Gay Erotic Stories

Parking Lot, Part 3: Greased Wrestling

by Jardonn

by Jardonn

Part Three - Greased Wrestling

At 2:30 on Sunday afternoon, I was rudely awakened by someone knocking on my door. I debated for several seconds before deciding to at least see who it was. Slipping on my boxers, I gingerly stepped up to the peephole. It was him. As I opened the door, Gary stood there and smiled at me, mischievously awaiting my approval.

"Come on in, hot dog!"

"Hope I woke you up."

"You did. Are you proud of yourself?"

"I'm just happy you're home, because I gotta piss."

In his right hand was a plastic bag from one of the nearby discount super centers. "What have you got in there?" I asked.

"Just some fun stuff. I got to thinking that maybe we were taking too big a risk over at the ramp. I mean, you are supposed to be watching the cars and not screwing around with me all night."

"Well, part of my job is to make the drivers happy and you are a driver. Right?"

"You know what I mean. I'm not worried about me. Hell, I've been a Teamster for 22 years. I'd almost have to shoot someone before they could fire me, but you're not protected at all. I just thought this would be better. So is this place available?"

"Any time for anything. You want something to drink?"

"No thanks, I'm fine. I do need to use the bathroom, though."

I pointed him in the right direction. He sat the bag down and I started to look inside, but changed my mind. I decided to just sit back and see what he had planned, as he seemed to enjoy being the man in charge. I figured he was probably henpecked at home, and part of what he liked about me was that I had let him determine each activity, never pressuring him into doing anything he didn't want.

After he flushed the toilet, he yelled to me, "Got any hand towels?"

"In the closet when you come out."

He returned with several towels and asked, "What time do you leave for work?"

"10:15, 10:30, somewhere in there. What time are you going in?"

"Oh, probably around midnight. I told my wife I was doing a double. That really pissed her off."

Good. I loved it when she was pissed off at him, which seemed to be most of the time. To me, this meant he was glad to be away from her and looking forward to being with me. I didn't know what he had to go through to get out of his house, but I was going to make sure that the risks he was taking would be worth his efforts.

Finally, he showed me what was in the bag. Setting it on my couch he began to remove the items. There was a roll of duct tape, four vinyl shower curtains and (much to my pleasure) several cans of axle grease. Gary scrutinized my front room.

"This looks big enough. Let's move this furniture back to the walls, then I'll make us a wrestling ring."

I didn't even ask. I just started pushing everything back to make a clearing in the center of the floor. Gary opened and laid out the shower curtains, connecting them with duct tape, and then he threw the cans of grease on top. "Might as well take off those under shorts, you won't be needing them."

I stripped and sat cross legged on the vinyl coverings. My dick was hard as could be, as it had been from the moment I had let him in the door. I had no intention of asking him anything. Watching him undress, it was so clear to me that he had found a new energy, a chance to recreate events from his past or from fantasies he had entertained in thought for god knows how many years. Who was I to question him? Everything I needed to know was written on his face and the gleam in his eyes, and I was fully prepared to relish in anything he had to offer me.

Joining me naked on the shower curtains, Gary issued his next order. "Lay down and let me slick you up."

I lay on my back spread eagle, while he opened a can of axle grease. Soon I felt his rough, masculine hands applying the goop to my legs, slowly moving up towards the genitals. My balls and erect cock were covered, then my belly, stomach and chest. As he finished with my arms, neck and pits, the can was emptied and he tossed it aside. "Roll over."

Gary opened a new can and repeated the process, stopping along the way to insert a finger into my asshole. My dick throbbed as it was being crushed under my belly. Soon my entire backside was covered and another can emptied. Not a word was spoken during the process of my greasing. I don't know what he was thinking, but I was blown away by the fact that this rugged man was gently putting his hands all over me. When I saw that his dick was hard too, it only added fuel to my fire.

Now it was his turn. Gary stretched out spread eagle and face up like I had, but what he didn't know was that I intended to take my time greasing him up. I started at his feet. Grabbing his right ankle with one hand, I raised his foot up slightly and began to worship him. I placed my tongue on the heel and slowly headed up the manly arched sole towards his toes. Gary looked up over his chest and I waited to see if he was going to object. He smiled, winked and returned his head to the floor, taking a deep breath and releasing the air with a sigh. I could see his entire body relax as he prepared to absorb the affection I was going to give him.

