Gay Erotic Stories

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 14

by Dave 1


Chapter 14 I couldn't stand it, hidden there in the guest bedroom, not being able to see them. Listening to the sounds of the bed, creaking beneath them as they fucked. The soft, slapping sound of his belly hitting hers, and the grunt and gasp she emitted, each time he plunged into her. I had to see,... I had to, even though it meant risking getting caught in the process. "Oh my GOD... !" Sharon cried out, as I slipped from my hiding place, and eased my way to the door. "Oh daddy, yes... yes... YESSSS !" she cried out "Shoot it in me,... shoot it DEEP in me." she sobbed. I could hear my father in law grunt, as he plunged faster and faster into her wet sheath. I was at the door now, and I dared to peek around the corner to see. What I saw made me quiver with lust,... for he was buried deep in her belly, and Sharon had arched her back, lifting them both off the bed, as she squirmed and wriggled her hips against his belly. Her hands clutched his ass, as she held him deep in her, and I could see the black hairs of her pussy, surrounding the base of his cock. His balls were against her ass, and I could see them tighten and jerk, as he shot his thick cum into her belly. "Oh!... Ohhhh... OH MY GOD !" he groaned, still humping against her belly, as he continued to fill her with cum. "Sharon,... I can't believe... this has happened!" he panted. "This is so... so incredible!... I KNEW it would be this way, with you. I just... KNEW it!" "Hold me , daddy." she whispered, wrapping her arms about his waist, and locking her ankles behind his calves. "Stay in me. Let me feel you soaking inside me." She kissed him passionately on the mouth. I could hear the soft mewings she made as she sucked his tongue. I had just witnessed my father in law, fucking my wife,... his daughter,... and my cock was so fucking hard I thought it was going to explode. I stood there, looking around the edge of the door, watching them, still coupled together. When he finally rolled off her body, his cock slipped out with a wet sucking sound, like a foot being pulled out of the mud, and I shivered at the thought of how her pussy had been sucking at his buried cock. I saw it for the first time, and I was amazed at his size, even as it lay half limp, along his belly. It looked to be about seven inches or so in length, and he was uncut. He closed his eyes, laying his arm across his forehead. I could see the heavy rise and fall of his chest, as he tried to get his breathing under control. I stared at his cock, looking at the shiny flesh, still coated with his and my wife’s cum. When I looked back at Sharon, she was slowly rubbing her pussy, working the cum that was clinging to her thick bush, into her flesh. Her eyes were closed too. I backed away from the door, and I made my way to my hiding place. I sat there for the longest time, trying to decide what I should do, slip out and leave,... or stay and see what else happens. I knew one thing. For the time being, I was stuck there, until I could safely make my way out into the night. The thing that kept running through my mind,... other than the obvious,... was my father in law, and his cock. I had been fascinated by it, and the fact it was uncut. I found myself wanting to feel it,... to hold it in my hand. I was blushing from the thought, yet,... my cock throbbed at the idea of it. A half hour passed,... then forty five minutes, and no sound at all from our bedroom. I decided to take another chance, and I made my way back to the door. They were both asleep. Sharon was curled up in his arms, her right arm flung across his chest. His right arm was about her shoulders, and he was lying his his back, his left leg drawn up, and his cock lying limp against his belly. I looked at it, watching the steady rise and fall of his chest, making sure he was fully asleep. Satisfied that he was, I approached the bed, going around to his side. I looked closer at his cock. It was impressive, even in it's limp state. Unable to fight the urge any longer, I eased myself down on the bed, and I reached for it. Slipping my fingers gently under it, I lifted it off his belly. I waited,... no movement of any kind,... so I curled my fingers around it, and gently squeezed. Even in it's limp state, I could feel the gentle throb of it, as blood coursed through it. I gently skinned back the foreskin, exposing the head of it, and I felt my mouth begin to water. Suddenly,... I felt movement on the bed, and I looked up. Sharon had raised her head from her dads' shoulder, and was watching me. When our eyes met, she glanced at her dad, then at my hand on his cock. She smiled at me. "Wait!" she whispered, and slowly got up and slipped her left leg across her dads' prone body, getting into the classic sixty nine position. I saw what she was doing, and I realized she sensed what I wanted to do. She was helping me to accomplish it. By getting into that position, she was blocking his view, so he couldn't see me. She was encouraging me, and it was getting me even more worked up than I already was. Slipping her fingers around the base of his cock, she dipped her head and slipped her mouth down over it, sucking it a couple of times, before taking her mouth away and offering it to me. I didn't hesitate a second. I knew what I wanted to do, and I went for it. With her blocking his view, in case he woke up, I bent my head to his cock, and I slipped my lips around it. Jesus, what a feeling. I felt light headed for a moment. I was sucking a mans cock,... my father in laws' cock at that. I worked my mouth along it slowly, getting a feel for it as I felt it twitch, and I heard him moan softly. Was that a gentle thrust I felt? It felt like his hips moved a little, moving upwards, trying to get into my mouth. Encouraged, I twisted my head so I could see Sharon. She was smiling at me, her hand still around the base of his cock. I could tell by the gleam in her eyes, that she was enjoying watching me. I was enjoying it myself, tremendously. Suddenly I felt a definite lurch upwards, and he sent his cock deep into my throat. I had to back off a little, to keep from gagging, and to adjust. But he was fucking my mouth, or at least TRYING to fuck it. I sucked harder, really getting into the swing of things. I had fantasized about sucking a cock, never dreaming the one I'd get to finally do would be my father in laws. I heard Sharon cry out softly, and I pulled back a little, glancing at her. She had this dreamy look on her face, her eyes hald closed, and I knew. Her dad was responding to what he thought was HER, sucking him. He was eating her pussy in return. She opened her eyes and saw me watching her, and she put her hand on my head, forcing it back down to his cock. I eagerly complied, and once again, took up the pleasant task of giving my father in law head. I felt such power, as I sucked on him. Feeling it throb in my mouth, knowing I was causing these feelings that were shooting through him. Harder and harder I sucked, wanting to give him the best I could offer. Sharon was squirming and twisting her hips, as she ground her pussy against his mouth, and she bit her lip to keep from crying out and giving me away. I felt him begin to swell even more, the faster and harder I sucked on him, and I had to finally pull off, not sure that I wanted to let him shoot in my mouth. Sharon smoothly picked up the rhythm as I pulled back, and she took over, just in time to get his load. His hips raised off the bed, and her mouth clamped down on his cock,... sucking his hot offering into her belly. I watched for only a few seconds, as her throat gobbled up his cum. She kept her thighs clamped against his head, so I knew he couldn't see me. I raised up enough to slip off the bed and make my way to the door. With a look back at my smiling wife, her mouth full of her fathers cock, I grinned at her, and I turned and made my way back downstairs, and out of the house. Leaving them to their incestuous desires. I had to think about what I'd just done, and what it would mean to my future actions. But one thing was clear to me,... I had ENJOYED sucking his cock, very, VERY much. Where it would lead,... I had no idea at the time.


