Gay Erotic Stories

Cocktails, Part 9

by Manny

Cocktails, Part IX I had decided that the best course of action would be to avoid meeting Brooks alone. He was bound to ask me about pledge night, and sure to discuss my story with Lloyd. Given enough time, his curiosity would wear off and my secret would be safe-I hoped! For the next month or so, before initiation, I avoided Lloyd--ike he had the plague. In spite of this, he went at me with his supercilious attitude and caustic tongue, and I watched helplessly, as at every opportunity, he cut me to ribbons. Even Brooks was surprised, but I didn't tell him what happened on pledge night, and was relieved that neither had Lloyd. Steve, poor guy, must have really been traumatized. Besides avoiding Lloyd, he could not even talk to me--of which he did very little--without averting his eyes. Classes were going well, and Charlie seemed to be heading for the top. Despite my involvement with the frat, we remained good friends, and although I trusted him, I found it difficult to discuss the goings--on within. Brooks was no help as he kept on assuaging my anxieties with: "It'll be ok. Don't worry, nothing will happen." Shit! I was worried, because I wanted something to happen-I wanted to get into the frat. I had tried out for the varsity tennis team, and although I was a freshman, made the cut quite easily. I threw all my energies into my books and tennis practice, as I waited with dread for the day when the brothers would take a vote on the pledges. I was sure that Lloyd was going to make life difficult for me, if not fatal. Brooks had not visited my room again, and in spite of Larry, my daily jerk-off sessions were a frenzied exercise. The pressure of work and emotional turmoil were taking their toll on me and it showed. I started looking so ill, that the tennis coach once remarked that "I should eat better." Finals were looming, and so was the frat meeting and the all important vote. I was sure of the finals, but the thought of the meeting made me disconsolate. I said so to Brooks, who just matter of factly dismissed the notion, saying that I had ants in my pants! The final inter-varsity match was an away game. The campus we were going to was a good six hours drive away. It meant an overnight stay. I was quite pleased at this diversion, till I heard that it was a multi-team event with three other school teams coming along. One of the teams was the swim team. Lloyd was a member of the swim team. I had been chosen as reserve, after much competition and there was no way that I could drop out without incurring coach's wrath. I was really in a dilemma as to how I would handle Lloyd--away and alone. We gathered early morning at the gym to board the coach. Fortunately the contingent was large enough that two coaches were required. I was determined that I would take the other coach to which Lloyd would travel in. This way I could avoid having to suffer travelling with him. I saw him in a group with swim team and quickly turned away, and joined my team. I was lucky that the teams traveled separately, so I didn't have to make any effort to avoid Lloyd just then. At the other end, after the long journey, the team coaches were assigning the rooms to stay in. We were being put up on campus, so it meant that there would be two to a room at the very least. I saw Lloyd in the crowd and he caught my eye. He smiled and came towards me. I could not run anywhere to avoid him, without being obvious. "Manny hi! I didn't see you earlier." He said almost pleasantly. Naturally, you son of a bitch, I was trying to avoid you, I thought, but I just nodded at him. I really did not want to strike up any conversation. He put his arm around my shoulder, and I shuddered at his touch. Within earshot of everybody he said: "They're assigning the rooms now, I'm going to see if we can be together." It was a reasonable request as far as the others were concerned. We were the only two from the frat here, and it seemed fair that the upperclassman would look after the pledge. Little did they know how! There was no way I could protest, as it would have looked mighty odd. I just stared at him helplessly, as he grinned at me. God! Was he good looking! He sauntered off, and within a few minutes returned with two sets of keys. "Got it!" Got what? I thought. This was going to be one hell of a trip. He handed me a set of keys and said: "C'mon!" He obviously knew where to go. He probably had been here before with the team. I grabbed my tote and followed him. As I did, my eyes strayed to his tight buns. I knew what they were and the thought aroused me. I put the thought away and followed him into one of the dorms. We were on the second floor. He unlocked the door, which led into a small two-bed room. Comfortable enough for one night. He threw his gear on one bed and I on the other. "Close the door, Manny." Since when had he become so polite? I just wanted to get away. I grabbed my kit and told him I had to go. "Where?" "To practice." "Aren't you going to eat? The rest are." Fuck! I hadn't thought of that, being preoccupied with avoiding Lloyd. "Why are you so jumpy, Manny?" As though the bastard didn't know. I dreaded to think of what could happen that night. I could not possibly fuck with him. I really could not. It would be a lie to say I didn't want to, but the circumstances were such that I could not. There was no way I was going to jeopardize my chances with Brooks. God or no God! "No, I'm ok." "Good Let's eat." During lunch, the son of a bitch prattled on. I was amazed at the way he had mood swings. This guy was the ultimate chameleon. I had to beware. I had decided by now that after practice I would sit with the guys from the team as long as possible. We had our matches the next morning, and since I would not be playing along with another guys, could manage a late night. Lloyd on the other hand would be participating, so if I delayed my return, he would hopefully be asleep by the time I got back. It was around midnight when I went back to the room. There was no light visible under the crack of the door, and I heaved a sigh of relief. I would not have to face him. I unlocked the door and entered. He was standing at the window in the darkened room looking out. I did not see him at first. As I switched on my bed light, I was aware of his presence near the window. I was shocked. "Where have you been?" "Just around..." "I was waiting for you." What do I do now? He came forward and touched my cheek with his right hand. I moved back instinctively. "No!" "What?" "I said no!" "What's the matter?" I could see the confusion in his eyes. Those emerald eyes which could easily hypnotize me. I averted my eyes to ward off the effect. "Look Lloyd, just let it be. I want to sleep." I was frightened for myself. I wanted to fuck with him. The raw animal instinct surfaced, and I was thrown into total confusion. Here I was, confronted by the enemy, and all I wanted to do was suck his cock. "Look Manny," he came forward and grabbed me by the shoulders. I struggled free and in the process fell on the bed. He was all over me trying to kiss me. After struggling for a time, I managed to push him away. The sheer effort of overpowering my instincts had now exhausted me and I started crying. "Please Lloyd...please" I begged. "Why are you behaving like some fucking virgin?" I continued to cry and avoided looking at him. He stood up near me. I could sense he was wondering what to do now. "You sure?" "Yes!" I blubbered. How I hated the son of a bitch. Oh God, I really hated the swine,...but I still wanted the bastard's body! I was lying on my bed fully clothed. He went back to his and lay down. After sometime, my sobs subsided and I switched the light off. I was not going to change in front of him. Never would I take my clothes off for him. I had managed, in my own way to stand up to him finally. "Manny, have it your way. But remember this fuckface, blue balls turn to blackballs!" I didn't care about his threat and longer! I had decided that I was not going to fuck my way into the frat! To be continued...


