Gay Erotic Stories

When Titus Was In Jail

by Navar

As Craig Titus was escorted to his cell he was still muttering under his breath with anger. He knew the charges were trumped. He knew his conviction was merely symbolic. The bodybuilding industry refuses to admit to the wide use of steroids and pretending not to see it. It needs to have a contestant or two banned or arrested to prove its innocence. To now have a celebrity like Craig convicted would give them space for a while. The problem is Craig wasn’t convicted of using steroids but rather of distributing it. It was bogus. They were not steroids. Nevertheless, here he was being taken to his cell. His sentence wasn’t a long one, relatively speaking, but it’s time of his life he’ll never get back. He’s heard of what prison life is like. The one he’s been sent to doesn’t have such a reputation, but he’s prepared to keep his guard anyway. It would take a gang to take him, but he’s worried that’s exactly what would happen. Not 10 minutes after being left in his cell, a prisoner came up to him. “The Hammer wants to see you.” “Who?” asked Craig, perplexed. “The Hammer. He wants to see you. Now.” “Only the cops may summon me,” scoffed Craig. He went to his bunk to lie down. The prisoner did not go away. “As far as you’re concerned, the Hammer is the cops. Let’s go.” What a wonderful first day this has turned out to be. Craig relented and went with the prisoner. Craig was escorted to the gym. Several prisoners were lifting the various weights. At the far end two muscular prisoners, wearing only shorts, were talking with a third prisoner who looked liked he never went to a gym before. Though wearing his prisoner uniform, it was obvious he was thin and not strong at all. He had a hammer in his lap. He looked up and motioned Craig to come over to him. “Thank you for coming,” said the little man. “I’m the Hammer. That means I run this place. I always make it a point to meet the new guys. I offer them cooperation if they wish to take advantage of it. Cooperation means not causing any trouble. The gangs have had a truce ever since they made me the Hammer. It’s made prison a rather bearable place, given the circumstances, yet there are always a select few individuals who like to cause trouble; I have the greater number so that everyone will stay in line, and I like to keep it that way. I try to find a niche for the new guys as soon as possible. Once you know your place, you have a sense of purpose and place in the hierarchy. That will give you prestige and privileges. All can be increased or decreased.” “You have an opportunity,” the Hammer continued. “You are not part of any gang, so that means you don’t come with any baggage that would disrupt things. However, that also means you are on your own. You will be prey to those who do not accept my authority. I know what you are thinking: I’m just another gang leader. That is not the case. I am the leader of everyone. I’m the liaison with the cops. I’m the one who gives out the work assignments. I’m the one who settles grievances between prisoners. What I am offering you is to join my ‘personal guard’, as it were, like my friends here.” The Hammer gestured towards the two muscled prisoners. “I am not naïve enough to think that no one wishes me harm, and as you can see, I am no match in a fight. I will need you as much as you will need me. The choice is yours.” Craig does not want to get into prisoner politics. He wants to be left alone. He likes no one. He trusts no one. He just wants to do his time and get out. “I can take care of myself. You give out the assignments, fine. I do them because I have to, but I take orders from no one.” The Hammer shook his head. “Suit yourself. You’re still a prisoner and thus under my jurisdiction, but you will be treated with the status that you have, which is what we call Virgin. Time will tell if you can back your boast. Good day, Mr. Titus.” Craig didn’t leave. “Is that a threat?” “Certainly not. It’s simple reality that you are now just the new guy. You have no particular status. It just remains to be seen what you can make of it. Just understand that I will oppose any attempt to undermine my status.” Craig went back to his cell. He took off his shirt, exposing his massive pecs, and lay down on his back on his bed. His right hand caressed his stomach. He daydreamed, trying to remember what life was like outside of prison. With his stomach feeling his hand rubbing against it, he’s reminded of the last woman he fucked, excited she was at his massive bulk, gaping in awe at his masculinity. A sound outside his cell disturbed his dream. Conscious of where he was, he realized he had an erection. Damn, he thought, no more sex. He knew of no one allowed to get regular conjugal visits. He slipped his hand under his pants and underwear and gave his dick a tug. He rubbed his finger over his sensitive spot, relishing in this moment of pleasure, anything besides the reality of his situation. He stopped and looked around him. No one was around. There was talking in the distance but not close. He was alone. He checked around for a video camera. Surely