Gay Erotic Stories

The Marine's Hamstring Gets a Hot Medic Strung-Out Part 2

by Billyc

I’d got to the medical suite about twenty minutes before the time the doctor had set up for me with his medic who did physical therapy, and the nurse had told me to go from the medical suite in the embassy office building to the gym – in the men’s locker room there was a therapy room, and that was where I was to wait. I went into the small, windowless room – there were some workspaces around the edge of the room, cabinets, and in the middle of the room a large massage table was draped with sheeting.

It was utterly dead in the locker room when I came through, and this room was likewise empty. Looking at my watch, it was still ten minutes before the time I was supposed to see the therapist. I’d made good time from the medical suite at one end of the building down a floor and to the other end even hobbling as I was.

I stood at ease and waited – you couldn’t be a marine without learning patience, and that training served now. I was so much at ease in my thoughts there just standing and waiting that I was startled when the door burst open, and a small and very well built young man burst through.

“Captain Cate! Sorry to be late, SIR!” he said, saluting.

Reflexively I snapped to attention and returned the salute, though the snapping part brought a noticeable wince when my legs and glutes reminded me of my injury. “At ease, er—“ I said, not knowing how to address him without any insignia or even his name on his white scrub-like duds – unusual for another military man, which he obviously was from his salute.

“Corporal Haynes, SIR!” he responded formally in contradiction to my order to be at ease. Not that I was complaining about his stance at attention – the smallish man was BUILT, apparent through the well-fitted and thin uniform he had on.

“At ease, Haynes, and I’m OK with Cate – sir not required.”

“Thank you, SIR!” he snapped formally and then obviously realized what he’d said. “Er, sorry.” At least he’d relaxed his stance after that.

And on top of being built of solid sinew, he was CUTE! About five-five at most, handsome, curly auburn hair, very short, of course, and piercing blue eyes.

“Well,” he said, nervous under my stare and still uncomfortable with my preference for informality, and he looked down at a clipboard he’d had under his left armpit. “Doctor Black has on the order here that you have a pulled hamstring, aggravated tensor and glute,” he half-read. Looking up at me with a smile, “Nice work,” he observed and then asked, “How’d you do it?”

“Tennis,” I said, simply. “I got a little over-competitive with a better opponent,” I grinned.

The truth was he was a far better opponent . . . and he was a maniac in bed. While the injury started on the court, it got considerably worse as I fucked that Frenchman’s ass almost through the wall after our match! It might have been different if we’d been in a bed; but we didn’t make it, and I was standing, knees bent, pain from my ham radiating as I pounded his tight, hot, hairy, wanton ass with him bent over a priceless antique table in the hall of his elegant apartment overlooking the Seine.

“Well, let’s have a look and get to work,” Haynes said, watching my grin and apparently gleaning that there was more to the story by my grin. “Get undressed, and get on the table face-down, and I’ll probe and see if I can make you beg for mercy. How ‘bout that?” he asked with a smirk.

“A challenge, or am I really in for torture?” I asked, starting to unbutton my uniform belt and slacks.

“A little of both, perhaps,” he chuckled.

Haynes got some supplies out of one of the cabinets while I got out of my uniform. I realized when I’d stripped down to my boxers that I probably could have left my t-shirt on, but the room was rather warm, so no matter, probably for the best.

He turned just as I turned after hanging my clothes on the hanger on the back of the door and neatly folding my t-shirt and socks. Haynes’ long look up and down my tall, lean-muscled, well-defined body showed his appreciation. I couldn’t hold that against him, as I’d taken stock of him myself.

Though we were both mid-twenties, light-haired and light-eyed, he was nearly a foot shorter than I and built like a wrestler, not like a swimmer like my body. I lagged a moment in my motions, allowing his eyes to get a good fill of me and returning the attention with another once-over of him. This time I noticed his big bulge in the front of his scrub-like pants – definitely well-equipped this little guy!

“Um, you probably should take off your boxers if I’m working your glute. The massage lotion will make a mess otherwise.”

He said it with an almost filthy grin, though observed it could have easily been interpreted as just amiable – I knew it was more, and the little shit was going to enjoy having me butt naked on his table! So I just pulled down my boxers and stepped out of them right there facing him. As I flipped them up with my left foot – my uninjured leg, so I only had to grit my teeth a little against a small jolt of pain in my ass! – and caught my boxers in air and folded them, I knew my big dick and big low-hangers had bounced and swung around, giving him the full show . . . at least the full show for this stage!

When I was sure – by his absent-minded adjustment at his crotch as he stared at me – he’d had a good show, I carefully got on the table, with only a couple of groans climbing on and getting myself comfortable. When I was settled I told him, “All in your hands now, Haynes.”

“Well, let’s see what we’re working with first, why don’t we?” I heard him say from behind me, and then his hands were on my upper leg, working up and down my hamstring, not roughly but not gently enough that I wasn’t giving forth a stream of “AH”, “OH”, “YOUCH” and the occasional “FUCK!” as he probed, pushed, rubbed and worked me from the back of my right knee to my right buttcheek.

“OK, assessment is over,” he finally said, and despite the cessation of the pains, I missed his surprisingly strong hands on me. “Should be able to help you some with that, but you’re going to have to take it easy, too, in order for all that to heal.” And then he added, as I heard a cap pop and then his hands rubbing together, “Man, you really must have wanted to win that tennis game!”

I was about to tell him he had NO idea how much I wanted it to be OVER so I could pound that hot French businessman’s ass . . . again . . . but as I was about to construct the semi-appropriate version of that thought for speech, his hands, with lotion warmed by them apparently, were on me, gently and quite nicely. “Mmmmmmmmm,” was all I could say.

I’d underrated Haynes’ touch before – very strong but very gentle and just right was more accurate. He was intuitive in his movements, pushing but not reaching the level of pain, just pressure and movement up and down and around my long upper leg. When he was working up by my glutes, his hands were around my thick thigh, his thumbs expertly relaxing my tensor – and his fingers on his hand on the inside of my thigh was brushing my sac again and again.

I was both subdued in my relaxation at his tough and also excited, my big cock hard and contorted under me. I finally said, “You’ve moved me around a lot – let me just adjust my position a little here.”

