Gay Erotic Stories

Power Shirt

by Bluenirvana

Erik sat in the waiting room staring at the wall and spinning his wedding ring around on his finger. It was a nervous habit, something he couldn't rid himself of. If it wasn't his ring, it was something else. By the time the nurse finally called his name, he had practically rubbed part of his finger raw from the incessant spinning. "Erik Canther?" The stocky nurse, dressed in the new flowery pastel uniforms pretty much standard in the profession, looked about as happy as if she had been working at Disney World as Minnie Mouse. Erik stood up. "Right this way." Erik followed the woman down through the door into the back hallway. He passed a few rooms, each of which seemed to contain a crying child and a distraught mother. Finally, the nurse stopped pushed open a door and motioned for Erik to enter. The nurse immediately asked him to remove his shoes and then proceeded to weigh, measure, and take his temperature. When she had finished writing down the readings, she opened the door and headed out into the hallway, muttering, "Pleaseremoveyourclothesthedoctorwillberightwithyou," somewhat under her breath. He began to sit down on the tall bed, but upon hearing the crinkling noise, he changed his mind and sat in the chair nearby. A number of minutes later he noticed he'd started spinning his ring again. He stopped, but a few minutes later was absent-mindedly about to start again when the door began to open. Erik looked up. A moderately tall man, 6' or a little more, stepped into the room. He had short light brown hair and when he looked up his dark green eyes caught Erik's attention. Then his lips parted into a smile, revealing two rows of shiny white teeth, accented by the characteristic long white robe and dark dress pants underneath. Erik stood up, returned the smile, and extended his hand. The doctor returned the shake with an equally firm grip. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Erik. I swear this is the worst flu season ever." "It's no problem, Greg." Erik shook his head. "I'm just glad you could fit me in. My company is making us get physicals by the end of this week or we get put on leave until we do get them. Normally, I wouldn't have asked you to do this, we're really good friends and this is kind of personal and intimate, but I'm in a bind." Greg chuckled. "Don't worry about it. This isn't exactly the first physical I've given to a man. But I know what you mean. Why don't we get underway?" Greg scanned over the document in his hands, his eyes flicking back and forth. He then reached up, opened a cabinet and pulled out a folded up piece of cloth. "I'll be right back. I'd like you to strip down and put this on. Ok?" Erik nodded. Greg handed him the gown and then left the room. After setting the folded gown on the bed, Erik started to strip. He started with his tie, loosening it and setting it on the nearby chair, then his shirt, slowly unbuttoning each of the light blue buttons on his dress shirt. His hand kind of wobbled; he definitely wasn't comfortable with this situation. After running the entire length of buttons, he pulled it out of its tucked confines and draped it over the chair. Next he unbuckled his belt, and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. The blue shirt and matching pants were part of what his wife called his "power suit". The contrasting dark and light blue colors looked very good on him, highlighting his dark complexion and wavy black hair. Erik laid his socks next to his pants on the chair. Just as he was about to remove his white skivvies, he caught sight of himself in a full-length mirror in the corner of the room. Erik was health smart and very avid about his exercise regimen. That was one reason he felt this required physical so mundane. Very little hair graced his chest, although a fair amount stretched from his navel and down. He allowed his hand to glide down his chest and stomach, feeling his almost-six-pack (he didn't exercise THAT much), finally stopping on the package contained in his underwear. The organ responded with a slight tingle. He turned slightly admiring his back. His wife often commented on how this was one of his best physical features; the muscles were easily discerned here. He stood there for a moment thinking, "What's the problem? I have nothing to worry about," and then returned to the task at hand. He stretched the elastic waistband and pulled the article of clothing down. His dick bounced slightly. He stepped out the underwear and set them on the growing stack of clothes. Turning around, he picked up the gown, letting gravity unfold it; such a thin piece of cloth. Finding the armholes, he placed his muscular arms through them and pulled the robe closed behind him. Erik was fumbling with the threads, trying unsuccessfully to make a bow, when there was a knock, followed shortly by the door opening and Greg re-entering the room. He closed it behind him. "Here let me help you with that. I don't know why they just don't use Velcro. This is ridiculous." Greg tied a simple bow, and Erik thanked him. Greg motioned for Erik to sit on the bed, which he did. Greg then pulled out a wheeled stool and sat down, again looking over Erik's chart. He then proceeded to ask Erik some questions about his lifestyle and eating habits. Finally, Greg stood up and had Erik lie on his back. Pulling his stethoscope from around his neck, he listened to Erik's heart, breathing and bowel sounds. Then he began feeling around his chest, followed by his abdomen, and finally his groin area. Erik closed his eyes, trying to think of a happier place, but in fact this was starting to turn him on. Greg was one of his best friends, and he had never thought about him in this manner. But now he was wishing that Greg was the one in the gown. Finally, Greg stopped and asked Erik to step down. Once he was standing up, Greg rolled the stool behind himself and sat down. "Erik, I'm going to ask you to drop your gown and I'm going to test you for hernia." Erik reached behind himself and released the bow. He then pulled the gown off. Now stark naked, Erik took a deep breath and tried to relax. He looked up and then down. Greg turned his head. For a moment it had appeared to Erik that Greg had been staring at his body. But of course he had been staring: that was his job! But had it been more? Erik pushed it from his mind. The rest of the hernia test and testicular cancer test went without a hitch. There was little talking, pretty much just yes and no answers