Gay Erotic Stories

The Campground, Part 4

by EJ

Although my nips and penis were still a bit tender, Mac declared me fit for service when he examined me on the following Saturday morning. The piercings were healing well. Master smiled at the good news and winked at Mac. He patted me underneath my ring-weighted balls. When we arrived back at the camper, Master assigned me to my duties and indicated that he had some business to attend to at the camp office. I pursued my cleaning chores and other domestic duties after he left. He returned to the camper in about an hour and indicated his pleasure with my work. He told me that today would be a special day for me. He had arranged for a special campground assembly that night at which I would publicly declare my slavery to him. I thanked him profusely for the opportunity to do so. He indicated that, because it would be a long and full evening, he wanted me to have some extra rest that afternoon. After the rest, we would get cleaned up for the evening’s activities. Master took me by my hand, not by my collar as he often did, and led me to the bedroom. He indicated that I should lie down on the bed. It was my first opportunity to lie there since that first night. I had spent the last week sleeping in the dog bed on the floor. I lay down on the bed and was somewhat surprised when he lay down beside me. Master cuddled close to me and wrapped his arm around me as we lay facing each other. He pulled my head into his chest so that my face was pressed into the hollow of his neck. He held me close. I was basking in the comfort of his embrace and delighting in the smell of his body. The softness of his thick chest hair brushed my cheek. I closed my eyes. I extended my tongue and lips and began to kiss and lick his neck and chin wherever I could reach. Master moaned quietly in contentment. I moved my arms to encircle him as best as I could. Our legs entwined and our cocks pressed together as they grew quickly to semi-hardness. In such a state, we both drifted off to a peaceful afternoon nap. Late in the afternoon we awoke to a rap on the door. I gently removed myself from Master and went to see who it was. I had a nap woody from sleeping next to my hunky hairy Master. When I went to the door, Mac was there. He had what appeared to be a long metal rod inside a bag. “Hello, slave. Is your Master here?” Mac looked at my woody and grinned, “He must be!” The PA he had inserted glistened brightly at the top of the shaft in a perfect arc that came out of the slit and reentered just below the crown. “Yes, I’ll get him.” I returned to the bedroom and fetched Master. He went to the door and stepped outside. He and Mac spoke quietly, and Master frequently peered into the bag. He seemed genuinely pleased with what Mac was showing him. They parted with Master expressing his thanks to Mac for “getting that” for him and saying that he would see him later that night. Master returned to the inside of the camper, looked at me, and smiled. He looked me over and ran his fingers through the hair on my chest. He flicked his fingers against my nip rings and played gently with them. He reached down and squeezed my hard dick, then slid his hand to the head and flicked at the PA ring with his thumb. Because no one had played with my rings before there was a bit of tenderness to them, but finally having someone play with them was an incredibly erotic sensation. “Nice,” Master said. He continued to explore my body with his hand. He ran it through the thick hair of my abdomen. He walked around me and caressed my hairy butt and stroked my shoulders that were also covered with a dark manly fuzz. “Yes, nice.” Master led me to the bathroom and told me it was time to get ready for the evening. He began by giving me a warm water enema and cleaning out my ass. Then we hopped in the shower and we scrubbed each other well. It was a long, wonderful shower because it was punctuated frequently with Master’s embraces and kisses. He seemed to be exceptionally affectionate towards me. I was confident that he did love me, but there was a tenderness to his actions this afternoon that was a degree beyond the normal. The sun was setting as Master and I were getting dressed. That task was not hard for me because Master had informed me that I would only be wearing the chrome rings and weights that surrounded my base and pulled on my balls, my piercing jewelry, my black boots and socks, and, of course, my slave collar and neck chain. Master had me dress him in a hot black leather harness, a cod piece with a snap enclosure for his genitals, skin tight chaps that exposed his muscular ass, and arm bands that outlined his tremendous upper arm development. When I was done he donned a brimmed hat and mirrored sunglasses. He was hot! He attached the leash to my collar and led me out into the campground. We headed for the play area. All along the camp roads and paths there were festival lamps burning, kind of black metal tiki lights. Men from all over the campground seemed to be heading toward the play area in pairs and in groups. Masters seemed to be dressed in their finest leathers and slaves seemed appropriately naked. Many greeted Master warmly as they passed by us. When we reached the large field, I could see at one end that there was a long table piled with food, all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. Some men stood at grills near these tables and were cooking steaks and barbecuing chicken. Tubs with soda, wine, and beer were not far distant. In the center of the field someone had built a huge bonfire. Men were seated and laying on blankets between the bonfire and the “fitness station” at which Master had tied me to the two posts on that first day. The bonfire seemed to cast its light toward that station. As we passed, many of the men raised their drink to toast us. I soon