Gay Erotic Stories

How To Rape A Straight Guy, Part 6

by Curt


This was the first time I'd been in Wayne's shed. Shit, it was the first time I was really in his back yard. When he'd been talkin' 'bout makin' the shed over, he only showed it to me through the sliding glass doors that lead to a two foot wide patio and two inch patch of grass between the condo and the fence. I think it used to be a garage, since it was big enough for two small cars. There were two windows and one door, all inside the fence -- the wall facin' the alley was solid and covered with ivy -- and it crouched in a corner of the yard as if it was leanin' against the fence and just darin' you to make it leave. It looked nice and plain and simple, not like a prison...but that's what it was gonna be. The gate swung to the right and the door was there on its left, already ajar. Bill kept the gate open as Wayne guided me in, using the bandana to keep control of Shayes, then we slipped into the shed and Bill closed the gate and joined us inside. I dunno what I expected, exactly, when Wayne told me 'bout what he was gonna do to the place...but what I saw stopped me cold. First I saw the bed -- a big unfinished-wood four-poster jammed against a wall, its mattress covered with a ratty fitted sheet, nothing else. Handcuffs were connected to each corner post and laid out nice and neat, waiting to be clamped onto Shayes' wrists and ankles, and two leather restraints were fastened to a thick dowel that ran between the head posts, to keep his hands above his head. It made me stop and blink at how harsh it looked. Then I noticed a chain hangin' in the middle of the room. It had a ring on one end that wasn't completely closed, and it slipped through a couple of hooks in the ceiling then connected to a sort of pulley bolted to the floor in a corner opposite the bed, so you could adjust how high it was. Beside that was a heavy wooden chair, and next to that was a four-foot folding table with a pad on it...and then coils of rope on the floor...and then some rolled up foam rubber pallets...all nice and neat. The walls were covered with all kinds of misshapen bits of foam in all sorts of colors -- gray, yellow, pink, white, you name it -- even over the windows. They covered the ceiling, too. Both Wayne's and Bill's cameras were already set up on tripods -- one on a short platform, the other in a nearby corner -- and the lights were bright. I think the only reason the place wasn't like an oven yet was because of an air conditioner that was goin' full blast. Now all of this was sort of expected -- I'd seen the bondage rags Wayne creamed over, seen his diagrams and sketches -- but that freak must've thought I was a complete and total blind idiot or somethin', 'cause I could tell the second I saw the set-up that none of it was new. Not one fuckin' thing in that room. The bedposts were dull and worn where the handcuffs had rubbed against them. The ring on the chain was scratched. The metal post was dinged in a couple places. The chrome on the legs of the folding table was scraped. The wooden floor was scuffed from the chair bein' dragged over it, and the chair's stain and polish were faded and chipped. They'd used this room before...and not just once or twice. Suddenly I was feelin' really...weird. Like I had tiny little sugar ants crawlin' up and down my arms and legs and over my body. Something about that room was wrong -- totally wrong -- and I just wanted to get the fuck gone...but I couldn't move. Wayne noticed me hesitatin' so he pointed to the bed. "Toss him there and leave him. I want to savor this moment." I looked at him...then looked at the bed...then remembered I was carryin' Shayes and while he wasn't struggling, he wasn't exactly what you'd call a lightweight, either. I wandered over to the bed and let him drop onto it. He bounced onto his stomach and started to roll around -- tryin' to get comfortable, I guess, since he knew he wasn't goin' nowhere. I watched him for a second...watched him realize he was on a bed and understand what was gonna happen...what was really gonna happen...and...and I gotta hand it to the guy -- he didn't give up. He scooted 'round to sit up and try to see through the blindfold, and he started yammerin', fast and breathless, "Listen, listen, you don't understand. I keep a tight, steady schedule. People're going to be looking for me, soon. Someone may've seen your van and they'll tell the police and it'll be ten times worse for you if you've hurt me in any way...if you've done anything to, let me go, please. I'll walk away. No harm, no foul. Okay? Okay?" Wayne just snickered...and that's when it washed over me like cold ocean water. This whole set-up, this whole plan, this whole room -- revenge against a cop had nothin' to do with it. Neither did loneliness. And