Gay Erotic Stories

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 13

by Dave 1


Chapter 13 After hanging up the phone, my mother in law, who was still sitting, impaled on my now revived cock, looked at me and blushed. "It looks like you're going to get your wish." she grinned, and she worked her hips back and forth slightly. Her snug pussy, was even moister now, after having talked to Sharon on the phone. "Was she upset about us?" she asked. "Are you kidding mom? She was really turned on by it. I told you, she knew I was going to try." I reminded her. "I know. But... knowing you're going to try something, and then finding out you actually succeeded in doing it, it sometimes leaves two different feeling in your mind. So she wasn't upset about us?" she studied me closely. I shook my head no, as I looked her right in the eyes. I could tell she believed me, because her look softened, and she gave me a smile of relief. "I'm so glad." she blushed. "Because, now that I've found you, or we've found 'each other', I don't want to give you up. What ever little we can have, I WANT it... if you do." she seemed so sincere, and willing, to continue our incestuous relationship. "Even if it means, sneaking around sometimes, going behind Sharon's and dad's back, to have each other?" I asked. She nodded her head, and I knew this was going to be a great relationship. "But," she grinned, as she tightened her pussy around my cock. "If things work out the way you plan tonight, we may not HAVE to sneak around, to do it together. We may be able to just do it openly, as long as they are doing it too. They can't very well say anything to us, once we let them know, that we are onto what they are doing." She had a very GOOD point, and I told her so. "So!... Are you going up to our house with me?" I grinned, and she gave me a blushing smile. "They'll be home in an hour or so." "I don't think so. Not this time. This is YOUR thing, tonight. I'll stay here, and you go live out your fantasy. I'm sure there will be other times." she kissed me. She squirmed her ass around on my lap, and I felt my cock stirring up her depths. "Just finish taking care of me right now... " she whispered, starting to whip her hips back and forth. We were soon off to the races again, and what a RACE it was. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sharon's View Of Things! As I hung up from talking to Dave, I was quivering inside. I felt funny, finding out that he'd actually been able to seduce my mother. I wasn't all the surprised, that he DID seduce her, just that she was so easy. :-) Perhaps, there are things about my mother, I need to find out more about. I had always looked on her, as the very prim and proper preacher's wife. The back bone behind her man, always there for him in a crisis... and I find out she is also VERY human too. But, I had to get back to daddy now, and putting my cell phone in my hand bag, I went back to where he was talking to some cronies. He looked up at me, and smiled proudly, and I melted a little more inside. "You ready to be hitting the road, kitten?" he asked as I joined him at his side. His arm slipped around my waist, and I would have given ANYTHING, if his hand had found it's way onto my ass. I smiled at him, and nodded, at the same time smiling good bye to the two friends of his, who were ogling me openly. Preachers are VERY human too. Daddy caught their looks, and he just gave me a grin. "Gentlemen, I guess we'll be seeing you later, then. Have a safe trip home." he said, as we turned and started out of the auditorium. Once again, his arm was about my waist, possessively, and I made sure I let my hips bump him repeatedly, as we strolled through the lobby, and out into the cool night air. He pulled me closer, and I about swooned, I was so desirous of his touch. "I called home." I said, as we neared the car. I felt him look at me, but I didn't look back. "I told mother that, we were going to get a room and stay the night, and head back in the morning." Then I looked at him. I think he blushed, but I'm not sure. I did feel his hand tighten on my waist momentarily. We were at the car now, and he reached around me to open the door for me, and my face was close to his, our eyes met, and I saw his drop to look at my mouth, but he soon just backed off a little, as I continued to look at him. "What did she say, your mother?" he asked, as he came around and got in the car. He started it up, and let it run for a moment to warm up. I turned in my seat towards him, and drew my legs up onto the seat, curling them under me slightly. That caused the slit in my skirt to slide open, and I revealed quite a bit of thigh. His eyes caught it, and he looked, a long... thorough look. When he raised his eyes to mine, I gave him a look, that let him know I had seen it, and I smiled coyly. "She said