Gay Erotic Stories

A Fairy's Tail: The Next Day in the Forest

by J. Link

Dag sat in the grassy clearing where he had first found Jadon. He sighed as he thought of Jadon’s sweet face and his petit, beautiful body. He noticed movement out of the corner of his right eye and turned to see Jadon off in the distance. He smiled and felt his cock pulse and grow. Jadon came into view wearing a black tunic belted at the waist with tight brown leather pants and the knee high boots that he had worn the day before. He carried with him the drinking water he had collected a satchel of berries and nuts, and a small brown paper bag. Dag was charmed by Jadon and laughed to see him playfully skip towards him. Jadon stopped in front of Dag, who was seated on the ground, propped up at the waist with his arms behind him. Dag’s loincloth bulged; this sight let Jadon know how glad he was to see him. Jadon teasingly hid the bag behind his back and giggled shyly when Dag asked him what he had brought. His sweet smile widened and he handed Dag the bag. As Dag was opening the bag Jadon seated himself on his lap with his legs straddled on either side, his small ass resting on Dag’s firm cock. Inside the bag was a small glass jar with an ornate lid half filled with Jadon’s sweet Fairy cum. Dag smiled, unscrewed the lid and was about to drink the sweet nectar from it when Jadon placed one slender finger on his lips. “Don’t spoil your appetite Dag”, Jadon purred, making his voice as low and as sexy as he could. “I could never get enough of you my beautiful Jadon”, replied Dag. He drank the sweet cum. After the last drop was gone from the jar he pulled Jadon to his chest and kissed his mouth, sweeping the inside of it with his tongue, sharing Jadon’s sweetness with him. Jadon swallowed hard, threw his head back and moaned. Dag placed sweet suckling kisses up and down Jadon’s slender neck evoking soft throaty whining noises from him. Dag unbuttoned Jadon’s tunic and untied the belt exposing his chest. He sucked and playfully bit at Jadon’s hard little pink nipples. Jadon wiggled his ass on Dag’s cock making it pulsate and drip. Dag lifted Jadon from his lap and stood up. He carefully removed the leather pants trying not to rip them like he had the leggings the day before. Jadon sighed and smiled at Dag. Dag knelt before Jadon and lapped teasingly at his cock. He enjoyed watching it twitch at each teasing lap of his tongue and was amused at Jadon’s sighs of impatience. He could tell that Jadon wanted to be sucked. He grabbed his hips and took his cock and balls into his mouth. “Oh Dag”, Jadon moaned. Hearing his name uttered in the sweet whisper tone of Jadon’s voice excited Dag and made Jadon all the more desirable to him. As Dag sucked Jadon’s cock, he reached around to play with his buttocks. Jadon squirmed a bit but did not protest until Dag tried to insert a finger into the tight swirl of flesh in between them. He squealed out in what was obviously pain and his once hard cock started to soften. Dag looked up at his face, surprised to see tears welling in his eyes. He brought Jadon to him and sat on the grass cradling him like a child. He caressed his hair and forehead as he inquired about the squeals of pain and the tears in his eyes. He was worried he may of hurt him when fucking him the day before. “No, no lover it was not you”, cried Jadon and he began to sob. Dag calmed Jadon and listened to him tell the story of how Jonis had forced him to be fucked in the bathing pool. Dag was angered but did not let Jadon know he did not want to frighten him. Dag layed Jadon on his belly and spread his buttocks. He lovingly licked his hole, which made Jadon moan and whisper “yes, yes”. Dag fucked Jadon’s sore hole with his tongue, darting it in and out as he fondled his balls. He stopped when he heard Jadon say, “Dag I feel as if I could cum”. He flipped him over quickly and sucked at his hard pink cock. The flow of sweet cum came quickly and Dag sucked it from the slit in his cock as it poured out. Jadon’s face was sweet and placid, Dag could tell he was exhausted. Dag lie beside Jadon, his cock still hard, he closed his eyes and listened to Jadon breath. He slipped into a peaceful slumber and awoke to find Jadon aside him, the tip of Dag’s cock in his delicate mouth. He tongued the slit in Dag’s cock as he tugged at his large bulbous sac of balls with both hands. He had not expected such treatment from the exhausted Jadon and came quickly because he was caught off guard. Jadon giggled as the Ogre’s cum pelted his red lips and dripped down his chin. Jadon, in a whiney childish way, told Dag he had to leave early his Da would be home before nightfall and expected him home when he returned to the cottage. Dag dressed Jadon, kissed him, then playfully smacked his bottom and sent him on his way. He decided he would follow Jadon home so that he would know where his lover lived, that way he could leave small gifts for him if he chose to. He followed Jadon to the edge of the forest, Jadon unaware of course. He smiled at the two-story cottage. It was made of stones and logs and was surrounded by beautiful wild flowers and cobblestones. The quaint, neat abode was fitting as he thought of his Jadon. Just as he turned to walk towards his own home at the other end of the forest he remembered that Jadon had not taken his satchel or the water home with him. He ran to gather them up, afraid that Jadon might be punished for returning home empty handed. He found them in the clearing and hastened to the edge of the forest. He was too late! Through the layer of trees at the edge of the forest, he could see Jadon bent over a sawhorse, his buttocks exposed, and his Da paddling him. He hated to see Jadon punished and decided he must emerge from the forest and make some excuse that would exonerate him and end the fierce paddling. He yelled to the older Fairy to stop beating his son it was his fault that he came home empty handed. Jadon’s buttocks glowed red from the paddling and he quietly wept, unaware of why his Da had stopped and Dag’s presence. Dag handed the older Fairy the satchel and the water and explained to him that he had pursued his son and made him trip. He continued by saying that Jadon had barely escaped his clutches and left the satchel and water behind. Da looked down trodden as he pulled Jadon to his feet and dressed his lower half. He pressed the lad to his chest and stroked his hair telling him, “so sorry wee lad, so sorry”. Jadon began to sob uncontrollably into his Da’s chest still unaware that Dag was there. Dag slipped into the woods; he did not want Jadon to know that he had talked to Da.


