Gay Erotic Stories

Horny Half-Brothers

by Scott & Tony DuMont

By Scott & Tony DuMont SCOTT- "Jesus Christ, where the hell have you been?" he growled as he climbed into the passenger side of my car. I explained pointedly that he'd picked a piss-poor time to ask someone to meet him at the airport. "Some of us don't drive on the shoulder to bypass normal rush-hour traffic!" I said, teasing him about one of the many times he'd been ticketed for various motor violations. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette, then punched the lighter button located on the console between his seat and mine. "No way, you're not smoking in my car!" I said, grabbing the Camel from his mouth and tossing it out the window. "...and get your dirty shoes down off the dashboard" I said, a request he complied with by giving me the finger. To look at the two of us you'd never imagine us to be brothers - even half-brothers. Tony never cares much about his appearance, having just gotten off a commercial flight wearing tattered cut-offs and an old sweatshirt with the sleeves ripped off. As was typical for him, he looked like he needed a shave. Of course, Tony's dark rugged hairiness made him look like that immediately after he shaved. Okay, if you want the truth I'm jealous as hell of just how hairy my older brother is. I'd even hesitated to ask him to take his feet off the leather dashboard because his position there had given me a terrific view of his darkly coated legs and upper thigh. The wide openings where his sweat-shirt sleeves had once been gave me visual access to his fully blanketed chest whenever he leaned forward. Age 22, Tony has looked legal for much longer than one year. Hell, at sixteen he was able to go into any package liquor store in town and easily buy booze. It's gotten him into plenty of trouble too. I remember him totaling his first car a week after mom bought it for him. He was loaded then. Like- wise his second one, although he managed to keep it for four months. Somehow mom's always been able to keep pulling the right strings to keep him out of jail, even after that last accident where he put that old man in a wheelchair. He was drunker than shit and was driving on a suspended license. Mom managed to get that settled out of court. She's done the same for him at school, some- how arranging to get him reinstated into colleges from which he habitually flunks out after one semester. "C'mon ass-hole, can't you drive any faster? Let me drive!" he suggested and I told him "Not on your life 'Crash'!" He extended his middle digit again toward me and I felt an involuntary twitch in my crotch as I noticed how thickly coated even the back of his hand was. TONY God he's irritating with his holier-than-thou attitude. Okay he's a squeaky clean "Golden Boy" in more ways than one. I don't think he's ever been called into the dean's office and never gotten lower than an A on any exam he's ever taken. He's been president of his class for four years and has had a perfect attendance record for all of Junior high and high school. My "Golden Boy" brother looks like a surfer with his yellow-blond hair and his deeply tanned, incredibly muscular body. Jealous? No way! Okay maybe just a little, but I know I don't have the self-discipline to develop my body like he has. He spends a good deal of his weekend at the gym, even on the off season (he's a state-champion gymnast) and never eats or drinks anything that's bad for him. Hell, he probably doesn't even beat off! I wonder how well he's hung by now. Shit, I remember seeing him bare-assed naked when he was just thirteen and he had a really big cock at that time. That was five years ago! I remember one day when ma and I were in a downtown restaurant for lunch when this big blond guy came up to the table and spoke with us for just a few minutes. He and ma were evidently acquainted, and she introduced him to me only as "Paul". "That's Scott's father isn't it?" I asked when he'd left and she admitted that it was. "Jesus" I muttered under my breath, thinking that at some point my half-brother might turn out looking like the incredibly well-built and extremely handsome body- builder type. I never mentioned to Scott that I'd met the guy. Why rub it in? Of course I'd never met my father either. He was my mother's boss when she first graduated from high school. Within a year she was more than his "personal" secretary and when she got pregnant he fired her. He couldn't risk having his wife and family find out about it. Having discovered right away that she didn't need a husband to survive, my mom had no desire to get Paul Andrews to marry her. She only used him to father a second child. The woman's got good taste, that's for sure. Irritated that it was taking so long to get home from the airport I suggested that Scott let me drive. His answer pissed me off so I gave him the finger ....again! He went back to driving and I glanced over at my well-built brother, with his smooth muscular arms and chest displayed nicely in his electric blue tank top. His sun-bronzed legs rippled and strained the material