gettin' a homophobe like Shayes to enjoy what he said he hated -- that was all a lie. This...all of was just another fuck to Wayne and Bill...just sex. I looked at Wayne like I'd never seen him before. He was standin' to one side of the bed, watchin' Shayes move around and chatter the same crap, over and over, and he was rubbin' his own chest and crotch...and he had a boner visible in his pants. Bill was standin' on the other side, almost lickin' his lips. There wasn't any hate or hurt or fear or confusion in their eyes; all that was there was just plain lust. The fuckers were usin' me -- no, usin' my anger to help 'em get off, that's all. Not a damn thing more. I started to breathe almost as fast as Shayes...and I almost felt sorry for him. Oh, man, I had to get out of that room. I tried to back to the door, nice and slow, but Wayne noticed and came over to me, askin', "What's wrong?" I almost froze...then I muttered, "I...I need a beer...or some fresh air...I guess." Wayne looked at me. "You're not backing out? Not now." "No, man," I whispered...barely able to talk. "It's just this...this's freaking me out. No windows. One door. Those cameras." "Does it remind you of prison?" I'd swear there was a gleam in his eye when he asked me that. "I understand. There's a cooler on the patio with some ice cold Beck's in it, just for you. Why don't you have one...or two? Have a smoke. Relax. We'll get things...started." I nodded, just wantin' out...just wantin' away from Wayne's voice. From Shayes' non-stop beggin'. I backed to the door, opened it behind me and slipped outside. As I closed the door, I saw Wayne'd turned back to the bed...and he was tellin' Shayes, "Don't waste your voice, gorgeous. You're ours, now." I stumbled over to the patio, tryin' to calm my breathin'. I found the cooler and popped a Beck's and downed it in one gulp. Didn't even notice it. I grabbed another one and had half that into my belly before I took a breath...then I leaned against this post and tried to sort things out...tried to stop shakin'. You see...and this ain't no time for lies...I...I really honestly WANTED to fuck Shayes. Way down deep, I wanted it. And yeah, one reason I was doin' it to get even for all the crap in my do some damage...but that wasn't all there is to it. I...I'd gotten to where I LIKED the feel of my dick inside a guy's ass...liked the way his dick and balls'd rub against my bein' able to get him off, especially when he didn't want to and...and I looked at guys different because of it. When Shayes left, that night, I remember noticin' how nice his ass was...and I told myself it's cause I wanted to fuck him up...but there really was more to it than that. Same for that stud outside the "A" Club. Yeah, I wanted to hurt 'em...but I...I wanted to hold 'em, too. And that fuckin' room...and it bein' all set up to let me do whatever I fuckin' wanted...and it bein' so fuckin' obvious it was just there for made me see what I was doin'...part of what I wanted to do...and just how much it was gonna fuck the guy up. And mingled in with that was how much I liked holdin' a guy, even when I'm rapin' him. What the fuck was wrong with me?! I...I'm straight! I'm fuckin' straight! Ain't I? Shit, before motherfuckin' Paco and his boys did me in County, I'd only been with girls. Only liked girls. Only wanted girls. Never even thought about bein' with a guy. I loved...LOVE the way girls move and smell and fit my hands and mold into my body. I loved...LOVE slippin' my dick into their pussy and suckin' their tits and screwin' till dawn. Me and Connie, we could've wrote the book about sex between a man and woman. But since Mid-State... Man, I gotta admit, after six years there...I got to where I was just as happy with one of my punks. And yeah, yeah, I know -- I was makin' 'em do things with me...but they still all felt right. It felt just as real as with a girl. So...does that make me a fag? Did Paco turn me queer? Shit, I was so fuckin' confused. So fucked up. I'd been so busy plannin' this whole operation with Wayne and fightin' with Connie and barely makin' a buck and a half off those dykes I worked for and thinkin' 'bout what I'd do when I got that car and the cash, I hadn't really thought about what it all meant to me, what it was doin' to me. But a blindin' flash...I had one of those rare moments when I was able to see how completely, totally and absolutely I'd fucked my life up by goin' after Shayes -- and it made me sick to my stomach. I kept tryin' to convince myself that it wasn't too late to stop this...but it was. I finished the beer and popped another. I was startin' to feel a bit better...physically...and my mind was easin' back into a blank; that's my safety zone. The beer was beginnin' to give me a buzz...unusual for me after just two. That's when I remembered I