Gay Erotic Stories

Jarod, God Of My Dreams

by IDG

Normally my day begins with the alarm at 6:30, then I get up, get dressed and go to school. But today I decided to get up a little earlier. I awoke at 6 AM, and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, took a piss and went back to my room. I decided to wear some new clothes I had just bought. I bought a few new outfits, because I was outgrowing all of my clothes. I have been working out regularly for a few months now. I decided that it was time to flaunt what I had been working so hard to achieve. I turned on the weather channel to see just how nice it would be out today. The temperature was forecasted to hit around 90, I was overjoyed with this news. I decided to wear my jean-shorts, a tight, white tank-top and a short-sleeve button-up shirt. I left the shirt unbuttoned so that everyone could see. I put on my sandals and headed out to my car. I arrived at school and noticed many hot guys in shorts. I pretended not to look, but the sight was awesome. the day went by normally, until lunch-time. I got my lunch and sat at my usual table. As I sat down, I noticed Jarod, gorgeous as ever. He always sat at the table diagonal to mine, giving me a perfect sight to look at while I ate. I finished my lunch and went to the barrel to throw the trash away. When I turned around to go back to my table, Jarod and I collided. His soup spilled all over my white tank-top, making it stick to me even more. We both apologized and he offered his tank-top to me. I agreed and we walked to the locker room where he had and extra set of clothes. He reached in the locker and grabbed the tank-top. I was so nervous I could hardly move. I took off my shirts and put on his tank-top. As my head popped through the top, I could see him staring at my body. I bent down to grab my other shirt, and put it on. He asked me if I belonged to a gym or if I worked out at home. I told him that I had a gym set at my home and that I used it every night. He told me that he did the same. I had always admired his body, but had never seen him in any state of undress. I told him that I should get back to lunch, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me close to his body. My heart was pounding, and needless to say so was my cock. We started kissing. At first it was just a kiss, then we became more involved. Our tongues wrestled endlessly as our hands grabbed for each other's power tool. I noticed by the size of the bulge, growing in his shorts, that he was rather well-endowed. He peeled back my outer shirt and then untucked my the tank-top he lent me. I unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off revealing what I had always dreamed about. His powerful pecs and washboard stomach glistened with sweat. The sight was enough to make a straight man gay. I worked my way from his luscious lips to his neck then to his hardening brown nipples. I teased them with my tongue, moving from one to the other. I worked my way even further down his toned body. My tongue explored every inch of his rippling stomach and right down to the trail of fur which traveled from his navel down past the top of his shorts, inviting me to follow. I unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts, slowly lowering them, revealing his tight black boxer-briefs. I felt his hands on my head and knew what he wanted, so who am I to deny the man of my dreams what he wants. I pulled his underwear down and began licking his balls, taking each one in my mouth. His cock was a good 9 inches and thick. I started licking the head and began my descent. Taking more and more of his sensational cock deeper into my mouth. When I thought I could take no more, he began pushing my head further down until I took the whole thing. With my nose in his pubes, I could feel his body pulsing with pleasure. I reached my hands around his body and rested them on his tight ass. I began moving up and down on his rod. I could hear quiet moans of pleasure coming from above. I heard his breathing getting faster and he shot his load. I tried to take it all in, not wanting to waste any, but there was just too much. It began trickling out of my mouth and down his cock. Once he was finished cumming, I licked up the remaining nectar from his tool. I stood up and gave him a long kiss. With my lips still covered in his cum, he got a taste of his own sweet rewards. As he pulled up his shorts, I began to re-dress, but he told me that this was far from over. He pulled the tank-top over my head and played with my nipples. Working his way down my body, like I had his, he unbuttoned and pulled down my shorts. As he nuzzled on my cock, his hands wandered around and placed themselves upon my ass. He began probing his finger into my ass. As I shot my load he swallowed and made sure none was wasted. I pulled up my shorts and we both got dressed. We then sat down and talked, talked about everything. We decided that it would be best if we didn't tell anyone we were gay, but we could still date privately and share many naughty delights too.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from IDG

Jarod, God Of My Dreams

Normally my day begins with the alarm at 6:30, then I get up, get dressed and go to school. But today I decided to get up a little earlier. I awoke at 6 AM, and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, took a piss and went back to my room. I decided to wear some new clothes I had just bought. I bought a few new outfits, because I was outgrowing all of my clothes. I have


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