of his white tennis shorts and I felt a tingling in my own shorts as I wondered what my "little brother" was packing inside that bulging basket. SCOTT Jacqueline DuMont was known as the "Dragon Lady" in the advertising business, a title she's earned rightfully by stomping out any compe tition she's ever had to keep her from getting to the top. Somehow though, when it comes to us, her boys, she turns into a pussy-cat. I was somewhat pissed off that she'd cleared her schedule for the night just because Tony called and said he was going to arrive that day. We had no idea when to expect him, and I already had a date for the evening with a "semi-steady" girlfriend. We'd been dating for six months, having sex for five of those six, but I wasn't ready to settle down. After all, we both had our college plans on opposite sides of the country. My coach warned me about her trying to convince me to change my plans and go somewhere closer to her intended East coast college. Coach Melton was a great guy, he knew I was making it with Gigi, but didn't make a big deal about that violating my training regimen. He just cautioned me against ending up like him, with four kids under the age of five when he was only twenty- five years old. No way!" I assured him, although I recall feeling a momentary panic when I said that. On more than a few occasions the condoms I'd tried to fit over my huge foot-long cock had broken. Gigi was on the pill - or so she said and we were just using the rubbers as double-security. "Oh Tony honey, I've missed you!" our mother gushed and I told myself that when I wasn't around on a daily basis she'd be just as happy to see me when I came home too. "Better hurry up, we have dinner reservations in less than an hour. You have enough time to shower and shave. You will shave won't you Anthony?" she pleaded and Tony answered her with "Aw ma, I already did once today. Do I hafta' do it again? Is it a fancy restaurant?" "Yes you do and yes it is" she replied. "Your heavy beard is your father's curse" she said, explaining how the man used to keep a cordless razor in his briefcase for use usually by noon. Curse my ass! I'd love to have some of Tony's rugged hairiness. I can only assume that my father wasn't that type. I once saw a guy on the cover of a muscle-magazine that I fantasized about being my father. He was incredibly muscular, blond like me and (judging from the way his posing trunks bulged out in front) hung like a horse. His name (I had to dig into the middle of the magazine to find the identity of the cover-model) was Paul Andrews. To the best of my knowledge, Tony had never met his father either, so I guess it was only fair that I had to pretend that this muscle-magazine cover-guy was my father. TONY All through dinner she kept telling me how much I reminded her of my father. We both had a lot (too much) to drink, polishing off two bottles of wine with dinner after a couple of drinks each before and champagne with dessert. Somehow we managed to get home Once inside she suggested that we change clothes and meet in the study for a brandy before bed. I have to admit that I wasn't comfortable in the suit and tie she'd forced me to wear to dinner. I went to my own room and quickly stripped off the monkey suit, returning with a pair of comfortable running shorts and a short terry-cloth robe tied at the waist. I called out to her that I'd pour us a couple of brandies and she said she'd be right in. "Better yet, why don't you bring it in here" she said. I didn't think anything of it until I walked into her room and saw her dressed in a filmy lingerie that looked like she was an advertisement for Victoria's Secret. I carried her brandy over to her and she downed it very quickly, before I even took a sip of my own. "How about a good-night kiss for your old mom?" she said, and I leaned forward to give her a gentle peck on the lips. It ended up being much more than that. It wasn't the kind of kiss a mother and son should share, as I felt her tongue invade my mouth and her hands roam my hairy front. I reacted by cupping a hand against one of her breasts and squeezing. Suddenly we heard the garage door open below us and I said that Scott must be home. Had he not arrived when he did I have no doubt that my drunken mother and I would've done it that night. Oddly enough, as I slipped out of her room before Scott came up from the basement garage I wondered how his evening had gone. I couldn't help but wonder if he and his girlfriend were making it, and whether she appreciated what a specimen she had. SCOTT Yes I'd come home early after my date with Gigi, following a major argument in which she admitted to me that she'd not been taking her birth control pills for the last three months. She said this just after I'd tried to slip on the last of my condoms and it broke again. She suggested that we just take our chances and I blew up. There was no way I was going to get trapped into marriage by her conniving ways. Okay, there was another reason I was anxious to end my date early. I was jealous of the fact that mom and Tony were spending