Gay Erotic Stories

Parking Lot, Part 1

by Jardonn

by Jardonn Part One – Working the Graveyard

"Kenny, this is Gary. He'll be coming into the lot for the next couple of weeks during your watch. Be sure and keep an eye open so you can let him in."

That was my boss introducing me to one of the truck drivers. I worked at the automobile ramp for one of the major railroads in town. During the day, we'd off-load cars and park them at the ramp for the trucks to come in and distribute them to area dealers. Other trucks would bring in vehicles from the local auto plant, which we would load onto railcars to be shipped out of town.

All of this took place during the daytime, but at night, we'd run shifts for one of us to just hang around the ramp and watch the automobiles, sort of a security guard type function. I doubled up, working the day shift on weekdays and watching the ramp from 11 to 7 on weekend nights. For some reason, this guy Gary was going to run his routes at night during my shift, thus the need for our introduction.

I held out my hand for a shake, "Hi, Gary. I've seen you come into the ramp. It's a pleasure to meet you." He took my hand and squeezed as tight as he could, forcing me to retaliate to withstand the pressure. "Just be sure you stay awake, 'cause I know how you guys like to get paid to sleep. Don't even make me wait for you to unlock that gate, or I may have to thump you one."

I thought to myself, "That's a hell of a way to get started." Gary had a stern look on his face, but a slight glint in his eye. I figured he was just testing me to see if I was some sort of weenie. "That's okay, Gary 'ol buddy. I've got a real good lawyer if you want to go that route." This cracked him up. He gave a hardy laugh and began to conduct a more natural handshake with me. I could tell we were going to get along just fine.

Now Gary was a truck driver, but not in the usual sense of the term. These guys didn't just drive their rigs, but also had to load and unload them several times per day. This involved driving the cars onto their trailers, climbing up to the racks and securing each axle with chains. Then they'd reverse the procedure to unload, come back to the ramp and repeat the process. Each trailer held 10 to 12 vehicles, depending on the size of the cars. So, as you can imagine, these fellas were in great physical shape, unlike many drivers you see in truck stops. Gary was no exception to this. I could tell he had been doing this for several years, because the shape of his chest and belly, coupled with the size of his forearms and biceps, defined him as a hard man. The four top buttons on his shirt were undone, and a healthy growth of chest hair was clearly visible, mostly black, some silver. The muscles in his furry forearms had bulged when he gripped my hand, and I found this quite stimulating. Several men who came into the ramp, plus those I worked with on the railcars, had the same effect on me, but I always would cast these thoughts aside. The rule is: "you don't get your honey where you make your money." It was the best way to stay out of trouble, and Gary was no exception. So my Friday day shift ended on a good note. In eight hours I'd be returning to the ramp to work my weekend night job. I arrived around 10:50 and hung around our building waiting to clock in. The ramp guys had a pretty good sized structure to hang out in, with a locker room and showers, four-stall bathroom and an office for our boss. Across the entrance lane to the ramp, the drivers only had a shed. Inside was a desk for their boss and a tiny office, which was about it. The drivers were always in and out and didn't really need much of a building. If they had to shit or piss, they'd just use ours. I punched in at 11:00 pm and headed for the ramp. The 3-11 guy came in the door as I was exiting. "Did that driver come in tonight?"

"I ain't seen nobody."

What a half-wit this guy was. He was the reason for Gary's comment about us sleeping. Everybody knew he was the culprit and how he kept his job I'll never know. The drivers would have to blast their horns and wait for his lazy ass to wake up and let them in, and this created friction between us and them.

But I wasn't that way. I actually enjoyed being there at night. It was always quiet and peaceful, and I'd just sit in our former U.S. Postal Jeep and watch trains coming in and out of the nearby yard. Sometimes I'd even bring my bike and make the rounds that way, circling the one-mile inside diameter of the fence countless times.

Our buildings sat outside the ramp, which was enclosed by a 10-foot high steel mesh fence, topped off with sharp razor wire. The swinging gates were locked seven days a week from 5 pm until 5 am, only to be opened when trucks were coming or going, which was rare at night. Only one key was issued to the employees, and dingle berry had passed it to me when we met at the door. I opened the lock, unwrapped the chain and swung open one of the gates. Once inside, I reversed the process and began my nightly duties, which tonight would be nothing. The railroad guys had already brought the "spot", which was railcars filled with automobiles, onto the ramp, ready to be off-loaded the next day. So I started up the Jeep and circled the lot, checking to make sure cars were parked properly. Hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of brand new vehicles sat on that lot at any given time, and the railroad was more than happy to pay one of us to watch them. I hadn't been there more than 30 minutes when I saw headlights coming toward the ramp. Someone was parking their car by the driver's shed, so I steered the Jeep towards the gate. By the time Gary got to the ramp, I had the lock opened and was waiting for him. "Hi Gary. How's everything this evening?"