16 Gay Erotic Stories from J. Link

A Fairy's Tail

In a world not so different from our own lives two sorts of creatures much like men, the Fairies and the Ogres. The Fairies are a smallish sort with lithe little bodies and an appearance of eternal youth. The Ogres, handsome creatures in their own right, are tall, muscle bound creatures. Both live in their separate villages with the forest separating the two. The Fairies go into the

A Fairy's Tail: Fleeing The Mountain Top, Part 2

Hubin entered his living room to find the three tethered Ogres with their asses still in the air. The rancid scent of their drying urine and sweat filled his nose and stirred his enormous cock. He put his palm to the buttocks of the first Ogre and rubbed it in a circular motion as he assessed his figure: He had a tight bronzed body covered with dark brown hair; he was attractive

A Fairy's Tail: Fleeing The Mountain Top, Part 3

Hubin had gathered the last of the clothing he would need for the journey and put it in the large sleigh that was to be pulled by the white beasts. Jadon's clothing was the last thing that needed to be packed. When he came into the room he found Jadon fast asleep in Dag's embrace. Dag smiled at Hubin and thanked him for everything he had done for Jadon and himself. "I love you both

A Fairy's Tail: Home Again

A Fairy’s Tail: Home Again Jadon strolled toward the Fairy village with a bounce in his step and his head full of fantasies that involved Dag. He recalled the delicious sensation of Dag’s large cock filling him and as he thought of it, he imagined Dag fucking him in various positions. He wondered if Dag was thinking of him at that very moment. Dag walked through the forest in a

A Fairy's Tail: Jadon's Birthday

The three companions rode into the night. Hubin felt weary and desperately wanted the company of one or both of them to keep him awake. When Jadon was awake he chattered incessantly, giggled frequently, and asked volumes of questions. He had considered waking him a few times but felt a tinge of guilt before he could shake him awake. The peaceful look on his sweet face kept Hubin from

A Fairy's Tail: Jonis and the Jackass

Jonis knew he would be found in this compromising position before the next morning was over; it was a matter of who would find him that concerned him the most. His hole ached from the Ogre’s rough finger fucking and the skin around his cock was cold as the spring breeze dried the Ogre cum that covered it. Had the Ogre been teasing him about the wild jackass tastes for Ogre cum?

