Gay Erotic Stories

Luckless Straight Boys On Holiday

by Jason

My name is Jason, and this is a true story. It happened a year ago, when my two straight friends and I decided to go on a 2-week holiday up to the Great Barrier Reef. Andrew is18 and Lebanese, and Michael is also 18 and is Greek. We decided on a resort about an 18 hour drive from Sydney, which is where we live. We decided to take our time and share the driving. Every 400 km’s, we had to stop to re-fuel. After the third stop, while the boys were re-fuelling and checking under the bonnet etc, I proceeded to the cashier to pay for the fuel. As I was walking past the magazine stand I noticed the usual array of nudie mags such as Playboy and Penthouse; I also noticed they had Honcho and Playgirl. I thought twice about picking up a copy, but thought it best not to. I didn’t want to rub it in the boys’ faces about my sexuality, even though I’m sure they knew. Instead, I picked up Playboy for Michael and Andrew, and proceeded to the counter to pay. When I got back to the car, the boys asked me what I was going to do with the Playboy mag? I told them it was for their use and that they may need to use it, in case they didn’t get lucky. “Don’t think so pal!” replied Andrew. “I plan on getting laid within five minutes after we get there!” “Yeah right,” I said. I was flicking through the pages, when I came across the ever-popular centerfold. “You won’t find no dicks in that magazine!” Michael called out from the back seat. “I wasn’t looking for dick. Just trying to work out what makes straight guys bar up when they see a naked chic,.” I said. “This is what,” replied Andrew. With that, Andrew, who was driving, ran his finger slowly up and down over the page where the centerfold’s pussy was. “You serious?” I asked “Deadly serious,” answered Andrew. “If you weren’t gay, Jason, I’d let you feel my dick, just so you would know what that picture of that chick has done to my salami.” “No need to show me, Andrew. I can see the bulge in your pants!” I replied cheekily. “Perverted fag!” Andrew said jokingly. After about 18 hrs on the road, we finally arrived at the hotel. We unloaded the car, proceeded to our room, and got settled in. The sleeping arrangements were to be that Michael and Andrew shared the double bed, and I had the single bed, which, believe it or not, suited me just fine. The boys checked out the brochures in the hotel foyer to see if there were any nightclubs about. And sure enough, there was. “C’mon, Jason! Get ready! We’re heading off soon,” said Michael. “Thanks, but no thanks guys,” I said. “I think I’ll just sit here and chill. It’s been a long drive,” “Suit yourself,” Michael said. Great! My plan was working. I figured that with Michael and Andrew gone, I could just strip naked, take a shower, beat off until my dick went purple, and go straight to sleep. It was 4 AM when the boys got back. I pretended not to hear them. They were loud, stunk like a brewery, and very drunk. The next morning, we all got up at around lunchtime. “So…who got lucky first last night?” I asked eagerly. The boys just looked at each other, and then down at the floor. “Ahhh….no luck, eh?” I said with a smile that stretched from ear to ear. “All the chicks there were dogs!” said Andrew. In Lebanese, that means they had struck out. “Never mind…we’re here for another 13 nights, so you’re bound to get lucky sometime,” I said sympathetically. “Whatever, Jason,” said Michael. Andrew then went to take a shower, while Michael and I went to McDonald’s to grab some breakfast. We were gone for about 30 minutes. When we returned, I noticed that Andrew was still in the shower. I also noticed that the Playboy mag was missing. “Hmmm,” I thought to myself. That night, and for the next three nights, we all went nightclubbing, and returned to our hotel in the early hours of the morning. I enjoyed myself. It’s been a long time since I frequented straight clubs. However, the boys did not get lucky once. I put it down to their sleazy ‘come-on’ lines. After all, they are Europeans! The next morning Andrew and I went down for a dip in the pool, and then lay down on our towels to dry off. I tried to cheer Andrew up, as he was feeling quite down about his bad luck with chick-scoring. “I’m ok, Jason. It’s cool,” is all he could say. “What about you, Jason? Don’t you miss getting off with guys?” He turned the topic of conversation back to me. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! It was the first time Andrew asked any question that related to either my sexuality or just me and sex. “Yep, you could say that,” I replied. “But you have to remember, Andrew, that I came here knowing that the chances of finding any gay guys here, let alone guys to have sex with, would almost be non-existent,” I said. “So how have you been getting off since we got here?” he asked curiously. “Hand-job. How else?” I replied. I couldn’t believe I was having this frank discussion with him. “Can you put some suntan lotion on my back?” he asked, changing the subject. “Sure, but if I get happy in between my legs, it’s not my fault,” I said with a laugh. “I can trust you, Jason,” he said seriously. “You’re like a brother to me.” I tried to throw some comedy into this situation, but with no luck. He was still very serious, and looked deep in thought. I got on his back, and started applying the lotion and rubbing it in. “As I said, Jason, I can trust you like my brother,” he said once again. “Andrew, do you want to talk about the bad luck with the chick scoring thing?” I asked. “You’ve been feeling down since you got out of bed.” “That’s not what is bothering me,” he said. “It’s Michael.” “Michael?” I asked puzzled. Now I was really confused. “Michael has been trying to get with chicks that I tried to hit on.,” he told me. “Every time I came close to taking the chick back to her place, he comes in and messes things up for me,” he said with a tone of anger. “Have you told him how you feel about this?” I said as I continued applying sun tan lotion. “I can’t. He’s a good buddy. You know that,” he answered. “I don’t want this holiday spoiled for any of us just because of this,” he added. “Hey Jason? Take a look at this,” he said with a smile on his face. He raised himself off the ground, and showed me his boner through his swimming costume. I couldn’t believe it! It was big and hard! He then pointed to a chick that was sun tanning topless. Of course, I was disappointed. I thought that he got excited from the back rub I was giving him. He then looked at my semi-erect dick and made a joke about it. “I didn’t know she was having this effect on you too, Jason!” “She isn’t, Andrew. Your dick is.” “What?” he asked “A bit like that naked chick in Playboy,” I replied wittingly. “Can you disappear for a while?” he asked me. “I need to get to know that chick before she goes away.” “Sure. Whatever, Andrew,” I said, as I collected my things and proceeded back to our room. As I approached the room I could hear Michael’s favourite CD, Jon Bon Jovi, blaring loudly. I entered and headed for the bathroom to remove my bathing suit and to shower off the pool chemicals. “What the fuck are you doing here?” asked Michael. He has sitting on the toilet, shorts down to his ankles, Playboy on his lap, and his right hand over his dick trying to cover it up, obviously embarrassed. “Andrew’s trying to crack onto a chick down by the pool,” I answered staring at him sitting there feeling humiliated. “I decided to give him some space. Looks like you need some space, too, Michael, so I’ll leave you to it. I’m going for a spa (Jacuzzi, for you Americans), out on the balcony.” “I’ll join you. This can wait,” he said. I left him alone to get his self together as I headed for the spa. I figured it was best to have my swim trunks on. “Move over,” he said as he jumped in with his swimmers on. We were having a talk about everything and anything, except for what I just witnessed in the bathroom, when he said, “Don’t tell Andrew what you saw, ok?” “No problem,” I assured him It was getting hot, so without asking Michael, I removed my swimmers, knowing he wouldn’t be put off seeing my dick, as the bubbly water made it impossible for him to see it anyway. “What are you doing?” he asked in a panic. “It’s hot in here. Got a problem?” I asked “No. It’s cool,” he said, feeling somewhat more comfortable now. “Jason… I gotta ask you something,” he started. “What?” I asked “I need to show you something.” “What is it, Michael?” I asked. “Promise you won’t laugh?” “I promise,” I answered, feeling half excited and half nervous. He stood up in the tub, pulled down his shorts, and showed me his flaccid dick. “You’ve seen a million dicks in your life, Jason, I’m sure. What’s this purple bruise here on my knob?” he asked me as he moved closer to me with his penis just 2 inches away from my face. “Go ahead…touch it, I don’t mind. Just don’t tell anyone, ok?” I studied it closely. “Probably just a slight bruising, Michael. What have you been getting up to?” “What do you mean?” he asked. “It happens to guys who beat off too many times a day,” I told him as I gently squeezed around his knob. “Does this hurt when I do this to you?” “Slightly.” He blushed. “Is it ok though? Will it get better?” “Sure it will. Just go easy on the hand jobs,” I said speaking from my own personal experience. “I got a bit panicky, Jason. I thought it might have been some kind of disease,” he said, showing a sigh of relief. “Hey, Jason… How about it?” he suggested as he moved his dick closer to my lips. “How about what?” I asked, knowing all too well. “C’mon. You know… I won’t tell anyone,” he