His hands stopped moving, but he didn’t remove them from my upper thigh. “Go ahead,” he allowed.

I made more of it than I needed, stretching and repositioning fairly elaborately so as to attempt to not have it obvious that I was adjusting because I had about nine inches of hard cock I was laying on that needed its space! “Thanks,” I said when I finally had my head down on the table again.

“No problem,” he said, his hands restarting their amazing work.

He gave my right glute a fairly aggressive working, noting almost in a mumble that this was where the spasm was that was causing a lot of the problem with the pull to the tensor and hamstring. Meanwhile I was both grateful for his hand not brushing my nutsac but also completely excited by his buttwork because his fingers trailed my crack and brushed over my hole with decent regularity. Also my glute was noticeably looser, the spasm I hadn’t even realized was abating as a result of his work.

Oh and my hardon was RAGING under me, and I could feel my pre against my abs under me. That thought caused my body to tense as I realized he’d see the wet spot. “Easy, captain,” he said, his hands flat on my butt and back now, as if he was gently holding me down. “You’re in good, experienced hands here, so nothing to worry about,” he said soothingly. “And yes, it’s pretty common for a man to become aroused on my table,” he added, causing me again to tense up and wince. With a chuckle he responded, “Easy, captain, really – the important thing here is that we get your butt and leg to the best place possible, and you have to relax for that to happen. I’m going to have to go over you again completely now that you’ve tensed up.”

I couldn’t see his face, even though I’d opened my eyes and twisted my head as much as I could to look back at him – but I swear the little shit was smirking when he said the last part. And the place I wanted my butt and leg was in motion, thrusting DEEP into his hot little ass, which I could see as I turned around, could see his bubble butt bouncing as he moved his arms working me again. Yes, my throbbing, pinned hardon confirmed – that would, in fact, be the best possible place.

As that last thought was passing through my mind, the heel of his hand rubbed down my crack, and I couldn’t help but to moan. And when his fingertips brushed my hole, my breath caught, and that moan when to a light gasp.

Haynes worked my glute well, but he also this time teased my crack and hole and the back of my sac with intent. The puddle at the end of my cock under my abs grew, as did the volume and length of my moans. When he was working up and down my leg to re-work my hamstring, his hand virtually assaulted – in the best possible way! – my sac with every move up there, and I almost whimpered when his hands traveled lower toward my knee again, desiring that touch.

That’s when he brushed against my right hand, which was on the table but at the edge, and I knew that I wasn’t the only one with a wet spot! I turned my hand enough to rub his amazingly large hardon, and he hissed in a breath. “FUCK I shouldn’t be doing this!” he swore.

But he didn’t stop rubbing into my hand as he worked my leg and teased my balls and then worked my glute some more and teased my crack more. His breathing was faster and shallower as I rubbed his hardon in those thin scrub-like pants.

He finally stopped all motion and put both his hands flat on my back and backed himself away from my hand. He was panting. I didn’t reach to grope him again – I just waited.

“I should say I’m sorry, captain,” he said in a husky voice.

“I stopped having to be a captain when I took off my uniform, Haynes,” I responded quietly. “Look, you are into it and I’m into it. Of the two of us, being the senior, if there’s fallout it hits me harder than it hits you.”

“No pun intended,” he blurted out with a nervous laugh.

I got up enough to look at him and saw he was smiling just a little. If we both want this, then it’s just a matter of if it happens here now or in our quarters later.

I could see that when I’d gotten up on my side his eyes had gone to my hardon, now visible, and they’d widened in appreciation. “My eyes are up here, Haynes,” I said with a smirk.

He flicked his eyes up to me but looked back at my cock. Licking his lips he said, “Yeah.”

“Is that, ‘Yeah, we will do this, either here now or later’ or is it, ‘Yeah I know your eyes are up there, but that fuckrod on you is too damn good to lose sight of!’?” I asked, boldly teasing him.

He turned and looked me in the eye with an intent gaze. “Both,” he said simply, in a low-pitched voice.

“My choice?” I asked, knowing the answer.

He looked like he didn’t understand my question, pausing long enough that I almost clarified it. Then his face slowly went to a dirty grin. “Captain, if you told me to assume the position out on the Place de la Concorde at ten hundred, I’d be there, my six greased and smiling as I awaited you!” Him using our vernacular for our butts – our “six” somehow went right to my nuts. Nothing like a brother turning on a brother!

I shivered, and my cock throbbed, and I knew a glob of precum accompanied that throb. “You always sweet talk officers like that so they’ll fuck you?” I asked, in the same low, slow delivery with which he’d made his declaration.

“Yeah, but only when they’re hot-as-hell, tennis-playing, horse-hung marine captains,” he said with a laugh. “Is it working?”

I looked down at my hardon and the wet spot on the sheeting. “Uh, I think we can confirm that,” I said when I looked back into his intense green eyes, quiet and direct.

“Good!” I snapped, causing him to jolt when I said it. “When something works, don’t change it!”

“Keep it simple, stupid?” he said.

I laughed. “Exactly, marine!”

He slowly reached out and was almost to my cock with his fingertips when I laid down hard, and he pulled his hand back. “Let’s opt for later, my quarters,” I said to his frown. “After I buy you dinner.”

“You don’t have to–“

“I want to . . . if you will have dinner with me that is. Or we could compromise and have dinner after I ball you senseless!” That was fair, right? Give him some workable choices.

His frown had gone neutral when I’d said I wanted to have dinner with him, but the alternative had him grinning. “I like the second option, sir,” he said quietly.

“Then that’s the plan, marine!” I stated as if it was a command.

“SIR, yes, SIR!” he mocked me.

“Save the sir for that, uh, more intimate setting!”

He grinned and put his hand on my ass, and gently held it there while I relaxed into the table, allowing me to have time to adjust my angry, throbbing hardon under me but also waiting until he felt me under his control again. Bill, Jr. was NOT happy with me at all that he was going to have to wait.

“Why don’t we get you relaxed again?” he said, beginning to massage my lower back slowly but firmly.