I continued up the sole until I reached his toes. He obviously had showered soon before coming to my apartment, as the aroma of sweat between his toes was faint, but still definitely masculine. I wondered how he would smell after delivering a few loads of vehicles and vowed that someday I would know this aroma too. I buried my tongue in between each of his toes, finishing with the skin separating the great from the second. Then I brought my lips to the hair on top of his big toe and saturated the tuft with my spit. I held this fur in my lips, reached into the can and began to grease up his saliva drenched foot, thoroughly encasing every inch from heel to toe.

Now I continued the pattern from his ankles and up the shins, knees and thighs, each time slicking him with spit before applying the axle grease. I dribbled pre-cum incessantly, as I watched the saliva and grease highlight the glorious, manly hairs and naturally powerful muscles in his legs. Stopping at his crotch, I returned to repeat the pattern on his left foot and leg.

I took a huge gob of grease into my hand and encased his perfectly sized testicles, deciding to try licking them some other time. But I had to take that hardened eight inch cock into my mouth, if only for a brief moment, just so I could once more taste the manly fluid oozing from his slit. Soon I was applying the lube onto his penis and stimulating the head with my thumb. Gary moaned with pleasure and spoke to me. "Better move on. I don't want to cum yet."

I knew he was right. I needed to speed up the process and see what he had planned for me. Dutifully, I greased up the rest of his torso, arms and pits. He rolled over and I ‘globbed’ up the back of everything, until I got to his buttocks. Here was uncharted territory. Gary jumped in to help me out of this predicament. "Just do the cheeks, don't go in the crack."

Guess that day would have to be down the road, if it ever came at all. I wasn't really interested in that anyway. So we were both totally covered in axle grease, except for our faces and heads. Gary rose to rest upright on his knees, that throbbing penis pointing straight ahead and looking for me. It now was his turn to direct the proceedings.

"Here's the deal. Remember old time wrestling, back before all the pumped up freaks took over?"

"Yeah, when I was a kid."

"Well, that's what we're going to do, only we'll do it in slow motion--lots of fake punches and torturous holds and stretching. Here, let me show you." He waddled over to me on his knees, as I waited for him upright on mine. He grabbed my right wrist and violently jerked me towards him, then spun me around and bent the arm behind my back.

"Ouch. You cheating bastard! I thought you said slow motion."

"The bell just rang, sucker."

He thrust his weight forward and drove me chest first into the floor, all the while keeping me in the arm bar. I could feel his firm pectorals pressed against my back, while the rock hard stomach covered my bent arm. His chest hairs tickled the skin and I enjoyed being dominated by him. His hardened penis squeezed itself in between my thighs and I waited to see if he would next penetrate my ass.

Gary got a little frustrated at my lack of participation. "You better fight back or I'll break it." He bent my arm further up to my shoulder blade and it hurt like hell.

This pissed me off. It reminded me of a time long ago with my first and only boyfriend, who used to enjoy slapping me across the face, knowing that I was too big a pussy to fight back. Those days were gone forever. Working on the railcars had made my body hard and solid as could be, just as strong as Gary's. Considering I was 20 years his junior, I wasn't about to take this shit any longer.

I leveraged my body away from underneath him with my foot and rose to my knees. He still held my right wrist, but as he began to get up I smashed him back down with my left forearm, leaving him to lie on his chest. Then I planted a left hook right into his ribs as hard as I could land it, which caused him to release my wrist. He rolled over onto his back and clutched his side, laughing hysterically. "Man, Kenny, you've got one hell of a punch."

"Guess you got me a little angry there. What do we do now?"

He changed his voice to sound like a little boy. "I won't cheat anymore. I promise."

"You better not or I'll crack your ribs."

He rose to his knees and we faced each other two feet apart. Still smiling, Gary glanced at my cock, which had softened during my anger, and then he slowly scanned up my torso until our eyes met. "God damn, you're something else."

I could tell I had not intimidated him, but definitely he was impressed by my defiance and ability to carry it out. Now he knew he wasn't dealing with some submissive wuss, but a man not unlike himself, which made him even more comfortable with me. How could I stay mad at this big baby? His juvenile expressions and the whole idea of this silly game softened me. My anger disappeared just as quickly as my erection reappeared. I laughed off the entire incident and returned to our playtime.

"Damn right I am. I'm more than you can handle and don't you forget it."

And so our fake wrestling match began--in slow motion. We took turns locking each other in classic holds like the full nelson, leg scissors and numerous head locks, never standing on our feet, just the knees. I let him head lock me several times so I could bury my face into his chest and get a close up view of that belly. I loved throwing fake punches into his gut, as he would pretend to have the air knocked out of him, clutching his stomach, grunting and groaning.

