Gay Erotic Stories

My Fight With My Friend

by Steven N.

Alec has been my best friend for a long time now. We graduated from high school about four years ago but we’ve known each other since we were kids. We live in a small town in the Appalachian Mountains and it served us well because once we hit puberty we both got the urge to fight like boys do, but we stayed out of trouble by having friendly matches with each other out in the woods instead. Our Dads got us both our own sparring gloves. We’ve done those workouts a lot through the years and it has helped us to grow up nice and fit with no fat on us at all. Alec and I are pretty proud of our bodies and we would take of our shirts and flex in my mirror in my room. We’re both 22 and we’re slim and ripped and look like a couple of skater dudes. I’ve got real short brown hair and his is real short blonde. Of course he and I talked about sex all the time. I’m straight and a few years ago he told me he was gay but I didn’t care because we’ve been real tight since before we even thought about sex. Alec and I got drunk one night on moonshine. There’s a lot of that around here. He and I had never done that together before. At one point we had gotten a little dizzy so we lay down on my bed and started watching TV. He knew that I was very serious about the girlfriend I had and I told him that I was planning on asking her to marry me and if she said yes I wanted him to be my best man. There was an instant smile on his face, for about a second, and all of a sudden he got an evil frown. I asked him what was wrong and told him not to spoil our good moods. He said, “You punk, we’re not gonna be able to hang out anymore. You’re gonna be with her all the time. It’s bad enough NOW.” He got loud and I was surprised and called him selfish. I said, “Why can’t you be happy for me? You call me your brother, or was that a lie?” Then he looked like he backed down. His face changed and he didn’t look angry. He looked sad instead. He reached his right arm slowly toward my waist and said, “I have to…” He put his hand on my shorts over my dick. I quickly pushed his hand away, twisted over and punched him hard in his right arm. I left it at that because I figured he was just doing that because he was drunk. He had never tried to touch me like that before. The next night I went to see my girlfriend Samantha to propose to her. She told me no and that she actually was breaking up with me! She admitted to having sex with Alec that morning and had strong feelings for him. To say I was furious is to say the obvious. I went looking for Alec and didn’t find him anywhere I thought he would be. I went walking in the woods crying. I passed through the spot that he and I boxed at all the time and heard a noise. It was him starting to run because he saw me. When we would race it would always be a tie…but not this time. I had some extra motivation and all that adrenaline flowing and I caught him around his chest and tackled him. We both got back up and I said, “No gloves this time, brother,” and swung at his head but missed him. My speaking gave him too much warning. He took a couple of steps back, looking scared or maybe guilty. It gave me two seconds to think and I got in my stance, gave a left jab and then twisted my weight into a hard right. Both these punches got him hard in the mouth and he fell on his back. Landing those shots felt so good. It was like breathing for the first time. Neither of us had fought bare knuckles before. He quickly jumped back up and said, “All I had to do was taste it, man.” He was talking about the blood, I’m sure, and it got that warrior spirit firing up in his stomach. I could tell because he got a spacey look in his eyes like he didn’t know who I was anymore. He threw three head shots at me but I had my hands up blocking and he didn’t get them through, so he went down lower and gave me two, hard in the stomach. It knocked the wind out of me because I didn’t expect them and I bent over. He straightened me up quick with two good uppercuts that had me seeing stars. I stepped back involuntarily and when I tried to pull myself together there was his right fist right in my eye. It spun me a little and I thought, “Crap, that’s gonna be black for a month…” I smiled at him. I don’t know why I did but something mighty was coming up in me and I liked it. I threw a jab at his head and he did a good job of ducking. I threw a second and he ducked while sliding to my left side and swung a nice left fist into my stomach, but I tensed up and was ready for it so it wasn’t too bad. He followed it up going for the side of my head with his right, but I slid back and avoided it. I know how this guy fights by now. I threw three left jabs while sliding forward with each one. Each of them got him good in the jaw and the last one made him turn a little. I took advantage of this and stepped behind him and punched him hard in the back of the head at the top of his neck, knowing that would stun him real good. He fell down and I stepped back and let him have some time to get up. I didn’t want this to be over so fast. We had a fight that the Vikings would envy. It went on for I don’t know how long. The sun was going down. We swung at each other in the stomach and in the head knocking each other down over and over. Our muscles were black and blue and our faces were bloody everywhere. We both felt the fire in our stomachs and didn’t want it to die out. It got to where we were both dizzy, trying to stay conscious and swaying around a little with our legs wobbling. The fight stayed perfectly even but I never forgot why it started and I had to beat him to show him something. I had to make