the evening together without me. I'd left home just after Tony climbed out of the shower. He hadn't yet shaved, and came out into the main part of the house with just a towel wrapped around his middle as he asked about the required attire for the evening. Throughout the evening I kept recalling that image of him with his thick body-coat contrasting the stark whiteness of the bath towel. Mom's BMW was home so I figured they were in for the night. I came into the house just in time to see Tony coming out of mom's room with two brandy snifters. My first thought was "Oh shit, they didn't go anywhere tonight. She's just as turned on by my hairy-bear of a brother as I am and they spent the whole night in her room fucking like animals. I went to the fridge for a drink of milk and saw their leftovers in Styrofoam containers which confirmed that they had indeed gone out for dinner. "Jesus Scott, get a grip!" I told myself as Tony set the brandy glasses down on the counter. "Hey bro' how was your evening?" "Lousy, how about yours?" I responded and he said something like "Oh it was a typical evening out with the Dragon Lady, except she drank too much and fell asleep on the way home." "She let you drive her car?!" I said with indignation and he answered that she was in no shape to drive. "I had to practically carry her up to bed" he said, and I questioned the two snifters if she were already passed out. He pointed out that one of them hadn't been been touched and just then the tie of his terry-cloth robe fell open and I goot a really good up-close loo at his gloriously hairy front. He managed to catch the tied before it opened all the way though. Yeah well, g'night" I said, afraid that if I hung around any longer my arousal at his hunky, hairy body would be obvious to him. TONY I lay awake for a long time, thinking about that good-night kiss from my mom but more so by the recurring thought that she and Scott were home alone all the time when I was at school. I couldn't help but wonder if she'd given him the same goodnight kisses (and more) on a regular basis. Oddly enough, it was HER that I was more jealous of. As I tossed and turned in bed I couldn't stop thinking about what it would be like to be flat on my back, my legs up to my chest to expose my hairy ass-hole to my well-hung younger brother. SCOTT I guess I didn't want to admit it, but I was jealous. Not of the attention that mom was giving to Tony, but the attention that he was giving her. I wish he'd have come to my room dressed in that robe (probably nothing on under it!). Oh, I wouldn't have drunk the brandy either, but I'll bet I could go wild running my hands over his hairy body. I'd been having dreams and fantasies and thoughts about making it with another guy for some time now, and every time the "partner" in my fantasies is Tony. Too bad he doesn't feel the same way! Mom slept in late the next day, even called into the office and said she wouldn't be there until noon. She left explicit instructions that she be roused by 11:00. I got up early (as usual) and made a pot of coffee. As I sat there drinking a cup of it I looked up and saw Tony in the doorway to the kitchen. He wasn't wearing the white robe now.....he wasn't wearing anything! "Oh hey kid, I didn't know you were still here. Don't you have to go to the gym by dawn or something like that?" he asked. Usually by now I was at the gym but I'd decided to blow it off that morning. What a stroke of luck that was, since it allowed me a good look at my hairy-bear of a brother completely naked. He's not so well hung as me, but all that thick dark hair certainly makes up for it. Damn he's hot looking! I pretended to continue reading the news- paper as he went behind me to get a coffee cup from the cabinet. Oh, to have eyes in the back of my head now! All of a sudden I felt his hairy leg grazing up against my bare shoulder and he leaned forward to ask if there was anything "good" in the paper. In the process of doing that he leaned just enough to allow his thick cock to lay across my shoulders. I turned my head toward it and my tongue refused to listen to my conscience or my sense of decency. A couple of licks across the fat head of it and he started drooling out pre-cum right onto my shoulder. I tasted the pearly droplets and then went the next step. I turned a bit on my chair and opened my mouth to take his hefty cock in my mouth. At the same time I let my hands go wild, reveling in the feel of his thick body-coat. TONY I hardly slept at all and once I heard Scott up in the kitchen I decided to make my move. I knew mom would be out of it until late morning. She'd even had me call her secretary to say she wouldn't be in until after noon. I thought about going into the kitchen with that white robe on, or maybe a towel around my middle to show off my hairy chest. I always suspected that Scott was attracted to that, just as I am to his smooth muscular build and his huge cock. I decided that I may as well go for it, why beat around the bush with this cat-and-mouse shit. I pretended at first to be surprised that Scott was there