Gay Erotic Stories


by Kevin E. Putnam

My name is Kevin. I'm six feet, three inches tall, white, and obviously gay. I have a very interesting to tell you. It's about a foreign exchange student that I will never forget. In fall of '92, I volunteered to have a foreign exchange student from Spain to stay at my house. My family and I were very excited to pick him up form the airport. My father held up a sign with the student's name written on it. I saw a man walking our way. He looked at the sign. "Excuse me, but my name is Carlos Escobar," he said. Carlos was very handsome and had a beautiful accent. I wanted to run up to him and give him a hug. But I kept my feelings to myself. "My name is Kevin," I told him. As we were shaking hands, he gave me this come hither look. Then he let go. I didn't make a big deal out of it. When we were having dinner, my father, mother, and my nine-year old brother were asking him questions. "Carlos, what your plans after high school," my dad asked. "I want to go to college and become a computer programmer," he answered. "That's interesting," my mom added. All of a sudden, I felt Carlos's leg brush up against mine. I didn't want to assume anything, so I just shrugged it off. "What does your name mean anyway," my brother asked. "It means man," he answered as he looked at me. I was starting to have a funny feeling that Carlos wanted me but I still didn't want to assume anything. So I kept eating my dinner. That night around ten, everyone was in their bedroom asleep. Carlos and I were sharing my bedroom. I was still fully dressed and went into the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. Carlos came out of the bedroom wearing a T-shirt and boxers. "What are you doing," he asked. "Just getting a drink of water," I answered with my back against him. That's when he came up closer to me. "Didn't you notice how I was looking at you during dinner," Carlos asked. "Not really," I lied. "How about when I brushed my leg against yours," he asked. "I thought I was an accident," I said. At this point, he was close to me, I can his breath against my neck. "Well it's a shame because I was giving you signals," he said. "Signals for what," I asked. "To let you know that I'm very attracted to you," he answered. Deep inside I wanted to jump up and down with joy but I wanted to remain cool. All of a sudden, he kissed me on the neck. I almost became weak in the knees. "Turn around," he said. So I turned around. Then he slowly kissed my on the lips. Light at first but it became deeper and more passionate. I could hold back no longer, so I started to kiss him. It felt good and I loved it. Then I broke our kiss. "My family might still be awake," I said. "That's the best part," he said, "Doing this knowing that your family might still be awake." Then we started to kiss again. I notice his hand going towards my pants. "Are you a moaner or a screamer when making love," he asked as he unzipped my pants. "A moaner I guess," I answered. "Not when I get to you," Carlos said. Then he took my hand and led me to the bedroom. When we got there, we continued to kiss. Carlos took of my T-shirt and began to kiss my neck. I began to let out moans of pleasure. I began to take off his T-shirt and started sucking his nipples. "Oh yes," he moaned. Then I pulled down his boxers and started to stroke his nine inches. I finally started to explore his whole body. He was well built and looked sexy all over. All of a sudden he pushed me down on the bed. "I'm going to make your night," he said. "Come on baby," I said. Carlos slowly pulled my pants all the way off and got down on his knees. As he did, I could feel my ten inches getting harder. Then he pulled off my underwear. I stepped out of my pants and underwear and lie down of the bed. He began to lick the head of my dick. "Oh shit, yeah baby," I moaned, "Suck my dick!" Then he took my whole ten inches into his mouth and started to suck. He was rubbing my balls at the same time. "Oh god," I said in low voice so I wouldn't wake my family. His head started bobbing up and down faster and faster. I had to force my mouth to stay shut so I wouldn't yell. "Oh god, I'm coming," I told him. Within seconds of telling him, I shot a huge load into his mouth. He swallowed every drop. I could hardly get up. Carlos got up off his knees and started kissing my chest. Two minutes later he kissed me passionately on the lips. "Now I want you to do me," he said. His eleven inches was as hard as a rock. The veins looked like they were getting ready to bust. That turned me on. So I got down on my knees and licked the head. He started to moan with pleasure. "Oh baby yes," he moaned. I then took half of his dick into my mouth while rubbing his balls; He squealed with delight. I took my other hand and started masturbating. As I started sucking his dick faster and faster, he was saying nasty things in Spanish. I understood some of the words, but not all. "Suck my dick baby," he said. As I went faster, he started breathing harder. "Faster I'm coming," he announced. Two seconds later, he came in my mouth. I could taste the sweet cum in my mouth. We both were exhausted. Then we crawled under the sheets and fell asleep in each other's arms. Carlos and I are officially a couple. He moved in with me in '97. Almost every night we kiss, hug, and make love to each other. My favorite thing is telling each other "I love you." I don't have an e-mail address. But if you like to play games, I'll give you a couple of hints. I live in Virginia Beach, VA, I used to go to Bayside High School, and my full name is Kevin Eugene Putnam. If you find me, you can come over to my house anytime day or night.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Kevin E. Putnam


My name is Kevin. I'm six feet, three inches tall, white, and obviously gay. I have a very interesting to tell you. It's about a foreign exchange student that I will never forget. In fall of '92, I volunteered to have a foreign exchange student from Spain to stay at my house. My family and I were very excited to pick him up form the airport. My father held up a sign with the


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