A Fairy's Tail: Surprise and Passion in the Night

Dag did not want to return home that night until he knew that Jadon was ok. He watched as Da sweetly sobered Jadon with calming words and caresses to his back and hair. He took the younger Fairy by the hand and led him to the bathing pool. Jadon still gasped and gulped occasionally after sobbing so hard into Da’s chest. Da had never punished him in a physical manner before. He

A Fairy's Tail: The Next Day in the Forest

Dag sat in the grassy clearing where he had first found Jadon. He sighed as he thought of Jadon’s sweet face and his petit, beautiful body. He noticed movement out of the corner of his right eye and turned to see Jadon off in the distance. He smiled and felt his cock pulse and grow. Jadon came into view wearing a black tunic belted at the waist with tight brown leather pants and

A Fairy's Tail: The Stranger and Mim

Jadon skipped happily down the stairs to the kitchen of the cottage where Ma, Da, and Jonis were already seated around the table for the morning meal. He was dressed smartly in his favorite ensemble; a hooded sweater of rich green and dark blue with soft, blue velvet leggings and the boots he always wore into the forest. His brown eyes twinkled as he kissed his Ma’s cheek and greeted

A Fairy's Tale: Kidnapped

Jadon woke satisfied and tingling all over. He had never been pleasured that many times in the span of one night. He looked at the slumbering Ogre couple and smiled. He knew that he needed to get home Ma and Da were probably worried sick over his absence. He carefully wiggled out of the bed trying not to wake Dag and Mim and dressed himself. He quietly left the Ogre castle and

A Fairy's Tale: Fleeing the Mountain Top, Part 1

The days that Jadon and Dab spent with Hubin passed into weeks. Jadon, Dag, and Hubin had become a family of sorts, enjoying each other's company and cocks. Hubin and Dag both assumed Jadon as their child and spoiled him with affection, which he returned as graciously as it was given. On a sunny, yet mountain winter cold day, Jadon playfully romped in front of the cottage with a

A Fairy's Tale: The Long Hard Winter

Jadon sat at the breakfast table with a glazed look making no effort to eat. Dag lovingly ran his hand up and down Jadon's small fevered back. Hubin pushed his chair next to Jadon's and looked into his big brown eyes. "You have to eat, wee lad," he said. Jadon gave him a half smile and said he would try. Jadon picked at the food on his plate and announced that he had eaten all he

A Fairy's Tale: The Mountain Beast

Jadon and Dag had been traveling up the mountains for a week and were nearing the top. It was cold and snowy where they were, although in the valley below it was warm and springtime. Dag could tell that Jadon was weary but he had not complained about the long journey. Ever since they left behind the warmth of the springtime, Jadon had coughed and Dag would hear wheezing in his

A Fairy's Tale: The Slaying of Volk

Volk and Jadon spanked and fucked around the clock pausing only to eat and sleep at short lengths. The third morning of being together, they sat at the dining room table for breakfast. Jadon was homesick and decided to tell Volk that he must leave. Volk admired Jadon’s mouth as he ate and thought to himself as soon as the little fairy had enough to eat he would fuck him on the

A Fairy's Tale: Volk and Jadon

Volk woke the next morning to find that he was face to face with Jadon, so close that their noses were almost touching. As Jadon breathed in and out Volk caught the scent of his sweet breath and he smiled. The slumbering fairy looked so peaceful and beautiful and the sight of him made Volk's cock stir. Had he been wrong to want to enslave this beautiful creature and treat him with

A Fairy's Tale: Winter with Hubin-Hubin Ass Fuck'

Hubin shut the door behind him leaving Jadon to sleep and heal. His cock grew just thinking of the sweet cum that had filled his mouth earlier and the delicious ass fucking that Dag had given him. He entered the living room to find Dag stroking his hard cock with one hand and rolling his bulbous ball sac in his other. “Here let me help you with that”, said Hubin. Dag smiled hoping


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