Gay Erotic Stories

Things I Do

by Studiesinbrown

Things I Do By Chris Carr Copyright © Sept, 2003

Stevie was spreading mayonnaise on his sandwich but I didn’t want any. Can’t stand mayonnaise, or anything with mayonnaise in it like Thousand Island or Tuna. Stevie wasn’t really interested in mayonnaise or sandwiches, for that matter, but he continued, his fingers trembling. There was a palpable tension in the room, just the nearness of our bodies colliding off each other, creating heat. Ever so often he’d look up at me and cast me a lopsided grin, but we hadn’t said anything since we’d entered the house. I’d brought my lunch but wasn’t hungry, we were just stalling and we both knew it.He took a couple of bites of his sandwich, a dollop of mayonnaise hanging on the corner of his mouth. Standing at the counter, we idly nibbled, occasionally casting glances at each other. I’d asked him to lunch so I suppose it was up to me to do something. Lord knows Stevie wasn’t going to do anything.I reached past him for my sandwich bag, making sure to graze my hand across his groin, my eyes focused on the bag. He said nothing, his fingers trembling again as he strove to take another bite of his sandwich. He was so cute, his toffee brown skin so smooth and alluring and that slender honker of his for some reason attractive to me. He kept snatching glances at me, determined to continue his lunch but I was sporting an obvious bulge and he was too. Casting caution to the wind, I lay my sandwich down and edged closer. He gazed at me, a deer caught in the headlights, his hand reaching for the counter to lay his sandwich down but never really finding it. "You didn’t show me your room," I said, referring to his previously brief tour.We stood eye to eye, the heat jumping between us a furnace of desire. His hand still hovering over the counter, Stevie’s sandwich fell when I leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. He almost swooned, his eyes closing, a tiny whimper escaping him.He’d eyed the obvious bulge in my pants a couple of times, but there was no missing it now, pressed against his leg. He grabbed my head, pulling me to him and the sickening smell of mayonnaise filled my nostrils but I didn’t care. Hell, he could’ve slathered me in mayonnaise and I would’ve shot all over him.Our mouths opened in a full, tongue swabbing embrace, Stevie emitted more whimpers. I reached between his legs and found his equally hard member. It throbbed in my grip, easily filling my hand with its girth. My suspicions had been right, tall, slender boys were prone to big dicks. I started pushing him down the hall, pausing before a room I suspected was his. "This you?" I said, gazing into his eyes. He nodded slowly and I walked him to the bed. We fell across it, lunch completely forgotten now. I straddled him, kissing his soft, sensuous lips once more. His hardness stabbed at mine and we writhed against each other with great force. Pawing at each other like rabid dogs, we ripped our clothes off between embraces. Stevie’s smooth body fired my desire, setting it ablaze. My legs astride his, we humped each other madly, like rutting pigs. Stevie tossed his head about, his hips rising lewdly to meet mine, whimpers and groans escaping him. His small bed creaked beneath our gyrations, singing loudly my wrong.We tossed and rolled, caught in a combat of lust, until Stevie lay atop me. With great powerful thrusts, he dragged his leaking joy stick atop mine. Whipped into a frenzy of desire, I grabbed at him, yanking at his hair, then pulling him to me by his ears. We panted and gasped, kissing each other like ravenous animals and then I felt the first signals of an impending blast to end all blasts. I pawed his back, moving further down until my hands found his sumptuously round, ferociously humping cheeks. Grabbing a healthy handful of smooth pliant flesh, I kneaded his ass. We were still kissing, something I rarely do with a guy, and we both let out tiny shrieks of surprised ecstasy. This was more passionate than I’d ever hoped for and thirty minutes was entirely too short to enjoy it.My fingers slipping between his splayed cheeks, they found his warm, moist hole. Stevie let out a loud squeal when I diddled it, his voice resonating about my opened mouth. His hips were rising and falling like a mad piston now, drawing me closer and closer to a powerful release. We finally broke our kiss, our gyrations so forceful we were starved for air. Gasping and panting in each other’s ear we exchanged bear hugs as I rolled over on top. I’d never been so stimulated in my life. Sweat rolled down my face, stinging my eyes but all my attention was on my rotating hips.Stevie held me like a drowning victim, harrumphing and gasping at my lusty thrusts then I raised my head and howled, bedsprings creaking loudly in unison. The explosion starting in my balls, they ached then lurched, expelling their load. Sensations ringed my asshole, then shot up my dick, massaging every inch as large loops of cum leapt out, onto Stevie’s belly.Holding him in a stranglehold, I whipped my hips up and down, propelling huge geysers of hot mayonnaise. A virtual pool of warm goo floating between us, the last, angry dregs were still dribbling when Stevie exclaimed, "Did you do it?" I shook my head yes and he anxiously declared, "Turn over!" No sooner I’d turned onto my back, he lay atop me, raising his hips to grab his dick and aim it straight at my discharge. Laying it center my warm cream, he whimpered and groaned, humping his hips. Driving his dick lustily against my discharge he found a quick rhythm until, with a smothered cry he shuddered, his dick rapidly prodding my stomach.Warm jets joining my issue, Stevie elicited a strangled scream. I watched as he got off on my cum, a bit surprised but too satiated to care. Both of our dicks were still hard, just slightly deflated from our sweet release. We could’ve easily gone another round but instead, we jumped up, running for the bathroom to clean up and dress.

