601 Free Gay Erotic Stories in S/M

Gay Erotic Story

UNDAS ESPESYAL: Ginahasa Ang Ulira't Mabait Na Binatang Takatak Na Si Nelson 2

by Kuya_Ponse

Pagkabigla,pagkatakot at pangamba. Ito ang biglaang bumuhos sa ulirat ng binatang si Nelson sa sandaling magkaroon na siya ng malay. Pilit nitong iniisip ang mabilis na pangyayari bago pa man siya hilahin ng mga maskuladong Foreigner sa loob ng kanilang sinasakyang mamahaling van. Alam ni Nelson na wala na siyang magagawa pa sa kasalukuyang sitwasyong kaniyang kinasasadlaka't aminado...

Gay Erotic Story

Brandon & Me - paying the rent

by silvershackled

Nobody was immune to Brandon’s charm. All the girls adored him. The guys wanted to be him or do him. We met at the gym and became good friends quickly. When he needed a roof I was more than happy to help him out. He was a great roommate for an awesome good time. It was never short on fun or excitement. Unfortunately he was not a great roommate when it came time to pay up on the bills & rent....

Gay Erotic Story

Tobi, Skaterboy 10.1

by gayboytobi

Schindler stand in der geräumigen küche vor dem herd. Spiegeleier brutzelten in der pfanne und ein silbernes tablett aus stahl stand auf der anrichte. Darauf warteten schon ein glas frischgepresster orangensaft, ein kaffe mit 2 stückchen zucker und einer kleinen karaffe mit milch, eine schale müsli mit naturjogurth, ein brötchen mit erdbeermarmelade und ein teller für die 2spiegeleier mit...

Gay Erotic Story

Der neue Club

by analplayer

Der neue ClubAnfangs wollte man die Gerüchte, die man über den neuen Club hörte, einfach nicht glauben, da sie zu irreal erschienen. Nachdem aber die ersten Kerle, die das ganze Programm erlebt hatten, von Einzelheiten berichteten, konnten sich die Betreiber des neuartigen Clubs vor Interessenten nicht retten.Dabei waren nur 15 Behandlungsplätze an jedem Abend verfügbar, die in einem...

Gay Erotic Story

Tobi, Skaterboy 9

by gayboytobi

Schindler trat auf den bewusstlosen, in der fesselung hängenden jungen zu. Die analfolter war abgeschalten. Es war ruhig in dem keller. Nur das leise surren der kamera auf dem dreibein im hinteren teil des raumes war zu vernehmen. Ein schweißtropfen fiel auf den steinboden und speiste eine kleine pfütze aus sperma und speichel, die sich die letzten stunden ansammelte... der lehrer öffnete...

Gay Erotic Story

Mein Leben als Sklave

by SklaveFabian

Ich war selbst schuld an der Situation, in der ich mich befand: Nackt, in irgendeiner kleinen Zelle des staatlichen Kerkers lag ich da und erwartete mein Schicksal. Der Prozess ging recht rasch vonstatten, die Beweislast war erdrückend und es machte keinen Sinn, meine Tat zu leugnen. Ja, ich war es, der vor 3 Monaten das hübsche 19jährige Mädchen nach einer Party vergewaltigt hatte. Ja, es war...

Gay Erotic Story

Tobi, Skaterboy 8.1

by gayboytobi

Der raum in dem er sich befand war ihm mittlerweile gut bekannt. Der geruch, die feuchtigkeit in der luft, die angenehme kühle die von den kellerwänden abstrahlte...benommen öffnete er die augen. Wie erwartet befand er sich in dem gewölbe, er war immernoch mit den verklebten klamotten bekleidet und bewegungsunfähig mit den händen und füßen im stehen festgekettet. Wie zu dem zeitpunkt als...

Gay Erotic Story

Taylor Pt. 9

by Broker

Everybody was pretty much speechless after watching Matt fuck Taylor. Taylor had put his shorts back on and was walking out the door to Matt’s truck. Joey was going to drive them home. Matt didn’t even bother to get dressed. He walked over to the cooler and grabbed a beer for the trip back to his house. Jason and his friends were getting a hardon for Matt too. There is just something about a...

Gay Erotic Story

Taylor Pt. 8

by Broker

Joey reached in into the cooler and threw Matt a beer. Matt caught it, opened it and took a large swallow. He was standing naked behind Taylor with sweat dripping down his body. His dick was betraying him. It was hard and sticking straight out. Anybody that was there could tell that he was getting off on using Taylor. And that made Matt even madder. He walked in front of Taylor, his dick swaying...

Gay Erotic Story

Freddy's(Nathan Kress) SM-Erfahrung part1

by quicky

Im Folgen wird Freddy Benson, bekannt aus der Sendung ICarly ,von seinem Lehrer zu SM-Sex gezwungen (Wer will kann sich Bilder von Freddy alias Nathan Kress im Netz anschauen):Freddy Benson(Nathan Kress) war ein 18-jähriger Schüler, der Middleton Highschool, er stand bei den anderen Mitgliedern der ICarly-Crew, das waren Sam Pucket und Freddy's großer Schwarm, Carly Shey. Sie standen vor ihren...

