Gay Erotic Stories

From Elephants to Me

by Martin

When I whined my way into going on our high school's Senior trip to Thailand, I couldn't believe I had succeeded. I had always admired the beauty of the asian guys in school, and I wanted to get away from the same-old and experience something totally different. I was to succeed. We arrived in Bankok, a bustling city jammed with traffic and neat, graceful people who looked you in the eye with open hearts and honest inquisitiveness. The beautiful young monks in their bright robes, their faces gentle in the subdued misty sunlight of hot and sticky Bangkok, were more private in demeanor and all the more fascinating. I resolved to hold a citizen of Thailand in my arms before returning in one week, a pretty bold resolution for a kid in high school in a very foreign land. Here, however, I felt IT could happen. We travelled by train to the mountainous city of Chaing Mai in the North of Thailand. Here Thai and Western and Japanese tourists mixed and smiled in a jumble of thoughtful humanity. Whole classes of uniformed boys from Hong Kong and Japan were there, the natures of their cliques made clearer by their standardized school uniforms, and I was breathless when a group of young gay togetherers, as beautiful as any race of men or women could ever hope to be, stopped to pause at a stand of postcards or admire the elephant trainers, standing close to me in the easy fasion of sane cultures. It was an elephant trainer who would be my lover in Thailand. I was away from my group of Americans and standing among some Japanese boys as the lithe elf, dressed for sex appeal and dramatically directing his broken, smitten beast with his bamboo cane, completely won my own heart. His act began with gymnastics astride the elephant's back, the elephant pivoted and stood and danced, and then, the young man spread his powerful thighs and sat astride the elephant's trunk, with a lurch he was lifted up and he beamed proudly with an enormous, grey, trumpeting penis in his hands. The audience laughed. I hastily adjusted my own trunk to a comfortable up and down position and wondered in a panic how I could bed this magnificent exotic master. His next trick was the finale. Balancing against the elephant's head with his brown hand, the boy leaned backward and settled in the animal's gentle, open mouth. This time he was lifted slowly, his body passive and thin and arched, his inverted face darkenned by the sun behind him, his mouth openned slightly as he gave himself to his companion, his black hair a sparkling waterful. His arms he stretched out in a fan and two wisps of black hair were at the top of each of them. There was an enraptured hush, and I knew what to do. Grabbing my zipper I jerked it down with a quick flick of the wrist. My fat Western cock leaped from it's harness and the two prima donnas stared at each other in amazement for many moments. The elephant wondered what to do. The audience started to giggle and the Japanese queers around me sighed at this rare, unexpected, and delicious bit of extended art nuveau. Finally the boy gave his command, regrouped, and took his bows as I whistled and casually replaced my fat cock. He knew no English but with a quick smile he told me that he wanted to be with me. I followed him when the crowd dispersed with little concern for the huge elephant beside me, for I had never made love to a man, had always wanted to, and would now be in the arms of a beautiful one. As the tropical forest enclosed us, even the lunbering beast, he took my hand and squeezed it and I began to shake. He laughed at me. Now he was the bold one. We reached a fenced area with other elephants and he put his freind there, and pulling me by the hand we walked along a foot trail, he pointed to a constrictor, and then in a cleared, dark glade he stopped and took me in his arms. He was shorter and smaller than I so I lifted him and he took my ear into his mouth and exhaled. We kissed for a little but soon he was tugging my pants down and he enveloped me whole with his throat. Never had I known such pleasure. He stopped emmediately and stood and pushed me down, smiling he tore my shorts all the way off and yanked off my T-shirt, he turned me over and pulled my rear to his rigid cock and rubbed it in the crack, gliding it against my ass crack as I thrashed and moaned "Oh God- Oh God yes...Oh my God yes." His skin was supernaturally soft against my white butt, he rotated his waist and yanked at my body and I was wholly his possession. My eye fell apon the empty, foreign fruit husk he'd tossed away and a drop of gooey spit hit my ass furrow and I thought, "May God bless this beautiful young man of Thailand." Now it was not the cramped, arched finger of adolescence that thrust into my puckering hole but a man's hard cock and I bucked and shivered and spilled my semen emmediately on the rainforest floor. I continued to moan as he thrust and buried, thrust and buried his cock in my ass and I wept as he fucked me faster and faster. He reached down and stroked my virgin-stiff cock until he neared his time, then I grabbed it and stroke for stroke we came, his spew filling my fuckhole and mine spraying onto the ground, and I fell belly first into semen and he on top of me, and we panted entwined. After some time passed he stood and guided me to my feet and we walked back along the trail, lost in thought. I searched for a way to tell him that he was my first lover. At last I tried English. "YOU... were my FIRST ONE." "FIRST ONE!" I said again, dramatically, and I beleive he understood, he did enough to laugh and nod, and standing behind the elephants he stood on tippy toe and kissed my cheek sweetly, took up the elephants' brush, and said "Goodbye" painfully in English. I left him, broken hearted, his elephant's small eyeful of malice tickling my back in vain.