that was fine." I replied. "I told her we'd get up in time to get home to church in the morning." "So, where would you like to stay? Get a room along the highway, or some where else?" He asked, waiting for me to reply. As I thought about it, I also thought about his hand on my thigh, during the speeches, earlier in the evening. I had almost jumped with shock, it was so sudden. But as he left it there, I could feel the heat of his hand through my skirt, and I placed my hand over his, and held it there. No one could see it, nor did I care if they did. When he had glanced at me, and smiled, I smiled back, and I squeezed his hand, moving it just slightly higher on my thigh. I swear, I felt his fingers move, caressing it. He kept it there, the rest of the evening, and I perked up happily. "Somewhere else, if you don't mind." I answered his question. And waited for him to look at me. He did, just as I thought he would, and I smiled. "Okay, where? Do you know of a place around here?" he was pulling out of the parking lot, onto the road. "Not around here." I said, and I decided, I wanted to sit closer to him, so I scooted over next to him, my thigh against his. "But I know a great place." I watched him. When I didn't continue, he glanced my way, and he chuckled. "Okay, where? Or am I supposed to guess?" he smiled. "Lets drive back home, and stay at my house." I said, and I waited. As I thought, he looked at me, his eyes searching my face. I quickly continued. "Dave is working all night, and mother thinks we're staying up here, so... " I took his right hand from the wheel, since he was driving with both hands, and I guided it onto my thigh, right at the opening of the slit. "Our house is empty for the night." I knew I was being very bold about it, but I was hungry to at least try. God, the long silence about killed me, but he didn't move his hand, and my heart pounded loudly in my breast, as I felt that squeeze of his fingers once again, on my flesh. "Sharon I... if we drive back home, I may as well go to my own home, and sleep." he said, sounding like daddy."Are you... suggesting... what I think you're... ?" he didn't finish it. I drew his hand higher on my thigh, just a few inches short of my pussy. He rubbed my thigh gently, and I felt electricity shoot through me. "I wasn't necessarily thinking about, sleeping... daddy." I said softly. I felt him tremble, and I felt good about what was coming about so far. "And... YES... I'm suggesting what you're thinking... at least I hope I am." I replied. "Daddy, can I ask you something?" I continued. He nodded, a little afraid to speak I think, and I chuckled. "Haven't you EVER thought about, what you would do, if we ever had the chance to... " I let it hang there a moment... hoping... hoping... "Had the chance to... what... ?" he asked. My spirits soared, I was wanting him to ask, and he did. "To fuck?" I whispered, and tugged his hand under my dress, and opened my legs a little, letting his fingers brush across my pussy. "Haven't you ever THOUGHT about me, that way?" He wouldn't reply, but I could see he was fighting his emotions. I felt with all my heart that he wanted too, and I wanted to hear him say it, just once. "Haven't you ever wanted, to fuck me?" I think the sound of that word must have shocked him. I know until that night, he'd never heard that word pass my lips in any way. And here he was hearing it, as I asked him if he'd like to fuck me. I saw him bite down on his lip, his emotions, getting the better of him. I was winning, and I wanted to press on, but not too fast, just steadily... "Every time I see you, or think about you, or even talk to you, on the phone, the thought goes through my mind, kitten." He said, as the dam inside him burst. "Even in church, I see you, and I think about you, in that way." He was trying hard to keep his feelings in check, I could tell, but not doing a very good job of it. I leaned in, and I kissed his ear, letting my tongue slide out and lick around the inside, blowing softly. He pressed his ear closer, and I knew I was winning the seduction. I put my hand on his thigh, and I slid it slowly upwards, until I was cupping the bulge that had grown in his crotch. I was touching my father's cock. I had it in my hand, although through his trousers, and it felt magnificent. "You can get up in the morning, before Dave comes home, and you can go home, and no one, but you and I, will be the wiser, daddy." I said softly, just lightly caressing his cock. "Listen to me" I said, looking at him. "I want it too. I WANT you to fuck me." I confessed. He didn't say anything, he just drove, but his fingers did a good job, tracing the lips of my pussy, through my pantie hose. I was getting wetter and wetter by the second. I began to wonder if we would even make it home, without stopping, and ravishing each other