the guards were watching him, but he found none. Perhaps they were hidden. Never mind. He was horny now. He had some privacy. He took the opportunity. He pulled his pants and underwear down below his knees. Leaning back, he put his left arm under his head and stroked his dick with his right hand. He used his fingers to wiggle himself. Changing his mind a bit, he moved his left hand down to massage his balls. Feeling himself up made his dick real hard. His dick was now as strong as his powerful arms and legs. Not satisfied with teasing himself any longer, his right hand grabbed his dick, and he pumped. Slowly, at first, but once his dick realized what he was doing, it increased its sensitivity with more pleasure, encouraging his hand to go faster and faster as the pleasure increased. Faster and faster he pumped. His dick-head jerked in his hand as if he was cumming, forcing itself to feel his hand rub against him with more pleasure, one last tease he allowed himself. He felt his semen churn inside the base of his dick, waiting for the right moment to squirt out. All he needed was one last thrust. He turned his head and saw the Hammer watching him at his cell door. Craig let out a yell. It was a yell out of embarrassment for having been caught jerking himself, yet it was also one of orgasmic ecstasy as he shot his load. Having lost control of himself into his orgasm, he could not stop himself from milking his dick for all its worth, while staring into the Hammer’s eyes, mouth agape and voice stuttering yelps as pleasure engorged him. With Craig still releasing his manjuice, the Hammer quickly grabbed some tissue paper and went over to him. Before Craig could protest, the Hammer wiped up his semen, completely drenching the tissue. He walked to the cell door, and one of his muscled bodyguards came by, took the semen-soaked tissue, and walked away. When the Hammer turned around, Craig already had zipped his pants up and was putting on his shirt. “What are you doing with that?” he barked. “Taking advantage of an opportunity, Mr. Titus. I’m sure I can get top dollar selling authentic infamous Craig Titus semen milked by his own hand on the Internet.” “That’s sick.” “No, it’s leverage. You know very well how embarrassing that would be. You’d hate even to talk about it, but you’d deny it was yours. DNA testing will prove it’s the real thing. When you do get out of here, you’ll have no respect left in your sport.” Craig wouldn’t admit to it, but he knew that was true. It comes with the territory that there’d be guys who had the hots for him, but all it’s going to take is one heckler in the audience to talk about his semen or even have it with him to totally humiliate him. Craig sighed. “What do you want?” “Want? Want what?” “What do you want to not sell my cum?” The Hammer turned his head. “Did you get that?” The other muscled bodyguard came into view with a video recorder. “Yeah, I got it. A video confession.” He walked away. Craig was fuming. He got up, grabbed the Hammer, and slammed him against the wall. “I am through playing games. You’re going to call your boyfriends back and tell them to give me the videotape and the tissue, and you are never to speak to me again.” “That would be hard to do,” said the Hammer calmly, “since we are going to be cellmates for the length of your stay.” “You lie!” “It’s true. That’s why I’m here. It’s almost time for lights out. Kindly put me down, and I’ll forget you laid a hand on the Hammer.” “I want that tape and tissue!” “You’ll have to pay for it. Now put me down!” Craig let go of the Hammer, who landed on his feet. “As I said, what do you want?” “Before I wanted you as part of my personal guard. It was going to be the easy life for you during your stay. Now you are up for grabs. I am claiming you. The word is now out you are my bitch. I own you.” “You own nothing.” “Exactly! You are now a nothing; the lowest man on the totem pole.” Suddenly, four beefy prisoners rushed into the cell and grabbed Craig. Craig tried to struggle free but strong as he is, he could not escape all four. His nightmare was coming true. One prisoner held each of his arms straight out while the other two held onto his legs. Craig looked at the Hammer. The Hammer looked at him. “Now that you are a nothing, I cannot call you Mr. Titus anymore. That was an address of respect, of which you are now unworthy. As my bitch, I get the honor of giving you your new name. Your name is now Mr. Tight Ass. You will now earn your name.” One of the captors gave the Hammer a handkerchief. The Hammer walked in front of Craig. He reached for Craig’s crotch and yanked his balls hard. As Craig yelled in pain, the Hammer stuck the handkerchief in his now opened mouth. The ends he pulled around to either side of his head and tied it in the back. Craig’s eyes glimmered in hope. He saw a guard walk up to the cell door. He groaned, “Help!” through his gag. The guard didn’t say anything. The four prisoners picked up Craig and carried him to the front cell door archway. The guard took out four handcuffs and proceeded to shackle Craig’s limbs to the bars so that he was stretched