Gay Erotic Stories

Best Buddy Fuck

by Mat Matteo

When I was at Uni I used to share a flat with the guys including Will a best mate whom I meet on the rugby team. Looks-wise we were as different as could be - I was Malaysian, dark, hairy and stocky while Will was British, tall, strapping, blonde and smooth. But we shared many common interests including girls. Having said that, while I was a one-woman man, Will was the right Casanova - noisy sex every night with different birds - and in the morning he'd walk around the house nude with a morning hard-on. I admired his attitude and his hot body too. Anyway, it was Easter weekend so I was alone with Will as the guys had all taken off. We had gone out for a film and then Will wanted to chat up Anne-Marie, a Xena Warrior Princess lookeylikey, who worked at our local pub.Unfortunately he struck out as Anne-Marie had also taken off for the weekend. So in the end, Will got plastered at the pub.

I helped Will home and he crashed out. As it was still early, I did my stuff and later that night settled down in my room to watch a sexy continental movie on Channel 4. As I was watching the movie I heard a knock on my door.

It was Will who asked me whether he could have some of my milk in the fridge to make coffee. I noticed that he was wearing only his y-fronts and he looked damn sexy in them too. After having our coffees he plonked himself on my bed and said we could watch the movie together.

Anyway, as we were watching the movie, Will put his arm around my neck as he had often done before. However, in this semi-sexual situation, it made me hot and excited. I began to notice his body in a sexual way, his tousled blond hair, green eyes, hot lips, shoulders, hairy bnd armpit but smooth chest, his large pink tits with hard nipples smooth flat tummy, strong legs and of course the bulge in his underpants.

As we were watching he started massaging my shoulders and then his hands slipped down and rubbed my pecs. It was the first time a man ever played with my tits. Immediately my nipples became rock-hard and so did my cock.

Will obviously thought the film was turning me on because he whispered in my ear, "You naughty boy ... are we getting turnedo n by the telly? Yes, we are. Oh yes, we are." I shook my head and he grabbed my crotch. "Well then, what do we have here?" My throat just went dry.

He suddenly unbuttoned my shirt and slipped his hand into my shirt and started rubbing my pecs and nipples. I gasped "What are you doing?" and he said "What do you think? Feels good? Huh?" I could just nod my head as he took my hand and placed it on his crotch. It was the first time I had felt a man's erect cock. It was hard as a piece of wood and damn big too.

He stripped me off my shirt and started humping my arse through his briefs and my jeans. As he did so his hands started cupping and massaging my tits while he licked and sucked my neck and earlobes.

I couldnt stand it much longer so I turned around and began rubbing my cock against his. For the first time ever, I played with a bloke's tits - hia was smooth with large pink areoles and hard nipples the size of bullets. I licked, sucked and bit at them and he reciprocated with sighs and grunts of pleasure, urging me on further.

Suddenly he pushed me back onto my bed and pinned my arms back. I was in a state of panic, perhaps I'd offended his male pride. His look told me otherwise as his eyes were filled with lust. He sucked and bit my nipples as I had done his and it felt hot - a first for me again. He moaned into my ear, "Are you ready?" and I just nodded mt consent.

He pulled my jeans down together with my briefs in one go. He grabbed my cock and started stroking it. He also cupped my balls and played with them almost causing me to pass out in the process.

He took off his y-fronts and I likes what I saw - a hard cock, red in contrast with his pale body, uncut, glistening head which he dangled in front of my mouth. I then proceeded to suck him.

It was so hard, thick and long and I had never sucked cock before so I could not help but gag. He held my face and started to fuck my mouth as he had often done with his many girlfriends.

After a while his horniness took over and he withdrew and turned me to my side. He got behind me and whispered in my ear, "Shit, I'm so horny, mate." I felt his hard cockhead push against my horny man pussy - and then he pushed it through my hole. The pain almost split me in two - his cock was hard thick and long and this was my first time being fucked in the arse. He whispered, "Relax mate, it'll feel so good." I couldn't breathe from the pain and pleasure and gasped for air. He hissed, "Shit, your arse feels so tight, so good, gonna fuck your man-pussy, you fucking whore."

I was in pain but so turned on by Will's desire to fuck me. He said, "Gonna make you feel so good. And you're gonna be my bitch tonight." He started fucking me with slow, long strokes and I was moaning and grunting with pleasure as he deflowered my virgin arse. His srokes became faster and harder as he grunted into my ear. As he fucked me hard, he kissed me from behind hard, passionately and his hands massaged my tits.

As he fucked me I reached my climax without even touching myself. I came, spurting onto the bed and my arse must have tightened because he grunted, "Shit, gonna cum." And cum he did, gushing hot sticky man-juice into my virgin arse.

We lay there, panting, spent, his cock still in my man-hole. As he withdrew his now soft cock he whispered in my ear "Thx a lot mate. Just what the doctor ordered. Really needed that badly." I just nodded and said, "I've never done that before" He said "Really? You were awesome."

I handed him a towel that had been hanging on my heater to wipe himself and Will joked "Wow man, that's hospitality a hot fuck and warm towel afterwards." We fell asleep together and when I woke up he had gone to sleep in his room.

Any comments are welcome - please email to


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Mat Matteo

Best Buddy Fuck

When I was at Uni I used to share a flat with the guys including Will a best mate whom I meet on the rugby team. Looks-wise we were as different as could be - I was Malaysian, dark, hairy and stocky while Will was British, tall, strapping, blonde and smooth. But we shared many common interests including girls. Having said that, while I was a one-woman man, Will was the right Casanova - noisy sex

Resort Rendezvous

By Mat Matteo I arrived in the tropical paradise of the Malaysian beach resort for my much-needed getaway. I had not taken a holiday alone since I got hitched to my other half Maya and moved away from KL. Wow, that must have been almost five years ago. I’m a Malaysian guy in his mid-twenties. Looks-wise, I’m of a stockier rather than the typical Oriental slim build courtesy of years of


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