Gay Erotic Stories

Dominic's Encounter With Marcus, Part 2

by Dababyboi4ya

As I approached the bathroom my cell phone rung, so I answered it, I was ecstatic, cuz it was my Chris.

"Sup Dom, what you up to?" He asked as he always did.

"I'm just about to leave the store.

"I'll be home this weekend, I wanna come see you."

"Good cuz I want you to," I replied giggling,"Its been a minute nigga, I miss dat good stuff we be doin."

"I'm gonna give it to you real good babyboi."

My dick jumped at the sound of his voice, and the thought of me being on that sexy ass and that fatass dick of his." "You know when I get out of college, its gonna be all about us, just wait for me!" He insisted, and I was willing to, cuz no matter how many other niggas come around there's only one Chris! "I'm waiting papi."

"Iight I gotta go, I got basketball practice. I'll holla at you later Dom." He said as he blew a kiss through the phone.

My heart melted as I managed to belt out "Okay, later Chris." Just then Marcus walked up behind me. He was looking good smiling in such a way that I was mesmerized, but I kept my cool, this was a guy that was almost perfect in everything he did, much like me, only we attended different schools. I managed to put on a serious face despite my obvious blushing from the phone call before, and the sight of him. "Yo Dominic?" Marcus called."I wanna holla at you about some stuff."

I knew it what stuff he had in mind, so I slowly turned to him, "What is it."

"It’s really crazy, so can I call you?"

I gave him my number, as if I didn't know why he wanted it, I knew very well that he had a hidden agenda! That exact night the phone rings and its him. "Hello, is Dominic there?"

"This is him," I replied with my most deep, sensual voice, "Who’s this?"

"It's Marcus."

"Oh, hey man, what’s up?"

"I wanted to talk to you at the game, but there were people everywhere. I have a secret and I had to tell someone."

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Don't hang up on me or think I'm crazy, but I think I'm Bi."

"Whoa, have you done anything" I asked, cuz if not I was prepared to put him on the ropes!

"Naw." I was oddly perplexed at the fact that he came out to me though, rather than someone he knew as more than just a competitor...Why would he tell me, his rival about that?

"So, I think you're bold, and I applaud you for this, but um, why are telling me."

"I see how you give props to your teammates, even in a loss, you got their backs. My bois are not like that, I just thought maybe...Okay. I'm lying, I called you cuz I think you are hot, and I want you to be my first dude."

"I don't know?" I resisted, unsure of his motives, he was adorable and ripped, he could have gotten anyone...WHY ME?

"If you do you won't regret it, the girls never do!" he said in the sexiest deep voice, I was speechless, my jaw slung open.

"Okay," I replied.

"You can meet me at my place tomorrow I'll be here all day, alone, you know where it is right?" he suggested.

"Yeah, see you then." I replied.

"Oh and Dominic thank you for this, I've wanted you since the first time our eyes met on the field." and that was it he hung up.

I had to know, so the next day around 11 AM, I went over to his place and knocked on the door. After a few moments passed, Marcus came to the door, and opened it; inside he had on a long sleeve white tee, light blue jeans, and socks. I was blown away.

"Come in, make yourself at home."

I went into his living room and took off my shirt, so that my mesmerizing, trademark wife beater showed off my hot abs. When Marcus entered the room he sat down next to me. "You have the sexiest brown eyes," he complimented, “and that smile, you are too cute, nigga!"

I began to blush. "I've always thought you were hot as hell too papi," I replied, "and dat ass ain’t half bad." Who was I kidding, he had the greatest ass in the world, it was muscular, yet voluptuous, damn that ass. And that bulge in the front, this man was like heaven to the eyes.

He leaned in and began to kiss my neck, I giggled, "That tickles" I replied to his soft nibbles on my neck.

"I want you to let me use you, just relax, and let me do the work."