12 Gay Erotic Stories from Manny

BJ visits my University

Oh my God, this guy was so fine. I met him at work after, I came home from college for Thanksgiving break. His name was Bruce, but they called him BJ. He was 5'10, about 170 pounds. He was black, with the lightest complexion. He was probably mixed. BJ had the walk and the talk of a thug who was use to getting by on his good looks. I had the pleasure of working with this guy for a

Cocktails, Part 1

COCKTAILS It never occurred to me that puberty with its cocktail of hormones could be such a compelling situation. Till then, I had considered myself "straight", dating and falling in out of love with girls in various grades along the way. Although I discussed sex with many of my friends, it was all "straight" stuff and occasionally we would

Cocktails, Part 2

Cocktails, Part II AUTHOR'S NOTE: After the posting of COCKTAILS on the Net I have received some feedback which has made it necessary that I continue the story. The one question that was often asked was about how authentic the incidents were. Frankly, they have been modified to suit a more manageable time frame but the essence of the story remains true. Another

Cocktails, Part 3

Cocktails, Part III Achmed was exotic! He was a bit taller than I, with tawny skin, reddish hair, and the greenest pair of cat's eyes I had ever seen. I never new that Turks looked like this. His shoulders were broad and square, tapering to a modest waist and his hips flared out before his long legs joined his trunk. I felt the familiar sensation of

Cocktails, Part 4

Cocktails, Part IV Since it was Sunday, the pool was busy, as I tried looking for the gang. I caught sight of them on the far poolside and Achmed and I made our way over. Brooks was not there. With introductions all around over, I took Achmed to the locker rooms to get changed. His swimsuit was one of those scanty bikini's and left nothing to the imagination. I must

Cocktails, Part 5

Cocktails, Part V by MANNY Achmed did as he was told, and so at about seven, after dinner we went over to Brooks' house. When he opened the door, he was wearing shorts, and I knew that he had no intention of going out that night. He was as charming as could be with everything laid out. I was still a bit wary as I knew that he could be quite a chameleon. I

Cocktails, Part 6

Cocktails, Part VI COCKTAILS VI By MANNY Thursday morning was a hectic rush. My parents insisted that I finish packing for college before I left the house. I kept one ear cocked at the telephone all morning hoping that Brooks would call. The bastard was probably sleeping in so I gave up by lunchtime. Actually, deep down I had expected this, so I was not

Cocktails, Part 7

Cocktails, Part VII COCKTAILS VII By Manny As the term progressed, the workload had increased dramatically. The subject that needed a lot of working on was turning out to be math. High school math was a cinch compared to what we had covered till now. Charlie found it a breeze, but I knew that if I did not concentrate, I would soon be in trouble.

Cocktails, Part 8

Cocktails, Part VIII COCKTAILS VIII By Manny Spring break had come and gone. Brooks had spent the entire break with his grandparents in the City. Although I felt bereft without him, I was growing quite used to his being away from home during the vacations. The only thing that bothered me, was that he never mentioned his plans to me in advance. My parents

Cocktails, Part 9

Cocktails, Part IX I had decided that the best course of action would be to avoid meeting Brooks alone. He was bound to ask me about pledge night, and sure to discuss my story with Lloyd. Given enough time, his curiosity would wear off and my secret would be safe-I hoped! For the next month or so, before initiation, I avoided Lloyd--ike he had the plague. In

Cocktails, Part 10

Cocktails, Part X COCKTAILS X By MANNY The meeting was the next day--just two days before the finals started. The vote would be taken, results announced and the initiation ceremony would be a day before we broke up for the summer vacation. I was sure that because of Lloyd, I would not be attending any of the ceremonies. The stand off the other night in

Cocktails, Part 11

Cocktails , Part XI (Conclusion) The finals were over and I had done well in spite of all my trepidation. We had to play our inter-team match to finalize the rankings in the team for the year. I was playing, as I was going to try out for the tennis team the next year. The match got over at about seven in the evening, but I had pulled the short straw to put the


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