"Service with a smile, eh?"

"Well, what else have I got to do?"

"I'm just glad you're here waiting for me. I'm in no mood to fuck around while someone gets their ass down here to open up."

I thought I might as well press him on this as I locked up the gate and we walked towards his truck. "Are you pissed because you gotta work tonight?"

"No. My wife's bitching because I'm working nights. I don't know what difference it makes, she never wants to do anything anyway. All she ever does when I'm there is sit in front of the TV and feed her face. We never go out. Hell, she hardly even fucks anymore, and when she does, I get the feeling she's half bored to death."

Seemed pretty strange that he would share all of this with me, considering we hardly knew one another, but I'll have to say I was intrigued. I figured since we were being so honest, I'd just egg him on a little. "So, does she at least suck your dick for you?"

"Are you kidding? She never did like that and she sure as hell wouldn't touch me now. I haven't had a good blow job since I married her."

Beautiful--that's just what I wanted to hear. I've run across so many men in this same predicament that I've lost count. He started to climb into the cab of his truck and I tossed him another bone. "No wonder you're in a bad mood. There's nothing in the world like getting drained by a world-class cock sucker."

"Don't ask me. I forgot what that feels like." He started up his truck. "Well, see you later. Don't go to sleep now."

I smiled and wave him on, while he headed for the loading lane. I watched from a distance as he parked and stepped out of the cab with his list. Each car was parked in a numbered row and space, and the drivers would have to walk to each car, drive it to the staging area and line them up. Then they'd load and chain them to the trailer before heading for the gate. I got back in the Jeep and resumed making the rounds, keeping an eye on Gary to see how much longer before he was ready to leave.

He had his trailer half loaded when I noticed him waving me over. I drove up close and parked the Jeep, exiting and heading to his trailer, where he was sitting with his hand on top of his cap.

"I bumped my head." He removed the cap so I could see. "Is it bleeding?"

The hair on top was starting to thin, but he still was able to comb it over and it looked good. Like his chest, the hair on the top and sides of his head was still black with little specks of silver dotted throughout. I reached up and gently ran my fingers on the top part of his scalp. It was late April and the evening air was cool, but Gary had worked up a little sweat from his work. I rubbed the beads up there around in circles, and then turned my hand towards me to see if sweat and blood were mixed together. "No, looks clean. I don't see any blood at all, but I bet you'll get a good bump on your noggin."

"Jesus Christ, you'd think as long as I've been doing this, I'd know every inch of this god damn trailer. Can't believe I did that."

"Well, maybe it's because it's night." The lot was well lit and I knew he could see just like it was daytime, but I was trying to pick up his spirits. "You just need someone to take care of you."

"You're right, Kenny. I need somebody to take care of a whole bunch of things." He stood up and returned to his duties. I went back to the Jeep and drove around until he was almost loaded. Then I went to the gate to open it up for him to leave. Swinging open the exit side, I waved and smiled as he left the ramp and he returned my farewell.

I was figuring on him being gone about two hours. Usually that's what it would take to reach his destination, off-load and return for more vehicles. The way the ramp was set up, I could see any headlights turning off the street and coming in the entry lane no matter where I happened to be inside the fence. After I'd driven in circles for awhile, I decided to head for our building to refill my thermos from the coffee pot and use the john. As I was standing at the urinal to piss, I heard a truck motor approaching. Looking at my watch, I determined that Gary had only been gone an hour, so I knew it wasn't him. I quickly finished and zipped up, rushing out the door so I could unlock the gate. I was wrong, it was him. He was sitting up there in his cab with a big smile on his face, that hairy forearm hanging out the open window.

"Back already?"

"Yeah. I ran my ass off to get that one over with. Come up here."

I stepped up onto his sideboard and met him face to face. Gary looked down towards his lap, then back to me. "You want some candy?"

Staring down to the seat of the cab, I could see an open bag of those candied orange slices resting right between the trucker's inner thighs. These certainly aren't my favorite sweets, but I excitedly said, "Sure!" and reached in with my left hand. "But, what if my hand slips and I grab your belly?" I clamped my hand onto him right above his belt buckle and dug in a little with the tips of my fingers.

