Gay Erotic Stories

Love Black Cock

by Newwriter

I was lucky with business. As somebody who’d never married, I was able to retire fairly young and then used my time finding things to invest in. A black guy (John) who had worked for me as a gardener in Johannesburg came to me via a government initiative to help start-up businesses. I knew him pretty well and knew that he was honest and smart even if not well educated so I was interested to hear his idea. I suspect he had prepared to lie to an investor he didn’t know but when he saw me he confessed his idea was to make a porn movie and publish it online. The money required was only 50,000 Rand so, after we discussed what the money was for and how the thing would turn a profit I became a partner in his business. He introduced me to his “star” (Julius) during the first week or two and I idly wondered about the size of his cock although I’m straight. He was Ghanaian and I have come to realise that these guys seem to pack the biggest cocks in the world. We then had radio silence for 10-11 weeks where I wasn’t able to get hold of him and I hadn’t received any updates on John’s progress. I didn’t think much of it but one day had some spare time to myself and decided to visit his house. Like most places in Johannesburg, his apartment was in a secure complex and I told the guard I was going to visit John in apartment 25 and got a knowing sort of smirk from him as he rang the apartment to check whether I could enter. Apparently John told him No as he explained I couldn’t get in. I drove a convertible so the discussion was very much face to face. I argued with the guard now as I sensed there was something not right with this situation. I refused to move until he let me in and we were sitting there in impasse when another car (presumably a tenant the guard knew by sight) arrived and he raised the gate. I drove straight in and headed for John’s apartment. Unbeknownst to me the guard ran after the car and when I stopped he hit me with a punch that knocked me out. When I woke up things were very strange. I was leaning over a small lounge with no clothes on and my hands tied to my feet under the lounge and a gag in my mouth. This exposed my arse in the air. As I started to think through my situation I began to panic. I tried to see who else might have been in the room but I was apparently on my own. I felt somehow a little strange – like I’d done some coke but that wasn’t possible as I would have known if they’d made me snort. It certainly meant my inhibitions were low. An hour or so later the guard walked in and looked panicked. He had made some sort of mistake by hitting me and didn’t know how to resolve it. His first words to me were – you shouldn’t have done that fag. I indicated I wanted the gag out and made a conscious decision not to shout but to speak calmly despite my perilous position. I asked him, “Why do you say I’m a fag”? He replied, “You were going to meet that guy who fucks white men. What else wold you be”? I tried to recalibrate what I knew of John. Was his movie going to be a gay movie? I started to scream that he’d made a huge mistake and that I wasn’t gay and he needed to release me. The shouting had the completely wrong effect. He became violent and smacked by head with an open hand very hard. Then he moved behind me and smacked my arse. Both hurt. He smacked my arse over and over and it became apparent it was giving him pleasure. It became apparent because he took of his shorts and let his cock hang free. Half flaccid it was 9-10” and thick. To my shame I was mesmerised. I watched his cock grow bigger as stand straighter. As I watched I was aware of my own cock getting firm and felt pre-cum leaking into the lounge. He noticed my firmness and smiled. He put the gag back in my mouth and moved back behind me and squeezed something cold (lube?) into my arse. Oh no. I was going to be raped. He wasn’t violent. He worked my arse with his fingers, pushing them in slowly and slowly stretching me with 2 then 3 then 4 fingers. I have to admit it felt pretty good and my cock stayed hard. I’ve had plenty of hand jobs in Asian massage parlours and the finger in arse thing always feels great. This was no different. I actually enjoyed my arse being played with by a man the very first time it happened. Despite my revulsion at my own response I was aware that being fucked was a very different situation from having my hole gently massaged and worried about the next step. I became aware of him pushing his huge cock against my hole and slowly getting past the outer hole. When it went in I would have gasped if I could have. It hurt. Again, he was relatively gentle and slowly worked more and more of his tube into me. As it happened the pain eased and I began to enjoy the feeling. As he realised I wasn’t fighting him and had almost relaxed he upped his tempo and the length of his strokes. When he bottomed out it really hurt. It was very deep and he hit something very sensitive in my arse. He then started up a strong fucking rhythm pulling all the way back to his knob and pushing all the way in. The pin didn’t go away. It continued to hurt at the end of his push but the fucking kept coming. He must have fucked me for 10-15 minutes and then suddenly pulled out, walked round the front of me and let loose massive series of cum ropes all over my face. It made me feel deeply humiliated and I was just a hole for this black man to relieve himself. An hour later. It happened again. The fucking went for longer and was more violent. Again I wore a load on my face. 2-3 hours later I heard a couple of voices talking in the room and then