along side the road. I've NEVER been happier in my life, to see our neighborhood come into view. It was quiet, dark, and very secluded, so no one would be out looking around. At least I hoped not. "Just pull into the garage, daddy." I said, as he pulled into the driveway. I even got out, and opened the door. As he pulled in, and shut the lights off, I pulled the door back down, and went around to wait as he got out of the car. When he did, I was right there, and I threw myself into his arms. His mouth was on mine immediately, and it was in NO WAY, a fatherly kiss. I was drawn tight to his body, and his hands explored the curves of my body, touching me, EVERY WHERE, as I moaned into his mouth. "This is the craziest thing, I've EVER done, in my life." He gasped, out loud as we broke apart. I had my light coat open, and had guided his hands to my titties. He rubbed them, and squeezed them, and right there, I unzipped his fly, and I fished his cock out. I HAD to see it, I HAD to hold it in my hand. I wanted him so worked up, he couldn't stop himself, if he was dying to quit. "The whole worlds crazy, daddy." I gasped, pulling on his cock, working the foreskin back and forth over the thick, spongy head of his dick. I'd never been fucked, by a cock that hadn't been cut, and daddy's cock had never been cut. "People are fucking others in their families more and more, these days. Why shouldn't WE have our share too?" I dipped my head, bending at the waist, and I skinned the fore skin back once again, and I took the head of his cock in my mouth, and nursed on it. Just the head. I felt him shudder, and I pulled off, looking at him. "Has mother ever done this for you? Has she ever sucked you, daddy?" "No!... Never... do it some more, put your mouth... back on it... Please!" he begged. I did for just a minute, but I had much better things in mind for the time being. When I pulled off this time, he was sticking straight out, and it was shiny with my saliva. "Come on daddy. Lets go inside, and lets... lets fuck." I held his cock, and led him out of the garage, and into the house. I felt myself blush over every inch of my body, as I lay totally naked, and sprawled out on my bed. Our clothes were thrown all over the room, in our haste to get out of them. Daddy, in all his naked magnificence, stood by the bed, stroking his cock, as I fingered my pussy. The anticipation was running high, as I realized that, I'd have it buried in my belly, in just a few more seconds. But for now, we watched each other play with our bodies. His eyes devoured my hairy, black pussy, and I could see that I pleased him. I opened myself with my fingers, letting him see the glistening flesh, inside my hole, the wetness, just waiting to slip around him, and to suck him inside. Opening my feet wider, I planted them firmly on the bed, and I lifted my hips upwards, offering my pussy to him, begging him to take me... to consummate our incestuous desires. My eyes were glued to his big cock head, as it appeared, and then disappeared through the fist that was pumping along it's length. Wetting my fingers in my mouth, I rubbed my clit, making it harder and thicker, as it swelled with lust, for daddy's cock. "PLEASE!!" I cried out in a hoarse voice. "Daddy, PLEASE!! Make me yours... Mount me, and drive yourself... INTO me!" I was getting very vocal now, and I was thinking of Dave, somewhere in the house, watching this play out, hoping it was fulfilling his fantasy. "Sweet Jesus!" he moaned, getting onto the bed, as he positioned himself between my upraised knees. His right hand still grasped his cock, and he scooted closer and closer, lowering his hips as he neared my waiting sheath. I reached up with my hands, grasping his hips, and I tugged him down onto me. His cock slipped through the slippery lips of my pussy, and he buried his thick shaft fully into my belly. Our pubic hairs tightly mashed together. He was in me. We were joined at the most intimate points of our body that we could possibly be joined at. Daddy, had his cock in me at long last, and we were going to fuck, like I've never fucked before. "Sharon... JESUS, SHARON!" he cried out, not knowing what to say. Just thrilled at last to be inside me... inside his own daughter's body. I locked my legs around his waist, and began to fuck, throwing my hips up at him... taking him deeper and deeper into my flesh. It was more thrilling than even I could have imagined, and I promised myself, this was only the beginning, just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. As daddy began to take control, he began to pound my body into the mattress, and I shoved it back at him, time and time again, begging for more each time. And I thought of Dave, wondering if he was getting the show he wanted, wondering just what he'd do after it was over. Wondering, and anticipating...