I felt the strong muscles tense up when I touched his shirt and he let out a chuckle. "No, son, my candy's a little lower."

So I moved my hand onto his crotch. "Here?"

"Yeah, that's where it is."

I began to squeeze on him, and I could feel his dick getting larger in my hand, trying to find some way to escape. He leaned over with a gleam in his eye, as he whispered, "You wanna see him?"

"Hell yes!" Gary reached down and unzipped his pants, then he set the bag of sweets on the passenger seat and put his palms down on his own seat, leaving his trousers open for me to reach inside and find his candy. "There you go; just a look for now."

I invaded the opening and found that he was wearing boxers. Grabbing his cock, I steered it through the opening and it sprang out of his pants like a jack-in-the-box. What a beauty! Hard as a rock, it stood eight inches into the air, about one and a half inches in diameter. I clasped my hand around the shaft and slowly moved towards his powerful mushroom head, gloriously cut and perfectly shaped. Gary kind of moaned when I touched underneath the head, signaling to me that this was his favorite spot.

"Tell you what, Kenny. It's been a long time and I want us to be comfortable." He took his beautiful pud away from me and returned it to its hole. "If you'll help me with this, I'll be done in no time and then you can have it."

"How many loads have you got left?"

"Three. I'm already way ahead of schedule. Let's get this truck in the ramp and I'll show you what to do."

I ran for the gate and opened her up. After I locked us in I headed for Gary's truck, where he was just now stepping out.

"You got something to write on?"

"Yeah, let me get it." I got what I needed out of the Jeep.

"Write these numbers down. You get these cars staged and I'll load 'em up. Then when I leave, you get the next group ready."

Gary and I sprang into action and soon he was ready to pull out of the ramp. I waved him goodbye, and he returned my favor by moving his cuffed hand up and down like he was jacking his meat. Guess you could say he was pretty excited. I know I sure as hell was. I locked the gate and got the next group ready for him. When he got back to pick up load number three he was moving like a house on fire.

At this time, I was in my late twenties and I figured Gary to be about 20 years older than I, but he was flying up and down that trailer like he was a teenager. Before he got into the cab to leave, he stopped and grinned at me with that cap cocked to one side. Then he grabbed his crotch and gave it a little rub before jumping in and pulling out towards the gate. I was so mesmerized that I had to wake myself to get in the Jeep so I could let him out. This guy was primed and so was I. So much for my golden rule about "don't get your honey...blah, blah, blah".

Gary left with the final load about 2 am and returned 30 minutes later. He parked his rig next to the fence where he had started and jumped in my Jeep for a ride to the gate. I parked it inside the fence and we left the ramp.

"Come with me to the office. I gotta make a phone call."

I stayed a half step behind him, because I didn't know which office he meant. "Four loads in three and a half hours. Is that a record?"

"It is for me, buddy. I busted my ass tonight. I hope you're worth it."

Gary didn't know that I was well-versed in the art of cock worship. It was my passion, especially when it came to frustrated married guys. "I guess time will tell."

"Does anyone ever come around here this time of night?"

"One time a guy came in from Texas with a load of Cadillac’s, but that's it. No one comes in on Saturdays until 0-seven-hundred."

Gary drifted to the left and headed for the truckers' little office. He unlocked the door and we stepped inside. Locking the door behind us, he then turned on the desk lamp and sat down to make his phone call. It was a routine check in with his corporate office to let them know all deliveries had been made. As he recorded his message, he turned the swivel chair to face me while I stood next to him, waiting. He smiled and resumed his crotch rub; just making sure we both remembered why we were in there. Call completed, he hung up the phone. I looked down and watched his hand massage. "Got an itch?"

"Sure do."

"Want me to scratch it?"

"Sure do!"

He unzipped for me and rested his big forearms on the arms of the chair. I reached in to grab my prize. Again that pretty pecker jumped out and looked for me. I wasted no time and took that perfect mushroom into my mouth. Using my right hand, I peeled back my man's zipper flaps to expose all of his eight inches, and then I worked my moistened lips to the base. I could smell the heavenly sour sweat saturating his hidden pubic hair and testicles. This man had worked his ass off just for me, and I was ready to reward him. I drew back my mouth to return to the head of his unit, all the while caressing the underside with my tongue. When I reached the end of the cock head, Gary groaned and tensed up. He started shooting his load into my mouth.