I felt guilty, the next day and vowed, "never again" but, just the site of that slim figure or unassuming manner of his could excite me like no girl ever had. We became thick as thieves, spending our every free minute about the warehouse together. People whispered and some of the older ladies leered shamefully at us but we couldn’t help it, we’d found an oasis in the barren landscape of inner city blithe.Days flew by, Stevie and I giggling like school girls at everything and hanging out together. Whether chasing each other among the garments or sharing a soda together, the old warehouse was never so inviting. Our supervisor tried thwarting our camaraderie, issuing jobs that required we separate but that didn’t squelch our desire.


Stevie. The same boy who’d given me the cold shoulder, the first time I chanced talking to him.

Unloading stock from a truck, he picked up boxes and silently carried them down the ramp to the dock. Smitten, I stood idly by, gazing at him with what I’m certain must’ve been lust but when you’re young you don’t hide things so well.Unloading trucks wasn’t my department and I was asking for trouble, lingering as long as I did but I couldn’t help it. I knew from the moment I’d seen him Stevie was "family" and all I wanted was one, wanton roll in the hay with him."Hi," I ventured, gnawing on a fingernail. He rolled his eyes and walked by. That uppity faggot! I thought, bruised. My battered ego demanding I leave with what dignity I had left, I couldn’t move. Stevie walked past me again, entering the truck to retrieve another box and I gazed at him, looking down when he glanced at me.I couldn’t believe this docile, momma’s boy, had the balls to play me. Sauntering out the truck once more, he glanced at me as he passed, a smirk on his face. But I was game."You work stock?" I submitted, trying once more. He timidly nodded his head, dropping his box atop another. "I work in packing," I said, gnawing on another fingernail. He faced me, silent, then sauntered back in the truck. Oh, Miss Thang is really feeling herself! "Charles," I offered, extending my hand when he dropped his next box. "Steve," He said, softening. "But everybody calls me Stevie."

It was our first "lunch" together that ended in passionate sex. "What’re your doing for lunch?" I’d inquired as the time drew near."I usually go home," He said. "Must stay close by." We sat atop a stack of unmade boxes in silence a few. Stevie always found his way to my department, whenever he was free. Responsible for the huge pallets of flat new boxes, I worked in the rear of the warehouse where they were stored. Huge bundles of the unmade boxes stacked about the floor, Stevie and I used sit on top of them and talk. "You wanna come?" He finally offered and I nodded yes.