“Mmmmmm. Not that it’s got a great feeling, but if by ‘relax’ you meant relax my hardon, I’m afraid that he doesn’t give up so easily,” I said with a muffled chuckle, my face in the doughnut-shaped rest on the table. “And the feel of your amazing hands alone would reignite my jets.”

With that he began massaging my ass again, the seemingly endless plane of the heel of his hands swiping from my balls between my legs along up my crack and teasing my hole with his fingers with each pass. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I moaned, long and meaningfully, again and again.

It was hypnotic and exciting, both simultaneously. He took some of the pressure off by beginning to work my quads and hams again, but he continued the long swipes over my buzzing sac and up my crack at intervals, too.

Haynes worked both of my glutes and hams and then my glutes again, and when I was a mass of buzzing nerves but very subdued marine flesh, he worked his way up my back, giving my lower back a long workout which had me almost unconscious, I was so relaxed. He worked up my broad back and seemed to have magic relaxer rays in his touch, and every muscle was relaxed there before he moved on to my arm.

I was floating and relaxed, and my hardon had – not without some persistence – finally quieted down to semi status under me as he worked down my arm to my palm and fingers. When he finished with my right arm, he gently laid my completely inert arm at my side and gently let his hand trail up and across my shoulders as he made his way to my left arm and worked the same magic as he had on my other.

I think I was moaning at almost no volume as he worked, not hearing the sound of myself, but hearing his breathing and the gentle rustle of his scrubs. When he trailed his hand up my arm and moved around again, I thought it would be over – with great regret but almost no energy to express it.

Haynes went to a side counter, and I heard him squirt something and then heard him washing his hands with whatever it was, then I heard him wiping them with a towel. I knew I was moments away from being sent back on my way. My body was craving his touch, the non-sexual massaging he’d been doing was now my need.

I thought briefly how great his tight little body would feel in my grasp tonight, and my thoughts transferred those talented hands to my flesh again in my mind, knowing how good they’d feel on my raging cock and nuts. I’d make good use of his skills, addressing the area of me he had wanted to earlier and I’d stopped him – one of us had to in that venue, his duty station.

I started when his hands were on me again suddenly, despite his touch being very gentle on my head. “Don’t lose that relaxation, captain,” he said softly, beginning to massage my scalp.

I was instantly subdued again – his touch was that good – and I’d relaxed every muscle without realizing it. I couldn’t remember ever having anyone rub my head – my BIG head! – that way before . . . and it felt amazing. He worked my entire scalp and my neck, and I felt like a dog, wanting to push my head into his hands, craving more and more. “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,” I hummed in abject contentment.

When he moved forward a bit to work my shoulders, his hands were clean and lotion-free, so his touch was less massage than gentle strokes, which were erotic but hypnotic. But counteracting the hypnotic relaxation was another sensation – a definitely hard cock in his pants rubbing against the top of my head when he reached lower on my shoulders and had to lean into me. He wasn’t grinding against me – not at all – but I wished he was!

I felt my arousal return at racing speed, and I finally couldn’t lay still anymore, despite my continued moans of enjoyment of the relaxation of his strokes. I began to lift my head to turn into his hardon, intending to let him rub it in my face.

But Haynes gently pushed my head down, and he leaned down close to my ear. “We really should leave that until later. Sorry, I hope I didn’t ruin your state of relaxation.”

He hadn’t, actually, despite my raging bone again demanding its due. My body felt more relaxed than it usually did when I woke up from a great, long sleep. And he was right, as I’d been earlier – this wasn’t the place, and we’d already made a date for later.

“Thank you,” I said with many meanings and with full intent.

“My pleasure, captain,” Haynes said, backing away in a position that he could enjoy the sight of me, as I saw when I turned and started to get myself up. He very obviously was sporting a hardon – a huge one, as so many “little guys” seem to have – in his pants, and he was smiling at me, making no attempt to hide it.

I took my time moving my body up and sitting on the side of the massage table for a minute or two, my knees wide, my big balls hanging between, my cock jutting out toward him. Haynes never took his eyes off me, though he made many obviously-approving appraisal sweeps over my entire body with his searing gaze . . . as I’d intended.

“What time are you off duty, corporal?”

Despite the softness of my tone, he seemed to snap to almost attention at being addressed with his rank, probably just reflex given my rank versus his. I was sorry I’d chosen my words that way, but in the very quick thought I’d put into the phrasing of the question before I’d uttered it, since I only knew his last name, it seemed odd to ask a man what time he’d come to my quarters to get fucked by addressing him by his last name. Marines weren’t known for our smooth articulation!

“SIR, eighteen hundred, SIR!” he responded formally, his eyes now glued to mine instead of to my body.

I got onto my feet, sad for the lack of his stare as my muscles, hardon and sac all rolled and bounced as I did the little jump. I really did feel awesome, my leg still sore, but nothing like it had been. “Anytime after that, then,” I offered, not knowing how long it would take him to clean up and be ready for the fuck of his life.

“Eighteen-thirty, sir,” he confirmed, a bit less formally. “O quarters?”

I gave him the coordinates address of my quarters and told him how to get in from the inside of the complex without having to pass the guard, in case he would be hesitant. There was no reason for him to be, but just in case. I also told him I felt awesome and put out my hand in thanks.

As Haynes shook my hand, he put his other hand up and held mine in both of his. “We’ll both feel better later tonight,” he promised with a smile.

I returned his smile, retrieved my hand, gave him a long head-to-foot look, then I retrieved my uniform and left for the showers. ? Part 2 / End

At 1839 a soft knock at the door of my quarters had me stopping my pacing and making a beeline for the door. He was even cuter than before, wearing khaki slacks and a green shirt that was roughly the shade of his eyes. He was grinning up at me, just standing there, until I realized I was filling the doorway. I stood to the side, and as he walked in past me he deliberately brushed against me. That was all it took.

I caught that little hottie around the waist and pulled him to me as I heard the door shut on its spring behind me. Haynes had one hand on my crotch feeling the hardon that has been there throbbing while I paced and waited for him to show up, and his other hand had an overflowing handful of my balls. He was grinning mischievously up at me.

“You better be ready to be fucked like you’ve never been fucked,” I growled down, meeting his shit-eating grin.