said, now feeling very happy and confident. “Our secret,” he added. I looked up at him knowing he was serious. “C’mon, Jason. You caught me in the middle of it when you walked in on me,” he said very matter of factly. “Just watch the bruised area. It’s fragile. Handle with care,” he said as if reading a warning label. He didn’t wait for an answer. He rubbed his dick against my lips; it tasted of chlorine and salt. He gently thrust his hips further towards me, forcing his dick in my mouth. “MMMmmm…. Straight dick!” I thought to myself as I sucked on it like a honey-coated banana. I could taste his precum. I just wanted whatever juices were in his nut sac to fill my mouth and dribble down my chin. “That’s it…you do this good,” he said. “Just don’t stop.” I sucked, sucked and sucked until my wish came true: He came in bucket loads! I truly have never seen so much cum come out of one dick! “Ahhh…Great! Feels good,” he said with a cheeky grin on his face. “Sorry about that.” “Sorry about what?” I asked “Too much cum, Jason. It’s been a while, ok?” he answered me. “It couldn’t have been a while,” I said. “That’s why you have a bruised dick! Remember?” I said. He laughed, got out of the tub, and went to shower. Just then Andrew came back from the pool. “How did it go with that chick?” I asked “Any luck?” “Her boyfriend showed up,” he said disappointedly. “I knew it was too good to be true. Where’s Michael?” “In the shower,” I answered “Good. Move over,” he demanded. He got in quickly; too quickly, in fact. He pulled off his swimmers and got in. “I need to cum bad, Jason. Want to make yourself useful?” he asked. “What do you mean, Andrew?” “You know what I mean. Feel this,” he said as he grabbed a hold of my hand and wrapped it around this dick. “It won’t take long,” he whispered. “Michael’s in the shower, he won’t know if we don’t tell him.” I felt like a high school kid in the toilets again getting up to no good! “Just jerk it slowly up and down,” he instructed. ‘That’s all.” “You want me to suck you off?” I asked, hoping he would say yes. “You offering?” Before I could respond he got up and sat on the edge of the tub. He had one of his hands around his dick, and his other hand behind my neck, guiding me to his dick. “Hmmm… Déjà vu,” I thought to myself. Once again, I sucked on it like all my Christmases had come at once! Andrew’s dick was definitely bigger and thicker than Michael’s, I noticed as I was playing with his nut sack. “Deeper, Jason,” he whispered. Just then the shower was turned off. “Shit! Andrew, hurry!” I demanded. This made things worse, because the pressure was now on. “Shall we stop?” I asked. “No. Just keep sucking really hard,” he said as he pinched his nipple. He was forcing my head backwards and forwards when Michael walked in. Andrew quickly threw me off and just stared at Michael, feeling embarrassed and ashamed. I looked at Michael to see what expression was on his face. “You told him, didn’t you?” Michael asked me. “Told him what?” repeated Andrew looking puzzled as he was looking at me. “Go ahead…tell him, Jason,” Michael instructed me. Before I could tell Andrew, Michael jumped in and said, “I got the same treatment 10 minutes ago.” He smiled. Andrew looked at me to see if this was true. My expression told him all he needed to know. Michael then got dressed and headed for the door. “I’ll meet you guys downstairs in the bar for drinks.” Andrew wasn’t keen on finishing off what we had started. “Chill, Andrew,” I said. I persuaded him to finish off, which he did. “Who’s got the biggest dick, Jason?” he asked when we finished. “I have,” I answered. “Yeah right.” So I decided to prove it: I took off my jocks and showed him my fully erect penis. He was shocked. “Want to touch it?” I asked him. He wrapped his hand around it. “Do you want to cum?” he asked me. “Why? What’s it to you?” He didn’t answer. He slowly started to rub my dick up and down. I wasn’t going to turn down this offer! He picked up the rhythm. “Just don’t come on my hand, ok?” he said sternly. I ignored his request, and came like a rocket all over his hand and arm. He mumbled something disapprovingly. I told him to shut up, get dressed and join Michael and me in the bar downstairs. Half an hour later, we were drinking, talking and enjoying one other’s company. “Still mad at Michael, Andrew?” I asked Andrew. “It’s cool. I’m over it,” he said happily. I told the boys in a deep and meaningful manner that the reason they were both uptight was that they needed sex. We decided to cut the holiday short and head for home. The trip home was very quiet. Not much talk between the boys. To this day, we still go out nightclubbing and getting drunk. As for the Playboy magazine? It’s in my closet with cum stains on the centrefold. The problem is, I’m not sure whose cum it is! Jason