I saw 2 men I hadn’t seen before but who wore the same uniform as the guard. They abused me. Called me a faggot white boy who loved black cock and removed their clothes to reveal semi-hard cocks about 7-8” in length. One then moved behind me and fucked and came in my arse. He didn’t hit the same spot the first guard hit was he wasn’t as long so it didn’t hurt. I know, you’ve guessed. I liked it. It’s true I did. I was somebody who’d led all my life and this feeling of being somebody’s slut brought out a side of me I’d never known. The other guy fucked me and I began to push back and enjoy the feeling of being his cum pig. When they’d both left a load in my arse they left the room and I was alone again. Some hours later the first guard came back and asked me if he could remove the gag so I could get some food. He asked me if I’d shout or not. I said no. I played the indignant rape victim but in a controlled tone when I was able to talk but he wasn’t buying it. He knew I’d started to enjoy my situation. He said “You can’t stay in that position for ever so I need to untie you. When I do my friends are outside and are armed so please don’t try and run. In any case I think you’re keen to see what the next step for you is anyway”. I feigned shock but he had my interest. I used the bathroom and ate some fruit he provided. I sat on the lounge and we talked. He told me he realised I wasn’t gay when this started and he’d made a terrible mistake but now thought we could both have some fun with this situation. I slowly agreed I wouldn’t run away and would give him a chance to see what he had planned for me. He immediately violently pulled at the nipple closest to me. It hurt like a bastard. And I told him so. He did it again and it hurt again. He was starting to get hard again – I could see it in his shorts. I instinctively reached for it. It felt huge and incredibly sexy. My cock became hard. I undid his fly and pulled the monster black pole out of the shorts. It stood up what must have been 12”. It was magnificent. He put his hand on my head and steadily pushed my face towards it. I resisted only a little and then had the massive purple know at my lips. Again without thought I opened my mouth and took the head in. It tasted like man sweat and it turned me on. I left my lips there and he moaned contentedly. He gave my head another push and slid my lips down his cock shaft. Of course I couldn’t take much more than half. It hit the back of my throat and I gagged. When I reeled back though I didn’t take my mouth of the cock – I only went back to the head to get some air. I worked more and more of his cock into my mouth. He got me to get off the lounge and on to my knees in front of him. I took his beautiful cock back in my mouth and forced myself to take a little more in. It was a little over half and it wasn’t going any further. He told me to lift my head and offered me a small brown bottle I later learned to be poppers. I took a hit and the world went strange. I suddenly needed his cock in my mouth. I have read of how women deep throat and I was determined to give the technique a try. After a lot of moaning (him because my teeth hurt his dick and me because it simply hurt to not get the technique right) I finally cracked it and pushed his cock past my throat and my lips bottomed out on the base of enormous tool. I could only stay there a moment though because my nose was now blocked and no way to get air. I gagged and came up but went quickly back after getting a breath. He reached down and pinched my nipples very hard. It hurt like hell but it made me feel very horny. I loved it. It confirmed my slut status and I went at my blowjob with even more enthusiasm. I licked the shaft, took the balls in my mouth, deep- throated – all the things I remember enjoying when women had blown me in the past. After what seemed like a relatively short while but was probably close to an hour he started to convulse and I knew he was going to lose his load. I watched it happen as he took the knob from my mouth and loaded my face with another monster pile of man juice. Some went in my mouth and I tasted my first cum. I loved it. I loved being a bitch for this dominant black man with the monster cock and the huge loads. Over the next few days I realised that the main guard (named John, coincidentally) did day shifts and the other two guys did night. It meant that I always had somebody willing to feed me black cock and I was happy with the situation as I honed my bottom skills. I learned to ride cock and milk cum from big black fuck sticks. I learned how to clean my hole so I didn’t get white man shit on my black cock masters. I learned to blow black dicks and get them to cum very quickly. I learned to love having my nipples squeezed violently as it confirmed my slut status to be hurt by the dominant black man. I loved my role as a cum pig and was happy not to wash cum off my body for days at a time and to approach the guys without being asked and take their cocks in my mouth. After a couple of weeks I cleaned myself up, went home, alerted my maids that I was to take an extended trip to Australia and packed up some things to make the story look real. I sent some emails to colleagues and friends randomly to keep the story going as I lived my life as a cum pig in Johannesburg. One day I was having a long overdue shower and the two night guards came into the bathroom and turned off the shower. I assumed I was to be used and dropped to my knees. What happened though was something unexpected. Instead of a blow job they pissed on me. First on my chest, waist and cock but as I realised it was warm and