Gay Erotic Stories

Hot August Night

by Timothy Wright

Bret Connoly sipped coffee, absently aware of the bouncy music of an Astaire and Rogers musical playing on his kitchen TV. The patio doors were open and the sheer curtains billowed gently in the moving air. In the back yard, Esai, the pool attendant was busily servicing the chlorinator. Speculating, he wondered how many wealthy neighborhood matrons the young and well built Esai Benitez otherwise serviced in the course of his day. He gave the young Hispanic another appraising gaze and wondered again. Bret Connoly stared intently into the screen of his word processor. The office was suffocating in the sultry August afternoon. The air conditioner droned. He looked away from the computer and rubbed his eyes. Early sixties pop music played on the stereo, the kind Alex, his lover, called Yuppy Music but yuppies didn't exist anymore. He wondered if he and Alex really existed anymore either. Certainly not as lovers, for the last several months, their address was the only thing they shared in common. He shrugged. So much for happily ever after. Alex had been gone three days now and hadn't bothered to send any kind of message. Bret could have phoned but his pride stopped him. He glanced out the green tinted floor to ceiling windows which overlooked the hills of Culver City, and the studio where he'd got his first big writing break. Writing for series television was the only dream which had come true. Today, he felt he should have been more careful of his wishes. Half way through his segment of a "JOHNNY SEVEN" episode, he was running dry. He looked at the screen, grimaced, activated the save command and switched off the machine. Enough of that, he thought emphatically, removing his disc from the computer's slot. He pushed away from his desk. It was Friday afternoon, and too hot. He would accomplish more at home over the weekend. The reception area was empty. Taffy, the secretary he shared with four other team writers was likely off on a coffee break, or an errand, or maybe she was upstairs boinking one of the producers. All tits and ass, he acknowledged, she was decorative in a brainless sort of way. But clearly, her office skills did not justify her rumored pay. He scribbled a note saying he was through for the day and placed the small yellow stick-it sheet squarely in the middle of the secretary’s monitor screen. Arriving home, he grabbed the mail from the box and began sorting through it, nothing from Alex. He tossed the handful of envelopes onto the coffee table. Unbuttoning his shirt, he moved to the bedroom. Through the sliding glass doors leading to the pool he saw someone skulking in the back yard. There had been a rash of neighborhood break-ins in the past few weeks and he had arrived home hours earlier than usual. For all he knew some drugged-out wacko was about to rip him off. He grabbed the baseball bat he'd secreted in the closet for just such an occasion. Pulling back the sheers, he opened the glass doors with a clatter, the bat poised for striking. He was surprised to see Esai working pool-side, bare chested, wearing spandex cycling shorts which moulded to his young, athletic body. A tingle, he did not want to acknowledge, rippled through him. Esai, looked up, startled at the unexpected opening of a patio door in a house presumed locked and empty. "Mr. Connoly!" The astonished expression was quickly exchanged for a broad smile of dazzling white, perfectly formed teeth. "I didn't know you'd be home this afternoon." His speech held no trace of accent. "You're not planning on clubbing me to death are you?" He was suddenly aware of how ridiculous he must look, a middle aged Neanderthal, complete with club. "Sorry, Esai, I thought you were a burglar." He stood at the end of the pool. Thirty feet of blue, sparkling water separated them. "That's okay, I'm told one Hispanic looks like another at a glance." Bret Connoly stood nonplussed and stony faced, the bat still poised. "That was a joke, Mr. Connoly, a joke." Esai Benitez flashed his perfect smile again, still squatted by the chlorinator. Bret Connoly grinned, lowered his bat and tried not to stare at the obvious bulge in the cycling pants. "When I was here this morning," Esai said, "I noticed this intake valve needed replacing. I was back in the neighborhood, so I figured I might as well take care of it." For a moment, Bret considered going back into the house, not risking to tempt fate. Casually, the words came out. "I was about to have a beer and a swim." He was amazed that his heart thudded so quickly but his voice and body held steady. "Care to join me?" "Is it four o'clock yet?" Bret Connoly looked at his counterfeit Rolex. "Ten to." "Close enough to quitting time for me," laughed Esai. "Sure, Mr. Connoly, a beer and a swim would be great." "Mr. Connoly is my father, Esai. I'm Bret." "Okay." His smile broadened. "Well, Bret, I uhhh, don't have a swim suit with me. Have you got a spare?" "Yeah, I