I began to realize that he was slowly allowing me to become the dominant participant in this imaginary match. Each time he'd try to get me into some sort of hold, all I'd have to do is touch his belly with my fist and he'd collapse to the floor. I began to act as the announcer of the match, verbalizing a play by play of the events. I named myself "The Dominator" and called him "Lumber Jack."

And now, we join the match already in progress:

"Lumber Jack has taken quite a beating, but he's still fighting back. He moves in and tries for an ankle lock, but The Dominator smashes the back of his neck with a devastating forearm. Jack is face down and almost lifeless. Now the Dominator lifts him up and strangles him with one giant hand. He's landing repeated upper cuts to Jack's belly. This constant attack to the midsection is slowly wearing him down. How much more can the man take? Now Dominator's taunting poor Jack, as he stands there teetering on the brink of collapse. The brute pounds Lumber Jack with a fist to the sternum and he falls to the mat flat on his back. It looks like he's had it.

Look at this show off. He's planted his knee into Jack's stomach and is flexing his muscles like he's already won the match. Now he's raising both hands into the air. Oh, my god! Dominator has clamped on a double abdominal claw to Lumber Jack's helpless belly. This is a devastating hold. It causes paralysis throughout a man's body. Jack is lying there spread eagle, totally defenseless against this torturous hold. You can hear him groaning in agony, as Dominator grinds those fingers into him deeper and deeper. Dominator's telling Jack to give up, but he shakes his head no. So he gets up on his haunches and increases the pressure on the poor man's abdominals. The fans are screaming for somebody to stop this ungodly torture of their hero. I'm afraid Jack is totally paralyzed. He's lying motionless now, all resistance seems to have stopped.

It looks like Dominator is ready to finish this. He releases the abdominal claw and lies across Jack's mighty chest for the pin. The referee counts one...two...and...

Oh, good lord! Come on, now. Dominator let up on him. Apparently, he wants to punish him some more. He's savagely beating poor Jack across the chest with his forearm. One blow after another is raining down on this helpless man. Somebody has got to stop this.

Dominator's just staring at his beaten opponent's body, trying to decide how to finish him off. Now what the hell is he doing? He's straddling Jack's hips. It looks like he taking Jack's big hard dick and sticking it in his asshole. Somebody help this poor man. Look at him, lying totally helpless on the mat, while this maniac degrades him in front of his adoring fans. Dominator is forcing this beaten down man to fuck him right here in front of everybody. Now he's got his fingers clawing into poor Jack's belly again. He's using his victim as leverage, so he can ride up and down on that big manly cock. Look at Jack arching his back and puffing up his powerful chest. There's nothing he can do to stop this humiliating degradation - this unholy torture. Listen to him moaning in agony.

Now what's he doing? He's putting his hands on the man's chest and - no it can't be - I don't believe this. He's attacking Lumber Jack's nipples with the dreaded titty twister. How much more punishment can this man take? Listen to him groaning from the agonizing humiliation. Jack is looking up over his chest to watch this sadist torture his defenseless nipples. Look at Dominator bouncing up and down like he's riding some sort of big-dicked stallion.

Jack's letting out one manly groan after another. The poor man has been beaten to a pulp. He's nearly lifeless, but Dominator is still not satisfied. He continues to degrade this magnificent man, ruthlessly abusing his powerful, throbbing penis. For some reason Jack is curling his toes. He seems to be going into convulsions. Could it be? YES, YES. Jack is shooting a huge load of cum into Dominator's ass. Look at this glorious man writhe and flex his powerful muscles, as he drills that giant pole into his opponent. How long can he shoot? He's still flexing and Dominator's still riding him. Will the abuse of this defeated man ever end? Jesus friggin' Christ, this must be the biggest load of sperm ever produced by mankind. What an incredible display of masculinity and strength.

Why won't The Dominator stop torturing Jack's magnificent penis? Hasn't he punished the man enough already? It looks like that's about it. Lumber Jack is totally spent. He's just lying there with his arms and legs flat on the mat, his chest and belly heaving. The match has got to end soon. This poor man has taken all the abuse he can handle. The Dominator will now pin him for sure."

Gary brought us back to reality. "Stay there, Kenny. Keep me inside you."

He reached up with his right hand and stroked my greased up cock. His own penis was getting spongy, but when his hand touched my dick, I could feel him inside me returning to full erection. I revisited everything that had just happened.