Jesus friggin' Christ, I had only begun working on him and he already was flooding me with cum. I almost choked from the volume, not to mention just plain shock that he was shooting so soon, but quickly I recovered and began to consume every spurt.

This poor guy hadn't been joking. He obviously hadn't gotten his rocks off for a long time and I kind of felt sorry for him. Someone this age shouldn't be having orgasms of this magnitude, this volume, so I continued to work back and forth on his penis, trying to coax out every drop that his balls could give me.

Gary quickly placed his hand on my shoulder. "Thanks, man. That was very good." He looked exhausted, but relieved. It was as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. As for me, I'm sure I looked disappointed. He must have sensed this, because he tried to console me. "I'm sorry I shot so soon. I should have warned you."

"That's okay. I managed pretty well I think."

"Kenny, I haven't had someone else get me off for so long, I had forgotten how good it could be. Do you think you might do it again?"

"Sure, but we've got to do something about my knees. This floor is like concrete." There was dingy carpeting covering the office, but with no padding underneath, I might as well have been on asphalt.

We both scanned the dinky room for something soft that I could kneel on, but there was nothing. Gary piped in, "Tell you what, I've got an idea. Stand up a second."

I did as he asked. He pulled off his Wellington boots and then the white socks. Standing up, he began to unbutton his shirt, then his belt buckle and trousers. Finally, he dropped his underwear and removed the cap. Once naked, he laid his pants flat on the floor and put the shirt, socks and boxers on top. Then he rolled them all up into a bun, picked them up and presented the bundle to me. "Here you go. Kneel on this."

I waited for him to stretch out on the narrow floor area behind the desk. Flat on his back, he placed his arms past the head and spread his legs as far apart as he could. Now he waited for me. What a glorious sight this man was. I inspected every inch of him, as I set the bundle between his thighs and knelt down. Bushy black hair covered his arm pits and chest, immediately stopping at the end of the sternum, where it formed a singe line and headed for his belly. Parked in the middle was a perfectly inset belly button, where the line of fur continued into the thick pubic hair. The density resumed on his powerful thighs and calves, finally trailing off on the tops of his feet. Small tufts sprang up from each of his big toes, thus ending the manly fur covering.

This decoration was just the icing. The cake was the powerful body underneath. With his arms laid past his head and flattened to the floor, the laterals were expanded and belly stretched. Every line of strength was clearly defined for me. His manly torso formed a "V" shape and headed straight towards my mouth. This physique was not that of a body builder, but a hard-working, rugged man, solid as a rock and totally natural in its masculine beauty.

I was dying to touch him. Normally I don't ask, I just do, but I felt a kind of closeness to this man, and I wanted to show him every courtesy. Perhaps I sympathized with him regarding his home life. The wad he had just shot told me that he was suffering greatly from his domestic situation. I felt the need to fill a void in his life, because no man deserves to be neglected so.

"Can I rub your belly?"

He looked up over his chest and winked. "You do whatever you need to do to make me happy." Then he lowered his head and closed his eyes. He was ready. The penis was still half-erect and I engulfed it. I placed my hand on his stomach and gently massaged him. The skin was clammy, as some of the sweat from his labors had dried, while some was still liquid. My worship of his penis got him fully erect. I worked my lips down to the base and buried my nose into those glorious pubes, all the while squeezing the head of his cock in the back of my throat. The manly aroma of his crotch nearly drove me to madness. Here was the ultimate definition of masculinity sprawled out before me and totally under my control. That's the true beauty of giving oral service. As long as that man's cock is in your mouth, he's pretty much at your mercy.

I moved my hand up towards his chest and began making small circles there. Meanwhile, I slid my wet lips back towards the mushroom head, working underneath his shaft with my tongue. Keeping my lips firmly clamped on him, I squeezed the head of his unit with the roof of my mouth on top and tongue underneath.

He twitched at this sensation and let out a small whimper. I looked up to his face. The eyes were still closed and the corners of his mouth were slightly turned up, indicating to me that I was doing my job of making him happy. More than that, I sensed that I was taking him some place far, far away, perhaps to heights of ecstasy he had long forgotten. I slid my right hand back down to his stomach, continuing on to his belly and then pubic hair, reversing direction to make the return trip to his chest. Meanwhile, I firmly clamped the base of his unit with my left hand, forming a ring with my forefinger and thumb. Then I slid my lips back towards the end of his cock, stopping half way on the shaft and repeating the loving squeeze between the roof and tongue of my mouth. Keeping the base firmly clasped, I took his dick to my left, all the while keeping him inside my warm salivating mouth. He groaned with delight at this sensation, so I returned his dick to the upright position, only to continue and bend him to my right. Then I bent his mighty penis in the direction of the floor, slowly returning to upright before forcing the glorious organ towards his belly.