do," he returned with a wry smile, "but since it's just us boys, I thought we could forgo the formality. That is, if you're not too shy." Esai Benitez tossed back his head and laughed. "Okay, I'll show mine, if you'll show me yours." "Let me get the beers." Inside the dimness of the bedroom, Bret Connoly kicked off his shoes and quickly peeled away his shirt and pants. Naked, he regarded himself in the mirrored closet doors. He felt the swelling in his mind which hadn't yet manifested in his groin. Taking deep, controlled breaths, he walked to the kitchen. A tingle of illicit excitement snaked through him. His heart again skittered in his chest, pulsing life into an old rhythm which for months had lain quietly dormant until this moment. He took two bottles of Mexican beer from the refrigerator. Esai swam in the pool with strong, fast strokes, coursing it's length. The sparkling water split, leaving a swirling wake behind him. Bret placed the two bottles at the edge of the pool and took his polarized sunglasses from the patio table. Without the interference of the sun's glare, the view of the beautiful, naked body in the swirling waters came into full, unimpeded clarity. Bret Connoly sat on the pool's edge, his legs dangling in the artificially blue water. The gorgeous pool attendant continued to swim, now doing the back stroke. Esai's body was tight and young, well formed arms, chest, and legs. He moved easily in the water. His body was hairless, except for the shock of black bristles at his crotch. The blue water washed over him, his skin flashed with the sheen of a porpoise. His cock was the final, and most unexpected of revelations. Esai's entire body was down sized, perfectly formed and proportional, compacted into a frame not more than five feet, seven inches tall. However, his cock should have been attached to a Sumo wrestler. It was broad and thick, and eddied in the water as he swam. Bret imagined it must have the girth of a tomato soup can, when properly provoked. Esai stood in the water, facing his host. He reached, grasping both bottles. His shoulder brushed, cool and wet on Bret's thigh, lingering just a fraction of a second longer than polite society would allow men to be in such intimate proximity. Bret shivered inside, but didn't show it. Esai handed him a beer and raised his own in salute. "To good times!" He smiled, gazing up into mirrored sunglasses, seeing a pleasing stereo reflection of himself. The two bottles crossed each other at their bulged necks with a clink of glass. "Yeah, to good times," Bret Connoly agreed, "to very good times." Esai Benitez smiled and swallowed a deep gush of beer. He placed the bottle on the pool deck and moved directly in front of Bret. He scanned the well maintained body before him. This guy had to be about thirty-five, maybe a little older. He wondered what being thirty-five must be like. He finally looked directly into the older man's face. "Bret." He paused for an instant, as if debating whether or not to ask his question. "Is you friend away working again?" Yeah, my friend is always away somewhere. Baja, this time. A catalogue shoot." "Ah," Esai nodded knowingly. "I thought he might be a model or maybe an actor. He's very good looking." "Yeah, you're right, he is very good looking," Bret Connoly agreed. "Actually, Alex is a photographer. But he does his best work in a dark room." "I see." Esai Benitez nodded, evading the electric charge in Bret's statement. He quickly brightened. "Well, what do you do for kicks when he's out of town?" "Not much, usually." He shrugged. "Work, mostly. But sometimes I go down to Zuma, swim and take in the view." "What kind of views do you like best at the beach?" Bret laughed nervously. "What do you mean?" "Well," grinned Esai, looking at the uncut cock positioned between Bret's spread legs. "I think the view from here is one of the best I've seen in a long time." Bret shifted slightly. "Oh, yeah?" The words came expectant and quavering. His cock swelled, gaining life of its own. Esai flashed another devastating smile. "Yeah," he confirmed. His cool, wet hands reached up, coming to rest on each of the muscled thighs before him. A shuddering, hot breath escaped from Bret Connoly. His body completely betrayed him, causing his jutting cock head to poke through its protective sheath. Wetly, the shiny glans showed more and more of itself. Esai looked up, eyes glinting. The melting smile broadened into an amused grin. "Ah, beware the one eyed trouser snake." Their eyes locked. Slowly, he leaned forward delicately running his tongue over the exposed tip of cock head presented to him. Bret Connoly groaned his anticipation and pleasure. He wriggled forward, spreading wider. Fully erect and throbbing, his cock strained free of the foreskin, musky and shimmering. Esai's hands and mouth were on him. His hands instinctively went to the back of the younger man's head, fingers running encouragingly though thick, black