“And how would you know how I’ve been fucked before?” he taunted, rubbing my huge hardon and squeezing my balls in a way he couldn’t possibly know I loved.

I hissed at his grip on my nuts and thrust into his dual grips on me. “Yeah, stud,” he said, “I knew those bull-sized balls of yours could take some attention!”

With that I couldn’t take it anymore, and I bent over quickly and hefted him over my shoulder – the tried and true fireman carry – which earned me a loud “FUCK YEAH!” from him, and I had him the few steps to my bedroom in no time. When we got in there I felt his hardon – his BIG hardon – against my shoulder, and when I let him down I was careful to steady him by my big hand on his crotch as I lowered him to the edge of my bed.

Without being told, he had his hands at my belt and pants waist, and he had me open and out and his mouth stretched around me before I could steady my legs and get a good stance. Or maybe it was the way his hot, wet mouth sucked me in halfway without any effort, and the way he was sucking me and gripping my low-hanging bullnuts that had my legs weak.

I took a good grip on his head and decided to go with the blowjob, pulling his head down farther with every in-stroke. “OMMMMMGMMMMMMMMMMHHHHHHHHHH FFRRRRRRRRRUUUUGGGGG MMMYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMHHHHHHHHHH!” he exclaimed as I pushed his limits.

He gagged and sputtered . . . and kept sucking just as hard and deep and kept working at it until he finally got my huge cockhead past his choking point and into his throat. He gave out a loud but completely unintelligible cry, which I took as victory, and I held his head there and GROUND my groin into his face, loving the feel of his throat tight around my throbbing veiny shaft and pulsing head. It could have been that he was about to vomit I realized and finally let him pull back, which he did quickly enough that I knew I’d pushed a bit too far. Yet after a gasp and a quick swipe across his chin to catch the copious drool, he was back on me again, this time forcing himself onto me and taking me all the way again.

Haynes apparently knew what he liked, and he reached with the hand that had been pulling my ass toward his face and found my hand resting on his shoulder and put it hard against his head. Yeah . . . he liked being skull-fucked. It would have been inhospitable to refuse a guest, now wouldn’t it?

So I went to work face-fucking that hot boy, holding his head in a tight grip, enjoying all the sounds of eager pleasure he made as much as the sounds of him choking and gasping for breath. THEN he started pulling on my sac and squeezing my balls and rubbing them, and I knew he was in it to win it.

“Haynes,” I panted, “If you do that much more, you’re going to make me cum just like that.”

“MMMFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” he growled around my cock, sending my nerve endings farther into orbit as he sucked harder and worked my nuts more. Well, what the fuck anyway – no problem going more than once here, and he wanted it, and I had the advantage of knowing I was clean . . .

That was my last coherent thought, as my balls erupted more suddenly than I’d ever cum in my life, and skyrockets burst in my head and throughout my body. I had his head SHOVED into my groin and held him there TIGHT while I began to unload down his throat. “OH FUCK YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! You fucking wanted it now heeeeeeerrrrrrreeeeeeeeee ittttttttttttt cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmms!” I shouted.

Haynes gulped and squirmed and moaned with every shot, struggling, but not desperately, as I unloaded what felt like about a quart of seed down his throat. Then he really was struggling, and I let go of my vise grip on his head, and he pulled back and inhaled a long gasp of air! “Sorry,” I told him as he caught his breath.

“NO!” he gasped, still catching his breath and licking his lips. “FUCK!” he panted. “That. Was. Fucking. AWESOME!” he sputtered out through gasps and pants.

OH YEAH – this boy was fucking HOT! I had him under his arms, pulled him to his feet, had his pants open and then pulled them down enough to get a good grip, shoved him back onto his butt and back on the bed and pulled his pants down to his sneakers and got those off, not particularly gracefully, but effectively. He yanked off his shirt and threw it as I got out of my shoes and pants which had my ankles trapped before.

My huge, demanding hardon was waving in front of me as I yanked my own shirt over my head and flung it, and when I looked down after that, Haynes had his ankles high and wide, gripping them to make himself open to me. FUCK that was HOT!

I dove on him and had his huge hardon in my mouth, returning the favor. He was huge for a guy his size – hell he would have been huge for a guy six feet! His cock was wet at the tip when I first took it in, and the taste of him stoked me need and kept my hardon at full attention and ready for repeat action.

I throated that monster like the cocksucking champ I am, and I deliberately let my drool run down around his root and into his crack. Using my spit to ease the breach, I had my long middle finger fully inside him and was adding a second, all the while sucking him as eagerly as he’d worked me.

Haynes was moaning and crying out, particularly when my two big fingers were inside him and I jabbed his prostate the first time. “OH JESUS FUCK!!!!!” he shouted. So I did it again and got a “OH FUCK STTTOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!” Not exactly what I was expecting.

He was clawing and clutching at my head and trying to wriggle his ass away off my fingers. WHAT THE FUCK? I pulled off his cock and let it slap wetly against his groin and abs and looked up at him. “What?”

“FUCK, captain, I want the first time I cum for you to be when you FUCK it out of me . . . with that massive fuckweapon you call a cock! That’s the way I want to cum . . . at least the first time!”

Part of me wanted to show him who was in control – the reflex of an alpha top with a HOT bitch in my bed who needed to be reminded who was who. But the other part of me – my cock and nuts, which were clearly in control – were saying OH FUCK YES!

I held his gaze for a moment, until I saw his resolve waiver to uncertainty as to whether he’d ruin the moment. Then, satisfied that I’d proved my point of control – or deluded into thinking I had! – I dove tongue first into that hole and began spitting him full of drool lube and tongue-fucking him.

“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!” he cried and pulled his legs back to his chest to get his hole open to me more than it was already. He was grinding into my face and moaning and exclaiming, and I just kept working that hole, loving the way his assmuscle grabbed my tongue, feeling him loosen but also controlled and clenching, knowing how that hot mancunt of his would feel wrapped around my thrusting cock.

“PPPPPlllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIITT FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEE!” he finally yelped, and I got in position.