The powerless man was totally under my spell. He turned his head side to side, complete ecstasy consuming his face. I could tell he was trying to remain silent, but I would have none of it. Deep guttural groans and moans emanated from the depths of his heaving chest, as I continued to bend his hardened cock north, south, east and west. Now he was primed.

I removed my hands from him and put the palms down on either side of his hips. I began my slow torturous up and down oral worship. Savagely, I assaulted him from one end of the cock to the other, caressing the underside with my lubricated sandpaper-like tongue. I gradually increased the tempo. He instinctively thrust his pelvis up, trying to participate in my show, but this would not be allowed. I placed my hands on his belly and pressed down, forcing his buttocks to remain on the floor. Now as my lips approached the end of his unit, I would ruthlessly attack the underside of his magnificent 'shroom with my stimulating tongue. I could feel this man's glorious penis getting harder and stronger with each loving attack, as I increased the pressure and tempo on his shaft. Now it was time for a finishing move. Stopping my stroke at the head of his manhood, I gave him another squeeze and swallowed the huge volume of saliva I had built up. He had given up on his thrusting, so I removed my hands from his belly and brought them to rest on my thighs. Now I resumed my steady oral stroking, alternating this with the savage tongue attack under his head. Again I felt a surge in the powerful shaft, as his dick got even more hard and swollen. Reaching down with both my hands, I grabbed the hairs on his quickly shrinking testicles and began to gently tug. I glanced down to see the skin on his ball sac separate from the testicles and then return, as I rapidly pulled and released his manly hairs. My prisoner was groaning with each exhale of his heavy breath. He thoughtfully warned me that it was time. "Oh, my god, I'm going to cum!"

And cum he did. Huge gobs of sperm exploded up the shaft of his powerful penis and peppered the back of my throat. I continued my back and forth pattern as though nothing had changed, while increasing the pace of my testicle tugs. The worshipped man writhed in complete ecstasy, as his magnificent organ contracted again and again to expel its manly fluid. I greedily consumed every gob and continued to work him over. I was shocked and amazed at the constant volume of cum now gently flowing down my gullet, but slowly the eruptions began to subside and his penis lost its power.

I released his testicle hairs for the final time, and then slowed my oral stokes. Next, I left my lips stationary at the rim of his shrinking mushroom and squeezed the base of the penis with my left handed make-shift cock ring. I worked up towards my lips in small increments, forcing out the last drops of cum like his penis was a tube of toothpaste. Thoroughly satisfied, I released him, allowing his manhood to rest on that beautiful belly. Nothing was heard in the little room but our heavy breathing. For seemingly the longest time, Gary laid limp on the floor, eyes closed and a huge smile on his face. Where ever the hell he was, he was finding it difficult to leave. I really didn't mind waiting. I enjoyed giving him this pleasure and was pleased that he wanted to make it last awhile longer. Suddenly he sprang up to sit at a 90 degree angle facing me. "God damn Kenny! Where the hell did you learn how to do that?"

I just smiled as big as I could. "Guess I had a good subject to work with."

"I have never felt anything like that before. Not in my entire life have I had a blow job like that one." "Well, I know what I like, so I just transferred that to you."

"Come here." He grabbed my shoulders and brought me towards him, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Thank you. You were fantastic!"

Normally, such an expression of gratitude would worry me. I'd be concerned that this person was getting a little too close, and the last thing I need is a lover. But this was different. I felt that he was genuinely thankful for what I had given him. For one brief, priceless moment, I had taken him out of the hell that was his every day life, and he really had no other way to repay me. I was right about the first half of this, but wrong about the second. He did have another way to thank me. He stood up and I followed. Once again he grabbed me by the shoulders. "Sit down in the chair and take a break."

I was glad to do as he suggested, but my break didn't last long. Gary approached me and nudged his dick against my lips. "Can you take another shot?"