hair. Bret's own head was thrown back, his mouth gaping, as he undulated to the tingling delights of a skilled mouth and flickering tongue. "Oh, God, Esai," he gasped, "that's so, goddam good!" Esai continued with his work. Bret felt his cock grow harder, throbbing in the young man's throat. Esai swallowed the pulsating penis with practiced skill. He bobbed his head backward and forward, enjoying the sensation of the long cock moving in his throat. He fondled Bret's walnut sized balls, gently rocking them like krokie marbles in their loose bag. Bret expectantly kneaded Esai's neck and shoulders. He eased off, bringing the head into his mouth. His tongue laved the tip. Bret was very close, Esai could taste the salty pre-cum on the back of his throat. He quickened the pace. Bret's body stiffened, his hands clutching the back of Esai's head. Both moved in unison. Bret moaned a primal, growling cry with the exploding rush. Esai's mouth filled with hot, salty cum. It splashed to the back of his throat as he swallowed hard. The cock spasmed in his mouth again, then again. Bret moaned, his body relaxed. Spent, he limply toppled forward into the refreshing, cool water of the pool. Esai was there, his arms entangling him, pressing their bodies tight together. Their mouths met, tongues probing urgently, deeply. Bret had tasted his own cum before, he'd kissed Alex dozens of times after he'd been blown by him, but this was different. In Esai's mouth, he tasted different. Esai's kiss was different too, as strong and urgently aroused as his own. There was no hesitancy here, their mutual exploration bordered on a power struggle. The almost invasionary kiss continued, hands stroking and probing, their passions mounting. Esai's hard, thick cock slid between Bret's legs, jabbing into his bag. He broke away. "I want to fuck you, man," he said breathlessly. "I've wanted to fuck you for a real long time. I'd have made my move months ago, but I thought you were happily married." "No, only utterly married." He parroted Esai's exact intonation. Esai looked unsure for a moment then grasped the closest bottle of beer and drained it in gulp. "You need to talk about it?" "No, I don't think so." He laughed a self conscious laugh. "I've just had to admit I've been kidding myself for a lot longer than I care to admit." Esai He exhaled a deep, sighing breath. "I'm sorry. I guess you must hurt a lot." "No," Bret shook his head. "That's the kicker. I don't feel much of anything and that surprises me too. It's just over, nobody's fault, no tears, the end, that's it." "Well, then, I'm glad you decided to take a chance now. With me." His mouth was on Bret's again, kissing him gently, then more insistently. Bret Connoly's heart pounded with a gladness he had not known since he couldn't remember when. Perhaps not since he and Alex had first become lovers. They stood in the pool, embracing. Bret clung to Esai, caressing his torso. His own body trembled. "Oh, Esai, it's been such a long, long time." He looked directly into the young man's flashing brown eyes, feeling something much different than lust or conquest. "I want to give as much pleasure back to you as you've given me." Esai grinned and hugged his new consort to him. "I was hoping you'd feel that way." He nibbled Bret's earlobe, sending shivers skittering along his spine. Bret's voice trembled. "I don't know that I can let you fuck me, though. You're so damn big!" The moment was abruptly interrupted with the loud drone of twin aircraft engines. Both looked up to discover a small tour plane flying at an uncomfortably low altitude. "Oh, shit!", croaked Bret, feeling like he'd been caught by his mother in some seedy East Hollywood motel. The plane was low enough that they could see the tourist's dumbfounded faces gawking through bubble windows. The sign on the side of the aircraft appropriately read: Long Beach Fly Tours. Shock turned to laughter, as both men hugged each other tighter. "Well," chuckled Esai, "I think we've just perpetuated the old Hollywood-Babylon Myth." He looked straight into Bret's eyes, grinning, enjoying the thrill of getting caught. "Now they'll really have something to tell the folks back home, in Ohio." His expression softened, this time, he kissed Bret's mouth with a trembling gentleness that broached caring. Bret responded with the same gentleness, stroking Esai's back and buns. "Okay, lover-boy," he whispered, "it's your turn...." Climbing from the pool, they made their way to the dim coolness and privacy of the bedroom. Esai's tool was enormous! Bret could scarcely fit the cap into his mouth. That monster would be tough to take up the ass. The thought somehow excited him. For the moment, nothing but their blind, sensual pleasure was involved. Bret wriggled down, sucking Esai's smooth, hairless balls, first one, then the other. Though probably average in size, they seemed incredibly small, mated with his billy club rod. The testicles rolled deliciously, manipulated