Gay Erotic Stories

My First Trial Orgy, Part 3

by Glen

"Hi," was all he had to say, and then he spread my legs and pushed himself into me. The look on Robert's face told me this one was gorgeous and then he left the Jacuzzi to stand over us while we fucked. Sex outdoors in front of an audience was like stepping through Alice's looking glass Imagine. The sun is high in the sky and every naked guy has a naughty look to offer everyone else. You're out and finally tasting the freedom that straight guys have enjoyed in their backyards for centuries. But who gets most of the attention? The ladylike boy who struts and twists around you to show everyone he has courage and then pounces on you like a fox on a rabbit. After he fucked me, Buddy stood up with a bemused look on his face and told our audience of four, "I'll be back for more," and headed for the backdoor of the house. It was precisely that kind of outrageous behavior that made Buddy so irresistible. When he didn't come back out after a few minutes, we had to go find him just to see what he was doing. Deftly sliding onto a sofa in the den, he was ready to take on someone else. He patted the place where he wanted his next lover to lie and gave each of us gaping at him a moment's gaze. On his way to becoming an exhibitionist, Buddy suffered the same doubts and fears of exposure I did. That was hard for me to believe, but true. It became a matter of how long he'd go on being afraid, he said. "I didn't want to spend another day with the doubts and fears I had. Finally, I just made up my mind that I wasn't going to and . . . well, I stopped, that's all." "Did you get any help from anyone?" I asked. "Yeah, a cousin. He was two years younger than me, but way ahead on sexual experience. He never let me forget that, either. It was embarrassing." "How so?" "Well, how would you like to be seduced by a younger cat?"


9 Gay Erotic Stories from Glen

A Catalina Night To Remember

C'mon, it'll be interesting," my mom said as we boarded a boat to Catalina Island. But the only thing that interested me was a young man who sat where I couldn't see him easily. I got an eyeful when he left the boat ahead of mom and I. And I got a few words with him at a sidewalk newsstand where our moms stopped to buy film. He had been "dragged along," he complained

A New Attitude

My first time was with an older cousin while his parents slept in the next room. Even when I felt him come inside me I wasn't quite sure we had done it. It all happened so fast. Only when his whole body went limp did I know we had done the deed. And suddenly there was another side to being gay. I had a choice of perspective now. Other people's negative reactions

A Special Place

The 1350 Club wasn't just a gay bathhouse, it was a place where an attractive guy could take away all your cares and woes. In the arms of an attractive guy, I couldn't remember my troubles. Sometimes I couldn't remember my own name. An attractive guy was interested in me---that was all there was to think about. It healed all emotional wounds, all sufferings out in the real

First Things First.

Here's the best advice I ever got from a lover: Put your partner's sexual needs ahead of your own if you want him coming back for more. Show him every consideration. Show him how pleased you are to be pleasing him and then please him in every way. A backrub is a wonderful beginning and it can build into a full-body massage. But go slow. Take your time. And use more

My First Trial Orgy, Part 1

"After work, some of the guys are going over to Benny's house for dinner," my friend Robert said. "You want to go?' It was a chance at a good meal. Benny was a good cook. Of course, I wanted to go. But five minutes after we arrived at Benny's house, Robert and the other two guys were out of their clothes and kicking back in Benny's backyard jacuzzi. So was Benny after he couldn't

My First Trial Orgy, Part 2

"Look, Glen," Robert said, "if you want me to keep coming around to see you, don't be trying to change me, okay? You're going to have to take me as I am!" I took Robert the only way I could get him---naked as a jay bird climbing in and out of Benny's Jacuzzi. I took my time, little cautious steps while he plodded along slow until I was able to charm him into the first

My First Trial Orgy, Part 3

"Hi," was all he had to say, and then he spread my legs and pushed himself into me. The look on Robert's face told me this one was gorgeous and then he left the Jacuzzi to stand over us while we fucked. Sex outdoors in front of an audience was like stepping through Alice's looking glass Imagine. The sun is high in the sky and every naked guy has a naughty look to offer

My Tom

My buddy Tom was a guy who had always done everything right and reaped the rewards. In high school, top grades put him in junior college before his senior year and there he excelled. Everything Tom did, he did well. His future seemed so bright. Until one night at dinner. He covered his face with his hands and started crying. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I don't know, but

Too Much, Too Soon

Right around the corner from the apartment I shared with my mom was a theatre. Actors performed plays there every other week, small bands offered concerts, political groups met, and my mom couldn't stay away. "Do you have to go there every night?" I asked her. "You don't hear me complain when you run off to college every morning!" "It's not the same thing." "It


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