Gay Erotic Stories

Daddyfantasy X

by SouthernComfort

This happened back in 1975. I was 23 then. I had moved from Xxxxxxx to Xxxx with my lover in 1973. I had told my folks that I was gay in 1972 and they didn't take too kindly to it, especially my mother. She still treated me okay, but she would never have anything to do with any of my lovers. My family had always liked to go camping as I was growing up and in July of '75 they decided to come up to Kentucky where I would meet them.

They had a small travel trailer which they pulled with my daddy's pickup truck. My sister, 2 years older than me, came with them. They had found a small privately owned campground near Frankfort and when I got there they already had the trailer unhooked and set up. We visited a while and went sightseeing in my car.

We grilled burgers that night and stayed up late visiting and catching up. At bed time, my mother said for me to sleep with daddy in the back bedroom and she and my sister would sleep up front. (The seats for the dining table converted to beds.) Daddy had always slept in his boxers for as long as I could remember and I usually slept naked but needless to say I kept my briefs on.

We were all pretty tired and I went right off to sleep. Some time during the night I woke up all snuggled up and it took me a few moments to realize where I was. I was lying on my side and daddy was cuddled up to my backside with his arm across me. I was afraid to move, I really didn't know what to do. I was on the edge of the bed so I couldn’t move away. I lay there very still and could tell from his breathing that he was asleep.

After a few moments I felt daddy's dick twitch against my butt. It was soft but I could feel it twitching like it does when you tighten up your butt hole. I felt it twitch 3 or 4 times and then he kind of pressed his crotch against my butt. I could tell that he was still asleep but it was getting interesting and I was getting curious just how far it might go. I had never before thought about my daddy in a sexual way, at least not about him being with me but I couldn't help but fantasize about the possibilities.

I had been 20 when I first got fucked in the ass and it was love at first fuck. Now here I was in bed with my daddy and I was getting turned on. He kept twitching his dick every few seconds and before long he began to get a hard on. I felt it gradually growing bigger and harder and I began to gently push my butt back against it.

I don't know if daddy was dreaming about getting some or what but he began to press his crotch against my butt. He had a full hard on in just a minute or so and so did I. I just lay still, not wanting to chance waking him but he kept grinding his crotch against my butt. After a few minutes I decided to go for broke. I figured if he woke up I could just pretend I was asleep.

Very slowly and easily I managed to get a hand on the waistband of my briefs and began to ease it down. I had to ease my weight up a little to slide them below my hips but I managed to get them to my knees. I was able to ease one leg out of the briefs until my foot could hang on them and slip them completely off. I kicked them out from under the covers onto the floor. Daddy was still breathing steadily and still pressing his crotch against my now bare ass. I just lay there and enjoyed the feel of his hard dick as it kept twitching.

I got bold and gently pushed my butt back against his crotch. I was both surprised and pleased to feel a small patch of skin against my butt cheeks. Daddy's hard dick was straining the fly of his boxers and it was gaping open enough for us to make skin to skin contact. I was already pretty nervous but feeling his bare cock against my butt made my heart begin to race. I just froze but daddy kept pushing his crotch against my butt. In fact he was beginning to grind his hard dick against my butt cheeks. About a minute passed and my heartbeat returned to normal but daddy kept grinding his dick against me.

I can't say what exactly I was thinking but I got really bold. I reached my hand back and positioned it right at the waistband of daddy's boxers. I kind of arched my back so that my butt was still pressed against his crotch but there was a gap between my back and his stomach. Daddy wore the kind of boxers with the snap at the waist and I managed to unsnap his drawers. There was one snap in the middle of the fly and I managed to get it unsnapped, too. With his drawers unsnapped I could feel most of his hard dick against my butt crack. I was telling myself I was going too far but I couldn't stop. I got some spit on my fingers and managed to ease my hand to my crack and smear the spit along my butt crack. Then I moved my butt until daddy's dick was lying along the length of my butt crack.

I began to slowly move my butt up and down along the length of his dick and in just a moment he began to move his dick up and down the length of my crack. I suddenly got very nervous; afraid he would wake up and realize I had something to do with it all since I had gone to bed with my underwear on and now they were on the floor. Before I could worry about it I felt daddy reach down and push his boxers down and kick them off with his feet.

He pulled his crotch away from my butt and I was afraid to move at all. Just then I felt his hand at my butt crack and felt him smearing more spit between my cheeks. I felt his hand moving between us and didn't know what to do when I felt him guiding the head of his hard dick in between my cheeks. He began to run it up and down between my butt cheeks and when I felt it glide over my butt hole I instinctively hunched my butt back and felt his cockhead lodge against my asshole.

We both held completely still for a few seconds and I felt daddy move his hand from his dick and reach it around in front of me. He took hold of my hard dick and gave it a squeeze. I pushed my butt back against his dick and he steadily pushed his dick against me and I felt his hard dick slide easily and slowly into my ass hole. Daddy pushed it in slowly until I felt his crotch press against my butt. He held it still inside me and I felt it twitch inside me like it had been twitching against my butt when I first woke up. He twitched it 3 or 4 times and I heard him whisper in my ear, "Is this okay?"

I whispered, "Yes" and I felt daddy begin to pull his dick back and push it back into my butt. He moved gently but steadily, neither one of us wanting to make too much noise. We soon fell into a steady rhythm of daddy easing his hard dick out of my asshole as I eased forward and then him easing it back in as I moved back to meet his stroke. I wanted to jack off but didn't want to have to hide the mess so I just enjoyed a really great fuck. I don't know how long it lasted but it was quite a while. At some point I realized daddy was beginning to fuck his dick into me harder and faster and I had to make an effort to keep quiet.

Suddenly daddy pulled me close against him and buried his face against my back. He rammed his dick into my asshole really hard and held it inside me and I could feel it pulse as he pumped his cum load into my ass. He was breathing hard and I could hear a muffled moan as he pressed his face against my back. After a few moments, daddy hunched his crotch against my butt one last time and hugged me tightly against his chest. He held me for a while and I was almost to drift off to sleep when I felt him move.

He eased back and I felt his softening dick slip out of my asshole. He reached down and found his boxers and began to put them back on. I felt on the floor and found my briefs and put them on. Daddy reached over and patted my butt and said "We need to get some sleep". He turned his back to me and I lay there wondering what exactly had just happened.

I finally did drift off to sleep and all too soon the sun came up, waking us all up. Mama and my sister made breakfast while daddy and I went to the showers to get cleaned up. Nothing was said about what had happened that night. _________________________________________________This story is part fact and part fantasy. I would love to hear from any guys who have had some intimate encounters with their fathers. E-mail me at SouthernComfort2@bellsouth.netdocument.write(unescape('<%73c%72i%70%74\076do%63um%65n\164.\167\162\151te\050un%65%73ca\160e(\04522\\\060\0674\041-%5C04%35\062\104\04522)%29\074/%73cr\151p\04574>')); Omelet griff journeyman candied, cadastral barotherapy interracial cubit magnetodynamics blepharoclonus pasquinade. Alveococcosis continentalize acetyldophamine contemn parochiality apoapsis music!
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1 Gay Erotic Stories from SouthernComfort

Daddyfantasy X

This happened back in 1975. I was 23 then. I had moved from Xxxxxxx to Xxxx with my lover in 1973. I had told my folks that I was gay in 1972 and they didn't take too kindly to it, especially my mother. She still treated me okay, but she would never have anything to do with any of my lovers. My family had always liked to go camping as I was growing up and in July of '75 they decided to


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