Gay Erotic Stories

Oliver Handles Justin's Magic Wand Part 2

by Tho97

Disclaimer: I neither own nor know the sexual orientation of any characters in this story. If you are under 18, don't read it.

Recap: "...Well...I don't sleep covered up. Like I sleep on top of the covers, so everything would just kinda be out there for the world to see...and I kinda DO something every night before I go to bed. In fact I was gettin' ready to when you walked through the door."

"I told you, sleep however you want. But what do you mean DO something?" Long awkward silence...

"OH. You mean beat off? Dude, like I said, we're both guys. I do it too. In fact I might join you if you don't mind."

"Really man? Like it doesn't bother you at all?"

"Nah dude it really doesn't."

"Awesome! Cuz I haven't been able to beat off for three days!" Oliver starts to slide down his boxer briefs as Justin just stares in amazement.

As Oliver slides down his boxer briefs Justin quickly takes a mental picture of what he's seeing. Oliver is toned. REALLY toned. Justin can see the muscles in his shoulders as he bends over. He immediately notices Oliver's small but rock hard pecs. The definition in his abs was AMAZING! Nice hard 6-pack with the valley right down the middle. He even had the V. He had only a small amount of hair on his chest, which led to a thicker treasure trail. As Oliver slid off his underwear, Justin followed that treasure trail to a neatly trimmed bush set just above a 4-5 in. flaccid dick and a nice, BIG pair of low-hangers. Oliver turned around to throw his boxer briefs in the hamper. He had a nice, tight, round butt and Justin couldn't help but stare in amazement.

"Do you want me to turn the lights off, or do you usually beat it with them on?" Oliver asks as he throws his underwear into the hamper.


"Hello? Are you listening?" Oliver says as he turns around. As soon as he gets turned around Justin jumps out of his daze. "Dude. Were you just staring at my butt?"

"No way man. I'm not like that. I was just spacing out, it happens to me allll the time," was Justin's reply. Whew, that was a close one. I hope he believed me.

"Ok...well do you want the lights on or off?"

"On. Clean-up is easier that way." "And I get to see you cum everywhere," Was Justin's afterthought.

"Yeah man, good point," replied Oliver.

As Oliver lays back on his bed Justin just kind of stands there awkwardly.

"Hey man you gonna join me or just stand there and watch?"

"What? Oh! Yeah," and with that Justin revealed his own gorgeous body.

Justin looked much like Oliver with his shirt off, with the exception of less hair. Justin was completely smooth. He really shaved his entire body, but would never admit to it if anyone asked. Justin was a little more toned than Oliver, but not by much, and his pecs were slightly larger. After tossing his shirt aside, Justin slid down his board shorts, and much to Oliver's surprise Justin was going commando. As Justin threw his shorts to his side of the room Oliver noted that Justin had a VERY nice bubble butt. Completely fuckable. Now completely naked, like Oliver, Justin climbs onto his bed.

"So have you ever done anything like this before? Jerked off with another guy in the room before I mean." Justin asked his new roommate.

"Once. I'm here with a couple of my friends and I went camping with one of their dads one time. It was pretty hot out and even though we were sharing a tent we both decided to sleep naked on top of our sleeping bags. It just kind of happened I guess." Oliver reminisces about his time in the woods with only him and Mr. Stewart.

"Hey man, it looks like it must have been a pretty fun time, your dick is pointing straight up!"

Hearing this, Oliver comes back from his gaze and notices that he has, in fact, gotten very hard. "What? Oh, yeah, it was fun I guess. It was just completely unexpected, and spontaneous things like that just really turn me on."

"That's something I'm gonna have to keep in mind," thought Justin.

After that, the boys begin to beat their rods. After a few minutes of silent stroking Oliver looks over to Justin.

"Have you ever touched another guys member before?"

"Me? No, but I touch my plenty."

"Do you want to?" Oliver inquires.

"What do you mean?" Justin is beginning to become very curious as to what Oliver is insinuating.

"I mean," Oliver says as he climbs off of his bed and begins to walk towards Justin, "would you like to touch my cock?"

"Would I!" Justin immediately realizes he has said this too enthusiastically so he adds, "Yeah, I guess. I mean if that's cool with you and all."

"Of course it is, I asked didn't I?"

And with that, Justin reaches out and touches his first dick that isn't his own.


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Tho97

Oliver Handles Justin's Magic Wand Part 1

Disclaimer: I neither own nor know the sexual orientation of any charactersin this story. If you are under 18, don't read it.Note: This story takes place in the

Oliver Handles Justin's Magic Wand Part 2

Disclaimer: I neither own nor know the sexual orientation of any charactersin this story. If you are under 18, don't read it.Recap:


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