realized that Master was throwing this affair. Master led me through the crowd and over to the station with the two large poles with pulleys and eyehooks. As we entered that space, Master turned and kissed me. He told me that he loved me and asked me if I were ready. I told him I was. I did not know what all would happen. I knew that I would be asked to publicly declare my slavery to Master. Beyond that was only the unknown. My trust in Master had already grown firm. I was committed in my mind to serving him. I had submitted in my mind to allow him to do whatever he wanted to do to me. So I was ready. He led me to the space between the two posts. He turned me toward the gathering of men. Still holding the leash, he turned also to face the assembly. The owner of the campground came forward. The men grew silent. There was only the sound of the crackling bonfire. “Masters and slaves, men of good will, welcome!” The owner began. “Tonight we are privileged to witness an enslavement.” The men cheered. “The slave before you is prepared to publicly renounce his manhood and surrender himself in body and spirit to his master. This declaration is a solemn and binding commitment. You are asked to be witnesses.” “Slave, are you ready to make your commitment?” “Yes, I am,” I answered. “Slave, do you make this commitment as the last act of your free will and without reservation?” “Yes, I do.” “Slave, as your last act as a man, make your commitment to your Master.” I turned toward Master and knelt slowly onto my knees. I leaned back until my naked ass sat on my ankles. I looked upwards into his eyes and spoke. “Master, this night I fully and totally surrender myself into your control. I renounce my rights, privileges, and honor as a man. I accept my lowly position as property in your household. From this day forward I will seek only to please you. In comfort, in want, in pleasure, in pain, in use and in abuse, I am only yours. I ask you to take complete ownership of me and to do with me as you see fit. I am yours.” With that I lowered my eyes and my head and looked to the ground. Master approached me and looked down on me. He walked around me slowly three times. I did not look up at him. I could only see his polished leather boots pass by me. He stopped in front of me. Suddenly I felt his strong arm cuff me along side of the head. My head spun. “You are cunt!” Master yelled. “Yes, Master, I am.” I stated, a bit surprised but willing to assent to his assessment. Another slap. “You are pussy!” “Yes, Master, I am.” Slap! “You are fuck meat!” “Yes, Master, I am. Please, Master, take me for yourself!” I begged. Master stood over me. “Before you can be my slave, all remnants of your former position as a man must be removed. You must be branded as mine. I must make you mine.” “I submit to your every desire.” “Very well, let us proceed.” With that four muscular, masculine leathermen came forward and took me by the arms and legs. They carried me to the posts and stood me between them. They proceeded to remove my boots and socks. They removed the chrome rings around my manhood and at the top of my balls. They removed the leather slave collar, but they did not remove the chain. Lastly they removed my piercings. I was completely naked except for the padlocked chain around my neck. Master approached me, took out the key and removed it. The four strong men tied soft but strong ropes around my wrists and ankles. They fed the ropes through the pulleys and began to pull. When Master had last done this to me, my feet had been allowed to touch the ground (barely). The four muscled hunks pulled me so that I was suspended and spread-eagled in mid air. Master looked at me. “Masters are clothed. New slaves are not. Masters are haired. New slaves are bared.” With that other men brought forth razors, water and shaving cream. A remnant of my old life cried within me. I was very hairy. I was proud of my hair. It defined who I was. I did not want to lose my hair! Then I reflected on my own cry. “It defined who I was.” I was “I” no longer. Ceremoniously the men took their time and shaved me in a precise order. My head was shaved first. My back. My arms. My legs. My goatee. My armpits. My ass. My chest. Master approached and took the razor. He was given the honor of shaving my pubic hair. When he had finished. He stood back, admired his work a moment and turned toward the crowd. The men gave a loud cheer. I felt so vulnerable, so naked. The only hairs that remained on my body were my eyelashes. Master rubbed his hands all over my body in inspection. My balls had drawn up tightly into my gut; my penis had shriveled to the smallest it had ever been. I felt like a young boy before puberty. Master waved his arm to other men standing close by. They brought a St. Andrew’s cross and stood it behind me. Other men lowered me until my feet were just touching the ground. I was then cuffed and clipped with my back to the cross. I was also secured to the beams at my chest and my thighs. “Slave, I accept you as my property, and so that all may know my mark and so that all may know that you are marked as mine. I brand you now as a solemn act of ownership.” Master stepped over to a charcoal grill that another man was bringing to red-hot heat with bellows. Master put a heavy glove on and took the end of a long metal rod sticking out of the fire. I recognized it as the rod that Master and Mac had looked at secretly that morning. At the end was a glowing brand in a design that I could not distinguish. Master approached me. I steeled myself for the worst pain I had known since the piercing. I was determined to take this pain as a good slave should. “To all present and to all who may ever see it, know this: this cock is mine!” With those words Master pushed the hot brand against my skin. He branded me in my groin, in the area in which I