like to share another of my experiences

Enculado Uno, Envergado el Otro

No acababa yo de salir de la perplejidad. Estaba tirado en un cama vieja, adolorido de todo el cuerpo por la madriza recibida, con la cara hinchada y la boca partida, atado de manos y de pies. Me sentía, además, mojado, muy mojado. Del miedo o qué se yo, me había orinado encima de mi mismo... Y, aunque no me guste admitirlo, me había cagado también, de tal suerte que apestaba

Fantasy Eastenders

It had been a hard day at school for Jamie and Martin. Both boys had just finished a PE lesson, thankfully the last lesson of the day. They arrived back home at Albert Square and headed for Martins house. The Fowlers house was deserted. Pauline would be at the launderette for at least a few hours yet. The two boys headed up the stairs to Martins room and slumped on the bed.

Fun At The State Fair: Day Four

You may remember in my first story I mentioned that three of my four sexual experiences during the Fair were with guys named Charles, or variations thereof. First there was Chaz; on the third day was Charles (in between was TeeJay); and on the last day I attended, I linked up with a hot dude who liked to be called either Chuck or Charlie. He was back behind the midway, shirtless,

Fun At The State Fair: Day One

I got unusually wild the weekend before the 9/11 tragedy hit. My partner was away for a family funeral, and I got bored, so I decided to drive down to the south end of town, have a couple of cold ones, and check out the State Fair. And I am way fucking glad I did! This is really strange, too, because over the course of the weekend, it involved four carneys, three of whom were

Fun At The State Fair: Day Three

After work, I got to the Fairgrounds around 5 PM and spent a lot of time cruising the carneys, playing at seducing three gorgeous ones ... ranging in age from around 20 to right around 40. All three of these dudes disappointed me, answering my suggestion with a) "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that. Please don't repeat it." ... b) "No, I ain't into that kinda shit." ... and c) "If

Fun At The State Fair: Day Two

On the second evening of the State Fair, I went in to look for Chaz again. But at his booth, instead of Chaz, there was this really nasty hefty ugly lumpy dude. So I walked around and cruised the crowds a while. There was some very nice cock walking around there. After an hour or so, I was getting hungry (for food). Something smelled really good -- smoky and fragrant -- and soon I

Keeping "Score"

***The following is a work of fiction*** The seats themselves weren't that great: the view of the basketball court was barely viewable, and I couldn't make out most of the players I was looking for, Nick Carter in particular. He was so fine, that was for sure, and as I sat in the bleachers watching for him I suddenly found my eye-candy. I squinted. So, it was he in that white

Lunch Break, Part 1b

There was something about the story "Lunch Break, Part 1" on that made me do something I had never done before: I wrote the author. HotRod and I hit it off right away. Imagine my surprise to find out we worked in the same town. After a week or so, he agreed to meet me for drinks. I suggested a place I knew near his office and told him I'd pick him up after work.

Mi Idolo Deportivo, Parte 1

Primera parte de Mi Idolo deportivo Un muchacho puede estar enamorado sin darse cuenta de su idolo deportivo. En este episodio lo acabo de descubrir. ( El Pantera estaba acabado. Sus años de gloria en el ring se habían esfumado y ahora los golpes le caían una y otra vez con ganas de romperle todita la madre. Él se enconchaba y resistía indómito, mientras

Mi Idolo Deportivo, Parte 2

La segunda pelea preliminar ya había acabado y se anunciaba un atractivo combate entre dos peleadores mexicanos. Mi padre me preguntó si estaba mi estómago mejor y yo aseguré que sí. Cuando empezaba el tercer round de la pelea sentí de pronto un piquete en el trasero, por abajo del asiento. Al mismo tiempo una mano me tocaba con fuerza el cuello y una respiración calida me

My Life In The Adult Book Store, Part 1

This is a true story. I won't take time to tell you all the "stories" as then we would have a novel. If you like this one, I may send in supplements. It all started when I was hired in as a clerk at one of our better Adult Book/Video stores that has an Arcade. Being single I had enjoyed my share of female partners, and an occasional male. Not that I was all that

My Model

I was 17 when I had my first experience with another man (I'm 18 now). Let me tell you about it... I was at school all of last year , taking my A levels and was a frequent visitor to gay pubs and clubs in London , though I had never actually been approached by or approached anyone before . Well , this time it was different as almost as soon as I got to a club , on a wet

Pemijat Dadakan

Pemijat Dadakan Aku adalah seorang pemuda berusia 16 tahun. Walau masih lumayan muda aku mempunyai tubuh yang cukup bagus karena sering latihan di gymnasium. Aku memang menyukai olahraga. Namaku Anton, walaupun banyak cewek di sekolah yang suka atau naksir kepadaku, entah kenapa aku tidak merasa tertarik kepada satupun diantara mereka. Aku menganggap mereka semua sebagai teman. Di

Staying After School

I'm taking Global3, I'm a good student. I always hand in the homework and I get high grades in every test. I sometimes sit in class and observe people in my class; I seem to do that alot. Now I'm straight but I also check out guys. There's this one guy who caught my eye; he's in my class and his name is Steve. I thought he was pretty good looking and not to sound stuck up but the

Walking on the Beach

It had been a long day at work and I couldn't be bothered cooking so I decided to go for a walk on the strand down the road from my house. It was a very warm evening and I had been feeling particularly horny so I got into my shorts and t-shirt, the kind of tight shiny Adidas shorts that accentuate my bulge and ass. I may be in my thirties, but I keep trim and, if I may say so, look


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