across the doorway in an X. The prisoners let go and stood back into the cell. Craig struggled trying to break free but failed. The Hammer crawled under Craig’s legs to stand outside the cell in front of him. He turned to the guard. “Thank you for your help. Take your payment.” The guard knelt before Craig and pulled down his pants and underwear. Craig’s dick was flaccid, partly because he had just cum and partly because he was scared out of his wits. The guard didn’t care. He grabbed Craig’s dick and put it in his mouth. He flicked his tongue around as if sucking a lollipop. Craig screamed in protest but was muffled by his gag. The Hammer tore off Craig’s shirt. Straddling the guard’s neck, he massaged Craig’s chest with his hands. He felt the contours of the muscles. He glided his hands over the six-pack stomach. Craig exclaimed as the guard grabbed his balls and massaged them. The Hammer reached around Craig to grab hold of his back while bent over to suck on Craig’s nipples. Again Craig’s scream was stifled. He kept wiggling, struggling against the handcuffs but for naught. A tear trickled down his face. Craig’s dick began to give in to the guard’s wet and hot mouth. While Craig’s mind was feeling revulsion, his dick was feeling pleasure. It slowly began to harden and grow. The guard sucked even more enthusiastically as he felt this, which just fed into the pleasure Craig’s dick was hungry for. Craig tried not to react like that, but he was distracted by his nipples being slobbered over by the Hammer. Craig stopped groaning. He decided he was no longer going to give them the satisfaction. He was determined not to express anything. He couldn’t stop getting an erection because of the direct physical stimulation, but the less he reacted the less enjoyable it would be for his tormentors. The Hammer was too smart for that. He stopped sucking on Craig’s nipples and looked into his face. With a smirk, he moved his hands towards Craig’s exposed armpits. His fingers of either hand gently stroked Craig’s armpits. Craig’s arms jerked wildly, trying to close his armpits to stop the sensation as the body would instinctively do, but he couldn’t. Unable to stop the tickling, his body had to let out the pent up energy. Craig was forced to scream again through his gag with each stroke. Craig’s body disobeyed his mind. With his dick and arm pit nerves being pleasurably stimulated, his body stopped resisting and gave in to the enjoyment. Subtly he humped the guard’s mouth. No longer having to do the work, the guard kept still allowing Craig’s dick to slide along his tongue on its own. Since the body refused to ignore the Hammer’s fingers, Craig could no longer scream. Instead, his body would squirm but slowly, not trying to break the handcuffs. Craig would bob his head. The Hammer knew everything was ready. He stopped tickling Craig and squeezed through between him and the edge of the cell bars. He turned to face Craig’s back and marveled at his humungous butt cheeks. He put his hands upon them and felt them up. Craig’s eyes widened at the realization of what was to come. He clenched his glutes to protect his sphincter. The Hammer could not move the strong muscles. Not even the fact of Craig’s dick completely accepting the guard’s mouth would loosen them. The Hammer nudged the guard with his foot. In response, the guard used his fingers to gently stroke Craig between the base of his ballsac and his sphincter. Since that part of Craig’s anatomy rarely if ever gets touched, his body did not know how to react. It was a gentle massage, so his body accepted it as pleasure. Because Craig’s legs were handcuffed far apart, he could not close them onto the guard’s fingers as his body wants. Coupled with his dick rock hard and lapping it up in the mouth of ecstasy, his body finally won the battle against his mind. Craig relaxed his ass. The Hammer whispered into Craig’s ear. “You are now going to be my fuck toy. It is ok for you to enjoy it.” The four prisoners in the back of the cell had already disrobed and were engaged in their own orgy. One of them went over to the doorway and sat down between the Hammer’s legs. He pulled down the Hammer’s pants and sucked him off. With the Hammer’s dick completely erect and moist, he took the condom he was holding in his hand and gift-wrapped the Hammer. He sucked on the Hammer’s covered dick to moisten. The Hammer tapped him on the head. The prisoner went back to the others. Because he was privileged to suck the Hammer, he was honored to just lie on the bed while the other three gave him a tongue bath. The Hammer separated Craig’s butt cheeks to expose the sphincter. He put his dick-head up to it but did not go in. He untied the handkerchief around Craig’s head. With his mouth free, Craig could only moan in pleasure from the guard giving him a blowjob. Craig no longer cared he was shackled. He relished the fact that his body couldn’t move. He totally accepted what was happening to him. Using his hand as an anchor, the Hammer penetrated Craig. Craig yelled at the protrusion but did not protest. The Hammer went in slowly to allow Craig’s ass