I looked at my watch to see it was just now 3:45. Plenty of time, but was this guy for real? He had just finished four rounds of exhausting physical labor, followed by two of the most enormously huge orgasms I'd ever had the pleasure to experience, and now he was ready to go again. This all was happening on our first night. Little did I know what he had planned for the next two, plus three more the following weekend. Could my heart take it? Was I really prepared to service this poor guy again and again? You're damn right I was.

"Sure, buddy. Go for it."

End of Part One


11 Gay Erotic Stories from Jardonn


This is the first part of Rail Yard Trilogy by Jardonn When I worked for the railroad, my job was to off-load vehicles from the auto racks (railcars filled with new automobiles) brought into our fenced yard (the ramp). That was my day job. On weekend nights, I would patrol the ramp to watch all the automobiles parked there, as they waited for distribution by trucks to all

Milking Tree, Parts 1 & 2

by Jardonn Part One -- Wrath of the Natashi Dr. Richard Cargill was a professor, explorer and treasure hunter. His painstaking research and planning had always brought him his prize. Every one of his campaigns had been a success--until this one. At the moment, Cargill found himself stripped naked and suspended from the wrists under a giant tree. This tree stood

Milking Tree, Parts 3 & 4

by Jardonn Part Three -- The Human Pendulum The three men escorted Cargill towards their hut. He wearily staggered, as they shuffled along, his body exhausted from hours of torturous suspension, beatings and denial of water. Once in the hut, he was laid chest down onto a straw floor mat, where he immediately fell asleep. The men began washing away the sweat and dirt from his body, but

Milking Tree, Parts 5 & 6

by Jardonn Part Five - Consecration Cargill was completely exhausted. He had been bound in suspended crucifixion for hours. His body had been beaten, poked and drained of manly sperm again and again. The enormous amount of sweat he had produced was beginning to dissolve the stimulating paste and allow his erection to fade. In the background stood Roger Trout; he

Parking Lot, Part 1

by Jardonn Part One – Working the Graveyard "Kenny, this is Gary. He'll be coming into the lot for the next couple of weeks during your watch. Be sure and keep an eye open so you can let him in." That was my boss introducing me to one of the truck drivers. I worked at the automobile ramp for one of the major railroads in town. During the day, we'd off-load cars and park them at the ramp

Parking Lot, Part 2: Axle Grease

by Jardonn Part Two - Axle Grease Gary pulled his dick away from my lips. "Watch this." He reached up with each hand and took his nipples between forefinger and thumb. "I discovered this back when I was a kid and first started jacking off. Let's see if it still works." He started turning his nipples back and forth like knobs on an old time radio, then closed his eyes and tilted back his

Parking Lot, Part 3: Greased Wrestling

by Jardonn Part Three - Greased Wrestling At 2:30 on Sunday afternoon, I was rudely awakened by someone knocking on my door. I debated for several seconds before deciding to at least see who it was. Slipping on my boxers, I gingerly stepped up to the peephole. It was him. As I opened the door, Gary stood there and smiled at me, mischievously awaiting my approval.

Parking Lot, Part 4: Suckin' on a Fireplug

by Jardonn I came real close to being late for work. When I got into our office, the clock said 22:59, but I grabbed my card just as it changed to 23:00 and punched in. Doofus came through the door, as I was putting my card back in its slot. "Hey, you better watch out tonight. There's some driver comin' in here and he's a real dick." Assuming I knew to whom he referred, I started to

Parking Lot, Part 5: Fire All Torpedoes

PARKING LOT by Jardonn Part Five – Fire All Torpedoes Mondays usually were lightweight for me and the ramp guys. Today was no exception, with only five railcars to off load and three to load. During my morning break in our building, I wrote down my address and phone number on a small piece of scrap paper. Then, I caught Tolsen driving down one of the rows in a new Acura he was taking to the

Super Bowl Sunday

SUPER BOWL SUNDAY by Jardonn Part One – The Road to the Big Game “Oh, look honey; your team scored a touchdown. I guess I’ll have to give you a little taste. No, wait, that’s the other team. Sorry, it’s not my fault your guys are no good.” Pity poor Boris. Not only was he being denied the chance to watch his favorite team play for the National Football League’s biggest prize, he also

The Ringboy

Jardonn’s Erotic Tales THE RING BOY by Jardonn Part One – Dick’s Recovery Dick Hodges was a dying breed. He was a wrestler in the purest sense of the word, but the “sport” of professional wrestling had disappeared before his very eyes. To me, he was the ultimate athlete and possessor of the most perfectly designed structure ever to house the soul of a man, although had you looked at him

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