I had no complaints to that, my cock began to rise at the thought of me being served by the hottest young jock around (besides Chris of course). He ripped my wife beater off and began to kiss my chest, as he did, he stripped himself, and me.

Before I knew it he was licking the head of my 10 inch long, very thick cock. I was in awe; it felt so amazing to try the other side for once. As he deep-throated and gagged, my cock grew, delighted in his inexperience. Unlike Jai, Marcus was willing to try everything, and that to me was sooooo hot!

"Ahhhhh" I yelled as he sucked on my cock deeper, and deeper, faster and faster. I lay back on his sofa, one hand on his head, the other, massaging my hard abs. This went on intensely for about 10 minutes, I had to try my hardest not to bust in his smooth, warm, wet throat...

He then stood up, as he looked at my rock hard, thick ass, 10 inch dick, he walked towards me. When he reached me he began to sit, positioning his knees on the sofa next to me on either side, so that his ass was directly over my cock. His skin on my mine sent chills through my body; he was so smooth and warm. It felt so hot to touch his body. I reached my hands around him and grabbed his beautiful ass. It was perfect!!! He then reached down to his huge 11 inch cock, and rubbed the precum from its head.

He leaned over my shoulder, popping his ass in the air. Looking at it made my cock shiver with anticipation, karma is a bitch, cuz, it really does work to "Make Him Wait" as I always do. I'd only been a top once a while back, so this would be interesting.... As he leaned forward, he rubbed the precum on his index finger on his extremely ass hole, then began to lean down on my cock.

"AAAAAAHHHH Shiiiit!" I instantly through my head back with pleasure as the head of my dick penetrated the tightest ass I'd ever seen.

"OWWW!" he yelled as he tried to suck my dick up his ass, he got about halfway, and began to groan with pain as he stopped.

"Just take what you can," I suggested, he began to ride up and down the portion of my cock he could work with, which was about half. I was speechless, as I moaned and yelped with him, both of us experiencing a new type of ecstasy. His ass, made its own lube as it pounced up and down the top of my cock.

"Ahhh yeah!" I cried out," Oh faster!"

"Ahhh shit!" he yelled as he rode the upper half of my throbbing cock. He sped up vigorously as I pushed up, in an attempt to make him take all of it.

"Faster!" I commanded, as I did all of my cock pushed vigorously in to his ass.

"AAAAAHHH!" he screamed as tears rolled from his squinted eyes, "Damn!" He didn't stop, he kept on going all the way down on it as I pushed upward. Each time my balls hit his ass, he would shriek with pleasurable pain, as I moaned with immeasurable ecstasy! He rode my cock like there was no tomorrow...

"Shit I'm ‘bout to cum nigga!" I managed to get out as my balls tightened and my toes curled.

"Do It then!" he hissed as he sped up. My eyes rolled into the back of my head, and as my cock grew, I began to whimper... "AHHHHH!" I shrieked as I came in Marcus' ass.

Strings of sperm continued to flow for what seemed like hours, as he continued to ride my still hard cock. My cum began to ooze out of his ass as he slid off of my cock, giving me even more pleasure. I wanted to feel this feeling forever, until I felt an even better one... Marcus got down on his knees, and began to clean my cock with his mouth.

When he was done we got dressed, he walked me to the door and I was about to leave when... "Wait." He yelled as he did, he walked over to me and wrapped his masculine arms around me. He leaned in as I did the same and our lips met, for the most passionate, long, sensual kiss I'd ever had. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he placed his on my hips.

I knew that this was the beginning of something. What? I didn't know, but it felt so right. As I left our eyes stayed fixed on one another; "I'll call you ‘cuz I want to show you what I can do with this!" he said as he grabbed that big ass bulge that I had wanted to grab the entire time.

I wanted him to fuck me so bad it hurt to leave. He wanted to fuck me so bad it hurt to see me go, but it had gotten late, it was dark out by this time. "I'll be waiting for that call." I replied as I gave him my sexiest little grin that had enticed so many before him, but unlike them, I felt that this grin belonged to him and him alone.