was still wearin' my ski mask, so I whipped it off and rubbed my face. The little sugar ants were retreatin'. I was finally able to look around and notice the sky was getting' cloudy and a cool wind was pickin' up; maybe some rain comin' with it. Typical June weather; hot one day, wet as shit the next. I love the rain. I could just hear somethin' fall over inside the shed. Wayne and Bill must've already started havin' And it sounded like the foam was workin' on the walls, since I couldn't really hear anything else above the A/C. I pushed off from the post and wandered 'round the yard. I was back to bein' numb. Back to not thinkin'. Back to not feelin' anything about it, one way or the other. I couldn't have gotten my dick up right then...but I wasn't about to freak anymore: What's done is done. Then the shed's door blew open and Shayes came barrelin' out, and he slammed headlong into me! We crashed to the little bit of grass and whipped against the fence, and suddenly he was screaming "Police! Help me!" at the top of his lungs! I acted from instinct. I scrambled on top of him and rammed my arm against his throat...but he blocked me with his own arms! His wrists were still strapped together but they were in FRONT of him! Then he slammed my jaw with his two hands! We rolled away from the fence and I grabbed him 'round the chest with my arms! He kicked and tried to flip me away, still screaming for help, but I had a lock on him, had his arms back to bein' useless! Then Bill and Wayne appeared, and each of them grabbed a one of Shaye's legs and held on with all their might. That gave me a chance to push my way to behind him and muffle his screams with my left arm as I held his arms tight to his chest with my right, usin' every ounce of strength I had to keep control of him. If his hands hadn't been still tied, he'd have gotten away. We struggled to our feet, Shayes still fightin' like a madman, and carried him back into the shed. Through the whole thing, Shayes was screamin', "Lemme go, you fuckin' faggots! Help! Help me! FIRE! FIRE! Faggot! Keep the fuck off me! Motherfuckers! Help! Police!" The second we were inside I kicked the door closed behind me. Then Wayne and Bill grabbed the rope and tied Shayes' ankles back together at light speed, it seemed. Now that he couldn't kick, they helped me force his arms up over his head and slip the strap around his wrists into the ring at the end of the chain. Then they pulled the chain up, forcing him to hang by his wrists. Now he was danglin' off the floor...and he could struggle and curse and spit as much as he wanted, 'cause he wasn't goin' anywhere. I'd taken most of the beatin' least, I got it from the point where Shayes got outside; once things were back under control, I saw Wayne had a cut over his eye and Bill had a nosebleed...and both of 'em were pissed. "What th' fuck happened?" I asked 'em. Wayne glared at Bill and said, "We were tying his feet to the bed posts, first his left foot and then his right. But Bill cut the straps around his ankles before I'd secured his left foot. He kicked Bill and rammed a knee into my back and slipped his hands under his butt before I could do anything to stop him. He yanked off his blindfold and got to the door. I tackled him...but he punched me. Then he ran outside. He was screaming the whole time; didn't you hear him?" "Not a word," I said. "Shit." Then I looked at Shayes. He was hangin' from the chain like a side of beef, half his shirt torn away, his shorts 'round his hips, his briefs at an angle. He had curled his arms to pull himself up to try and free himself from the straps, but they were caught too neatly inside the ring and he couldn't get a good hold of the chain to pull himself up higher. Any questions I had 'bout what we were gonna do had just vanished. If it means prison, I'm gonna make it worthwhile. I grabbed his ankles and yanked him down. The straps dug into his wrists and he cried out. He still tried to kick me, but I had control of him now. I lifted his legs up, curled my right arm around them, adding to the pressure on his wrists, and leaned in real close. "What th' fuck you think you're pullin', bitch?" I asked, real soft and low. Shayes snarled back, "You touch me, motherfucker, I'll fuckin' kill you!" I chuckled and smacked his ass with my left hand. "Make up your mind, bitch. I'm a fatherfucker or a motherfucker; I can't be both...or can I?" I dropped his legs. He dangled there, grunting in pain 'cause of his wrists. "What've you got to spread his legs?" I asked Wayne. He showed me a leather restraint -- two soft straps at each end of a two-foot long pole. I took it...looked it over: The buckles were tarnished and the leather lips had creases where they'd been used. I smiled and tightly wrapped one of the straps around Shayes' left ankle, usin' his