I think about sex all the time, can’t help it. While arranging the pallets of boxes in my area or sitting on the toilet, trying to wile the hours away. Sometimes I’ll go in the bathroom, just to blow a load. Lewd drawings from the other horny workers adorning the stalls, I always had jerk-off material.Without a ready means of lube, I’ve become inventive. I’m always looking for something to stick my dick in so, an empty toilet roll seemed to fit the bill. Sliding it up and down my dick, I soon found that it wasn’t the best means to work off a load. Chafed and sore, I had to use my hand to finish the job.

-----------------------------------------------------------------  The old warehouse always hired kids from the neighborhood during the summer. A sweltering confine of women’s garments and packed boxes, I soon found it was a breeding ground for forbidden sex.Besides Stevie, there was William’s brother, Freddy, who’d just recently done time at a correctional facility. William fancy’s himself a ladies man and always sports the latest fashions. A loudmouth, he’s always bragging about his many exploits. If a woman is within three miles of William’s mouth they’ll either hear him going on about himself or find him inches from their ear, getting his rap on.One time I was taking the trash bin out the back door when he suddenly appeared, those beady eyes of his darting about. Dropping a box of garments into the bin he motioned at me to proceed with the bin. I had enough on my plate, praying to God about my same sex attraction so I wasn’t about to add theft to my sin card. We stared at each other over the bin, then I just walked away. Boy, you should’ve seen the look on William’s face.I believe William would’ve been more shocked had he known how freaky his little brother was. A tall, mocha brown youth, his muscles rippled with each flex of his arms. He’s always sitting around with William and the other hardened men, drinking beer and holding his package. Hell, I was shocked at the turn of events that day in the bathroom.We were standing at the urinals, both of us sensing the other’s subtle glances. Someone was at the sink, washing their hands but then they exited, leaving us to stand in silence. I’d glanced enough times to see that Freddy had an average sized dick but what made it so hot to me was that it was know, William’s brother. The one who’d fucked every woman west of the Mississippi.Freddy. The one who’d done time for petty theft. The one who sat around, looking hard and holding his shit like a playa or something.After some time, we both adjourned to the sink where we washed our hands in silence. "Hey," I croaked, my heart racing. He nodded back, cautiously regarding me. Damn, that bathroom was like a furnace, all of a sudden. I must’ve washed the top layer of skin off my hands, occasionally throwing him a nervous glance. But he kept his hands under the water too and didn’t move for so long, I started getting hopeful. Maybe my Gaydar wasn’t so off.We kept washing our hands then I did my slick move, reaching past him for a paper towel while purposely brushing against him. He didn’t react, his head down, he kept glancing at me in the mirror. We were silent for a long time, both of us glancing at each other in the mirror and it was all I could do to not jam my hand between his legs and grope his dick.I stood, drying my hands, my eyes dead ahead but I could see him looking at me in the mirror. He stood also and now we were body to body, shoulder to shoulder. Damn! This shit was freaking me out. Was Freddy like I suspected or was I flirting with…He dropped his paper towel in the receptacle and, his hand moving so fast had I blinked, I would’ve missed it, he groped himself. My heart was racing so fast, I thought it’d leap out of my chest but then he slowly turned and faced me, an unavoidable bulge in his pants. I mean shit, the head of his dick was pushing his pants out so bad, they looked deformed. Like someone had stuffed a cucumber in them or something!We both looked at it, the silence deafening then, as if on cue, we looked up, into each other’s eyes. His brown face was flushed, adding a copper hue to his complexion and I could see his chest rapidly rising and falling like someone hyperventilating."Check," He whispered, his voice husky with lust, "if somebody comes in, just walk to the toilet and I’ll go to the sink."His plan seemed flawless, considering the layout of our bathroom and I readily agreed. To my surprise, Freddy squatted in front of the door, placing his mouth right at the perfect, dick sucking level and I stepped in front of him. Fishing my extra hard dick out, I aimed it at his opened mouth and suddenly I was getting the most heavenly blow job I’d ever received. Damn! Freddy’s mouth was like velvet, his lips and tongue finding every sensuous spot on my quivering dick. Holding it by the base, he swerved his talented mouth up and down my length, rocketing me towards a rip roaring release. I was going up on my toes when we heard the outer door opening.My eyes saucers, I suddenly remembered Freddy’s plan and hurried to the urinal, my dick still dangling in front of me. Like he’d done this a thousand times, Freddy smoothly moved to the sink, which stood right by the door, and turned the water on.Howard, an older employee who seemed constantly soused, sauntered