Gay Erotic Stories

Butty Friends


We are over 24 years old each Ed, Robert and I. always hung out. We had seen each other nude before and even pinched each other nipples and slapped each other on the butt cheeks. Then one weekend we went camping.

We brought over the necessary things for camping. We got in the campsite about 11:00 am and finished setting camp about 12:00 noon. There was a lake about 200 yards from site. We got out our trunks and started for the lake. We got in and the water was cold but did not mind for the weather was above 80. We came out and forgot our towels except for Ed. We waited for him to finish drying Robert took it, then me, that's when it hit me my cock started to get hard. I thought it was because I was drying myself and warming myself from the cold water, but no I could smell the men in that towel--their musk. I turned away while I dried, but I thought that neither had noticed.

Ed and Robert there was a connection but I did not take any notice. Then I turned around and both of them pushed me to the ground and took my trunks of me leaving me nude--cock and butt to the whole site. But we had chosen a week that no one was at this site until Tuesday of the following week. They grabbed me put me in a head lock and took me to camp tied me to a tree with the tent ropes, and left me to hang there for sometime as I called out to them to let me go.

But I did not know that they were going to give themselves a suck-off and they did not want me to see it. I could hear them saying lets leave him here and continue doing what we want to do then we will return and give him his freedom. They put a blind fold on me and started to spread my legs apart by tying them to two separate trees. I pleaded with them to let me go, but they refused. I could hear them walking away laughing and slapping each other on the butts. Then sun was hotter now for it was on my back; I must have dosed off because I felt a drench of cold water on me and a pull on the ropes. Both Ed and Robert were laughing and they took the blind fold off. They asked if I was hungry, tired, or thirsty. I said, “Yes let me off this cross.” They said, “Okay, but we’ve been with you for some time and you have been good to us. You don't know anything other than what you have seen but Ed and I are lovers.”

I was shocked but not amazed. Then Robert came over to me and said, “I have been watching you for sometime, I have seen you looking at me but you never tied anything, why?”

I said, “I was embarrassed and I thought that you wouldn’t give me a chance.”

Then Robert said, “Nonsense,” and took my cock in his hand and started to stroke it and put his tip of his finger on my dick’s slit. He then put his hot mouth on my cock’s head and started to suck it until my cock was rock hard. Then Ed came over and started to lick my balls from the side and they both were starting to lick and hold my butt cheeks tight.

I started to moan and the chills that came to my body were fire burning. They both took turns giving me head on the position of being tied to the tree hands and foot spread eagle. Then Ed came from behind and opened my butt cheeks and started to lick my love hole; that's when he started to put a rubber hose in my hole and filled it with some type of liquid that filled my butt. He held it there until I could hold no more and Robert was still sucking and stroking my cock deep.

I let out a yell and Robert stopped sucking and Ed took the rubber hose out and out came the liquid cleaning me out. Ed said, “I like a hole that’s clean and empty because when we finish with you, you’ll need another cleaning.” He inserted the rubber hose again and the solution was in and this time Ed was sucking my cock. They did this one more time until I was clean. But my cock was harder then I ever had it before.

I'm about 9" and 2" round and cut. They both again took turns sucking my cock and licking it while pulling on my balls. Then they washed me up and took me off the cross and gave me a towel. After I dried off they came to me and said, “Both of us are serious about you and would like to give you a weekend of your time.”

I said, “Okay but first we eat because I'm hungry, then we could get on with this party.” We ate like mad men. Then Ed and Robert got out the rubber hose and cleaned their butt holes, each giving themselves the treatment about three times. When they’d finished they came over to me, cocks out hard and ready. I took both of their cocks and started to stroke them. Ed was about 10" x 2" and cut about Robert was 8" x 2" cut also, I stroked both of them side-by-side, then I sucked both heads, licked them, then took one in my mouth and the other I stroked.

I turned again and did the same to the other one. Then Ed said, “Suck my cock until it goes through you.” I was sucking Ed when I felt Robert start to lick my butt hole and his tongue was being inserted into the hole. I was loving it, his tongue was hard and he was eating my hole like there was dinner being served. He took it for awhile and Ed's cock was getting harder by the stroke, his veins where beating blood. Then I felt Robert take his hot mouth off my hole and I felt his cock's head. Still being a virgin, still he just ripped into me without going slow, but Ed's cock was in my mouth and his cock was down my throat.

I was being fucked by both ends. Ed was moaning and Robert was thrusting his rod deep and I could feel Ed begin to moan, “I’m cumming.”

Robert said, “Hold it Ed, don't.” Robert was getting deeper and harder and I felt that both cocks were meeting each other. Robert pounded harder and I could feel him tightening his grip, then Ed started panting harder and sweat was coming down his chest. My mouth was bigger than a tunnel taking in the train and both of them were hitting me hard.

Ed could not hold out and bam, cum was shooting out of him like the hose that was in my butt earlier and I tried to swallow, then Robert’s grip got tighter and bam his load was shooting up to my brain! My cock was throbbing and I held on to Robert’s hard cock and started to shoot my load like never before--cum was everywhere my face, butt, back, hands, and on the tent floor in ropes--shit there was cum in every thing!

We had finished, when I tried to get up every muscle hurt, but I was in love. I asked them when we could do this again. They said, “Dude we have a long weekend; Ed's turn later. We fell asleep until morning holding each other, nude at camp.

Until the next time with Ed and Robert


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3 Gay Erotic Stories from JRCEF

Butty Friends

We are over 24 years old each Ed, Robert and I. always hung out. We had seen each other nude before and even pinched each other nipples and slapped each other on the butt cheeks. Then one weekend we went camping. We brought over the necessary things for camping. We got in the campsite about 11:00 am and finished setting camp about 12:00 noon. There was a lake about 200 yards from site. We

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