sock to pad it. He tried to fight me off, but Wayne and Bill grabbed his legs and body to hold him still. "What the fuck're you gonna do, man?" Shayes asked. "You gonna kill me? You'd better! You fuckin' touch me, you'd fuckin' better!" I just sneered at him and said to Bill, "Hold his right leg at the knee." Bill did what I said, and I cut the plastic strap around Shayes' ankles. He tried to kick us away, but he couldn't get the leverage this time, and I was able to force the leather strap around his right ankle. Now his legs were under control. "It won't be any good for you, faggot," Shayes said. "I'm gonna fight you the whole time." Then I went to the chain and lowered Shayes so he could stand instead of hang. He could barely keep upright, even if he didn't move around much, so he stood pretty still. He was thinkin' a mile a minute...tryin' to figure out how he could talk his way out of this...prayin' he could. "Listen, man," he said. "I'm not queer. So it won't be any good for you. Listen to me! I'm a cop. If...if you do this to me...any of you...and if...if you do kill me, it's a capital offense. It's the needle. For all of you! Can't you see how dumb that is?" In answer, I just grabbed his ratty shirt and ripped it the rest of the way off. He gulped then fought to keep control of his breathing, as I looked him over from head to toe. Yeah...his abs were just like a guy'd want -- solid but not stupidly so. With good pecs toppin 'em off. Hair fanning over tanned skin. No way was I gonna think of him as anything but a guy...but that didn't bug me anymore. It's funny -- I felt rage at how perfect he seemed...and how easy it was for him...but at the same time, I felt joy at how right he real...and all of it was without a second of confusion. This was how it was gonna be...maybe how it was supposed to be...I dunno. It all felt a bit I touched his tits...played with 'em...just to make sure they weren't some figment of my imagination. He tried to twist away from my hands. " is rape," he choked out. "This is kidnapping. Please...please...think about what you're doing." I walked around behind him. His ass was round, but not really what you'd call a bubble butt...and man, even spread apart, his legs looked good. Nice form to 'em, even with his shorts droopin' over his hips. In fact, the way the elastic to his briefs sort of rolled across the top of his ass, givin' a hint of a tan line, it got my dick to stirrin', again. I wanted to see his I grabbed his baggy shorts and tore at them. He cried out as they shredded away in strips and threads...the zipper giving way last. And then he was standing there...arms strung up above his head...legs spread apart by the restraints...a pair of white briefs his only cover...and I wanted him like I've never wanted anything before. I unzipped my jeans and let my dick out. I was hard, but not so very much so...not till I slipped up behind him and let it push against the white cotton that covered his ass; then it got to poundin'. He jolted and tried to squirm away, but I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him close. "Oh, no," he said, " can't do this to me. I've never done anything like it...never..." I let my dick glide between his legs and push up against his scrotum. He was breathless...shivering in my arms. I could feel his heart pounding next to mine. I nestled my face into the curve of his right shoulder...where it meets his neck...and I whispered to him, "We're goin' t' bed, now." "" I worked my dick back and forth between his legs, rubbing up against the soft white cotton, its head bumpin' against the back of his balls. He clenched his muscles and tried to avoid me, but he couldn't. "Feel that? It's gonna be inside you, soon." "Motherfucker -- no!" "If you fight me, it'll hurt more. I'm fuckin' you, you're gonna suck on my buddy's dick." "I'll fuckin' bite it off!" I reached up, grabbed his tits and twisted 'em...pulled at 'em till he cried out in pain. "I'm the one in control, here. You're gonna suck him off. And careful with the teeth. If you do bite him, I'll cut your balls off." "You're gonna fuckin' kill me, anyway. I won't let a guy's dick in my --" I twisted his tits again, then kept whisperin', "It ain't just about you, asshole." "What?" "It's more than just you here." "What...what d'you mean?" I smiled and nibbled at his ear, and then I whispered, "I know where you live." He looked at me, confused...but not totally so. "You got a nice family," I added...with just a hint of a smile. "We could keep you here for days...weeks...and I could come and go as I pleased...wherever I pleased..." He went white...and I knew I didn't have to say another word. Then he looked away from me...and stopped tryin' to keep away from my dick. And when I slipped my hands away from his tits and down his stomach and