in, casually tossing Freddy a mush mouthed hello as he took position at the other urinal. Glancing up at me, he seemed surprised to see me. Fortunately, my hard-on had deflated some so I stood close to the urinal until he finished. He nodded at Freddy again on his way out, none the wiser and, like a flash, Freddy ducked in front of the door. His satiny lips on my dick again, he soon had me rocking back and forth. Obviously, Freddy’s stint in prison had been time well spent, the boy’s expertise evident. Twisting his head about the head of my dick, his tongue would swirl, then glide down the bottom to the base. My toes danced in my tennis as he worked his magic, drawing me closer."Damn!" I squawked, trembling. He gazed up at me then he stopped. "Do me," He said, standing to tower above me. It was a strange turn of events prompted, no doubt, by Freddy watching me in nirvana and deciding he wanted a little of the action. Maybe it was a test to see if I was willing to reciprocate but he wasn’t negotiating on it, fishing his dick out as he waited for me to squat.I tucked my dick inside my pants, which wasn’t easy as hard as it was, and slowly took position in front of the door. Freddy pulled his dick out, granting me unobstructed examination of the ample growth that’d pushed his pants out so. A solid, stiff piece of boy flesh, it throbbed and writhed, the head swollen, the shaft hard enough to swing from. Extending from his pants a good eight inches it craned upwards so, I had to pull it down to get it inside my mouth.He winced, my technique not as good as his, my teeth scraping his tender inches. I opened my mouth wider and tried again, this time wedging his wide girth uncomfortably inside. He closed his eyes and moaned like an addict getting that hit, his dick swelling in my mouth. I tried swerving my head about like he’d done but I kept nipping him with my teeth. He wasn’t deterred, forgiving my gaffs, his dick never waning.My tongue discovered the varied surface of his thick tool, examining every vein and bump. When the head would withdraw to sit on my tongue, I’d flick it and swirl around the ridge of the crown then my jaws would bloat, his dick nudging the back of my throat.I had to grab the base of his dick to keep from gagging. My hand close to his confined balls, I fished them out. Caressing my fingers about the twin orbs, I felt my dick twitching in my pants. Shit like this is just incredibly hot when you’re this young! There’s all this new stuff and, when you know it, you’re squatting in front of the door of the bathroom at your new job, a stiff sausage stuck in your mouth for your tongue to explore!I couldn’t take it anymore and stood, motioning for Freddy to ‘switch’. He readily acquiesced, taking my splitting hard bat down his throat like a pro. It fascinated me to no end the things he could do with his mouth. From his luscious, dick- caressing lips to his swirling tongue and suctioning throat, everything came into play to work me into a near frenzy.Wiggling and sighing, I slammed my dick back and forth, marveling at Freddy’s ability to take my length. Locked in the utter wonder of how incredible his mouth felt, I couldn’t even open my mouth to warn him. Grunting and hissing, I rose up on my toes and sensed his orifice suctioning about my super sensitive dick, nursing huge loops of hot cum up from my balls.Freddy didn’t even react, instead, swallowing my flow like a thirsty wayfarer from the Mojave. Gulp, gulp, he quaffed, his throat muscles flexing. I watched it all, amazed at how fucking hot it was to watch a dude swallow my cum, my dick throbbing and spurting until every drop was drained.Freddy wiped his mouth with the back of his hand then stood, an unavoidable bulge in his pants. Experiences like this soon taught me it was better to let the other guy get off first. It seems, once I’ve shot my wad, I suddenly loose all of my drive. Let alone how smitten I am for doing something so immoral.I almost dreaded sucking Freddy off, slowly squatting in front of the door as he fished his dick out. It really throbbed hard now, jutting wickedly from his pants as he fished his balls out too. My eyes closed, I opened my mouth and indolently worked my tongue. Freddy was so ablaze, it didn’t matter. In seconds he was gasping and jabbing his dick rapidly inside my mouth.I’d never swallowed cum before and wasn’t relishing the idea. What if it tastes nasty, I worried, my eyes still closed. Spurt, a big warm blob of creamy juice shot against the back of my throat. Before I could taste it, my throat muscles did their job and devoured it. Freddy gasped again, his dick pulling back as he continued fucking my mouth.A heavy spurt of his essence pelting my tongue, I suddenly sensed a flurry of tastes on my tongue. Sweet, salt, something sort of nutty, and what I was convinced had to be remnants of urine, it all blended on my tongue, surprisingly tasty in a sexually stimulating way. I even temporarily forgot how debased this act was, my fears of eternal damnation suspended. Then we heard someone coming through the outer door again and all of it came crashing down on me. Opening the inner door, I stepped aside long enough for the entering coworker to clear it, then dashed through the outer door into the cool, warehouse air. I’d done it again, I grieved, heading to my area with my head down.