I recalled how when I had lifted him to an upright position to attack him with gut punches, he had slightly pulled his arms back and flexed his stomach muscles, as though someone was holding his arms. Breath heavy groans of "ooghs" and "ughs" accented the fake punishment he was taking.

When I punched him in the sternum, he slowly fell backwards, crashing to the floor on his back and spread eagle, posing for me in a posture of surrender. Planting my knee into the pit of the stomach, Gary remained spread eagle, as though all strength had left him and his body was now defenseless.

The response he gave me when I applied the abdominal claw was like heaven. He kept his ankles and wrists flat on the mat, but arched his back and raised up his rib cage. His fingers and toes twitched from the imaginary agony inflicted upon him. I could feel the powerful muscles in his belly tense up, as I cruelly ground my fingers into him. And the most stimulating part is that this wasn't really fake. I slowly increased the pressure just to see how much he really would take, and he never did stop me. He just extended his lower jaw and struck a pose of incredible manly defiance, all the while turning his head "no" when I told him to submit. Manly grunts rumbled forth from the pit of his stomach, sounding as though he were about to vomit. Then I pinned him, my chest laid across his. Again he remained stretched out and defenseless, and I pressed down as hard as I could, relishing in the tips of his hardened nipples poking into me. The squishing of the axle grease only added to the excitement.

Of course, the fake count reached two and I lifted off of him, not wanting the match to end. I loved the way he flexed his powerful pectoral muscles and puffed up his chest to receive the forearm smashes I gave him. After I finished pounding his chest and knelt beside him, I absorbed the masculine beauty stretched out before me. He laid there prone and defenseless, turning his head side to side with eyes closed, pitifully begging me to stop, "No, please, no more."

I glared at his penis. It laid flat on his stretched belly, stronger and more powerful than I had ever seen it. Each heartbeat caused his cock to bounce up off the belly, only to return with the mushroom slamming into his rock hard muscles to stimulate him even more. Every second or so, the helpless man would clinch and cause his dick to stand nearly two inches up from his belly, as though it were looking for a hole - any kind of warm, wet hole - to bury it's face into. He would hold that magnificent cock suspended for several seconds, then drop it back down to slam against his flattened belly and bounce again from the contact. All the while, his chest was heaving and occasionally flexing, as he pretended to be suffering helplessly, flat on the floor. I straddled his hips with each of my knees on either side. Gary now dared me to continue his punishment. "Go ahead, do your worst. I will never give up, you bastard."

Grabbing the last can of grease, I re-lubricated my anus and for the second time in twelve hours, that incredible organ was inside my asshole. To think that for twenty years no one had been allowed near my anus, and now this guy had penetrated me twice in one day. Even I was amazed at how easily I took him as deep as he could go. I needed to reapply the abdominal claw so I could work him up and down, while also twisting and turning on him, just as he had done for himself in the locker room, stirring that coffee. I knew this is what he liked, and when I heard him groaning manly guttural expressions of defiance, the muscles inside me convulsed and savagely squeezed his throbbing unit. He continued to pretend his wrists were hopelessly strapped to the floor, as he flexed his chest, arched the back and jutted out his lower jaw in a posture of masculine defiance and strength. What he said only furthered my excitement. "I'll never submit. Beat me all you want, you sick fuck!"

So I perpetrated upon him the most humiliating of attacks - the titty twister. This took him to the edge and beyond. Sweat covered his face and head, which he turned side to side in uncontrolled pleasure. I could even see the hair of his arm pits, already matted with axle grease, becoming totally drenched with manly perspiration. His hips began to thrust upwards in unison with my buttocks coming downwards. The ignition had been turned and our finely tuned engine purred once more. Two souls came together to produce yet another incredible display of masculine power and ecstasy. Manly groans accentuated the huge explosion of hot cum into my rectum. Did I stop or slow down? Hell, no! I increased the tempo of my up and down worship, bouncing on his powerful, contracting pole like a child on a trampoline. And his poor nipples continued to receive my merciless twisting; taking him to the most incredible orgasm I had ever been a part of.

I refused to stop any of it until his body could take no more, which I was expecting any minute, but this incredible man continued to flex his muscles, arch his back and contract wads of sperm into me far longer than any man should be able. I could feel warm gobs of cum flooding my rectum, until I thought the manly fluid would come up into my throat. My anal worship would continue for untold minutes. I don't know where his mind was during this orgasm, but it must have been some place revisited from his youth, because he shot again and again like he had just discovered the magic of masturbation. How I kept from touching my own dick I'll never know. Watching him give this incredible performance, the duration and magnitude, caused gooey streams of pre-cum to drip from my dick onto his belly. One touch would have caused me to shoot a wad through the wall of the room.

