Gay Erotic Stories


by Ian Randall

Frontiers: Chapter One - Sunsets on the Range The California Territory welcomed another sunset as I rode through the tall grass. Not a soul in sight. I knew that I would have to set up camp somewhere soon because the night sky would cover the vast land like a blanket. I had no real mission, just wandering the west doing odd jobs for people every now and then in miscellaneous towns that I passed. I caused no trouble and never lent any attention out to would-be troublemakers. Tying my horse up to a nearby tree, I looked around the site where I wanted to bed down for the night. It looked suitable and so I threw my pack and gear to the dirt. I really wasn't dressed like a cowboy, mostly simple attire, especially in the summer heat. After starting a fire, I felt comfortable enough to strip down and get ready for a well-deserved sleep. I knelt on the sleeping bag to fold my shirt and pants. My underwear only gave comfort during my hours of horseback riding, and never wore it to sleep. Besides, the cool night air always felt good wrapped around my naked skin. I rolled a cigarette and lay there holding my cock as I smoked. Not really thinking about anything at first, I just watched the moon shine amongst the various constellations. It was free. Calming. I slept very well. The next morning I packed up my gear before I dressed, and I let the morning sun warm my body. I had a raging morning hard-on, and thought about relieving myself amongst the trees. But, I hesitated because maybe I'd meet someone in town. A nice young girl with soft round tits. So, I just took a piss and got dressed. I needed a shower or some kind of bath. I was riding in the foothills of the Cascades by mid-morning. Feeling real dingy, I was ever on the lookout for a lonely lake. Finally, after slowly trotting through a secluded forest, I found relief. There, nestled in the trees and boulders was a crystal blue lake. I couldn't believe the settlers hadn't found it, yet. Surely, there would have been a ranch or two sharing in this water supply, but I lost the thought not long after and tried to look for a place to unsaddle my horse. After the last of the gear was placed on the ground, I began to take off my horse's saddle and bit. He wagged his head around, relieved from being tied up. I patted his rump as I always do, and he walked bare to the lake to get a drink of water. Behind these trees, I began to strip down without thinking. I just wanted to swim for hours. But, what did I see down by the shore? Another man. He was blonde and the same build as me. Not too buff, but not too fragile. He looked like the same age as me. Was he a wanderer, too? I stopped and stood there with nothing on and watched him slowly step into the frigid waters of the lake. His body looked good to me. I asked myself why I was getting aroused at such a sight. He was probably just like me and needed a good hearty bath, but I found him very attractive. I kept watching him as he swam near my horse. He stood up to stroke my horse's face. In shallow water his knees were barely able to lap up the water, and his penis was dripping wet. I was about ten feet away from him, but he hadn't spotted me, yet, since the trees were so dense. "Whose horse are you, hunh?" he asked as he combed through my horse's mane. "Did you come here all by yourself?" He kept affectionately petting my horse, to which the animal felt at ease. "You act so tame for a horse without a saddle." I finally got the strength to meet him. I don't know why I was nervous, so I just said what the hell, and stepped out of the trees with a semi-hard cock. "It's my horse." To his amazement he looked at me and smiled at the fact that he wasn't naked alone. He walked out the water and outstretched his hand. "How do you do? My name is Doby Landres." "I am Ian Randall." "This lake is perfect for swimming," said Doby as he looked over the shimmering ripples of water. "I was just going to enjoy a morning bath." Doby folded his arms. "Care if I join you? I haven't seen another person in days." "Of course. Same here." We walked effortlessly to the water and squatted next to each other. "Where are you from?" asked Doby. "Tennessee," I answered. "I wanted to fare my fortune out here in the Wild West in order to become a man. I have heard so many stories, and I wanted to see for myself." "True, it is very dangerous out here, but I think I have made more friends than enemies." Ian started to do small frog strokes to keep his feet of the lakebed. "I am from Georgia, originally. My accent has fallen away because I have been here since my family caravanned to the California Territory." "Where are they now?" "I buried them after a winter of bad sickness. My father didn't believe in the 'clap-trap' of medicine." I gave a somber face, "I'm sorry." "No, don't worry. They lived a very fruitful life. I miss them, and I ride out here remembering our stories." Ian began to actually swim in the lake. "C'mon, I'll race you to the other side." The two of us turned into two school children as we goofed around most of the morning in lake. Swimming turned into horseplay. At times our penises touched each other, but we didn't give it a second thought. After swimming, our muscles grew weary. We decided to sit on the step onto the rock-laden shore and place a camp on the grassy earth near the trees. The sun dried us off. Ian brought his horse over to keep mine company. Both horses were strong male studs, and they got along favorably. We set up a meager fire to cook some of our shared remnants of food. I rolled up a couple