Gay Erotic Stories

Life With My Granny

by Tom Hanks

I have fond memories of my granny. She was such a caring and gentle soul. She was an avid reader of the Bible and Church was life to her. Granny had a heart as big as her house. Often she'd invite sailors, soldiers, air force or marines, whenever they were either in port or home for a short while, she invited them over for dinner. "Every boy deserves a good home-cooked meal," she would say. "Besides," she continued, "they are over 'em waters for you and me and every American. Seem's like the least one can do." She smiled and I smiled with her.

As I arrived back at granny's one Friday night, since I enjoyed keeping her company and we spent our weekends together and the two of us would go to church on Sundays. As I opened the back door, "Better take them shoes off, son," granny said. It had rained most of the day, a small, but constant drizzle all day long and it looked so lonely and gloomy.

As I walked into the kitchen in my stocking feet, granny looked up and gave me that adorable smile that just melted my heart. That smile meant welcome and very glad to see you...all rolled into one.

"Wow!" I said, "Why all the food, granny?" Before she could answer, I continued, "Looks like you're preparing this Sunday's dinner on the ground, single-handedly," grinning all the time.

Granny smiled, "No, Bill. We've got company staying with the two of us this weekend. Do you remember Al, the large guy from the air force? He's the one that sings so well when he is home, he always comes to our church and thinks of it as his home. So I thought we'd have him over."

"Okay granny. Sure!" I said. Granny looked up at me, taking those delicious homemade biscuits out of the oven; looking at me with those sky blue eyes, as if wanting my approval.... “Is that all right with you, Bill?"

I almost blushed. I wasn't much older than a kid. "Granny, you don't need my okay. This is your house."

"No! No! This is OUR house and I want you happy here with me."

I thought a moment and I had to agree with granny, it seemed the least we could do, was prepare a good meal for these men in uniform; serving our country. About that time, I heard what sounded like a vehicle and a door closing. As I peered out of the kitchen window, sure enough, there was this tall, very large, but well built, dark brown headed guy walking towards the front of the house.

"I'll get the door, granny, I think it is Al."

"You do that," granny said, "I'll set the table and finish putting the food on. You make Al welcome until I call ya'll to dinner."

"No problem, granny...I mean...yes, ma'am, granny."

I was good looking by all accounts of my friends, full lips, round green/hazel eyes and weighed all of 128 lbs with cold, black hair.

As I opened the door, Al spoke before I did, "Well, hello there! You must be Bill?"

"Yes, that's right, mister."

"No, please, I am only a few years older than you. Please call me...just Al," he said.

"All right, just Al." We both laughed and that seemed to lighten things up and we started talking. I enjoyed what short time we had together, looking at Al and taking into full view his looks, muscles, and nice package...large thighs, small waist and massive chest... “Wow! I thought, how do you look out of your clothes. Shut up Bill, he is a house guest…” I told myself. Granny called us to supper.

We had hardly sat down and granny returned table grace when the loudest thunder rolled over us and the power went out! Granny is her calmest voice, said, "Just a moment, I’ll get some lanterns." She did and the mood was very cozy.

It seemed like the heavens opened and the flood gates turned on over us…the rain came down hour after hour, unrelenting. We had a quiet dinner and the conversation was wonderful. Al told us about his travels in the service and about this home life. He was also a good listener. He and I offered to clear the table for granny…but she insisted this was woman's Al and I returned to the living room and waited on granny.

Al wasn't interested in watching television. He told me he'd rather talk and hear about me and my granny and our family. Al said, "I can watch TV anytime in the barracks." I smiled.

It was about 8:00 p.m., when granny returned to the living room with some peach cobbler. It was delicious! As we were eating, Al asked, "What time do you folks retire?"

Glancing at the clock, I smiled, "Granny is usually in bed by this time."

Al looked concerned, "Then perhaps I'd better go." He continued, "I am sorry, I hadn't realized the hour…I ..."

Granny interrupted, "You have nothing to be sorry are our guest. Do you have to be back tonight, seeing it is Saturday tomorrow?"

I spoke up, "Granny, Al is in the military, there are no Saturday’ work when they tell you to work!"

Al spoke up, "Well, that's partially true, but I do not have to work tomorrow." (Smiling)

"Then will you spend the night with us," Granny stopped in mid-sentence, “well, that is...I mean, if you don't mind, Bill?”

Al interrupted, "Ma'am, I don't want to be an imposition to ya'll"

Granny said, "Al, my little house is small, but has lots of love. I have this day bed, I will sleep on it. It’s very comfortable and you and Bill can sleep in my bed, if you don't mind?"