Fortunately, my hands were still busy stimulating his nipples, as I continued to squeeze and bounce on his helpless penis. Then the magnificent exhibition of masculine power was over. This spent man finally collapsed and the contractions were no more. My play by play had told him that I was now going to pin him and end the match, and this is where he interrupted and told me to keep his dick inside so he could jack me off.

The bad news is that Gary only got to work on my wanger for about seven strokes before I shot cum all over him. My first explosion landed right in the middle of his chest. Subsequent spurts dotted him from the end of his rib cage, onto his stomach and belly, finally forming a pool into his belly button. Then silence. Only breathing was heard, as we both absorbed the heavenly heights of pleasure we had just experienced. Both of us had our eyes closed, not wanting to leave the utopia we were in, but slowly, we returned to earth.

Gary began to chuckle. "That was quick."

I opened my eyes and gazed down at him, still lying defenseless beneath me. "I've been waiting since you got here. I guess I was ready."

"Holy shit, Kenny, my plan worked pretty good. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, man. That was hot. Your dick's still kinda hard. You wanna go again?"

"No. Let's just lie here awhile. Okay?"

"I've got a better idea." I lifted myself off of him and my asshole went "pop" when his mushroom returned to daylight. I grabbed a towel and wiped off the cum from his torso and the grease from my feet, then headed for the bathroom to release his incredible volume of sperm. When I returned to him, I took charge. "Roll over."

"Uh, what have you got in mind?"

Sure, at that moment I felt like fucking him. In fact, between the axle grease smeared everywhere and the physical contact we'd just had, I felt like some crazed savage, lusting to shoot wads of cum from here to Timbuktu. But I knew he didn't want that, and if he didn't want it, neither did I. My top priority still was to make him a happy man, just like he asked me to do on our first night together.

"Not what you think. You're all greased up, so I thought I'd give you a rub down."

He was ready for this. The poor guy had worked at double speed two nights in a row, just so we could have more time together. Now I was going to soothe him. He rolled onto his belly and rested the wrists parallel with his head, while I proceeded to massage those glistening, chiseled muscles. I started out with a light touch, but slowly increased pressure with my fingers running up and down his back. The axle grease allowed me to easily dig in deep and slide across his skin.

I clawed my fingertips into his trapezoids and I could feel the tension slowly fade away. I pinched the muscles in his neck and heard him release a satisfied exclamation of, "mmm." It took a lot of effort to get those hard working muscles to calm down, and I wore myself out doing it, but this to me was just as important as the sex. I knew this was a pleasure unknown to the man for countless years. Day after day for 22 years he had worked like a dog and, other than monetary, had received absolutely no rewards for his efforts. I felt like this man deserved even more than I could give him, but I was going to make sure that when we were together, I'd give him everything I had.

I completed his back and shoulders, continuing on to the buttocks and below. Not a word was spoken, as I finished working on him where I had started nearly three hours earlier - his feet. After I had slightly bent back his toes and massaged those strong arches and the balls of his feet with my thumb, I wrapped a finger around each toe, one at a time, and gave them a loving squeeze. Then I released him.

This beautiful man lay motionless before me, the only movement coming from his breathing. I wondered if he was asleep, but soon I saw him open his eyes and turn up the corners of his mouth in a pleasured smile. After several seconds, I broke the silence.

"How do you feel now?"

Gary rolled over onto his back. "Come up here."

I crawled up to him. As he bent the right arm and put the hand under his head, he tapped on his chest with the left hand, before locking it together with his right hand and forming a pillow for himself. "Lay your head right there."

With my head on his chest, I draped my right arm over his stomach and waited. "You want me to rub down this side?"

"No. Let's just rest awhile."

I moved my head up towards his stretched open arm pit and buried my hand in the fur on his chest. Now I could see the profile of his face, as he gazed to the ceiling with a look of complete relaxation. I definitely had satisfied him today.

"Damn, Kenny. Do you treat everyone who comes along this good?"

"Only if they deserve it."

There was a long pause of silence. His chest raised high into the air, as he drew a deep breath and slowly released, slightly turning his head side to side. It was as though he was more and more amazed at the bond forming between us, so I poured on a little more glue.

"You're the first guy I've known that's deserved it."

"I don't know what I'm going to do about you."

"What's there to do? I've got no attachments."

"Must be nice."

"Well, I'm just lucky I guess."