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16 Gay Erotic Stories from Dave 1

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 01

Chapter 1 I couldn't help but notice, as I reached out to shut off the alarm, just how light the room seemed for ten o'clock at night. I work the night shift, and it was time for me to get up and get ready to go to work. As I slipped out of bed, I glanced out the window, and I could see a heavy blanket of snow covering the ground. As I stood looking out at it, my thoughts

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 02

Chapter 2 - the Slide Downward Continues Normally, when I work a Saturday night midnight shift, I don't go to church, when I come in the next morning. I go right on to bed. But I just couldn't this Sunday morning. All night long I had thought about what I had witnessed, the previous night, before leaving for work. My wife of twenty six years, coupled with our twenty five year

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 03

Chapter 3 - She reveals even more. The ride to the church was silent for a little while. We were both lost in our own thoughts. I glanced over at Sharon, and she had her legs crossed, her hands folded ladylike in her lap, and she was gazing out the window, watching the snow white country side pass by. The navy blue dress she had chosen to wear looked fantastic on her. It had a

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 04

Chapter 4 After the service that morning, we stood around, greeting and talking to people that we normally don't see any other time but at church. Sharon was off to herself, with a group of ladies that she enjoys talking to, and Dave was busy chatting with some of his own age. I had a few people that I talked to as well, but my eyes kept flitting back to my wife, then my son. I

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 05

Chapter 5 "Hey, sleepy head." A soft voice whispered, next to my ear. "You going to sleep all day?" I rolled over onto my back, and I rubbed my eyes, as the most beautiful woman in the world's face came into focus. She was smiling warmly at me. "It's four o'clock. You told me to wake you up then." she said. I noticed as my eyes swept down her body, that she had changed clothes.

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 06

Chapter 6 The next few days were very hectic, and yet, they seemed to pass as if I were in a fog. I had Monday and Tuesday off, and while I had plenty to do around the house, to keep me busy, I couldn't get my mind off of what had transpired over the weekend. It had truly changed the course of our lives, both Sharon's AND mine. Sharon called several times, which she never does,

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Chapter 7 As I sat in my car, slowly stroking my cock, and thinking about what I had just witnessed inside the store. I came to the realization that, in the past few days, since finding my wife, and oldest son, locked in an incestuous embrace on our living room floor, I am somewhat of a voyeur. I LOVE watching other people fuck. I get as much pleasure out of watching other's, as

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 08

Chapter 8 When I came home from work Friday morning, it was around eight thirty. Normally I get home around seven, but we'd had all kinds of mechanical problems at work, the night before. So I stayed over a while, to try and help. Normally, Sharon would be gone to work, by eight thirty, but as I pulled into our driveway, I could see her car still in the garage. I got out of my

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 09

Chapter 9 The ride to my in-law's house that evening was spent mainly discussing the trip coming up the next day. I could feel it in Sharon's words, and in her excitement, that she was really looking forward to going with her father. Not once, did she mention our conversation of that morning, regarding myself and Jane. Nor did I inquire about she and Milton, and him coming in for a

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 10

Chapter 10 I still had almost two hours, before I had to leave for work, and I lay on the bed, relaxing, listening to Sharon humming in the shower. I was thinking about the evening, and the time I had spent alone with my mother in law. It had made me feel like that, what Sharon had told me a few days earlier, was definitely NOT out of the question. Perhaps my mother in law WAS

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 11

Chapter 11 As I drove back towards home, I worried, and I wondered, about what was going through my mother in-law's mind right then. She was sitting silently beside me, her hand on my thigh, as she gazed out the window, into the passing night. I have never been more excited, than I was at that moment. My cock was still tingling, as I thought about the way her pussy had felt,

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Going to the open door of the bathroom, I looked in, watching her through the shower curtain. Her head was thrown back, trying to keep her hair dry, as she rinsed of the soap from her titties, playing with them, as she did. With her standing in profile to me, I could see the gentle curve of her belly, and the hint of a bulge, as it led down into the thick jungle

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 13

Chapter 13 After hanging up the phone, my mother in law, who was still sitting, impaled on my now revived cock, looked at me and blushed. "It looks like you're going to get your wish." she grinned, and she worked her hips back and forth slightly. Her snug pussy, was even moister now, after having talked to Sharon on the phone. "Was she upset about us?" she asked. "Are you

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 14

Chapter 14 I couldn't stand it, hidden there in the guest bedroom, not being able to see them. Listening to the sounds of the bed, creaking beneath them as they fucked. The soft, slapping sound of his belly hitting hers, and the grunt and gasp she emitted, each time he plunged into her. I had to see,... I had to, even though it meant risking getting caught in the process. "Oh

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 15

Chapter 15 The next morning, as we sat in church, trying to concentrate on the service, I had other things on my mind. The close proximity of my wife for one thing. Her thigh pressed firmly against mine, as we sat trying to look like we were paying attention. But I have a feeling we were failing miserably. I had a feeling she knew exactly what I was thinking about. Each time I

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 16

Chapter 16 The following week was pretty much a normal, humdrum week. Nothing especially out of the ordinary happened. That is through Wednesday. I worked Tuesday night as usual, and when I came in from work, there was a note from Sharon on the table, along with a plastic bad. Honey, Could you do me a favor, and see that this gets dropped off to mother today? It's something that


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