Gay Erotic Stories

Josh's Birthday Party

by Chadwick

I was at Josh’s house celebrating his eighteenth birthday. It was one of those oppressively hot summer nights. I thought that I would just step outside for a breath of air. As I stood in the garden enjoying the slight breeze I caught sight of a movement in the shadows under the trees closer to the back fence. Being curious, I moved closer to investigate. Once my eyes adjusted to the dark, I could see two guys embracing each other passionately. I had been aware for some time that I was gay, and this activity caused my substance to enlarge substantially. I moved a little closer and noticed that they were naked except for their jocks, which were filled by their swollen cocks. When I was close enough, I recognised the guys. One was Brett, Josh’s twenty year old brother, who was a muscular man thanks to his regular weight sessions. He had an exciting torso with a narrow waist and prominent shoulders. The sinews in his arms stood out and his legs were powerful. He excited me whenever I saw him and now that he was naked, I thought he was gorgeous. My cock was hard on and throbbing. The other was Olly, who may well have been Olive. He was a graceful feline person who shaved his body hair regularly and always wore tantalising aromas. He was a sensuous man who liked to drape himself over his friends and call them "Darling." Their intensity abated for a moment and each stepped out of his underwear. Brett turned Olly around and fingered his arse hole. He gradually inserted one finger and massaged Olly’s canal, then two fingers massaging more and finally three fingers. By this time Olly was groaning: "I like it, I like it." Brett’s 10 inch pole was fully erect and he was inserting it into Olly’s butt hole in place of his fingers. By this time I had become excited and ready. I stripped off my clothes and stroked my pulsating dick. Brett had inserted his sperm deliverer into Olly’s fiery canal. I moved over and stroked Brett on the back and said, "Brett, this is Chad. I want to mount you." "Go for it man," he responded and leant forward over Olly. Pre-cum was dripping from my hot rod as I thrust it into Brett’s anal cunt. Pressure, pressure, pressure and then his sphincter released allowing easy entrance into his rectum. Sheer elation for me. I was unaware of Josh’s arrival but he came up behind me and said, "Lean forward Chad so that I can fill you with cum." I gladly obliged and felt his thick stiffness penetrate me. More elation! Brett pumped Olly, and in the same rhythm I rocked in and out of Brett, while Josh did the same to me. Then it happened, one ejaculation after the other. Olly first. Even though he was not playing with his penis, the stimulation of his anal canal was sufficient. Then Brett. I felt the excitement his body rise to a crescendo and empty. Then me. It was a most wonderful experience, squirting sperm juice into Brett. "Yeeeoooouuuu!" Then Josh emptying himself into me. "Aaaaaahhhhhh." Ecstatic pleasure. Even if nothing else had happened that evening, I was glad that Josh had invited me to his party. But that is another story.


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from Chadwick

Josh's Birthday Party

I was at Josh’s house celebrating his eighteenth birthday. It was one of those oppressively hot summer nights. I thought that I would just step outside for a breath of air. As I stood in the garden enjoying the slight breeze I caught sight of a movement in the shadows under the trees closer to the back fence. Being curious, I moved closer to investigate. Once my eyes


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