to accept him. Craig obliged by relaxing his ass muscles some more. He allowed his sphincter to be spread by the Hammer’s shaft. Craig’s rectum clasped around the Hammer’s dick. With one final push the Hammer drilled into Craig. Craig gulped when the Hammer was finally inside him. The Hammer wrapped his arms around Craig’s torso and grabbed his pecs. Squeezing Craig tight, the Hammer humped his hips. Craig stuttered gasps for each time the Hammer’s dick moved inside him. Euphoria enveloped Craig as he was massaged on the inside of his body. The pleasure in his ass became greater than the pleasure on his dick. He leaned forward to push his ass out to the Hammer as if begging for more dick. The Hammer massaged Craig’s pecs while licking his back and neck. The guard continued to suck Craig off while massaging Craig’s balls. Craig stuck his tongue out, salivating his ecstasy. His moment of truth came when he felt the condom blow up as it filled with the Hammer’s cum. The force of the cum stretched the condom even further into Craig. Craig’s body could no longer withstand the stimulation. Craig let out one final long and loud yell. Whatever cum he had left after jerking himself off exploded down the guard’s throat. This caused his butt cheeks to clench, squeezing the Hammer’s dick. Due to Craig’s strength, this in effect milked the Hammer’s dick to force more cum into the condom and further up into Craig. The guard drank Craig’s cum. At last the pleasure subsided. Craig’s dick went limp. He was sucked completely dry. He had nothing left to shoot. The Hammer himself had stopped cumming, the condom slowly pulling back from in Craig as the Hammer’s semen settled. The guard got up and left, leaving the keys for the handcuffs. The Hammer let go of Craig and pulled out of him. Finally free of stimulation, Craig’s entire body went limp, held up only because of the handcuffs still shackling him to the bars. The Hammer squeezed through Craig and the bars to face him. He lifted Craig’s head and kissed him on the lips. Craig’s lips must have been jealous of the rest of his body for Craig eagerly kissed back to grab one final instance of pleasure. He didn’t notice that the four prisoners that were in the back of the cell had unlocked the handcuffs. When Craig woke from his sleep he ached all over. His shoulders were sore. He could hardly move his legs. He felt pressure in his dick and a nagging sensation in his ass. He had remembered what happened. He was alone in his cell, dressed. A prisoner came to the cell door. He’s seen that prisoner before. He’s the one who first told him the Hammer wanted to see him. “The Hammer wants to see you.” Craig ignored him. “The Hammer wants to see you, now.” This was too familiar. However, Craig thought it best to go to see what’s up. The prisoner led him to the gym. Again Craig saw prisoners working out. They were the same prisoners he saw, when, yesterday? There was the Hammer talking to those same beefy prisoners. The Hammer motioned to Craig to come over. “Thank you for coming,” said the little man. “I’m the Hammer. That means I run this place. I always make it a point to meet the new guys. I offer them cooperation if they wish to take advantage of it. Cooperation means not causing any trouble. The gangs have had a truce ever since they made me the Hammer. It’s made prison a rather bearable place, given the circumstances, yet there are always a select few individuals who like to cause trouble I have the greater number so that everyone will stay in line, and I like to keep it that way. I try to find a niche for the new guys as soon as possible. Once you know your place, you have a sense of purpose and place in the hierarchy. That will give you prestige and privileges. All can be increased or decreased.” This is not right, Craig thought. What happened to him did happen. What cruel game is the Hammer playing? The Hammer proceeded to give his spiel, asking Craig to become his bodyguard. “That wasn’t a dream!” he thought. He is acting. He looked around. No one was staring at him. No one was smirking. Why were they pretending nothing happened? This time Craig accepted the Hammer’s invitation. “Good,” replied the Hammer. “We’re going to become very close during your stay. I’ve made arrangements for us to be cellmates. As Hammer I have that kind of pull. Now, I need you to give an intimidating presence. Just like my boys here, you’ll have to walk around shirtless. Your muscles need to be shown to prove your strength and power.” Craig hesitated but took off his shirt. The Hammer smiled. “Very nice. Now, face the other way for a moment.” Craig turned around. The Hammer walked up to him. He put one hand on Craig’s ass and the other on his crotch. “See how you listen to me, now. I told you you’re now my bitch. What I currently have in my hands belong to me. No one else can have them. No one else will bother you. No one else will see them. They are mine to do with as I please. Do you understand?” Craig nodded yes. “Good. Now go to the showers and wait for me. I’m going to get you spanking clean.” The Hammer gave Craig’s ass a whack. Craig obeyed.