from my masters I allowed them to piss on my face and opened my mouth to take some in and drink. It wasn’t nice like cum but the degradation was powerful and I got hard as I knelt there getting covered in piss and drinking this pungent, warm liquid. A few days later, with pissing now part of our daily routine, I had sessions where I took two cocks in my hole and we then experimented with fisting. I loved fisting. It’s more degrading than pissing even in my view and if I could take a cock in my mouth at the same time I was in heaven. We moved from the smallest hand to the largest slowly and I became proficient at taking all of them. Next step was a fist and a cock. My hole became very capable of taking lots of things and yet was able to provide enough tension to keep guys happy when fucking me. Apparently, this was a final test for me because the next day, my ex-gardener John and his “star” turned up at the apartment. I was still smelling of piss and covered in cum and was naked and asleep on the floor when they arrived and they smiled at my situation. It turned out that the guard had acted of his own volition when he punched me but then gone to John to seek advice as to what to do next. It seems that his business hadn’t taken off as he wanted as he struggle to get bottoms to take the star’s cock that made good cinema. He decided that a white middle age guy might have been the right sort of bottom as he had been making money fucking married white guys for years and knew there was a market for it. Unfortunately, white married guys wouldn’t appear in movies so he needed a star – me. When I was out cold he found my coke stash in my car’s glove box and, using a straw, he blew it up my arse. No wonder I felt light-headed and was without inhibition. They kept feeding me coke for a week or so until they decided to see if I would stay in slut mode without it – and I didn’t disappoint. When I was pissed on I was completely clean and my response was just who I’d become – a total cum pig who’d do anything for black cock. I didn’t complain for the duplicity. I’d run over some people in my business career and I almost admired the balls to try this. And I also loved my new role so had him to thank for that discovery. We celebrated by me being skewered by him and Julius who really was something. He must have been 13” and was enormously thick. I didn’t swallow it all the first time of trying and his cock hit spots in my arse that hadn’t been touched before so it was difficult but I knew it was a matter of practice and I’d begin to like it. I had begun to like to finish any sex sessions with me under a black cock and either licking the arse or balls waiting for a massive load on my face and in my mouth. I love the taste and the way it made me feel to be their slut. One day John bought a whole bunch of guys from the local community to the room and I blew them all and they came on and in me. It was kind of our secret – I was the white slut and they enjoyed getting a load off during work time. The first movie John wanted to make was to be a single shot with Julius and another guy he used. I asked only that I wear a blonde wig and a fake moustache (my hair is black and I’m always clean shaven). I didn’t want everybody in my old life knowing what I was up to – I had now assumed that at least some of my old married white friends We did a bit of everything, finishing with me gobbling up their cum. John was overjoyed with the outcome – apparently it’s not possible to fake the sort of enthusiasm I showed for cum. This led to the next movie theme – bukkake. I blew a dozen black guys with monster cocks, was gang-fucked by them, was fisted by the guy with the biggest hand, had a fist and a cock in my hole whilst blowing Julius and then had everybody blow on me one by one. Any cum that ran off my face was captured in a glass and kept in a fridge so it didn’t harden. By the end of the movie my hole was stretched obscenely, my face was covered in cum and I then had a full cup of (now warm) cum poured over my face and into my mouth where I drank it hungrily. Apparently John knew his market because my two videos did huge business. There were a lot of married white guys out there who wanted to be treated like a slut worshipping black cock. In fact we received an invitation to attend a function that was the adult film equivalent of the Oscars. I faced the big question of whether I go and announce my status to the world. We decided that it might create some intrigue if we kept me as a mystery man and, as far as I know, people aren’t aware of where I am or what I do. What is the next step for me? How do we amp up the filth? I’ve done triple penetration arse fucking. We bought a fuck machine and a huge black 12” dildo and I often do a little coke and settle in for some solo fucking. What it lacks is a cumshot though so I usually ask somebody to let me blow them while I’m getting hammered. I had experienced them before but the machine gives me arse orgasms every time I use it so it’s part of my daily routine now. An hour getting fucked by the machine can give me 10-12 orgasms. That will make a good scene in our next movie we think. We have been discussing me taking a dog cock and I’m considering the possibility. I guess when I do that, it’s only a matter of time until I take a horse cock. I have been watching bestiality porn and I admit the cumshots of the horses turn me on and the idea of being knotted intrigues me. Maybe I’ll write another story with an update of my continued drive to become the biggest slut in the world. In the meantime, if you know me, please don’t tell anybody what I’m up to.