I had him on his back, his face and torso full of sweat, his ankles in my grip, pulled up and wide, and I was teasing his hole with my dripping cockhead. I was pushing against him, rubbing my slimy cockhead around his hole, pushing enough but not quite enough and, basically, making him crazy. He was doing his best to push back against my cock, his fists clenched in the blanket on my bed, attempting to leverage himself onto my cock, but I just wouldn’t let him.

Haynes was whimpering and panting and begging and all the while staring straight into my eyes. “C’mon!” he finally yelled in frustrated need. So I pushed harder, and that got me an “OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” as I pushed past his stubbornly tight ring and felt my big dickhead punch into him. “AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” he yelled, trying like crazy to force himself to breathe and relax.

I gave him a moment to get used to it, but I didn’t read him wrong when I pushed again while his ass was still clenching around me trying to push me out. “OHHHHHHHHHHHH GGGOOOOOOODDDDDDDD!” he cried as I pushed into him, knowing that he wasn’t ready but also knowing he wanted it. And then when I was half in I got a “YYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” from him as he thrashed his head side to side.

So I gave a final, fast shove, and my nine-plus inches was balls-deep in him, only the sound of his gasp resonating now. “Yeah, that’s what you wanted isn’t it?” I said down to him.

His eyes snapped open again and bored into mine. “You. Gonna talk?” he panted, “Or. You. Gonna fuck. Me?” he got out, his stare defiant. And in case I didn’t get the point he ground his ass around a little harder against me.

“GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!” I honestly roared and began pulling out and stopped just when my huge cockhead had his hole stretched wider and was about to plop out. Then I SHOVED it back in balls-deep HARD and FAST.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” was all I got from him as his eyes rolled back and his ass was filled with me again . . . and again, as my thrusts were now something I couldn’t stop if I wanted to.

Haynes’ ass was like a tight, hot, wet vise around my cock, and I felt my nuts responding way too soon. I forced my thoughts away from the heaven in that hole and to combat and casualties, all the while pounding that little fucker mercilessly.

For Haynes’ part, he went between long, pleasure-filled cries to demands to fuck him harder, deeper, faster. And he fucked back into my thrusts like a champ. He still had his death grip on my blankets, and his face was more grimace than grin, but he met my gaze often and fully when he did.

He was so small that it was easy to vary things by pulling his ass up higher by pulling his ankles up higher, and I was still on my knees but now fucking into him from less of a downward angle when I hit his prostate the first time. “YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” he hissed when I did, and his body jolted, and his ass clenched HARD on me. That felt pretty fucking good, so I started jackhammering that nub and enjoyed his writhing and spasms under and around me as I assaulted that spot of his.

Haynes’ cock had dripped enough pre on his abs that it was running down his sides and up toward his pecs because of the way I had his ass high in the air. It was so fucking hot! And his cock was twitching with each contact with his prostate, and he was bucking and thrashing around so much I almost didn’t notice when his balls pulled so tight I couldn’t even see them anymore.

“OHFUCKOHFUCKOHFUCKOHFUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!” he shouted, and then he was thrashing so wildly it was yanking my thrusting cock around. And his load began to shoot HARD down on his face, neck and basically all over him.

And the spasms around my cock and the sight of his cum shooting like a fire launcher had me over the edge the second time with him, and I began pumping my seed into him amid my own shouts . . . and his of appreciation. I’d shot twice when he pulled himself up by grabbing his calves and got his hand around my neck and pulled me down as my head thrashed in my own throes of release, and he clamped his lips against mine, holding us together there, kissing me and sucking my tongue and face as his ass sucked my seed.

When I’d finally stopped blasting, we were still kissing, and I let go of his ankles. His legs fell, and I wrapped him in my arms and continued the kiss. We were panting now, and just as clumsy in the kiss as we had been when both our bodies were spasming and writhing through our climaxes, just now it was our sweaty chests heaving against each other.

Haynes finally broke the kiss gently and pushed his forehead against mine, his embrace around my neck tighter – he didn’t want to let go. And for a marine who didn’t usually kiss, I not only didn’t want to let him go, I wanted more of his lips and tongue and mouth! “You were right,” he said quietly.

I felt his breath from his words against the sweat on my neck and collar bone. I had no idea what he was talking about, though. “What was I right about?”

“I’ve never been fucked like that before,” he said with a giggle.

A FUCKING GIGGLE? This little shit! “You think that’s funny? There’s plenty more where that came from, marine, IF you’re man enough to take it!”

I pulled away from him and held him so I could look at him and saw his grin. Of course he was, and that’s exactly what he wanted! He just grinned at me as I processed who was in control of what, my softening cock stopping it’s decline and making ready all over again, still inside the sexual Eden that was his ass.

“I’m going to need plenty of therapy if I’m going to be able to walk right again,” he finally said, his grin all the more evil.

“By therapy—“

“You know EXACTLY what I mean by ‘therapy’, captain!” he barked. My cock was almost back to as hard as it was when we started, and he wriggled his ass and let himself fall from my grip and back onto the bed. “You OBVIOUSLY know what I mean,” he said up to me, bringing his feet up and planting them on my pecs and giving my cock a squeeze with his assmuscles for good measure.

I saw when he squeezed my cock that he winced. “How about,” I started, and I lowered myself over him until he brought his legs out, and I could come down right on top of him, “We give ourselves a little time to enjoy what we just did before we do it again?” I asked. And before he could answer I planted my lips on his, wrapped my arms around him and kissed him this time . . . a long, deeply passionate swirl of tongue and brushing of lips and a bite or two . . .

“Damn, captain,” he said when I finally let his lips free and retracted my tongue.

He was DAMN cute, there grinning up at me. “I’m Bill,” I said, looking down at him and feeling like I’d told him my most intimate secret as I gazed at him, full of desire and full of pleasure and full of intent for much more of both.”

“Jonathan,” he said. “Jon to my friends.”

“Am I a friend?” I asked.

“OH SHIT YEAH I sure as hell hope so!” he laughed.

We kissed again, and we talked in short questions and answers in between, and then kissed some more.

Somehow it got to be twenty-one hundred, and we’d fucked again and had settled afterward to where I was on my side and he was in my arms little-spooning back against me wrapped in my arms. The air in my bedroom was full of our sweat and sex, and it was better than any aroma ever! I was still inside him, still hard, but in no hurry. There would be plenty more – of all of this – but right now I was starving. Licking his tasty cumloads off him wasn’t going to do it for dinner, just like my first load down his gullet wasn’t going to do it for him.