I remained silent, hoping he might give me a little more information about his world. It seemed the perfect opportunity for him to open up to me, but as minutes passed, I let it go and continued.

"So, as long as you can fit me in, I can't think of a better way to spend my free time."

Gary reached over with his left hand and ruffled my already tousled hair.

"I'm sure I can fit you in all right."

And that was enough for me. We laid there and enjoyed the comfortable silence for nearly an hour. He drifted in and out of sleep every now and then, while I took pleasure in admiring his mighty chest, ruggedly handsome profile and manly snoring. As time passed, my hand began to massage his chest more and more. I just couldn't help myself. I'd pause at each nipple and lightly rub the tips with my thumb. Sporadically, my hand would wander down to his stomach and belly, then return to the center of his chest and restart the cycle.

Although he was dozing, my gentle massage brought him a half-hearted erection. My own cock had been solid ever since I had started his back side body rub. I decided to reward myself with an item I had skipped over earlier in the day. Rising up to leave him lying alone, I grabbed the last clean towel and carefully removed the grease from his penis and testicles. Initially, he flinched at this, but then relaxed and resumed his snoring. I lay in between his thighs with arms tucked under my chest. Lightly, I placed my tongue underneath his balls and began to saturate them with my spit. A slight briny flavor registered on my tongue, undoubtedly dried sweat from our previous physical activities.

The manly taste of his balls caused my dick to throb, as it was crushed between my belly and the greased shower curtain. I began to slide my cock forward and back, all the while worshipping this man's beautiful, perfectly-shaped gonads.

Gary's hardened cock was once more bouncing on his firm, down-slanted belly, as he relished in my tantalizing testicle treatment. I reached up with thumb and finger to gather a small section of the saliva-drenched skin separating his balls. Placing it in my mouth, I lightly clamped the skin with my front teeth and massaged the perimeter with my lips.

My hero groaned at this and contracted his scrotum, causing his throbbing penis to once more stand at attention for several seconds, before he released it to bounce upon his belly. This response gave me the green light. I do believe he was still in a semi-dream state of sleep, but he obviously wanted me to continue the testicle torture. The balls were engulfed by my lips, as I released his skin from the tooth clamp. Now hidden deep inside my warm salivating mouth, his testicles were given the worship of my tongue, as it caressed him from underneath to left and right. The moistened upper lip thoroughly massaged the top of his ball sac and base of his cock. At this point, I have no idea what my helpless man was doing, because my world view had shrunken to the small area of his genitalia. He moved his legs in opposite directions to slightly increase the size of my world, inviting me to linger there and lavish his cum factory with attention.

As the licking and wet kissing of his balls continued, I could almost feel the huge amount of sperm sloshing about inside. His poor neglected penis was bouncing incessantly upon his belly, each heartbeat now causing involuntary contractions in his scrotum. Once again, this powerful man was completely at my mercy. He laid flat on his back, arms and legs stretched, waiting and wanting for me to decide when his orgasm would come.

I would torment him this way until I myself could no longer hold my sperm. I had stopped thrusting myself on the greased shower curtain in a vain attempt to dam the flood, but time was running out. Rising to my elbows, I removed my lips and tongue from him. I secured the hardened shaft with my right hand and brought it towards me. Bending his stiff pole straight down over the tops of the moistened ball sac, I buried his bulging mushroom head into my mouth and held it there, releasing the shaft from my hand. Using thumb and forefinger from both of my hands, I resumed massaging his tormented testicles, now compressed by the force of his hardened dick on top of them. My lips and tongue focused only on the rim of his mushroom head, venturing no further than an inch onto his shaft. I mercilessly licked, squeezed and stroked the head of his penis with my warm, muscular mouth, all the while coaxing his two sperm makers to release their bounty. He had been primed for countless minutes, as my slow, tormenting testicle assault was driving him to the brink of ecstatic insanity.

I felt warm goo exploding underneath me. The fucking of the shower curtain had brought me to orgasm. Then I felt tremors reverberating in the organ of my victim, as I continued to stroke with my tongue and mouth and frantically rub his shrinking balls with my fingers and thumbs. His penis contracted once and he whispered, "Uh," but nothing came out. His penis contracted a second time and he grunted, "Uh," but still nothing came out. Then, in rapid succession, shockwaves came down his shaft and the organ revved itself up, just like a dragster waiting at the start line, with the driver winding his engine tight before popping the clutch. His glorious penis had given me ample warning with one false tremor after another, telling me to be prepared. Gary warned me physically by flexing his body and arching his back. Verbally he prepared me by exclaiming,


The clutch was released. Like a rocket, the first ball of cum exploded into the depths of my mouth, seeming to exit through the back of my neck. Thank god I am so good at this, as I didn't flinch, but continued stroking with my tongue and lips to receive the follow up. Incredibly huge gobs of sperm raced down the drag strip and headed for the finish line. I gulped and swallowed second by second, valiantly trying to keep up with the flood of manly fluid.