him respect me… because I loved the guy. Here’s the good part. I was sick of him falling because I had to wait for him to get back up to start hitting him again. One time I reached out a hand and helped him up. I put my left hand on his chest and pushed him up against a tree. I gave him five with my right, real fast in the side of the head. His eyes were rolling around and I knew I could do anything I wanted to him now. He was dazed and would take a while to pull himself together. I wrapped my right arm around his neck to hold him still, had his head right next to mine and gave him five with my left, real fast in his right eye. I yelled, “How’s that, brother?” I let him go and let him fall. He was face down on the ground, not moving. I wanted to knock him out and had to make sure he was out cold so I got down on the ground with him, sat him up and wrapped my arms around his neck and head putting him in a sleeper hold. I yelled, “Go to sleep for you friend!” His arms started flailing around trying to reach to punch me but he couldn’t reach. His arms were bruised and sore anyway just like mine. Then he grabbed at my arms to try to pull me off but it was no use. The guy had lost. He had nothing left in him. After a few seconds his arms slowly let mine go. They fell to his sides and he was out. I felt a rush of spirit and bent my head back and yelled into the sky. It was like a fighting form of an orgasm I realized later. Right after that I felt bad about what I had done to him and sat him up against a tree. He slid off of it so I pulled him back up and sat back to back with him to hold him up while I caught my breath. Then I started crying. I don’t know why. I twisted around so we were face to face and held him up and started slapping him around some trying to wake him up saying, “Hey man, come on, come back Alec, I’m sorry man.” I was really balling now, but then soon his eyes opened and he said, “Why are we here? What did we do?” I said, “Come on man, I’m gonna take you out of here.” I helped him up and put his arm behind my neck to help him stand and helped him walk to my house. I felt high as a kite and avenged but guilty at the same time. I helped him lay down on my bed, took his shoes off and got him a drink. I thought he could use some liquor right now. He took it, looked at me sadly and didn’t say anything. I washed myself up and got a wet rag and started cleaning his face off. Then he said, “You don’t know how it is. I can’t be gay in a town like this. I’ve got nobody.” There was a guy about a mile away, Bruce, I always felt he was gay and never said anything. I told Alec to rest a while and I went to get him, knowing that Bruce was always unemployed and broke and would probably do a favor for me for money. Bruce saw me and freaked out at how messed up I looked. I told him not to worry about it. I was kind of cold with this guy, kind of strict, probably because of the mood the fight left me in. I brought him to my place. He came in and saw Alec, looked surprised at first to see him torn up but didn’t say anything. I said to Bruce, “I want you to suck off my friend. Take a long time, make him feel real good.” I handed Bruce $100 and started to walk out, not wanting to see or hear anything but then I realized I don’t trust this guy around my friend or in my house and didn’t want to leave him unattended so I had to stay. Bruce took Alec’s pants off and his underwear, then for some reason his shirt. I got cocky and said, “His dick’s not in his shirt; just suck him off.” Then I saw all the fist marks on Alec’s body. I took off my shirt to look at myself. I looked the same. Then I heard Alec moaning and looked up. Bruce was slowly lapping at Alec’s balls like a puppy. Alec made some more moaning sounds and said, “Oh God!” That made me feel a little less guilty. It was really no big deal being in there. He and I had seen each other naked before. We had always been glad that our dicks were exactly the same size and his balls hung no lower than mine. No chance of one of us feeling like a lesser man, which would have hurt our friendship. Alec got hard while his balls were being licked and sucked on and then Bruce started sucking on his dick, going all the way down each time. Bruce took his time just like I told him to and I leaned back against the wall with my arms folded waiting for it to be over. Alec was getting sucked off nice and slow and made a bunch of moans that started to assuage my own guilt about the fight. Then Alec bucked and threw his hips up. I knew he was cumming now. His involuntary bucking shoved his dick fast into the back of Bruce’s throat and Bruce choked, coughing up cum that dripped back down Alec’s dick, down his balls and onto my bed sheet. Bruce kept sucking him off until Alec was limp again. Then I told Bruce to go home; I didn’t even drive him. He walked off and I jokingly told Alec, “Now you’ve gotta wash my sheets for me man.” He got dressed and stood up. I put my arm around his shoulder and said, “Sorry about the fight, man.” He said, “I’m sorry too, man. Are we cool?” “Yeah.” We hugged, changed the sheets and went to sleep. Tell me what you think-


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Steven N.

My Fight With My Friend

Alec has been my best friend for a long time now. We graduated from high school about four years ago but we’ve known each other since we were kids. We live in a small town in the Appalachian Mountains and it served us well because once we hit puberty we both got the urge to fight like boys do, but we stayed out of trouble by having friendly matches with each other out in the woods


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