I gathered that Stevie was equally oppressed by his unyielding urges. Like me, he’d talk in hushed tones whenever the conversation turned to sex. He didn’t use adult words like dick, asshole or fucking. Instead we said things like ‘my thing’ or so-and-so’s ‘booty’ or ‘bottom’ and ‘doin’ it’.When we did engage, it always happened explosively, as if we’d both released something that’d been suppressed for a long, long time. There never was any discussion before or after, our lust so all consuming before, we could hardly speak anyway and our mutual guilt afterward smiting us, we’d almost break our necks, getting dressed.But Stevie was as addicted to boy sex as I. He’d jump at my invitations, a lump instantly forming in his pants. Those first few times, we’d go for "lunch" at his house and nearly rip our clothing undressing.Hopping on top of each other, we’d hump like insane rabbits, hands roving over the other’s backside. I soon found that Stevie liked being on the bottom. That is, until I’d cum. Then he’d frantically flip me over and madly rub his dick against my issue until he blasted, gasping loudly in my ear. There was something about a thick puddle of hot, sticky cum that drove Stevie insane with lust, but, like I said, we never discussed our actions so I’m not sure why.Ours was pure animal lust. Sure, Stevie and I enjoyed hanging out around the warehouse but neither of us could acknowledge our attraction. It was just something that… happened and we never bothered examining it.Like that time I was home alone one day and started feeling really horny. I’m never sure when that’s going to happen as my dick seems to have a mind of its own. Otherwise, why would the stupid thing decide to get hard, in church! Yeah, there’ve been times I was just minding my business and BAM my dick starts getting hard.That’s what it did that day. I was trying to study for a big exam and I wasn’t doing too well. History can be such a bore and I kept drifting off. Then my dick did its thing and before I knew it, my book was sitting cockeyed on my lap.I started thinking about sex and how good Freddy’s mouth felt and my dick really got hard then. Where could I get a quick mouth job like that right now, I thought and then Stevie came to mind. Why, I don’t know especially seeing as he hadn’t sucked my dick before. But when you get that horny, you try things. Things you mightn’t try under normal circumstances and, without thinking, I phoned him.I didn’t even tell him what I wanted just that I needed him to come by. A fellow freak, he readily agreed and for the first time I was expecting Stevie at my house for sex.He arrived in no time and we didn’t even exchange words. Hell, we didn’t even move past the front door. No sooner he’d entered, I reached between his legs, searching for what I knew I’d find, Stevie’s hardening dick. We kissed for a few but then I fished my dick out and pushed on his shoulders for him to kneel.It was a tense moment and I wondered if he was going to go along. Stevie’s slightly taller than me and for a second, I was looking up at him, waiting, then he acquiesced and knelt. He looked up at me for a few, then gazed at my dick. Licking his lips, he willingly opened them when I pushed my dick forward.That magical thing was happening again and I almost couldn’t fathom it. One minute I was sitting in my living room, struggling with a musty old history book (and an unruly erection) and then suddenly, I was standing in front of the door and Stevie had a lock around my dick. Fucking fantastic!I moaned and rocked on the balls of my feet, amazed at how talented these boy’s mouths were. Where’d they learn how to suck a dick so well, I wondered, sensing Stevie’s velvety orifice swirl and suction my aching hardness.Stevie gazed up at me, wonder in his eyes as he slurped around my dick. Then he stopped to open his pants and plop his own brick hardness out. I watched as he squeezed out a few drops of his juice then spread it around the swollen head. Sliding his fist about his stiff inches, he took my dick in his mouth once more.