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Martin

Beim Schüleraustausch in Amerika

In der 11. Klasse hatten wir unseren Schüleraustausch mit einer High School in Ventura, Kalifornien. Die Amerikaner waren zu erst bei uns in Deutschland und dann durften wir nach Kalifornien zum Gegenbesuch fliegen. Für uns war es natürlich eine große Sache, da es für die meisten, so auch mich, mein erster Besuch in den Staaten war. Zwischen den Besuchen lagen etwa zwei Monate und

Die Beschneidung von Martin

Martin war ein netter, halbwegs gut aussehender Junge, sportlich, spielte Fußball und Tennis und ging mit mir in eine Klasse. In unserem Abschlussjahr nahmen er und ich an der Sportprüfung teil und spielten dabei Fußball. Nach der Sportprüfung gingen wir noch mit anderen Jungen gemeinsam duschen. Dabei sah ich, dass Martin eine relativ enge Vorhaut hatte und diese auch nicht zum

Flaschendrehen nackt und geil

Tim, Stefan, Marco und Dennis teilten sich ein Zimmer in der Jugendherberge. Die vier 18 jährigen hatten ein paar Bier mit aufs Zimmer gebracht und beschlossen, Tat oder Wahrheit zu spielen. Das Spiel geht so: Man sitzt im Kreis auf dem Boden. In der Mitte liegt eine leere Flasche. Die wird gedreht und auf wen der Flaschenhals dann zeigt, der muss entweder eine Wahrheit erzählen oder

From Elephants to Me

When I whined my way into going on our high school's Senior trip to Thailand, I couldn't believe I had succeeded. I had always admired the beauty of the asian guys in school, and I wanted to get away from the same-old and experience something totally different. I was to succeed. We arrived in Bankok, a bustling city jammed with traffic and neat, graceful people who looked you

In Campagna

Inanzitutto io sono Spagnolo, ma ho visuto in Italia l'anno scorso. Allora, quella sera ricordo che me ne sono andato per gioire il weekend con un gruppo di ragazzi un po' snob, siamo andati in campagna vicino all'Etna. Ci siamo arrivati di sera, e c'era abbastanza gente in quella casa grande. Io ero l'unico straniero, ma non ci volevano di piu. Abbiamo cominciato a bere un sacco di

Mein Vetter

Er hieß Josef Ebner, 38 Jahre alt und war mein Vetter. Auf das Zusammentreffen war ich schon gespannt denn ich hatte ihn seit 8 Jahren nie mehr gesehen. Am Freitag nachmittag hatte ich mich mit ihm im Schwimmbad verabredet. Ich zog mir meine Badehose an und ging hinaus. Es war menschenleer. Dann kam er. Mir fielen fast die Augen aus. Er war ungefähr 1.95 groß hatte eine Glatze und

Nach dem Tennis spielen

Es war im Sommer und Olli und ich hatten uns mit Andreas, und Daniel zum Doppel verabredet. Wir trafen uns im Tennisclub und spielten fast zwei Stunden. Als wir gerade aufhörten, kam Ollis Daddy und holte ihn ab. Shit dachte ich, denn ich hatte eigentlich ausgemacht, noch mit ihm zu duschen. Ich hatte mich so gefreut ihn endlich einmal nackt zu sehen, aber nun wurde erst mal wieder


Ich saß auf der zweiten Stufe der Saunabank. Auf der untersten Stufe saß dieser geile Boy, der mir schon an der Kasse aufgefallen war. Etwa 19 Jahre alt, kurze schwarze gegelte Haare, normale Körperbehaarung und ein Piercing in der linken Brustwarze. Um die Hüften hatte er ein gelbes Badetuch locker geschlungen. Indem ich etwas über ihm saß, konnte ich seinen muskulösen Rücken und den


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