I got into my car and left, but all I could think about was him. I thought to myself, "Was I in love, me, Dom the truest player around. It couldn't be, besides I have to wait for Chris."

"Damn." I thought to myself," I can't have Chris and Marcus, what do I do? Damn nigga what have you done?"

Tell Me what you all think Dom should do, Contact ya boi at:


9 Gay Erotic Stories from Dababyboi4ya

Dominic's Encounter With Marcus, Part 1

Every week me and my friends go to the friendly neighborhood Wal-mart, in a small town where there is no mall, ya gotta go somewhere to check out the sights, and look good. There are 5 counties in which there are 5 different schools, the popular jocks, thugs and preps from these schools all meet here to scam on each others girls and check out each other to try to remain ahead of the rest. On

Dominic's Encounter With Marcus, Part 2

As I approached the bathroom my cell phone rung, so I answered it, I was ecstatic, cuz it was my Chris. "Sup Dom, what you up to?" He asked as he always did. "I'm just about to leave the store. "I'll be home this weekend, I wanna come see you." "Good cuz I want you to," I replied giggling,"Its been a minute nigga, I miss dat good stuff we be doin." "I'm gonna give it to you real

Dominic's Practice with Darius

Now of course Chris is my boy and always will be but I just wouldn't be honest if I said that I wasn't drop dead infatuated with everything about Darius. He and I met about two weeks after Chris and I became friends, and he was a smartass from day one... The first time I went to Chris' house I was in his backyard waiting for him when all of a sudden "Who the hell are you?" says Darius, he

Dominic's Return!

What’s up folks? About two years ago on MOTNES I began I series of stories, based loosely on my own experiences about a young man named Dominic. I stopped writing the stories as my own life became almost as complicated as his, but recently I began to continue the story of Dom....I need to know who's interested in seeing Dom continue on? Who wants to see the rest of his tales come forth on MOTNES?

Dominic's Role Model, Part 2

"You know what Dom its late and I know your Mom is asleep so why don't you just crash at my place." He suggested. "Oh okay if you say so," I replied" will your mom care?" I knew she didn't care cuz Chris and I had stayed at his house on many weekends, I’d just never spent the night! When we reached Chris' house we both hopped out of the car. He went to the trunk to get his books and I

Dominic's Role Model, The All American! Part 1

Everyone’s got that someone that just does it for them, and once you find that person, no one else will do... Even if you don’t get that person in the long term relationship you hope for, just that one special night does it all. For me that night came about 4 years ago, when I was in the 12th grade, I'd just turned 18, and boy was I loving it. High school was treating me great! I was the type

Dominic's Surprise From Jarret

Jarret is my best friend, we’ve been boys for ever now and we're only getting closer. Jarret was always jealous of my friendship with Chris, but he never let that affect us too much. Now that Chris is away at college I don’t get to see him as much anymore, and boy do I miss him. With Chris away Jarret and I hang out together a lot more, and everywhere he goes he asks me to tag along. Chris

Dominic's Weekend (Tee gets turned out) Part 2

I sat watching the television for a couple more hours, trying to think of a way to deter Tee from going to Chris' house, when I heard Chris' horn outside the window. I immediately got up, trying to leave before Tee could notice, but as I approached the door, Tee followed. "Iight ma we're gone" I yelled to my mom, who was probably ecstatic about having a whole weekend without Tee. "OK boys,

Dominic's Weekend (Tee Introduced), Part 1

The Weekend finally came, and I was so happy I was gonna see my boo, Chris. It had been a while since he and I had seen one another. I couldn't help but wonder if Chris had as much feelings for me as I did for him. I'd been talking to Marcus regularly, and he'd told me although he had a Girlfriend (go figure) he thought of me constantly. I was flattered but this was no time to be thinking


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