Poor Gary was totally silent and not breathing. His body clinched and convulsed uncontrollably, as though he were receiving electric shock treatment. I wondered if he was going to lose consciousness, but finally he released the air from his lungs and engulfed a new supply. I mercilessly kept his penis in my mouth and pointed straight down, not allowing the shaft to rise off of his balls. It continued to contract and expelled countless streams into my mouth and down the gullet. As his heightened pleasure was slowly allowed to lessen, Gary began to relax his tensed muscles and return to earth, but his seed producers were still not finished with me. Even though my prisoner had collapsed and returned flat on the floor, spurts of cum continued to dribble into my eager mouth, as I continued to coax his balls with fingers and stroke underneath the head of his dick with my tongue.

The poor victim was too far gone to react to this physically, but verbally he groaned from the combination of pain and pleasure inflicted upon him. And, as always, I refused to stop until he gave me a clear signal. The signal he gave me was not expected, as I really could not tell if he was laughing or crying.

"Okay, okay. Please, Kenny, please stop. I don't deserve you. Nothing could be this good. Please, no more!"

I removed him from my mouth and gently laid the organ onto his belly, and then I crawled up closer to see him smiling, which was a relief to me because I was afraid I had pushed him too far. Everything seemed to be okay and I laughed,

"Hell, Gary, I've never taken a load like that. Where in the world did that come from?" As I got closer to his face, I could see the corners of his eyes were moistened, as though tears were forming and ready to trickle. He wiped them away with his fingers and answered my question.

"It's you. Don't you get it? Nobody's ever made me feel so good."

"Well, I guess we just work good together."

"Yeah, but why are you doing this to me? Where can we go with this?"

Oh shit, he sounded scared. Now what was I supposed to say? Hell, he's the one who wanted a blowjob that first night. He's the one who showed up at my doorstep today. What did he mean by “why are you doing this to me?” I should be asking him that question.

Should you talk about love with a married man? For that matter, should you really ever talk about love at all? I had always held the belief that when it happens, no words can fully describe the feelings you have inside you and it's better just to shut up and not even try. So, I made a desperate attempt to get us out of this corner he had put us in. "I don't know where there is to go with this Gary. Beyond what we have now, what else do we need? You have your life and I have mine. Like I said before, just try to fit me in and we'll be okay."

"That may not be enough for me. We'll see."

This sounded like he was contemplating something drastic. As for me, the situation remained the same. I knew nothing of his domestic situation, other than the fact his wife had grown accustomed to neglecting him. But what if he had children? Hell, he could even have grandchildren for all I knew. What would the ramifications be for him to leave her? What would they be for me if I was stuck with him forever? Damn, we'd only been hooking up for three days. Why were we even having this conversation?

"One day at a time, Gary. That's all we can do. Don't worry about it so much. I'm not going anywhere."

He scratched his head to analyze my thoughts on this. Then he laughed, seemingly relieved. "You're right. God, I sound like some silly woman. I hope I didn't scare you."

"No. It's cool. Hell, you can have the best of both worlds. What's the problem?"

He grabbed me and brought me down on top of him, then squeezed with all his might until I could hardly breathe. "Remind me not to talk so much. Especially right after you suck me off." He relaxed his arms and rolled us over until he was on top of me. "Your problem is you're just too damn good at this."

"Hey, pal. It's a two way street."

"Can I shower here?"

"I told you this apartment is here for you--any time for anything."

I got him a towel, washcloth and an extra bar of soap, then waited while he showered. I didn't want to join him, because I knew I'd start something all over again. Thank god I was able to handle that uncomfortable situation. He had come within inches of screwing up the whole deal, but I now felt confident that everything was under control.

While I lathered away my axle grease, Gary rolled up our "wrestling mat" and stuffed the whole mess into the plastic sack, taking it with him when he left my apartment. It was only 9:00 pm and I wondered where he was going to kill three hours before work. He declined my invitation to go somewhere to eat, so I let him leave alone. This was probably a good idea, because I doubt that we could have been comfortable together in public anyway.