16 Gay Erotic Stories from Dave 1

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 01

Chapter 1 I couldn't help but notice, as I reached out to shut off the alarm, just how light the room seemed for ten o'clock at night. I work the night shift, and it was time for me to get up and get ready to go to work. As I slipped out of bed, I glanced out the window, and I could see a heavy blanket of snow covering the ground. As I stood looking out at it, my thoughts

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 02

Chapter 2 - the Slide Downward Continues Normally, when I work a Saturday night midnight shift, I don't go to church, when I come in the next morning. I go right on to bed. But I just couldn't this Sunday morning. All night long I had thought about what I had witnessed, the previous night, before leaving for work. My wife of twenty six years, coupled with our twenty five year

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 03

Chapter 3 - She reveals even more. The ride to the church was silent for a little while. We were both lost in our own thoughts. I glanced over at Sharon, and she had her legs crossed, her hands folded ladylike in her lap, and she was gazing out the window, watching the snow white country side pass by. The navy blue dress she had chosen to wear looked fantastic on her. It had a

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 04

Chapter 4 After the service that morning, we stood around, greeting and talking to people that we normally don't see any other time but at church. Sharon was off to herself, with a group of ladies that she enjoys talking to, and Dave was busy chatting with some of his own age. I had a few people that I talked to as well, but my eyes kept flitting back to my wife, then my son. I

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 05

Chapter 5 "Hey, sleepy head." A soft voice whispered, next to my ear. "You going to sleep all day?" I rolled over onto my back, and I rubbed my eyes, as the most beautiful woman in the world's face came into focus. She was smiling warmly at me. "It's four o'clock. You told me to wake you up then." she said. I noticed as my eyes swept down her body, that she had changed clothes.

