Gay Erotic Stories

Me and my Brother

by Tom1091

My brother and I have always been close. We literally did everything together. He was a few years older than me, though it didn't matter much to us. My name is Eric and my brother is Dylan. I'm shorter with blonde hair and Dylan is tall with brown hair.

Over the years we spent together i developed a crush on him but I thought it was innocent. I'd sneak peeks of him in the shower or when he changed. We shared a room and he usually slept in tight fitting underwear that left nothing to the imagination. Then when i turned 18 and finished high school, he started sleeping naked sometimes. i went to bed with a boner almost every night.

I was going to the same college as Dylan, but we weren't roommates. Dylan was helping me move into my new place, which gave me a chance to check out his bulging muscles. It was the hottest day of the year so we were both covered in sweat by the time we were done.

"Hey Eric, can i use your shower?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah sure, go ahead." I replied.

He went into the bathroom, but left the door open. I carefully crept to the door and peeked around the corner. His back was to me and his shirt was already off. He took his socks off and then dropped his jeans to the floor. He had such an amazing ass that were perfectly outlined by his briefs. He dropped his briefs and stepped into the shower. Standing to the side i could see his hairy muscled chest and his perfect cock and balls. His balls were huge and low hanging, but they were nothing compared to his cock which had to be 9 inches hard. I'd never seen it in the light before. I usually saw it when he jerked off at night when he thought i was sleeping. I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled my own cock out. My cock was about 8 inches and i was pretty proud of it. Dylan was soaping himself up and rubbing his body all over. then he started rubbing his cock and jerking it off. He turned my way and i instantly ducked behind the door. After a minute i leaned over to see where he was and I froze. He was standing only inches from me, dripping wet and rock hard. It was definitely over 9 inches.

" I-I-I'm sorry. I just-" He cut me off by motioning me to be quiet.

He stood there for a few seconds, then got really close so that we practically touching. Then he lowered his hand and grabbed my cock. I was in shock and I looked at him. He was just smiling at me like he always did. He leaned in and kissed me passionately. Without another word he lifted my shirt off of me, then my pants and the rest of my clothes. I was standing completely naked in front of him.

"Let's go wash up, you're still really sweaty."

He pulled me into the shower and started washing me up. After a few minutes, he turned me around and started working with my ass. I let a few moans escape as he played with my ass.

"I can't wait to put my cock in there." He said and smacked my ass.

Then he had me wash him up. I ran my hands over his hairy chest and played with his nipples.A few moans came from him as i worked them over. He turned off the water and forced me to my knees. I was head to head with his cock.

"Do you want this? If you don't we can stop this right now and never mention this again."

"I want this." I replied weakly.

"Once we get started, there's no backing out. Do you understand?"

"Yes i understand." He put his hands on the back of my head and guided it towards his cock. I opened my mouth and let him fuck my mouth. His thrusts were slow at first to get me used to his cock. I gagged a few times as he started going deeper. A few minutes later he began full-on face fucking me. It went on for what seemed like forever. Then he pulled out of my mouth and i gasped for breath.

"Not bad. Not many first-timers can take the face fucking i give."

"How do you know it's my first time?" I said with a hint of defiance.

"Well is it? I thought so."

"Now what?"

"Now we're going to dry off and continue this on the bed."

We dried off and then Dylan playfully shoved me down on the bed. Then he started sucking my cock. So many fantasies were coming true for me. He also sucked my balls which drove me crazy in the good way. After he was done, he raised my legs and started rimming my ass. I let out a groan of pure ecstasy. I'd never felt anything that good in my life and he knew it. He kept pushing his tongue deeper and deeper into my ass. When my hole was lubed up enough, he started pushing his cock inside me. I screamed and gripped the edge of the bed.

"Relax and just breath deeply." He said reassuringly.

He started thrusting in and i winced in pain as his massive cock penetrated my virgin ass,

"Virgin no longer." I thought to myself.

As i got used to it, i started stroking my cock. That must have been the signal for him to go faster because his did. Instead of feeling a burning pain, i felt a dull pleasure that made me want to get more. I lost all sense of time as he fucked me.

"Now flip over." He said and i obeyed without question.

My ass was in the air and was wet with his lube. He went balls deep on the first thrust and i yelled in shock. He pulled my hair back and used his other hand to cover my mouth as he mercilessly pounded my ass. My moans were lost in his hand and the sound of him slapping against my ass. The sound rhythmic and almost hypnotic. He let go of my hair and I collapsed onto the bed and let my screams be absorbed into the mattress. For what seemed like hours he pounded my ass until he pulled out and flipped me on my back.

"Now I'm going to cum on your face."

I nodded weakly and opened my mouth. He stroked his cock furiously and let out a long groan as he shot jets of cum on y face. It must have been 7 blasts of cum. Most of it landed in my mouth, and it tasted really good. What remained on my face he scooped up and dumped on my cock.

"Now you cum for me."

I stroked my cock and within seconds i shot my sizable load right into his waiting mouth.

"Wow that tastes really good."

"Your's does too,"

We cleaned up then laid back down on the bed.

"So where does this leave us?" I asked.

"Wherever you want. I've had a thing for you for a while now and i know you have a thing for me as well. Why do you think i started sleeping naked and jerking off so much after you turned 18?" We both laughed.

"Seriously though, we can do this stuff again if you want, or never again if you choose. I just saw an opportunity and took it."

"Oh we'll definitely be doing this again." I chuckled.

"Good, then I have more of an excuse to visit you. Let's get dressed and finish unpacking."

We got dressed, though Dylan suggested we swap underwear, which I thought was really hot. I went to sleep that night in my brother's underwear, which I never thought i would hear myself say.


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Tom1091

Me and my Brother

My brother and I have always been close. We literally did everything together. He was a few years older than me, though it didn't matter much to us. My name is Eric and my brother is Dylan. I'm shorter with blonde hair and Dylan is tall with brown hair.Over the years we spent together i developed a crush on him but I thought it was innocent. I'd sneak peeks of him in the shower or

My High School Crush part 1

this is a fictional story about a crush i had in high school. some names have been changed. all sexually active characters in this story are 18 years or older.I knew i was gay when i was 13. i was always more attracted to guys than girls. When i got into high school, my feelings towards guys intensified. No one knew i was gay, i was totally in the closet. My junior year of high school

My High School Crush part 2

Since the last time i went to Jake's house, my feelings for him escalated. I found myself staring at him whenever i saw him. Two of my friends, Beth and Eric, confronted me at lunch one day.

My High School Crush part 3

I woke up the next morning and I thought i had the best dream ever. Jake and I had sex and became boyfriends. I sighed and opened my eyes. As my eyes focused, i realized that it wasn't a dream. Jake was sleeping with his head on my chest. He started waking up and saw me staring at him.


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