in the kitchen. "I figured you'd be at the gym by now" I said, or something like that. He looked fantastic sitting there reading the paper without a shirt on. I knew he wouldn't be completely naked....that would be TOO much for my goody-goody brother. I went to the cabinet behind him to get a coffee cup and turned to see his huge bare shoulders and that did it for me. I moved right up behind him and allowed my hairy leg to graze against his bare back, asking if there was anything good in the paper. I intended for him to forget about anything there in favor of what I had to offer. I leaned up on my tip-toes so that the angle was right and my fat cock sort of flopped over onto his shoulder and I was just about to apologize for this little "accident" when he took the tip of his tongue and touched it to my cock-head. Then he turned and actually started sucking me. I knew it wouldn't take long, and it didn't. From the moment he started blowing me Scott ran his hands all over my hairy body, my chest and belly and my thick legs and even my ass. When he slid his middle finger up my furry butt-crack though, it put me right over the edge and I blasted a huge load into him face. Either my little brother was already a pretty experienced cock-sucker or he was the world most natural at it. Once he'd drained me dry he let my limp (but still semi-hard) cock slip out of his mouth. I dropped to my knees as I turned his chair to face me, tugged his bikini shorts off with one quick pull and gasped out loud at the huge size of his cock. It had to be at least a foot long, and really REALLY thick. I wasn't certain I could fit the whole thing in my mouth, or up my hot ass-hole, but I was determined to do it, or to die trying. (It would be a very happy death!) That first time I just couldn't deep throat him completely (I can now though after lots of practice!) but I wasn't going to give up on taking him up my butt. Once I had him sufficiently prepared I swept the contents of the kitchen table onto the floor and lay right there on the table. There was a stick of butter that we used to lube my hole and his cock and after a good deal of grunting and pushing we managed to get his whole huge hunk of man-meat up my horny male-cunt. "Oh yeah, fuck me brother! Fuck me hard with that big horse-cock of yours!" I urged him on, and he pumped my ass as it had never been fucked before. After he exploded into me, filling my butt with a huge load of hot spunk I knew I'd never be happy with any other cock after this. SCOTT I couldn't believe how great it felt to blast my load up Tony's hairy ass. Almost as good was to collapse on top of him right there on the kitchen table and feel his hairy chest and belly against my smooth body. Suddenly all the years of arguing and ill feelings between us disappeared and I realized that I was crazy about him -- in a way that brothers are not normally crazy. I wanted him to fuck me right then, and I told him so. We'd have done it too if we had not heard the annoying buzz of mom's alarm clock. It's probably a good thing we were interrupted or she'd have come in and caught us enjoying more than our breakfast. We'd barely put the things from the floor back onto the table when she came in, looking fresh and normal as the Dragon Lady always does. The extra sleep had done her lots of good. It certainly did US lots of good too. Tony managed to find a pair of shorts to slip on right before she came in and she commented on two things: that it was good to see the two of us sitting down together and not fighting and that Tony needed a shave (as usual!) "Promise me you'll not let that thick beard of your fathers get out of control, and that the two of you will keep off one another's back while I'm at work" she said. Once she was gone we got going right away. Yeah, we kept off each other's back but spent the afternoon on our own backs, taking turns being fucked and sucked and fingered and rimmed. "Oh yeah Tony, rub that rough-whiskered face all over my ass!" I shouted out, hardly able to believe how great his thick sandpapery face felt up between my twin muscular butt-cheeks. Of course when I did the same for him it wasn't quite the same because my facial hair didn't rub him raw. Hell, he's got such a hairy ass I could've used a wire brush and he'd not feel it. TONY Yeah, me and the kid are getting along great! Mom's trying to pull in some favors and get me into the same college that Scott's got his scholarship to. We've already requested that we be able to room together and she can't believe the turn-around that's come between us. If she only knew!


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from Scott & Tony DuMont

Horny Half-Brothers

By Scott & Tony DuMont SCOTT- "Jesus Christ, where the hell have you been?" he growled as he climbed into the passenger side of my car. I explained pointedly that he'd picked a piss-poor time to ask someone to meet him at the airport. "Some of us don't drive on the shoulder to bypass normal rush-hour traffic!" I said, teasing him about one of


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