“Shower and that dinner I promised you,” I said simply. He was quiet, and I didn’t think he’d fallen asleep. “Jon?”

By way of acknowledgment Jon clenched his strong arms against mine and held himself even closer against me. “I like this too much,” he confessed quietly.

“Not TOO much,” I corrected, and he twisted his head uncomfortably to look at me. “Just as much as I do,” I answered his unspoken question.

Jon’s face beamed, and I felt awesome for it. This was supposed to be a dirty little fuck with a dirty little fucker who’d teased me up and got taught a lesson. And maybe that had been what we’d done, but here I was and here he was, and both of us were pushing out at those parameters. I was thinking how much I’d enjoy being at dinner with him . . . talking to him, getting to know more about him, knowing irrationally that I’d love everything I found out about him, knowing I’d bed half-hard if not more the whole dinner because I knew we’d come back and fuck more . . .

“I appreciate it,” stopped my brain’s like-overload for Jon.

“You appreciate it?” I asked.

“You saying that, Bill. But I know what this was, and it’s my stupid head – the big one – going off on a tangent here and—“

“STOP!” I commanded, too forcefully because it shook him. “Let’s get one thing straight here – we can play and tease and go at each other in every way that makes us HOT and gets us off; but I NEVER lie and would never say something that would lead you on. I meant exactly what I said, Jon.”

He squirmed around until he was facing me – never lost my gaze doing so – and he put his hand up and gently caressed the side of my face. Tentatively he raised up and closed his eyes, and I bent down and met his lips, and we kissed . . . again . . . gently this time, but equally as passionately as we had before when were still blasting our nutloads or fucking hard into each other . . . or both. When it was over he put his head back and looked at me, his beautiful green eyes a little wetter than before.

My heart raced, and a part of my thoughts were telling me to back off, run, that this was just a hookup – and one with another marine stationed where I was, which was NOT good! – and what the fuck did I think I was doing anyway! But the most of me felt not only sexually stupendous but also like there might be something for me here . . . with Jon. If nothing else, the sex was GREAT, and he fit well in my big arms! Laughing a little to myself I just shook my head.

“What’s so funny?”

Then I really laughed. “Well, ya see,” I started, wondering if I should tell him or not. But I was in his spell apparently, and my brain was not in control, and I spilled out how I got the injury more explicitly than I had when I’d seen him in the therapy room – the aggressive tennis with the hot French guy, the aggressive sex with the hot French guy and the kicker that made me laugh. “I thought at the time the sex wasn’t that great with him. But if none of that had happened, I wouldn’t have ended up naked on your massage table today. And if I hadn’t ended up naked on your massage table –“

“My ass wouldn’t feel like I’d been fucked by a tree trunk!” he finished with a smile.

I laughed with him. “That bad?”

“That GOOOOOOD!” he said with a wink. “Now – about that dinner."


40 Gay Erotic Stories from Billyc

A Massage To Remember

Last week - Hilton Head. Was there on biz, and part of the resort's deal for the attendees was spa certs. So I figured wtf and booked a massage. Requested a masseur not a masseuse cuz being a gay man just more comfortable being skin out with men. Handsome late 20s very str8 looking/acting deep-voiced hot-bodied baseball player type. But I figured shit I wish he wasn't so hot because no

A Week Into The Marine's New Life With The Lawyer

A Week Into The New Life Of The Marine And The Attorney“Have a great day, babe,” the hunky, hairy and very well-fucked attorney who now shared my life said in my ear as he hugged me tight and kissed me on the neck.Day nine for us, and it’s probably absurd to hear a retired marine colonel gush about being in love, even more so about falling head over heels at first sight (ok, to be fair,

After the Picnic

Jim, my dark-haired, light-eyed furry musclehunk attorney and I sat eating omelets ravenously and naked at the bar in his incredible magazine-dream kitchen. We’d worked up a major appetite over the previous several hours after meeting at a company picnic. He’d brought me home, and we’d sucked and I’d fucked his brains out, and over again a few times with a shower fuck thrown in between when

Another Massage

The work function which was going to ruin my weekend came with two perks. One was that we were at a really fabulous resort on the west coast and the other was the roommate I’d been assigned was an incredibly hot Navy captain I’d met and had to work to concentrate to speak intelligently. Destined for frustration, sure; but great eye candy!We also had to check in on Thursday afternoon, the

CORRECTED VERSION - The Marine, The Attorney And The Voyeur Yard Man

“See something you like?” His deep voice and warm breath on the back of my neck added to my state of arousal. My hunky husband put his big strong hands on my broad sweat-slick shoulders and ran his hands down over my sweaty bare chest to my nipples as he pushed his hard chest and thighs against me and pulled me back into him tighter. “Not bad scenery on the worst of days, Counselor, but

Dinner and a Week

Dinner. A guy I had worked with a lot when he worked for one of our civilian mega-contractors as their liaison officer. Cameron Bennett. It had been a few years. Should I go? After all, it’s not like we’d kept in touch when he left the company. I think once I actually told him, when someone saw him when we were out for dinner and called him “CB” that it sounded like an old movie studio

From The NOT Brady Bunch To The Marines

“DUDE, your dick is either huge or you got some excitement in the shower!” my brand new Academy roommate said to me.We’d just moved in that day, both new cadets. The a/c wasn’t the best, and we’d worked up a sweat as we unpacked and arranged ourselves. Just after inspection I’d headed for the showers. Turner had flopped on his bunk, stripped to his briefs. He was that way when I returned

Generally Voyeuristic - Part 1 of 2

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!This is not an epic gay fairy tale. There is no happily ever after story, as I’ve now come to know is possible as at that late point in my life I’m living it. This is the story of a hot time . . . in fact a very hot time. If you’re up for some adult male fun, then enjoy. And if you’re a romantic or relationshipist (as I like to call the men who don’t seem to have the

Generally Voyeuristic - Part 2 of 2

THIS IS THE SECOND PART OF A FULL STORY. IF YOU HAVEN’T READ GENERALLY VOYEURISTIC PART 1, PLEASE DO SO BEFORE READING HERE (AS THE HOT PARTS ARE IN PART 1 ANYWAY!).* * * * * * * * * SPOILER ALERT!!!!!This is not an epic gay fairy tale. There is no happily ever after story, as I’ve now come to know is possible as at that late point in my life I’m living it. This is the story of

Hookup (not a true Marine/Lawyer story - just fun fiction)

[This is my first attempt at fiction. It’s based extremely loosely on a true story told to me by my husband about an encounter he had with a famous man over twenty years ago, but it’s really not that story at all. There will be more about him and me and our real life and romance, but for some reason I felt the need to create rather than to recount . . . at least just this one. Hope you enjoy it.