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Newwriter

Black Double Up

I have written about my experiences with Robert in SA. He’s a normal looking, very laid back Ghanaian guy with a huge thick cock and the knowledge of how to use it. I’d had a few experiments with him and other guys and typically finished a little disappointed (with one exception that wasn’t perfect in another way) as the guys weren’t totally comfortable with the group element and I consequently

Black Men for Me Please

It’s been a while since I’ve been tempted to write of my experiences. With the benefit of hindsight I wished I hadn’t written of the humiliating day with the dog and horse but it was right at the time and I’m philosophically OK with the honesty it showed. The last six months of my life has brought a new stage that is a change from the way I thought I was heading and has prompted me to write

Ladyboy Switch

If you’ve read my previous posts you will be aware that I love cocks – sucking them and having them up my arse. I have been straight for most of my adult life but the last 18 months I have been on a huge cock binge. I am messed up with how I feel about this. I still love looking at women. I love tits and arse. I like the soft feel of women – kissing them and feeling their bodies. I don’t look

Last Black Gang Bang

Quick new story – possibly my last (although, never say never).I decided that my final session needed to be special so I spent a great deal of time chatting to a guy who advertised West African studs with XL cocks. I confirmed that they all got hard, all enjoyed working together (a problem I often encountered in the past), they were comfortable being rough and that they all cum.When I’d done

Late Bloomer

I discovered I liked sucking cock very late in my life. I had been straight – actually married and divorced – until a week’s holiday last year. I decided that the holiday would be just me lying on a beach, getting a tan, swimming and reading some books. No drinking, no late nights and no interaction with other people. I had heard from one of the secretaries at work that there were two nude or

Love Black Cock

I was lucky with business. As somebody who’d never married, I was able to retire fairly young and then used my time finding things to invest in. A black guy (John) who had worked for me as a gardener in Johannesburg came to me via a government initiative to help start-up businesses. I knew him pretty well and knew that he was honest and smart even if not well educated so I was interested

Turning Point

I just finished a post on my recent conversion to ladyboys and realised that my story wasn’t complete without describing the incident that changed all of my thinking on sex again. Read my two stories on gay sex to get a feel for what I have been up to for the last 18 months and the read this to understand why I was susceptible to the ladyboy lure. I guess I’m not especially proud of any of my

Weekend Fuck Fest

After 40 years living as a straight man, I learnt just over a year that I loved cocks. I love sucking them. I love having them up my arse. I love rubbing them over my face. I love the cum that they spew out. I love the taste of it. I love the feel of having men treat me roughly and talking to me like a little slut. I am 190cm tall and weigh just under 100kg. I have a 7” cut cock. None of this


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