of cigarettes and offered one to Ian. He took one and I lit us both up. The afternoon seemed peaceful and restful. One lazy summer. We talked for hours. I had a deck of cards in my bag that I sometimes used for solitaire, but that day we shared endless games of gin. I was glad to meet such a nice new friend. He was so much more friendly than any girl I had ever met. I began to think I was falling in love with him. We had taken a few more laps in the lake and enjoyed the heated water. But, evening eventually fell and we wanted to wake up early to ride out to a town and pick up some supplies. Both of us had some money still and we figured we could spend it on food and gear instead of wine and women. The fire began to light up the entire camp as the sun set behind the majestic mountains. We were starting another round of gin, when Doby offered a bottle of scotch. I was full from our dinner, and accepted with some more tobacco. A fine night of camaraderie. He took a sip and then passed me the bottle. Laughing at our hands of gin, we began to cheat and play frivolously. He pawed me every now and then, so I felt comfortable to run my hands over his shoulders and waist. We both felt very at ease as we grew drunk with pleasure. He began to stroke my penis as I sat with my legs spread. Without a care in the world, I just sat and watched his hand move up and down, getting me hard, and he stared at my dick, happy with the results. "Can I suckle at your root?" he asked me as he took his own in his hand. "Yes." I felt so randy. I didn't care who gave me pleasure, but I was glad Doby was doing it. He stooped down and poked out his smooth ass. I was happy to fixate myself on his bobbing naked body. His mouth was so warm. I had never had anyone suck on my cock before, much less another man, but it felt very good. He masturbated himself as he moaned. So, I moaned to let him know every sucking stroke was welcomed. We were both ready to climax as he kept a steady rhythm. I began to disembark a load as his seed spurted into his hand and onto the dusty ground. Moans lent to whimpers and finally we both fell into each other's spent arms. A lovely feeling. "Thank you," I said as our chests met with sweat and passion. "Any time." returned Doby as we began to sleep uncovered and uninhibited. The next morning we awoke to a cloud-filled sky. Huge puffing castles of clouds that weren't going to release any rain. Just pretty. Doby and I sat up with our morning hard-ons and I rolled up some cigarettes. "Have you ever done that before?" I asked with curiosity. "No, but I have always wanted to. I just wanted to meet the right person." Doby exhaled some smoke and looked at the lake. "I'm so glad I met you." "Me, too. You are more than I could have ever wished for." He turned to me and held my hand. "Thank you." He lightly squeezed my hard-on. "I have read about men on the range loving other men, instead of women. I learned everything from books." "You learned very well." "Do you like my ass?" he asked randomly. "It looks better than most women I have seen." Doby turned around to show me his sweating buttocks. Getting on his hands and knees, he poked it out for my pleasure. "Did you know you can fuck a man's ass, just like a lady's?" "No." "We can try it if you want." "I wonder what it would feel like." Doby got up to go his bag. "I have been curious myself." There we were in the bright of day, not expected to get dressed. Our morning plans had changed. He walked with his semi-hard cock waving the light breeze. Reaching into his bag, he pulled out a small round case of salve. He walked back with eager eyes. Doby continued, "See, you rub this on your asshole and your partner's dick. It makes it easier for fucking. Both of us can enjoy sex." "Let me try it." I got on my hands and knees to poke out my ass, and Doby uncovered the salve. He rubbed the cool lotion over my asshole and I felt a tingling around my ass. Then, I heard him applying the salve on his penis. He then mounted me. "This is how to do it, I think." He slowly penetrated my virgin asshole, and it hurt at first, but I was willing to wait it out. He started to fuck my ass! I couldn't believe it. Before long, both of us were enjoying man sex. I let him fuck me for almost an hour. He let go of his load and collapsed over my back. We rested for a little bit. "That felt great!" I said without impunity. "Let me do you." "All right." Doby got on his hands and knees and watched from behind as I mounted him. His pink asshole looked very good for some reason, and I started to fuck his ass. If anyone saw us, there would be no escape. We'd be found out for sure. Out in broad daylight, lovingly fucking each other. I let go of a load and collapsed on his sweating back. Happy, we both kissed for the first time. "I love you," I said. "I love you, too." We washed in the lake a final time and made a pact to ride together forever. I knew I was to have sex with him all over the wild west, whenever the urge hit us. This was the beginning of one hell of an adventure. Coming soon: Chapter two - The Chief's Son.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Ian Randall


Frontiers: Chapter One - Sunsets on the Range The California Territory welcomed another sunset as I rode through the tall grass. Not a soul in sight. I knew that I would have to set up camp somewhere soon because the night sky would cover the vast land like a blanket. I had no real mission, just wandering the west doing odd jobs for people every now and then in miscellaneous towns


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