Major Hot

I was posted to the newly created MCSOCOM as it evolved and then MARSOC under the commander at Camp Lejeune. To say Camp Lejeune was a comedown after being at NATO, the French Embassy and some really choice duties would be an epic understatement. On the other hand, to be back in a combat unit was exactly where I wanted to be! And my team wasn’t sitting on the bench much, so the off-times we

Marine Meets The Parents

Jim, my lawyer boyfriend, and I sailed through another week together. I was all but moved into his beautiful beach house which him and his 19 year old son, Perry, who was home from college for the summer. My condo was very useful, however, as it was about fifteen minutes from my office and ten from Jim’s. If you’ve already guessed that we had a few “lunch dates” you’d be right.Friday was

Not Exactly The Brady Bunch Part 2

This is the second part of a series. The first part is not eligible to be uploaded to this site. If anybody is interested in Part 1, email me.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My eighteenth birthday was on a Wednesday. My mom and my stepfather were both out of town on business. They’d asked if it was OK with me since the

Not Exactly The Brady Bunch Part 3

When I was 20 and in the Academy, my older step-brother Cain came to town for business. Cain had finally gotten a job of his dreams – or secondary dreams, given his first had been to be a pro baseball player, and that hadn’t happened for him – and was on the player personnel staff for a major league baseball team that was in Baltimore for a weekend of games. Cain’s father, my stepfather,


Chapter 1 – Long FlightI snuck a look – AGAIN – at the hot guy in the boring off-the-rack suit sitting in the aisle seat to my right. Mmmm mmmm good. The uber-sexy body which I’d noticed when he boarded after me and was maneuvering around getting himself and his stuff situated. That bod moving in his off-the-rack blended weave suit slacks which weren’t made for an ass like that, nor was


It was unseasonably hot for Memorial Day weekend – high eighties, humidity higher than normal and making it feel like mid-90s. The almost-hurricane off the coast was signaling is imminent arrival.The picnic was in full tilt. There were well over 300 people enjoying the food, the sports activities, the pool and the beach at the defunct beach club my company had rented for this Saturday

Roger That, Marine!

Sunday tennis with an equally non-penitent recovering Catholic like me. It was a frequent ritual and a bit of a private joke among us that tennis was our version of worship. It was like that with Ames and me, at least since we’d both retired from the Marines at roughly the same time. Oh, yeah, and for roughly the same reason. But that’s another story.This Sunday was the beginning of

The Light Colonel Sweats

I was posted to MCSOCOM (it was to evolve later to MARSOC) under the commander at Camp Lejeune. I’d gotten used to having my home base being the shithole we affectionately (and realistically) called “Camp Swampy” after having most recently transferred from duty at NATO and before that the US Embassy in Paris. Camp Swampy, as sultry and unsophisticated (I almost wrote ‘uncivilized’!) as it was,

The Marine And The Attorney - After the Picnic Day 2

We had more than a quickie in the shower. In fact, what started out as him on his knees blowing me as the multiple jets streamed steamy-hot water over both of us ended up being one of the hottest slamfucks we’d had, him against the tiles with his one leg up on a step and my cock reaming him balls deep as hard as I could without both of us slipping and killing ourselves in the shower. My arm was

The Marine And Then Attorney Get Hitched

My (now) husband’s big hand on my sweaty arm brought my consciousness up a few levels from the sun and surf induced reverie I was in. “How does it feel, Bill?” Jim asked in a husky voice from the lounge next to mine. He rubbed my arm just enough to send an electric shock through my body, squarely landing in my balls, as his touch always did. “You keep doing that and everyone out here will

The Marine Answers THE QUESTION

We were sitting there, both cross-legged, naked, on the bed in my condo, where I didn’t live any longer, after another mind-blowing fucksession. My lover/partner of fifty-five days (I didn’t know the number of days at that point, but I knew it was both new and also that it was amazingly wonderful) Jim, my hunky, hairy, muscular, dark, sexy, smart, loving, exciting,

The Marine Claims A Straight One

“Hey bud, haven’t seen you for a while now; didn’t know you were back,” the sweating stud in the white sweat-soaked sweatshirt with the arms cut out to show off his massive shoulder caps, biceps and triceps said to me, his blonde-furred muscular forearm out to shake hands.Of course I’d seen him the second I entered the gym floor. I’d fought the urge to pop a bone right then and there with the

The Marine Gets A Life . . . maybe

“Jesus Christ I’m sore, Bill,” my sexy new man said, as we headed to the shower. We both stunk of sex. My cum was running down his thigh out of his freshly fucked ass, as his thick muscular furry legs rippled and pumped in front of me as we headed down the hall, and his fuzzy ass-globes bounced. My cock was rock-hard again just watching those mounds of pleasure – and all of him – and that

The Marine Gets THE QUESTION

“YEAH!” my partner Jim’s nineteen-year-old son yelled and pumped his fist in the air after he caught me off my feet with a perfect shot to the baseline just out of reach of my desperately outstretched racket.“Good shot,” I called to Perry across the net. “Forty fifteen,” I called, reminding him he’d been a shot away from losing that game and the set and the match before that last-gasp shot.