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 06

Chapter 6 The next few days were very hectic, and yet, they seemed to pass as if I were in a fog. I had Monday and Tuesday off, and while I had plenty to do around the house, to keep me busy, I couldn't get my mind off of what had transpired over the weekend. It had truly changed the course of our lives, both Sharon's AND mine. Sharon called several times, which she never does,

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 07

Chapter 7 As I sat in my car, slowly stroking my cock, and thinking about what I had just witnessed inside the store. I came to the realization that, in the past few days, since finding my wife, and oldest son, locked in an incestuous embrace on our living room floor, I am somewhat of a voyeur. I LOVE watching other people fuck. I get as much pleasure out of watching other's, as

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 08

Chapter 8 When I came home from work Friday morning, it was around eight thirty. Normally I get home around seven, but we'd had all kinds of mechanical problems at work, the night before. So I stayed over a while, to try and help. Normally, Sharon would be gone to work, by eight thirty, but as I pulled into our driveway, I could see her car still in the garage. I got out of my

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 09

Chapter 9 The ride to my in-law's house that evening was spent mainly discussing the trip coming up the next day. I could feel it in Sharon's words, and in her excitement, that she was really looking forward to going with her father. Not once, did she mention our conversation of that morning, regarding myself and Jane. Nor did I inquire about she and Milton, and him coming in for a

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 10

Chapter 10 I still had almost two hours, before I had to leave for work, and I lay on the bed, relaxing, listening to Sharon humming in the shower. I was thinking about the evening, and the time I had spent alone with my mother in law. It had made me feel like that, what Sharon had told me a few days earlier, was definitely NOT out of the question. Perhaps my mother in law WAS

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 11

Chapter 11 As I drove back towards home, I worried, and I wondered, about what was going through my mother in-law's mind right then. She was sitting silently beside me, her hand on my thigh, as she gazed out the window, into the passing night. I have never been more excited, than I was at that moment. My cock was still tingling, as I thought about the way her pussy had felt,

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Going to the open door of the bathroom, I looked in, watching her through the shower curtain. Her head was thrown back, trying to keep her hair dry, as she rinsed of the soap from her titties, playing with them, as she did. With her standing in profile to me, I could see the gentle curve of her belly, and the hint of a bulge, as it led down into the thick jungle

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 13

Chapter 13 After hanging up the phone, my mother in law, who was still sitting, impaled on my now revived cock, looked at me and blushed. "It looks like you're going to get your wish." she grinned, and she worked her hips back and forth slightly. Her snug pussy, was even moister now, after having talked to Sharon on the phone. "Was she upset about us?" she asked. "Are you

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 14

Chapter 14 I couldn't stand it, hidden there in the guest bedroom, not being able to see them. Listening to the sounds of the bed, creaking beneath them as they fucked. The soft, slapping sound of his belly hitting hers, and the grunt and gasp she emitted, each time he plunged into her. I had to see,... I had to, even though it meant risking getting caught in the process. "Oh

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 15

Chapter 15 The next morning, as we sat in church, trying to concentrate on the service, I had other things on my mind. The close proximity of my wife for one thing. Her thigh pressed firmly against mine, as we sat trying to look like we were paying attention. But I have a feeling we were failing miserably. I had a feeling she knew exactly what I was thinking about. Each time I

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 16

Chapter 16 The following week was pretty much a normal, humdrum week. Nothing especially out of the ordinary happened. That is through Wednesday. I worked Tuesday night as usual, and when I came in from work, there was a note from Sharon on the table, along with a plastic bad. Honey, Could you do me a favor, and see that this gets dropped off to mother today? It's something that


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