12 Gay Erotic Stories from Navar

Celebrity Auction

A very happy occurrence happened to me. I won the lottery. Naturally I splurged a little, ok a lot, but I soon regained my composure. I didn't want to spend my way back to the poorhouse. However, aside from material things, I wanted to go to places I never could afford before. I went to Broadway shows and fine diners. I had a great time at the infamous Russian Tea Room. There is a

Cruise To Heaven

A friend treated me to a cruise to get away from it all. I was a bit reluctant to go because I don't like just doing nothing. I'm sure there would be activities on a cruise ship but they would be lame. However, I was a little curious about the situation. I've never been on a cruise before so at least having a new experience would be exciting. Thoughts of the "Love Boat" appeared in

Hero Worship

Spiderman was depressed again. It's the same old story. He captures the bad guy to save the city, and he's a hero. Next day, people deride him as a vigilante, question his sanity, or just consider him a menace. People have short memories. He himself declares he would stop being a superhero from time to time, but he always goes back to it. This time though ... It would be nice if he

It's Just A Short Stop To Nirvana

It has been a while, but I return to J’s Hangout; a juice bar upstairs, a j/o club downstairs. All types of guys go downstairs, from the elderly gents to the scrawny twinks to muscle jocks. There are also various personalities like the slut who does anyone, the guy who just won’t shut up, and the mysterious short guy wearing a baseball cap. Perhaps the most frustrating personality is

My Favorite Yankee

In a way you can say I have a dream job. I’m not a CEO and am not a famous movie star. No, I’m a batboy for the New York Yankees. Now, I’m not a boy, but I would feel foolish if I called myself “batman”. Being a batboy is not a high paying job, but there are fringe benefits. For one thing, I attend all the home games for free. When the team’s not playing at home, they usually have

Prince Of A Trainer

I entered a raffle for charity. I didn’t expect to win anything, but it’s fun to play anyway. There were a number of large prizes such as a new car, five thousand dollars, and a family trip to Disney World. As I expected I didn’t win. However, there were a number of smaller prizes, one of which I did win. I won a year’s membership in a gym with trainer. I thought that was cool.

Save For Save

The fire was spreading as I headed out to the roof. The smoke was thick. I was trapped. I didn’t know if anyone saw me go this way. I couldn’t get to the exit doors like everyone else. Their backs were turned to me, and Batman was chasing the Joker. I heard sirens from the street below. I wanted to look over the side of the roof to wave to them so they would know where I was, but

Tarzan Origins

It must have been that last bullet. The jeep was leaking gasoline for the last five miles. I saw the gage on empty. The soldiers were bound to catch up to me. Staying on the road was too dangerous. Running into the jungle was not a good idea either, but there wasn’t much of a choice. I walked a half an hour before coming to a small river. I took the chance and walked upstream.

The Oilman

Times were tough. I needed to get a job, any job. I found work at Madison Square Garden as a janitor. Not a glamorous job, but work is work. I helped clean the arena after sporting events as well as maintain the general cleanliness of the entire building. Once in a while I would be asked to do odd jobs at various events, such as ushering. There was one sporting event that proved

The Photo Shoot

There was a small help wanted ad in the newspaper for an office assistant. I doubt it would pay much, but I needed the job so I had answered it. It was a Manhattan address. It wasn’t in a ritzy neighborhood. However, it wasn’t in a slum either, just a low rent area relatively speaking for Manhattan. I took the elevator to the 7th floor. It opened up into a reception area. I was

Wayne And Kent

“Sir, a reporter from the Daily Planet is here to interview you.” “Thanks, Alfred, show him in.” “Yes sir.” Clark Kent entered the spacious office. There wasn’t much furniture in it. It was mainly for visiting businessmen, as was Mr. Bruce Wayne. Wayne Enterprises is going to help finance a monorail link between Metropolis and Gotham City. Daily Planet editor Perry White sent Kent to

When Titus Was In Jail

As Craig Titus was escorted to his cell he was still muttering under his breath with anger. He knew the charges were trumped. He knew his conviction was merely symbolic. The bodybuilding industry refuses to admit to the wide use of steroids and pretending not to see it. It needs to have a contestant or two banned or arrested to prove its innocence. To now have a celebrity like Craig


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