Gay Erotic Stories

Song of love

by Alfredo247


Naked he lies Across my thighs. Strong arms close him round. Soft cheek rest Upon my breast. As my hand Soft, silky skin adore.

Love too does caress, The young smooth chest. Stretched long legs I part, and spread. To him who ready rears, I whisper in his ears, ”My handsome boy, My sweet, sweet love”.

I see surrender, Without no condition, But trust in love Bound in deep communion, The lover and beloved, Blood of his blood, Body of his body,

Back in time, First wounding mine. Then bitter grief, And fear’s regret. But still he comes Comes but to me Drawn ever to the sword That spilled white virgin blood.

Drink, be drunk. Touch, be touched. A mystic state, Unfathomed longing love, It delivers him An offering to give. Moving me To embrace his vulnerability.

I am clothed But by his touch revealed. His gentle hands Tender and tentative He bares my chest Then very soon His loving lips Do make me bloom. As I cup him His narrowed eye doth bleed.

His happiness is my happiness His pleasure is my pleasure, His love is my love. He caresses my cheek Body hungering. I strong and sure Know full well what he must endure.

His eyes are closed My finger lifts his chin “Look to me Your destiny ” And through his eyes I see his soul I feel his fear. But my light Doth burneth bright And dissolves all to a mist

My lips, his mouth, My hand, his cheek. Eyelids bring dark All dreads depart. Warm and moist ‘Gaist cool and dry, I kiss. The slimed snake Doth lubricate And opens all In answer to that native call.

I take him up And hold him close. Like so we glide To new reside. I spread him on a snowy sheet. Pure and white as is my delight So beautiful And so fair.

As we lie He sheds a tear Bleeding a crystal clear. With finger tip Precious drop I dip And spread it round The pinkish mound. Then I take That which I make Two rivers merge And souls converge to one.

Letters written on the wind To sign a oath to open wide The path to paradise. Lust and love Rage and passion Pain and pleasure Propel us on.

My lips touch his Both bathed by honey love. I wrap him round And then I lift To give my gift For what I crave Is one dark cave Where our pleasure will be done

Contracting deep A gasp, one bleat. He does resit But I insist And drive My flesh him

He twists and turns He cries and burns But I’ll not be denied. This gift he gave Will be repaid With my offering to him


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Anoche bebë demasiado alcohol y hoy tengo una resaca monumental. Y como me suele ocurrir en estas situaciones tengo un brutal deseo de sexo. Comer y ser comido. Tocar y ser tocado. Me imagino desnudo, en brazos de un hombre fuerte atractivo y cariïoso. Me acaricia dulcemente y me sonrie, yo aparto la mirada ruborizado. El esta vestido y yo completamente desnudo, sentado sobre sus

Song of love

CANTICLENaked he lies Across my thighs.Strong arms close him round. Soft cheek restUpon my breast.As my handSoft, silky skin adore. Love too does caress,The young smooth chest. Stretched long legsI part, and spread.To him who ready rears, I whisper in his ears,”My handsome boy,My sweet, sweet love”.I see surrender, Without no condition,But trust in love

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