I gasped, Stevie’s mouth so deliciously good around my dick. Bracing myself against the door, I leaned toward him, my naked butt rotating up and down. Slurping sounds filled the little hallway as Stevie sluiced his juicy mouth about my dick. In and out I pumped, dragging my sensitive inches across his slightly sandpapery tongue.Mauling his dick in his fist, Stevie stared up at me, waiting for my signal. Seized by sporadic moments of ecstasy, my eyes would roll up in my head, gasps and groans escaping me as I pistoned my rocket deep inside his mouth. Breathing loudly through his nose, Stevie whipped his hand frantically around the head of his dick. Opening his mouth wider, he crammed more of it in his mouth. I humped my hips wickedly up and down, practically fucking Stevie’s mouth now, then, I felt that wondrous sensation at the base of my dick.Whimpering, I pounded the door, my hips rising and falling lewdly. Stevie whimpered and moaned too, then I felt my dick let loose. Sensations rocketing up my pole, around the base of my dick and up my backside, I let out a smothered wail. I could feel it all, my dick nursed by Stevie’s skillful mouth, the muscles just behind my balls madly contracting, my asshole twitching and my cum skeeting from the swollen head.The source of my recent horniness seemingly endless, it kept squirting, round after round. Stevie wailed and moaned likewise, his dick firing high into the air in angry volleys between my legs. He swallowed my cum hungrily, gulping like a starving man at a local homeless shelter. I could feel his throat muscles contracting around my dick as he guzzled my juice. Then, it was over and I couldn’t feel cum spurting out any more. My dick still spasmed, but there was nothing left. Stevie huffed through his nose, gasping air as the last dribbles of cum dropped from his dick, then he slipped his mouth off my dick.He looked up at me and we smiled but said nothing. I stepped aside and we looked at the angry splatters of cum he had shot across the carpet, our faces reddened but still no one spoke. Stevie eventually stood, tucking his semi-hard dick in his pants, staring at me with that look he always made afterwards. Like someone who’s been caught with his hand in the till, then he zipped, opened the door and dashed out. ---------------------------------

I’d like to say we became lovers. That we eventually moved in together and bought furniture and china together, but we didn’t. Stevie’s not around anymore, the old warehouse closed. The last time we were together, we attempted fucking but weren’t successful."Wait!" Stevie kept saying, his round ass splayed beneath my stiff pole. Every time I tried inserting it inside his warm tunnel, he’d squirm about like I was splitting him in two then he’d holler, "Wait!"Growing tired of his protests, I finally laid my dick between his cheeks and rubbed until I spurted, sticky deposits of white cum leaping onto his back then dribbling down his spread cheeks. Stevie actually got off, looking at my cum in his closet mirror as he humped the bed. "Lemme see!" He gasped, as soon as I’d cum.Peering over his shoulder, he looked at my cum and moaned, his hips gyrating of their own volition. That’s the image I have emblazoned on my memory, Stevie looking over his shoulder, his pert ass rotating up and down. Funny the shit you remember huh?

I’m still hopelessly attracted to "Stevie’s" and, even though I have a girlfriend right now, I’ve got numbers in my phone book that I’d have a hard time explaining to her. Places I go at night or on the far side of town and just gawk. Things I do that keep me forever repenting. But I’m going to beat this shit one day, I just know it.


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