17 Gay Erotic Stories from Jason

Cody and JD meet Lukas

It was Friday evening and JD and Cody decided to stay at home and do the things they had not had time all week for. JD wanted to finish a book he started and Cody had to study for a class in Marine Biology he decided to take. In the middle of their perspective endeavors a knock echoed thru the apartment. Since Cody was the nearest to the door, JD let him answer it and went on

Dad And Me At The Rest Area

Hi my name is Jason and I have a habit of walking over to the highway rest area near my house. Well, in this rest area there is a nice glory hole in the stall walls, which you can see into the next stall and also stick a nice hard cock through it, or even fuck a nice ass. Well one night I was in the restroom, waiting to see a nice hard cock and someone entered the

Dallas Bathhouse

This is a true story about one of my many sexual encounters. Some of my friends call me a size queen because of my love for a big black dick. I met Kenny on a beach in Bermuda. He said that if I wanted my dick sucked I should follow him to the bathroom. Of course I wanted my dick sucked and he did a good job. Since then, Kenny and I have become very good friends.

Family Sex Party, Part 1

My name is Jason. I'm 18, cut, wear boxers, and like to cum all the time. My brother Joe is 19, cut, and wears briefs and boxer-briefs. We always shared a room with our own bathroom. Now, we've never really cared about whether or not the other saw one naked. But just recently, we've gotten a bit closer over the past year. Last year, we were home alone while our parents

Farm Boy Teaches Frat

Billy, since he was ten, always worked in the fields with his old man. He enjoyed being outside working in the weather no matter what. At sixteen, he discovered how horny he got just being outside. Billy, when not lucky ended up jerky himself off in the field among the hay. When Billy was lucky he got one of the barker girls to suck him off and laid down to get a good fuck. Now

Having Fun with the Lawn Boy

I just want to say that I have enjoyed many of the stories at this sight and would like to add mine. The story starts the summer I turned 16. I had little to no experience with girls and never ever thought about the other choices. I was skinny with light hair and a dark tan and eyes and I wouldn't say good looking but not bad either. For a few years I had been mowing lawns for

In The Computer Lab

In the Computer Lab Summer had just begun. I finished my last final that Friday, and now the weekend was spread out before me. I woke up late, because I could, and cleaned myself up a bit. The day was incredible: one of those perfect early summer New England days, late enough for the trees to be in bloom, but not yet hot enough for the sun to hold you captive in the pool. So

Luckless Straight Boys On Holiday

My name is Jason, and this is a true story. It happened a year ago, when my two straight friends and I decided to go on a 2-week holiday up to the Great Barrier Reef. Andrew is18 and Lebanese, and Michael is also 18 and is Greek. We decided on a resort about an 18 hour drive from Sydney, which is where we live. We decided to take our time and share the driving. Every 400 km’s, we

My Girlfriend's Roommate

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Rob and I Part One

It was a hot and humid summer evening. Rob and I sat on a hillside by my house overlooking the city. It was night time. It was a great view both of the city and of Rob. It was still very hot. We were still very hot. Rob and I had been friends for a while. Really good friends. We did everything together. We spent a lot of the really hot summer nights just sitting and talking. I

The Auction: Part II

It's been almost two months since Jess started his new career at the Club Aries. At first it was difficult to strip in front of the male customers but he got use to it. Jess even got used to be fondled and sucked off by them, of course the money they paid him helped a lot. He now had time for his studies and training in swimming and track, also the money he needed. This morning

The Cab Driver

The following experience did nothing for me except it made me get off. I thought you gay guys might like it. It all started the other night when I met this chick at the local bar near where I live. She was there celebrating Christmas with her work colleagues having drinks. Things were going pretty good, when I asked her if I could buy her a drink. She immediately agreed. She

The Cop,the Convict,and the Teenager

Allan was eighteen and had just graduated from high school. Since his parents were in Hawaii visiting his older brother, he was able to stay at their cabin alone. He liked this idea, it was the first time on his own. Allan was a good looking boy who stood 5' 9", with a hard muscular body from playing a lot of sports in school. His combination of German and Spanish gave him the

The First Time with Dad

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Two Boys In The Forest

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You Never Know What You'll See In The Den

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You Never Know What You'll See In The Den, Part 2

Well as you remember in part one, I was in the closet and watching dad and Brad having sex in the Den. Well, the door opened and there was dad with his big cock all the way in Brad's butt. Dad stopped and was looking right at me and I said don't stop now, dad. Keep fucking Brad and then I want Brad to fuck you. Well, Dad knew he was had, and this was just the first of the


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