from Erik. Then came the prostate test. Greg snapped on a latex glove, and Erik bent over the bed. This test took real willpower on Erik's part, but in the end his dick won out. He was more than a little embarrassed when he turned around sporting a very hard cock. His face beet red, all he could get out was "Sorry." Greg cracked a smile and then began laughing. "The last time I was tested, I almost lost my load. Trust me. It's perfectly normal." Erik relaxed a little and almost smiled himself. That is until he looked down and noticed a telltale bulge in Greg's slacks. Greg caught Erik's gaze and blushed a little. "Looks like you almost lost it this time, too," Erik said. Greg blushed a little more. "I guess so." Greg looked away and signed something on the chart. "Looks like everything checks out. You're in great health. You can go ahead and get dressed." He stood up and turned to leave. Erik grabbed him by the bicep and spun him around. Latching on to his head with both hands, Erik kissed him. Greg returned the favor. Greg began to let is hands roam over Erik's body, back, butt, thighs, etc., touching all the places he had in the past, but in a much different manner. Erik released Greg's head and began to unbutton his shirt. Greg broke the kiss just long enough to say, "Not here. I have patients. Why don't you meet me at my apartment in an hour." "Ok." Another kiss and Greg left the room. 50 minutes later Greg was leading Erik into his apartment. Nearly spotless, Greg wasn't married, but felt that cleanliness was an art. Once the front door was closed, they were locked in a kiss. "I had no idea you felt this way," Greg managed to say. "Until this afternoon, neither did I," Erik responded. Both men began removing the other's clothing furiously. Greg was now dressed similar to Erik, the white coat back at the office. But neither man remained dressed for long. Before they knew it, Erik was on his back with Greg on top of him, in Greg's bedroom, a trail of clothes leading from the front door. Greg moved up Erik's body and sat on his well-formed chest. "Are you ready for me?" Erik nodded. Greg slowly inserted his ample package into Erik's wet mouth. In and out. Greg's face gave away his feelings. As Greg was fucking Erik's face, Erik was massaging Greg's butt. When he saw the wedding ring, he moved to take it off. Greg stopped him, saying it was a turn on. The same movements continued until orgasm, at which time Greg grabbed Erik's chest and they switched positions. "Fuck me." Greg rasped. They kissed again, before Erik slid down Greg's body. Erik lifted Greg's legs up and rested them on his shoulders. He began to enter slowly, but Greg grabbed his butt and pulled him in suddenly. Erik moaned, and Greg screamed. But the moans and screams began to find common ground as grunts. Finally, Erik's muscles tightened and he arched his back. He released his load up Greg's ass, and then collapsed on top of him. Panting a little, sweat covering the both of them, Erik kissed Greg's equally defined pecs. Erik pushed himself up on his hands, taking his first good look of Greg's body. Greg obviously spent more time sculpting his body than Erik did. He had a much more defined abdominal area. But overall, the men were very similar in size. The main difference was Greg had a very light covering of hair on his chest, generally covering the center. "Are you up to YOUR task?" Erik smiled. "What's that?" Greg asked. Erik got off of Greg and got on his hands and knees beside him. Almost laughing he said, "All's equal in gay sex." Greg didn't need a second request. He bolted upright and mounted Erik. Latching onto Erik's shoulders, Greg began pumping in and out of Erik's tight ass. The fucking became more furious as Erik began pushing back against each thrust. Greg began grabbing flesh from Erik's back with his mouth. Climax wasn't far behind. Both men collapsed. Both facing the window, Greg's arms wrapped around Erik's chest from behind, the two slipped into a deep slumber. The sun was much lower in the sky when Erik opened his eyes. He rolled over and felt for Greg but he wasn't there. Disappointment flashed across his face: had it all been a dream? No, if it was, then why was he naked and sticky in a strange bed? He stood up and walked into the living room: no Greg. Turning the corner into the kitchen, he found Greg bending over something on the stove, wearing only a pair of white cotton briefs. Erik crept up from behind and put his arms around the chef. Greg jumped. "Shit you scared me. I don't think you want me flinging spaghetti sauce everywhere." "Oh fuck." Erik looked startled. He looked at the clock on the wall: 7:00pm. "Fuck. I was supposed to be home for dinner with Lisa and the kids." He started for the living room to get dressed. Greg turned off the stove and walked around the wall, between the kitchen and the living room, to say, "Don't worry. Lisa called about half an hour ago to say that your son forgot to tell her about a soccer game tonight. Dinner was cancelled and she won't be home until late, especially if their team wins. She couldn't get you on your cell, so she called here. I told her you were getting something from your car." Erik stopped dressing after putting on his briefs. "I would have told you, but you were sleeping so peacefully." Erik stood up and walked toward Greg. "I forgive you. But you know what this means, don't you?" Greg shook his head. "We have just enough time to eat your spaghetti, and then fuck about 50 more times." He leapt at Greg and the both of them fell to the floor. Greg started laughing, "50? And where exactly did you take sex education?" Erik stopped biting Greg's nipples. "Oh, so are you saying you can't handle it?" "Oh I can handle it. I just don't think you can give it." "We'll see about that." Erik resumed his biting. The two men began rolling and fondling, eventually ending up on Erik's light blue "power shirt", as the spaghetti grew cold. If you enjoyed my story, please feel free to write me at


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Bluenirvana

Power Shirt

Erik sat in the waiting room staring at the wall and spinning his wedding ring around on his finger. It was a nervous habit, something he couldn't rid himself of. If it wasn't his ring, it was something else. By the time the nurse finally called his name, he had practically rubbed part of his finger raw from the incessant spinning. "Erik Canther?" The stocky nurse, dressed in the


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