Gay Erotic Stories

Taking The Next Step

by Allan Matthews

Let me begin by saying that this story is totally true. I met my cousin when I was 11. He moved back to the States after living in England with his parents. His father was a specialist working for different chemical plants and they needed help at one outside of Liverpool. It seems his father had been drinking more and began acting abusive towards them. His mother managed to escape from him and bring Jim with her. We had just finished putting an apartment in above our garage. It seemed only appropriate that they could live there however long they needed, and of course at a fraction of the cost my parents would ask a stranger. This worked out great, because now we could hang out all the time. We were both 11 at the time. We would spend hours on end building tree forts in the spacious woods behind our house. Our parents said it was like we were twins separated at birth. We looked and acted exactly alike. We remained friends all through junior high and high school. We both played football up until our senior year. We both dated, combined, probably about every girl in our grade. I had always had strange feelings for Jim, feelings that go beyond friendship. I guess I considered myself bi. I never let him know this, because I was afraid he'd call me a fag or something. I was certain he was 100% straight. Sure, there were the usual teenage jackoff sessions. We'd watch a porno and jerk off together, but he had told me he didn't consider that kind of stuff "gay". I turned 18 in January and he turned 18 in February of our senior year. I'll admit that neither of us are bodybuilders, but Jim had that kind of macho beefiness that turned me on. I, on the other hand, was fairly skinny. We were both about 6' tall, with brown hair and blue eyes. I was always pretty pale, while Jim could always develop a nice tan. High school finally ended and we decided to throw a little party. Both our parents were cool with it, just as long as no one drove home drunk. The party ended up bombing because too many people showed up and my parents ended up kicking them out. We decided to hang out in a fort we had built the year before. Now this was no ordinary fort. We both had taken wood class as one of our majors, so we were pretty skilled. The fort was the size of a small shed with a queen size mattress, TV, fridge, etc. It was like a little apartment just for us. We loved to hang out in it when we were bored. Well we sure were bored when the party ended, so we headed up to our fort with a case of beer in the fridge. We watched some TV and talked and before you know it we had finished the case. We decided to lie on the bed together. We were friends, and this was no big deal. We started talking about all the girls we had bagged on this very mattress. As we talked about our experiences, I began getting hard. I noticed Jim was too, and he suggested that we watch TV. I didn't have any pornos, so we just watched the cheesy late-night movies on Cinemax. We both lay next to each other. He asked, "You wanna jerk off?" I readily agreed. After about 5 minutes of this he said that it wasn't enough and he sure would like his dick sucked. I said, me too. We sat for a few awkward seconds. I felt brave so I blurted out, "Give me head, Jim." He must have been thinking the same thing because he dove right down on my 6" cut cock and went to town. I could tell this wasn't his first time doing this, either. After a few minutes he laid back down and said, "My turn now." He took out his 6 1/2" uncut cock and I started licking and sucking it. We then moved to the 69 position and got into a rhythm. He stopped and sat up. He asked if I wanted to kiss. Without letting me answer he slipped his tongue in my mouth. I was in heaven. He then uttered, "Do you want to take the next step?" I asked what he meant and he told me to bend over. He began licking my ass and putting his finger in. Then he put his dick up against my tight hole and pushed. The pain was incredible. I remembered how I had heard that if you relax it doesn't feel that bad. I did and it felt great. After a minute I was totally enjoying it. He could tell and really began pounding me. He began grunting and blew his load in my ass. We fell asleep in each other's arms. We awoke the next day, cleaned up, and returned to the house. Our parents were eating breakfast and asked us if we ended up having a fun night. We lied and said no, but we both secretly knew that that night we took the next step and was the best night of our lives.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Allan Matthews

Taking The Next Step

Let me begin by saying that this story is totally true. I met my cousin when I was 11. He moved back to the States after living in England with his parents. His father was a specialist working for different chemical plants and they needed help at one outside of Liverpool. It seems his father had been drinking more and began acting abusive towards them. His mother managed to escape

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