The Marine Heads For The Aisle

“Hey, Co-Dad, can I talk to you about something?” My partner (and soon-to-be husband, which positively blows my mind, but then again, even having a wildly hot partner whom I love to and with and from the depths of my being blows my mind), Jim, has a buoyant, brilliant, beautiful (and often bawdy) nineteen year-old son, Perry, who has taken to calling me “Co-Dad”. It made me uncomfortable at

The Marine Meets the Green-Eyed Monster

I was fucking Jim brutally – every stroke HARD, slamming into him. My sweat was flying every time our bodies collided, my huge horsecock relentlessly pounding into his fuckchute. His shouts were louder than ever before, and I had my sweaty jockstrap stuffed in his mouth to muffle him as much as I could, his arms restrained behind him by my hands.“You think that musclebitch at the gym could

The Marine Settles In

I awoke hard, startled. Jim was sound asleep still. I could see by lifting my arm around him enough that it was ten-forty-one. The lawnmower was going out in the back.Jim had been up earlier, as had I. We’d had a wild night – well, no wilder than usual, but since it was Friday night and no work today, a few more times – of sex and play. When we’d gotten up in the We as usual we couldn’t

The Marine Skinny Dips (and Puts On A Show!)

It had been a long and stressful workday. Hell, the three days this week had all been long and stressful. And for no apparent reason, the traffic northeast out to the coast where I was now living in my boyfriend’s lavish home was nightmarish. Twelve hours at the office, starting at six; almost an hour in so leaving at just after five; and then almost an hour and a half coming home. UGH!

The Marine Sweats At Dawn

The Marine Sweats At Dawn.I awoke at 05:35 with a raging hardon, right out of the middle of a HOT dream about my even hotter former French Canadian lover, JP (Jean-Pierre), whom I’d seen the year before again while on a trip back to Paris. JP was about the only recurring stud who visited me in my dreams, his ass always needing another slam-fucking, always his hot swimmer’s body inviting

The Marine's Hamstring Gets A Hot Medic Strung Out - Part 1

I’d got to the medical suite about twenty minutes before the time the doctor had set up for me with his medic who did physical therapy, and the nurse had told me to go from the medical suite in the embassy office building to the gym – in the men’s locker room there was a therapy room, and that was where I was to wait. I went into the small, windowless room – there were some workspaces around the

The Marine's Hamstring Gets A Hot Medic Strung-Out - Part 2/end

At 1839 a soft knock at the door of my quarters had me stopping my pacing and making a beeline for the door. He was even cuter than before, wearing khaki slacks and a green shirt that was roughly the shade of his eyes. He was grinning up at me, just standing there, until I realized I was filling the doorway. I stood to the side, and as he walked in past me he deliberately brushed against me.

The Marine's Hamstring Gets a Hot Medic Strung-Out Part 2

I’d got to the medical suite about twenty minutes before the time the doctor had set up for me with his medic who did physical therapy, and the nurse had told me to go from the medical suite in the embassy office building to the gym – in the men’s locker room there was a therapy room, and that was where I was to wait. I went into the small, windowless room – there were some workspaces around the

The Marine, His PTSD, The Gunnery Sergeant And His Son – Part 1

The Marine, His PTSD, The Gunnery Sergeant And His Son – Part 1I’d just been cycled back stateside after a traumatic deployment, first to Kuwait, then to Iraq. It was my first combat mission, which I’d done everything I could to get. Chalk that up to the arrogant stupidity of my youth.I was welcomed home with open arms, had a great posting and had been promoted. “Captain Cate” had a

The Marine, His PTSD, The Gunnery Sergeant And His Son – Part 2 / Conclusion

I contentedly lay in Ron’s bed after we’d fucked ourselves out, the cords of his muscular arms comfortingly holding me tight, and his chest hair, sweaty and cummy from his forceful eruption, soft against the side of my face. The rise and fall of his of his pecs as he breathed served to lull me into near-sleep. I drifted in his sweaty embrace, inhaling the smell of our sex.I felt safe . . .

The Marine, The Attorney And The Voyeur Yard Man - Deux

We were in Jim’s big, sporty BMW on our way home together, leaving the District. He was driving, as was his preference, though I’d driven in from my office at the Pentagon to pick him up. “Oh, and Clancy called to confirm that his guys delivered the bricks and sent some photographs for me to confirm he’d delivered what we’d chosen.” He picked up his Galaxy 3 off the console and handed it across

The Marine, The Attorney And The Voyeur Yard Man - Part 3

When we woke after our post-fuck(s) nap, it was the middle of the morning. I couldn’t remember the last time we’d slept in until nearly ten. Oh, right – we never had! Sure we were up fucking from just after five until nearly eight, but still, it wasn’t like us to oversleep. Jim held me tight against him, even though we were both awake. “I meant what I said, Bill,” he said, almost

The Marine, The Attorney And The Voyeur Yard Man - Part 4 Oh And The Contractor

I still awoke at dawn despite having fucked, sucked, showered, cuddled and repeated a few times the night and wee hours of the morning before we finally slept . . . some. Jim was sleeping soundly, his almost imperceptible snores, as always, sending bolts of electricity straight to my balls. I had my arm around him, my nose to his neck, and I could smell the sex despite several showers, a

The Marine, The Attorney And The Voyeur Yard Man And The Contractor - Part 5

I still awoke at dawn despite having fucked, sucked, showered, cuddled and repeated a few times the night and wee hours of the morning before we finally slept . . . some. Jim was sleeping soundly, his almost imperceptible snores, as always, sending bolts of electricity straight to my balls. I had my arm around him, my nose to his neck, and I could smell the sex despite several showers, a

The Naive Marine Lieutenant Plays With The NFL

I was on leave and had caught transport to the first place I could find with sun. Turned out to be Tampa. I went to the Grand Hyatt and sort of crashed the pool. OK, I totally crashed it. I wasn’t a checked-in guest, and had no hope of being one on my budget, but I thought the pool would be a great place to enjoy some sun. I was right about that. Not only was there plenty of sun, but there

The Young Marine Takes To The Courts

I was a captain stationed at the American Embassy in Paris when I was twenty-five. I had been assigned to the Ambassador’s personal staff, and he and his wife had taken a liking to me right off. They were going to be attending Wimbledon that year as a guest of one of the Queen’s cousins, the Duke of Kent, with whom the ambassador had served on a UN peace-keeping mission in Cyprus. The

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