slipped them under the elastic to his briefs...and ran my fingers over his pubes and dick...and found the "Y" front to his briefs...and used that to rip 'em to shreds, he barely flinched. I stepped back to look him over again...and liked what I saw. His butt was smooth and hair fanned over it, but not too much...and he had a tan line, but a squarish one, like what you get from swimming trunks...and his back was formed good and everything fit together just right. I ran my hands over him...over every square inch of his body...just to make sure he was really there. I pulled off my jeans and shirt, removed my socks and, finally, slipped my briefs down my legs. I stepped out of them and went back to face Shayes. He wouldn't look right at me...not till I pressed myself against him, lettin' my hard dick crush against his soft one, and wrapped my arms 'round him. Then he glanced at me, sideways. I lifted him with one arm and reached up with the other, worked the plastic straps through the opening in the ring and let his arms drop around my neck. I smiled at him. "We got an understandin' now, don't we?" I whispered. He just looked away. I slipped my right hand down his back, brushed it over his butt and wound up inside his left thigh, my left arm stayin' 'round his torso. I lifted him up and carried him to the bed. I lay him on it, face up, and knelt back to look him over. His wrists were red and cut and beginnin' to swell from the plastic strap. I motioned to Wayne, who handed me a blade, and I slit the strap away. I guided his hands to the leather restraints attached to the head posts' dowel and wrapped 'em around his wrists. Then, last but not least, I removed the restraints on his legs. He lay there, arms bound above his head, legs still spread apart, shivering not from cold but from anticipation. His dick lay to the left, limp but now it had a sloping form to it. He didn't try to hide it; he just looked at the ceiling. Wayne stepped closer to the bed and whispered, "He's beautiful. Everything about him is." I turned to Wayne and said, "Tell you what, you first." In a second, Wayne was on the bed, naked. He looked at me, waitin' for me to give him a sign, so I nodded. Then he put his dick to Shayes' mouth. The guy wouldn't open it...not till I squeezed his balls with my hand and whispered, "C'mon, buddy. It's all or nothin'." The guy gave me a look so full of hate, if it'd been a knife, I'd’ve been sliced to ribbons. Then he swallowed and slowly let his lips part and Wayne slipped inside. Shayes gagged...but after a moment, he started suckin' on it. Nothin' great about this blow job, from what I could see...but fuckin' Wayne didn't care; fact is, it only took him a minute or two to let loose. Took both him and Shayes by surprise. Shayes choked and coughed and spit the dick out, gagging from Wayne's juice. One last spurt hit him on the chin, then Wayne leaned back, breathin' deep and happy. All he could say, over and over, was, "Oh, shit. Oh, shit." I leaned over and whispered into Wayne's ear, "No teeth marks?" Wayne shook his head, barely able to croak out, "It was perfect. Perfect." His eyes were tearin' up. "And quick," I sneered. "To start," Wayne sneered back. I nodded and moved to between Shayes' legs. I lifted them up...and positioned myself to where his ass was resting on my thighs and my dick was bumpin' against his balls...and his legs were propped up on my shoulders. He didn't like it, tried to shift away, but I grabbed his ass to hold him in place. He stopped squirmin'. I took a jar of Vaseline from beside the bed...and scooped some out on my finger...and slipped it between the cheeks of his ass and smeared it 'round his hole. He gulped and grimaced...but said nothing. Then I lubed some onto my dick...found his hole with my finger and pressed the head of my dick against it. "Wait," he whispered, his voice shakin'. "Will...will you at least use a condom?" Fuckin' idiot. Like getting' AIDS from me is even somethin' he ought to be worryin' about. In answer, I began pushing my way into him. He clenched tight, automatically, and grimaced. But the Vaseline did its job and I slipped into him...slowly glided in deeper and deeper...till I could feel his balls touching my pubes. He was gaspin' and tryin' hard not to cry out, but little yelps of pain kept escapin'. Once I was all the way in, I held still and looked at him. At that moment, havin' his ass wrapped around my dick, flexin' and pushin' at it like he was...I felt an instant of peace...felt a moment of perfection. This was all I'd ever wanted to do. This was just how it was supposed to be. I owned the world and the moon and the stars. I rivaled God in my power and control...and I never wanted it to end. Then I started pumpin' into him...and it got even better than I could ever have imagined.


