Gay Erotic Stories

Not curious anymore

by Beetitalot58

Been married for 25 years but for at least the past 30 years or so I've been curious about gay stuff. As teenagers 5 of us guys in a clubhouse started comparing the size of our dicks then played with each other for a minute, one friend suggested we try putting our mouths on each other's dicks for the hell of it, no one got off and that was it for a year or so. A younger cousin of mine spent the night one time and when he thought I was asleep he was trying to get to my dick with his hands and I layers there freaked out but faked being asleep and got instantly hard, thought it was wrong so moved like I was waking up and he stopped. Now for the next 15 years always got turned on when I saw gay pics or thought about what it would be like though only when I was drinking, less prohibited I guess anyway was drinking one night and told my wife I was going to a adult book store for some toys, while walking around seen the movie booths and went in and started watching a gay movie which gave me a hard on, pulled out my dick playing with myself then noticed the hole in the wall, peeked through and seen another man pinching his nipples and playing with his dick, now I'm really turned on, all of a sudden a finger comes through and I freaked out and left, couple of months go by and I googled gloryhole ettiquite and now I know what it meant, few months later am drinking and go back, it happens again so I stick my dick in for a great blowjob, fell guilty and leave, go home and tell my wife the same story and she says I was just curious, well from that time on over the next 10 years I go back about 7 more times and always love the blowjobs I was getting. Few years pass and start wondering how fucking a man would be like, so I go back to the small town it grew up in just a few months ago a to my male friend that I've know for 40 years, we go grab some beer go back to his house, drinking , talking and just visiting, couple hours later I say ok where's your porn stash and he says why and so I tell him about letting men suck my dick and he tells me all he watches is tranny movies, he puts one in and I'm getting a hardon and I just get up pull off my clothes and start playing with myself, he tells me he jacks off and has been able to get there fingers in his ass and would I want to fuck him in the ass but says please be easy cause your dick looks pretty big, it's only about 6 inches but has great girth, I was flabbergasted but so many years of wondering about it my dick has never been harder before, we go to his bedroom, he gives me a condom, strips gets in bed and lays on his side, I put the condom on and he gets some lube, lube his asshole up and my dick, I lie behind him and he guides it into his ass, I push slowly like he asks until it's all the way in, it was as tight as any teen girl I remember as a teen myself. Well I fucked my best friend like it was my wife, we got into a rythm and he humped back and moaned just like a woman, was about some of the best (man) pussy I've had in my life, we fucked like two teenagers for at least 20 minutes, I honestly think it was the most extreme orgasm I've had in my life. After I came he went to the bathroom and jacked off, I cleaned up, we slept in the same bed, next day was like it never happened. Now I'm damn sure that I would like to have the same thing happen to me. Love my wife and our sex life has and still is extremely good, she knows about all the men that have sucked my dick, have not told her about my really first gay encounter, am getting ready to tell her as I finish this. Hope by the next time I write that I've met the right man to take my virgin ass and hope it's like my friends, not awkward and very satisfying. Writing about this has me so horny that I'm going to the adult bookstore and see what happens, hope you like this true story


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Beetitalot58

Not curious anymore

Been married for 25 years but for at least the past 30 years or so I've been curious about gay stuff.

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