Gay Erotic Stories

A real rough fuck

by Bottomsstory

Mark and I had come in from playing a game of basketball. Standing in his living room and Seeing his sweat drenched black tee stick to his rock hard body made me want him more. He was like a god. The way his perfectly ?chiseled abs and pecs looked under his shirt turned me on so much. I had to get a closer look. “Damn bro, you’re drenched!! let me help you with Ya shirt.” I said. “Thanks man” “It’s the least you could do after you beat my ass on the court like that.” Said Mark. “Haha!!! Thats cuz you suck.” I quickly shot back as im taking off his shirt. His body was even better than I thought. Nice nipples, gorgeous 6 pack with a nice curly thin hair trail going down to the very large bulge in his red basketball shorts. “Damn G! You’re ripped!” I exclaimed utterly in awe of his God like body. I quickly added with a chuckle “I know the females must be all on your dick.” Mark obviously feeling very confident from the compliments, started flexing his biceps and said “Yeah the ladies stay throwing pussy at me.” I wanted to throw a different kind of pussy at him. So I start feeling and squeezing on his sweat glistening hard pecs as he flexes the rest of his chest and I respond suggestively “I believe you, If I was a woman Id totally let you fuck me.” Mark stopped flexing, then smirked and said “so the only way I can get in that ass is if you’re a woman?” Totally thrown off and unsure of how to respond to his question I sheepishly chuckle and continue feeling and rubbing up and down his chest and abs coming dangerously close to the bulge in his shorts. Mark waits for a response, then smirks some more and asks “So you like what you see huh?” “I bet you’ll like this even more.” Then Mark grabs my hand and puts it right on his cock. I gasp and I couldn’t help but play with it. It was huge, nice and thick. About 9 inches. I pull his shorts down to get a better view as i stroke it and it looks so majestic, so massive in my hand. Mark laughs, grabs my ass and says “You not a woman but I know you’ll still let me fuck you.” Knowing I finally get my chance to have Mark, I smile and sink to my knees and take Him into my mouth.

First I lick and run my tongue over the tip of his dick, tasting the warm salty precum leaking out of him. I let the rest of marks thick beef push into my mouth as he sighs “hell yeah! Suck my dick bro” I got a good rhythm going, slurping and getting his dick wet and hard. His dick felt so right stretching my mouth as I continue to suck hard on his shaft while I played with his big hairy low hanging balls. Mark started pumping his dick in and out of my mouth getting cocky saying “I’ve always known you wanted my dick. You better worship this big dick my dude.” He pulled his dick out of my mouth, slapped my face with it and said “I want that ass.” I couldn’t help but smile Cuz I’ve been dreaming of him getting this ass for the longest. He walks with me to his room and instructs me to lay on his bed face down ass up. I do as IM told and lay on his bed waiting for whatever’s next. He grabs a big glob of Anal-ease and massages my hot hole with it. Then he smacks my ass, positions his cock for anal assault and says “here’s what you’ve been waiting for bitch.” He eases his prick into my hole and I let out a gasp. His works his dick slowly into my booty until it’s finally all inside. He pumps my hole nice and slow at first to get it used to his size. I let out a soft moan and tell him to go faster. I’m loving his dick so I start to push back on him, I moan and cry out “fuck me Mark!” He smacks my ass and becomes the beast I know he is. “You like this dick??” “This ass is mine right??” Mark screams back. He starts pumping faster and faster, smacking my ass, pushing my face into the pillow and diving deeper into my hole. “Oh please fuck my ass Mark!!! I need your Dick in my boiipussy!!” I moan out in ecstasy. Mark continues ramming my ass filling me up with his 9 inch dick. My ass was made for his dick as it grips his member sliding in and out of me. It turned me on even more to know how much Mark was enjoying my ass. Feelin his huge balls slap on the space between my hole and balls drove me crazy. “Take this dick you bitch!!” “This hot hole real good!” Said Mark. I’m moaning like crazy now not able to speak just letting his Dick take full control of my body. Suddenly I feel him tense up and his strokes change as he blasts large amounts of thick nut inside my ass making me cum without touching my self.” He stays hard in my ass a lil while longer feeling my hole pulsate around his dick. Mark smacks my ass and says “That Was some hot shit my dude, I been Tryna get Ya ass for the longest.” I just smile knowing he wanted the same thing i wanted. A real rough fuck


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Bottomsstory

A real rough fuck

Mark and I had come in from playing a game of basketball. Standing in his living room and Seeing his sweat drenched black tee stick to his rock hard body made me want him more. He was like a god. The way his perfectly ?chiseled abs and pecs looked under his shirt turned me on so much. I had to get a closer look. “Damn bro, you’re drenched!! let me help you with Ya shirt.” I said. “Thanks


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