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Curt

Afternoon Tea Party

They had been meeting like this for about three years, fifteen women in all, over fifty years old, widowed or divorced, and between relationships. The group had been organized by Betty Colton and her good friend Sarah Henderson. When they lost their husbands only two months apart, both women felt as though their sex lives had been ended for good. After months of mourning their losses,

How To Rape A Straight Guy, Part 1

I did it on a bet. Yeah, yeah, I know -- that’s a dumb-shit reason to do anything. But I was pissed at my bitch of a wife and had a couple beers under my belt and these two annoying old faggots that were buying those beers were yammering back and forth over whether or not any guy is capable of queer sex, no matter how straight he is, in the right place at the right time for me to

How To Rape A Straight Guy, Part 2

I went with them over to Bill’s place...that turned out to be Wayne’s, too. They shared this townhouse or duplex or whatever you want to call it just outside West Hollywood, where the parkin’s the worst and parkin' enforcement's mean. It wasn’t a fancy place on the outside -- I mean, from what I could tell in the dark -- but even with the nearest street lamp half a block away and

How To Rape A Straight Guy, Part 3

Now I'm not gonna tell ya I really thought about what Bill was sayin'. I didn't. Didn't think about what it meant. Didn't wonder why he wanted to know. Didn't consider it meant messin' with a guy in the community who'd never done a thing to me instead of with a con who was kicked into my path by those self-righteous assholes that run the country. I didn't tell myself I wasn't queer

How To Rape A Straight Guy, Part 4

We set it up for the next Saturday. I come over at six. We call our guy at seven. Have him there at eight. Done with him by eleven. Go out for a beer or two at midnight. I take the car home. All nice and neat and scheduled out like a battle plan. Bill decided to use one of those "model/escort" characters who got ads in the back of th’ weekly fag-rags. I bet he spent hours lookin’

How To Rape A Straight Guy, Part 5

That night...that's when everything changed. Now Wayne was the one makin’ plans, sittin’ down and all but drawin’ a map of how it was gonna go, and Bill was the one holdin’ back. It would’ve been funny, if Wayne wasn’t so fuckin’ serious about it. First he asked me "what position" I wanted Shayes to be in when I fucked him. I told him on his back, his legs in the air is best.

How To Rape A Straight Guy, Part 6

This was the first time I'd been in Wayne's shed. Shit, it was the first time I was really in his back yard. When he'd been talkin' 'bout makin' the shed over, he only showed it to me through the sliding glass doors that lead to a two foot wide patio and two inch patch of grass between the condo and the fence. I think it used to be a garage, since it was big enough for two small

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