by Bret's probing, wet tongue. Though he really wanted to fuck him, Esai understood his partner's fears. For the moment, he was content with Bret's fervent mouthing and licking. Laying back with his hands clasped behind his head on the pillows, Esai undulated his hips easing his cock deeper into Bret's mouth. A pleasured smile stretched on his face as he watched through half lidded eyes. Bret Connoly enjoyed Esai's exotic and exciting body. Tracing the large vein on the lower side of Esai's cock with his lips, he did what he best liked done to himself. Esai's musky taste was marvelously different from his own. The mounting pressure was too great, Esai's body suddenly stiffened, arching upward. "Oh, God, Mister Connoly," he panted. "You've turned me into a Minute Man!" Bret Connoly wanted to laugh but at that, Esai shot his load. The geyser of cum blew into his mouth choking him. He pulled back as creamy ropes of hot semen shot high into the air, splashing over their bodies. They rolled together, gasping, consumed, hearts pounding, sticky with ejaculate and sweat. "Bret! I mean Bret," Esai corrected himself still gasping, chest heaving. "Oh, fuck that was real good...." Afternoon gave way to evening, and evening to night. The sex had ended hours earlier, but the love making continued. They lay tangled together in the dark. Esai gently kissed Bret, running his hand across his abdomen, resting on his limp cock and spent balls. The fingers gently grabbed, stroked and probed. "Esai, you've got to stop," Bret pleaded. "I'm all fucked out, trust me. If I come again, it'll be bone marrow!" Esai chuckled. "I just want to touch you. Tell me you hate having my hands on you." "It's a personal policy never to tell lies." He kissed Esai's lips and rolled away. "Jeez, I'm starving! I could eat a...." ....a man?" Esai offered brightly. Bret switched on a bedside lamp. The queen size bed was destroyed, the mattress askew from the box springs. Sheets blankets, and pillows lay strewn about the room. Esai sprawled on his back, legs splayed wide in open invitation. His dark eyes smouldered. Shiny, black hair hung in curled tangles, on his forehead. Those pretty boy looks made Bret Connoly's cock twitch. "Maybe later. Like next week or better yet, next month. I'm not a young buck like you, you know." He extended his hand. "Come on, Ready Rod, let's find some food. We can't live on love alone." “Oh, but we could," came a husky, sultry reply. "Maybe you can, but this old guy needs to find the refrigerator, pronto." He eyed Esai suggestively. "Food can be fun, if you use a little imagination." He left the room. Esai was in quick pursuit. Bret was romantically accosted in the hall as Esai grabbed him from behind. Powerful arms wrapped around him. Again, the thick, hot and erect cock slid between his legs, poking his bag. He stopped, running his hands over Esai's hard flanks. "Good God, kid," he growled, in mock exasperation. "Doesn't your balloon ever land?" Esai playfully nipped the nape of his neck. "Hey, I was really hot in my prime, but that was four years ago. You're damn lucky I've slowed down!" "Spare me," came Bret's flat reply. Esai chuckled. They sat on the thick carpeting of the living room, wrapped around each other and eating roast beef sandwiches. Roughing it, they passed a bottle of champagne between them. Bret kissed Esai on the back of the neck. The flickering blue light of the television set danced on their glistening bodies. Softly, Bret whispered. "Thank you, for today." His arms hugged tighter around Esai's waist. "Mmmmm," came Esai's relaxed reply, as he cuddled closer. He rubbed the down on Bret's legs. "Don't thank me. You have no idea how many times I jerked off fantasizing about a night like this with you." He laughed. "Why do you think you got such good pool service? I was here for the view, and maybe the chance. I probably shouldn't tell you this, but...." "But what?" Esai sighed. "Well, last summer, when I first started this job, I came over early one Saturday morning. It was legit," he quickly explained. "You wanted something done to the pool, extra service. I don't remember what. I wasn't being particularly quiet, I never am, then I heard something. I looked up and saw the sliding door to your bedroom was open. It sounded like some-one was getting the shit pounded out of them." Esai drew a deep breath. "The curtains were open and the lights were on. You were fucking your lover. I watched you shove your cock deep into his ass, burying it to your balls. He was screaming his head off. It drove me nuts to see you hump him when I wanted you to do it to me." His voice lowered. "When I wanted to do it to you. So, I stood in the bushes and beat off. I knew you were a Hollywood type and figured if the performance was for my benefit, I might as well make the most of it. After I came, I took off, fast." Bret pressed his cheek to Esai's and was aware they both had grown stubble since their encounter