As for me, I grabbed a bite to eat from my kitchen and went back to sleep. That one hour nap did me good, because after my night watchman shift ended, the new week would begin. Monday morning at 7:00 am would once more see me off-loading brand new vehicles for the railroad. And just to be consistent, I somehow managed to find time to jack it before clocking in at 11:00 pm. You know, we all must keep a rigid schedule sometimes.

End of Part Three


11 Gay Erotic Stories from Jardonn


This is the first part of Rail Yard Trilogy by Jardonn When I worked for the railroad, my job was to off-load vehicles from the auto racks (railcars filled with new automobiles) brought into our fenced yard (the ramp). That was my day job. On weekend nights, I would patrol the ramp to watch all the automobiles parked there, as they waited for distribution by trucks to all

Milking Tree, Parts 1 & 2

by Jardonn Part One -- Wrath of the Natashi Dr. Richard Cargill was a professor, explorer and treasure hunter. His painstaking research and planning had always brought him his prize. Every one of his campaigns had been a success--until this one. At the moment, Cargill found himself stripped naked and suspended from the wrists under a giant tree. This tree stood

Milking Tree, Parts 3 & 4

by Jardonn Part Three -- The Human Pendulum The three men escorted Cargill towards their hut. He wearily staggered, as they shuffled along, his body exhausted from hours of torturous suspension, beatings and denial of water. Once in the hut, he was laid chest down onto a straw floor mat, where he immediately fell asleep. The men began washing away the sweat and dirt from his body, but

Milking Tree, Parts 5 & 6

by Jardonn Part Five - Consecration Cargill was completely exhausted. He had been bound in suspended crucifixion for hours. His body had been beaten, poked and drained of manly sperm again and again. The enormous amount of sweat he had produced was beginning to dissolve the stimulating paste and allow his erection to fade. In the background stood Roger Trout; he

Parking Lot, Part 1

by Jardonn Part One – Working the Graveyard "Kenny, this is Gary. He'll be coming into the lot for the next couple of weeks during your watch. Be sure and keep an eye open so you can let him in." That was my boss introducing me to one of the truck drivers. I worked at the automobile ramp for one of the major railroads in town. During the day, we'd off-load cars and park them at the ramp

Parking Lot, Part 2: Axle Grease

by Jardonn Part Two - Axle Grease Gary pulled his dick away from my lips. "Watch this." He reached up with each hand and took his nipples between forefinger and thumb. "I discovered this back when I was a kid and first started jacking off. Let's see if it still works." He started turning his nipples back and forth like knobs on an old time radio, then closed his eyes and tilted back his

Parking Lot, Part 3: Greased Wrestling

by Jardonn Part Three - Greased Wrestling At 2:30 on Sunday afternoon, I was rudely awakened by someone knocking on my door. I debated for several seconds before deciding to at least see who it was. Slipping on my boxers, I gingerly stepped up to the peephole. It was him. As I opened the door, Gary stood there and smiled at me, mischievously awaiting my approval.

Parking Lot, Part 4: Suckin' on a Fireplug

by Jardonn I came real close to being late for work. When I got into our office, the clock said 22:59, but I grabbed my card just as it changed to 23:00 and punched in. Doofus came through the door, as I was putting my card back in its slot. "Hey, you better watch out tonight. There's some driver comin' in here and he's a real dick." Assuming I knew to whom he referred, I started to

Parking Lot, Part 5: Fire All Torpedoes

PARKING LOT by Jardonn Part Five – Fire All Torpedoes Mondays usually were lightweight for me and the ramp guys. Today was no exception, with only five railcars to off load and three to load. During my morning break in our building, I wrote down my address and phone number on a small piece of scrap paper. Then, I caught Tolsen driving down one of the rows in a new Acura he was taking to the

Super Bowl Sunday

SUPER BOWL SUNDAY by Jardonn Part One – The Road to the Big Game “Oh, look honey; your team scored a touchdown. I guess I’ll have to give you a little taste. No, wait, that’s the other team. Sorry, it’s not my fault your guys are no good.” Pity poor Boris. Not only was he being denied the chance to watch his favorite team play for the National Football League’s biggest prize, he also

The Ringboy

Jardonn’s Erotic Tales THE RING BOY by Jardonn Part One – Dick’s Recovery Dick Hodges was a dying breed. He was a wrestler in the purest sense of the word, but the “sport” of professional wrestling had disappeared before his very eyes. To me, he was the ultimate athlete and possessor of the most perfectly designed structure ever to house the soul of a man, although had you looked at him


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