Gay Erotic Story

I am what I am

by j-a-n

Ich lag auf seinem Bett, splitternackt. Arme und Beine weit von mir gestreckt. Ledermanschetten an Fuß- und Handgelenken, war ich mit Seilen an die Bettpfosten gebunden. Worauf hatte ich mich da wieder eingelassen? Dabei hatte alles doch so gut begonnen.Ein neuer Nachbar war im Nebenhaus eingezogen. Eine Frau oder Familie sah ich nicht, er schien Single zu sein. Nur ganz kurz hatte...

Gay Erotic Story

Nathan Drake's Early Adventure

by assgivergr

Sully walked inside Drake's room, he was still asleep, naked, he turned 18 just a month ago, his body was manly though, he was a handsome young man, Sully threw him a pillow...

Gay Erotic Story

Jeffrey Dean Morgan teaches me some respect!

by assgivergr

I'm 18 years old, a handsome guy even though somewhat rude, my parents divorced and now my mother is getting married to Jeffrey Dean Morgan, big news for me, since I know the guy from tv shows, anyway I don't like the idea of another male in the house, and I try to show it to my mother by being extremely rude...We were eating and my mother asked me if I wanted to go with Jeffrey to a...

Gay Erotic Story



HABIB NEY MOHSIN AUR TAHIR KEY SAATH SEXMera naam Habib hai…sub loog mujhey “Bravo” pukartey hein… mein isswaqt koi 28 years old 6ft 3 in height, with lot of mussel and my penis is 9 inch long and 4 inch in thick ….bahut lamba aur bahut mota hai…with strong attraction towards sex. I won’t even miss any chances to fuck anyone…boy or girl. On Saturday morning at 7 AM, I got a call from my...

Gay Erotic Story

Big Black Kinky Biker Stud - Part 3

by SubmarineBoy2005

When Sir and I returned from our night out on the town, Sir produced a blindfold from somewhere in His clothes, and placed it around my eyes. He spun me around in a circle in His living room to disorient me before stopping me and stripping my clothes off me. He had me stand there naked and instructed me to remain there and remain silent. The coolness of His home made my flesh turn to...

Gay Erotic Story

Big Black Kinky Biker Stud - Part 1

by SubmarineBoy2005

First, let me say that I am a shorter, blond-haired, blue-eyed white guy in my mid-thirties, but still young-looking, and a total submissive bottom. I have always liked the Ultra-Masculine: muscles, facial and chest hair, leather, cowboy gear, boots, gloves, cops, firemen, and military, but especially bikers; that look of a big strong man in his leathers with a powerful chopper between his legs...

Gay Erotic Story

When two Arab guys used me as their toy

by andreas_ha

I'm going to share a true story that I never thought I would ever write. It was an ordinary Friday night out in Brussels. I had met up with some friends to grab a drink in a newly opened gay bar in centre of town. The premises were rather trendy; the crowd was young, cute and looked smart. People mostly stayed in their respective groups, distinctly cornered in, throwing a look now and then...

Gay Erotic Story

Topman Taken Down Part 3

by Daytonajim

Hours had passed since Jim was jumped beaten by 4 masked men. Raped by Jack and 4 of his boys. His smooth muscled body lay on a workout bench, bound by his ankles & wrists. His body wracked with pain, covered with black and blue marks from the beating. Jim had never felt such pain. His shock had now turned to rage, he strained his muscles, trying to break the cuffs that bound him. All he...

Gay Erotic Story

Zwielich - Kapitel 6

by TobiOnAir

Eric merkte, dass sich unter ihm etwas bewegte. Es roch nach junger Haut und er erinnerte sich daran, wie er als kleines Kind oft auf der Brust seines Vaters eingeschlafen war. Doch er war kein Kind mehr. Eric lag mit dem Kopf quer auf der Brust eines anderen Jungen, die sich beim Atmen leicht hob und wieder senkte. Er öffnete die Augen und sah auf einen entspannten Körper vom Bauch abwärts. Der...

Gay Erotic Story

Verkauft 3

by Speedy440

Tio und die aderen Boys worden von ihren Zureitern in eine Gruppendusche verfrachtet.Jeder von ihnen bekam eine Tube in die Hand gedrückt....

Gay Erotic Story


by rickgreen_nz

I had run up a huge debt gambling in Japan and my Boss called me into his office in Shinjuku.I was sure he would fire me but instead he said he knew a way I could repay my debts.I was relieved but nervous however I agreed to do what he told me as it seemed harmless enough.He knew I often went to a bar in Shinjuku Ni Chome dressed in my leathers and had occasionally been tied up by clients...

Gay Erotic Story

Tobi, Skaterboy.8

by gayboytobi

2. August, 15uhr 4minuten _Die sonne brannt heiß auf den asphalt, die luft flackerte und zeigte ein surreales bild der häuser deren umrisse darin verschwammen. 36° und annähernd windstill. Die straßen waren wie ausgestorben. Vereinzelt rollte ein auto mit heruntergedrehten fenstern durch an tobias vorbei. Er radelte wie besessen immer mit einem auge auf das navi gerichtet. Duch das...

Gay Erotic Story

Bound and used in Japan

by rickgreen_nz

I had run up a huge debt gambling in Japan and my Boss called me into his office in Shinjuku.I was sure he would fire me but instead he said he knew a way I could repay my debts.I was relieved but nervous however I agreed to do what he told me as it seemed harmless enough.He knew I often went to a bar in Shinjuku Ni Chome dressed in my leathers and had occasionally been tied up by clients...

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