began. It chafed in a pleas-ing way. His voice brightened. "Well, I was certainly wrong about you." "Oh really." Esai stretched but remained safely enclosed in Bret's arms. "How?" "I figured you were boring every bored hausfrau from Brentwood to Beverly Hills." "Well, I've had some unusual offers." "Bet you have." "But this is what I want." He shifted and found Bret's ear. His heart pounded. "Oh, Bret," Esai whispered. "If I can't fuck you just yet, then I want you to fuck me. Okay? I need you inside me!" Esai's anxious tongue flickered between Bret's lips. His weight forced his partner's back to the carpeting. "Tell me how you'd like it." Esai smiled. "You know how." Bret's hands roved, tracing smooth skin tautly stretched over hard muscle. His lips moved to the throat, then down to a nipple which immediately peaked into a tight knot. He kissed and licked his way to Esai's cock which inflated to full erection. Moving beyond, he nuzzled the smooth bag, sucking both nuts into his mouth. Esai moaned and spread his legs wider, exposing his cleft. Bret's tongue moved on. He excitedly licked Esai's eager hole, which loosened and opened wider. His fingers assisted in the probing. Esai whimpered, drawing his legs up, exposing himself even more. Bret's cock pulsed and dribbled with anticipation. "Now," Esai urged, rolling over, offering his raised cheeks. "I want you in me now. This way!" Bret breathed raggedly, heart pounding. He positioned his lubed cock at Esai's twitching hole and gently pushed. Esai pushed back. The sphincter muscle yielded, he gasped and held his breath for a brief moment. "You all right?" Bret's tone was an uneven combination of concern and passion. "Yeah," he gasped trembling. "It's okay, it's okay! His voice shook with his body. "Keep going, just keep going!" Bret licked into Esai's ear. His cock head eased slowly forward. Esai's ass opened. His knob was grasped and drawn in. The tight muscle squeezed behind the cap. Bret thought he might lose his mind. "Oh, yeah," shuddered Esai. "Like that, Bret, just like that!" His body undulated erotically, setting the tempo. "Fuck me slow, like that!" Deliberately, he drilled into the young man, who clamped tightly around him. Bret heaved his hips gently. Their movements meshed rhythmically in synch, two minds, one body locked in absolute pleasure. Esai was close, he humped urgently, causing Bret's hard cock to plunge deeper and deeper. A sudden clamping on Bret's cock, sent him over the edge. "Oh, fuck!", he cried, hips rocking at an ever quickening pace. The room dissolved as he wetly filled Esai. His entire body convulsed. Bone marrow, he distantly thought, and was lost in the moment. Bret's hot juices spewed from Esai, trickling over his dangling balls and down the insides of his thighs. Though Esai's muscular tunnel grasped him tightly, he slipped back and forth with greater ease, acutely aware of the satin smooth sensation. Spent, he continued to heave and plunge. He grabbed Esai's enormous dong and returned the liberating grip. Esai groaned. His cock throbbed in Bret's hand and exploded. Esai's head dropped. Bret wildly stroked the huge erection. It seemed he held an out of control fire hose as Esai bucked and convulsed. Hot, sticky cum unexpectedly splashed on Esai's face and chest. They collapsed to the floor, panting, not capable of thought. Bret breathed heavily into Esai's ear, sending hot shivers through him. Bret's cock remained rock hard, twitching deep inside Esai. United, they lay expended, their bodies slicked together. Bret's mind drifted with their afterglow. Gently, he kissed Esai's throat and nuzzled his ear. Esai had caused him to acknowledge what he had so skillfully chosen to deny. He and Alex were through. There was no going back to where the day had begun. Esai sighed and relaxed beneath him. The television set flickered in the darkened living room. Again, Fred and Ginger danced, forever youthful, in a blue glow. THE END flashed on the screen but Bret Connoly knew this was only a beginning. THE END


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2 Gay Erotic Stories from Timothy Wright

Hot August Night

Bret Connoly sipped coffee, absently aware of the bouncy music of an Astaire and Rogers musical playing on his kitchen TV. The patio doors were open and the sheer curtains billowed gently in the moving air. In the back yard, Esai, the pool attendant was busily servicing the chlorinator. Speculating, he wondered how many wealthy neighborhood matrons the young and well

Ticket to Tinseltown

I'm an actor. Okay, not an actor you've ever heard of, at least not yet. I'm a bit player, five or six lines, and maybe an occasional two shot, but it's still making a not bad living in the movies. Since Canada became the land of the sixty cent dollar, Hollywood production companies have moved north to inflate their budgets. A lot of movies and TV shows get filmed here, in


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