"No, I don't mind...if Bill doesn't."

I relented, "Not at all. You are welcome here."


12 Gay Erotic Stories from Tom Hanks

How Do You Say...'Delicious' in Japanese? Part 1

The Vietnam War was hot and the casualties escalating daily. It was my first tour of duty with the American Post Office and Couriers. Sahi was a wonderful, most beautiful man I had ever seen. He had olive complexion, dark brown almond-shaped eyes, surrounded by his jet-black hair that shined under the lights in the warehouse. The Japanese are very shy by nature and very humble. I have always

How Do You Say...'Delicious' in Japanese? Part 2

The next two days seemed to drag by ever so slowly, but we had worked so hard as several 5-ton trucks were emptied in the warehouse, which brought mail from the shipyard that was being shipped to our boys in Vietnam. I took the shuttle to billeting where I lived for a shower before Sahi arrived. I had packed everything I was going to take with me for the weekend, the night before. However,

Life With My Granny

I have fond memories of my granny. She was such a caring and gentle soul. She was an avid reader of the Bible and Church was life to her. Granny had a heart as big as her house. Often she'd invite sailors, soldiers, air force or marines, whenever they were either in port or home for a short while, she invited them over for dinner. "Every boy deserves a good home-cooked meal," she would say.

Life With My Granny, Part 2

As granny got up with her lantern, she said, "I'll leave you this lantern to see your way to my room. I'll see you two in the morning. Rest well." Al and I said, 'Good night, granny.' Al said, “Granny thanks for your kindness and for the lovely meal;. it was delicious!" As granny prepared to leave us for the night, the power came back on. (We all smiled) Granny snuffed out her lantern and

My Confession to My Friend, a Minister

It was one of the worst lightning and thunderstorms that I can recall. Still, I was not afraid, for reasons unknown to me; I love rain and thunderstorms, especially the rain. My new friend and minister had been in town about four months and was settled in. We sat in this restaurant; not wanting to traverse in this weather, so we just sat and talked as we drank hot coffee. During the past

My Confession to My Friend, a Minister, Part 3

Pa...PP..Pas...(oh, this is hard) Mike! We laughed. Okay, Mike, I will try. Mike said, "Thanks Bill." I found I wasn't as sleepy as I first thought, so I knew what I had to do. I explained to this minister, I mean, 'Mike' what I was convulsing. "Mike," I said, "I was sexually molested for a number of years since age 8. I have been to doctors, to psychiatrists and I am better now, but

The Angel Made A House Call, Part 1

It seems like only yesterday, I was visiting my older brother Bill, while he was stationed in Germany. Bill and I were always close, except he was very religious and I was always rebellious. Still, we loved each others as siblings throughout life. Bill told me years later, he felt somehow responsible for his kid brother. Bill invited me out into to a water baptism by at some French

The Angel Made A House Call, Part 2

The women to be baptized were directed to a dressing room. All the men were gathered in what looked like a basement that led to the baptismal pool. Every one was shedding the clothes and putting on some special clothes for baptism. However, the only man I had eyes for, was this angel, the chaplain. There is full view was this absolutely gorgeous guy with blue eyes and blonde locks of hair,

The Box Next Door

(A fantasy story that could happen) Henry was born in rural South Carolina. He and his friend Sam were next door neighbors, and Henry was more than curious about Sam. As kids, they ran and played together; cutting down and riding trees down as they fell. We were either too young or dumb to know the real danger. At any rate, there were few houses built at the time and the place was mostly

The Box Next Door, Part 2

The waterhole was wonderful and time, I thought had stopped, but it hadn't. In fact, judging by the darkness of the sky, it was later afternoon and I just knew a hickory was awaiting my butt. I expressed my concerns, and so Sam and I got out of the water; rubbing off as much water with our hands as we could, then got dressed. To my surprise, my mom was running late, getting in from

The New Minister Arrives

The new minister arrived in our little country town. At the senior pastor's request, I agreed to remain at the parsonage and make the new minister feel at home, by showing him true southern hospitality. The new minister, whom I will call Reverend Mike. He was single, slender, but very firm and athletic. He eyes met mine with a hint of a smile. When our eyes met, for a brief moment-but it

The New Minister Teaches Giving and Take...

As I promised, the house was in total darkness. We drove in and parked to the rear of the house. We went in and agreed we were hungry, so we fixed ourselves a sandwich.He was even sexy when he chewed his sandwich. After finishing up, I showed him our room, then where the bathroom was located. After brushing my teeth, I got into bed. Soon he came in and undressed. I had trouble keeping my


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