had had, until a few moments ago, a thick bush of pubic hair. The mark was a little to the right above the base of my cock. Anyone who would intend to blow me in the future could not fail to see it. Of course, the pain was unbearable, but I was able to muster the will not to cry out, and hardly to flinch. Master looked at my eyes and I could see him nodding his head approvingly. He returned the brand to the fire, but he stayed there as his helper brought it again to red-hot heat. “To all present and to all who may ever see it, know this: this ass is mine!” With those words Master pushed the hot brand a second time into my flesh. This time the mark was placed on the exposed part of my right butt cheek. This branding also hurt, believe me, but not nearly as much as the one in my groin. He returned the brand to the fire a third time, and again he stayed there as his helper brought it again to red heat. “To all present and to all who may ever see it, know this: this mouth is mine!” With those words Master pushed the hot brand a third time into my flesh. This time the mark was placed on my cheek to the right of my mouth. From the brands I started to smell burning flesh. Master returned the brand to the fire and then returned to me. In his hand was a salve that he placed on the marks. I later learned that the salve was a kind that would prevent infection, but would allow the scarring of the brand to remain. From my bound position, hung in the air, I could not yet make out the shape. I was now naked, shaved, and branded. What else was in store for me? I remembered Master’s statement. He had yet “to make me his.” Two of the muscled men came forward. They first unfastened me from the cross. I was still spread-eagled by the ropes to the outer posts. They moved the cross so that it was in front of me and reattached me to it. I faced the cross and my back was exposed. Then they loosened the ropes for my arms at the posts. As they lowered the ropes, the effect on my position was to allow my body to lean forward at an angle. My legs were held tightly between the posts and on the lower beams of the cross, but now my upper body tilted out towards the crowd of men at about a thirty-degree angle above the ground. I was nearly prone. Master approached me and stuck his finger in my mouth. I sucked on it a bit. He then unsnapped his codpiece and replaced his finger with his cock. I sucked on his cock hungrily. It was already semi-hard when he placed it into my mouth. It took no time to swell to its full and throbbing girth and length. Master quietly said to me, “Make it nice and slick, slave. It’s the only lube you’re getting tonight.” With that I mustered all the saliva I could find and tried to coat his dick with it. My ass twitched in anticipation of receiving Master’s love. We had not fucked for a week now, and, although I had thought I was getting used to him at that time, I was sure that I had regained some of my pre-Master tightness. I slobbered along the shaft as best as I could. He pulled himself from my mouth and walked behind me. With my leg spread as they were, I was an easy target for him. He stepped up to me, and plowed my ass. My chute screamed in pain, but I stayed in control. It was worse than I thought at first, but, as he bucked, I adjusted and relaxed. Before long I was trying as best I could to push my butt back to meet his thrusts. My cock became hard and dripped pre-cum onto the ground. Master continued his animalistic pounding on my prostate for quite a while. Many of the men in the crowd were stroking themselves or one another as they watched. Those who did not stroke were clapping in a rhythmic pattern that matched Master’s work. As Master came close, I could feel the tension in his muscles and in his grip on my legs. With a primal shout of lust, he emptied his gut into me. The crowd broke out in a cheer and some of the men stood and waved their hats in the air. Master bent over me and kissed me on the back, then he pulled out and walked around to stand between the crowd and me. “Leathermen and slaves!” Master said. “This slave is now my property. He is mine to use as I wish. In celebration of this event, I offer him for your use tonight. Masters may breed him as their slaves feed him.” Another cheer broke out. With that the men in the crowd stood up. Some of the men went to the tables for more food. Most of the men seemed to mill around a bit and then started to form two lines to my right. One line appeared to be slaves and one line appeared to be masters. It was not unlike a bridal dance at a wedding reception. The master and slave would come from the line and approach me. The master would go behind me, the slave in front of me. The slave would feed me his cock. The master would fuck me at the same time. Some would have at me only a short time, and some would keep it up for a long time. Those who spent a long time would usually get hooted at by the other men waiting in line to “hurry it up” so that the others could take their turn. Some of the men shot their cum in my mouth or ass, and some just fucked me for a while without cumming. It was late into the night when the line finally ended. The men were dispersing and going back to their sites. The bonfire was dying. Some of the men hung around and helped to pick up some of the trash. Many would come back the next day to help me, for it would be my duty as Master’s slave to clean up. My mouth and my ass were incredibly sore! I lost count of the number of men I had “danced” with. Finally Master came over and released me. He helped me to my feet and held me in his arms until I got my “sea legs” again. He reattached the rings around my manhood and refastened my collar and chain. Out of his pocket he pulled a jewelry box and produced new nipple and PA rings in a larger size. He inserted them into my piercings. He gave me a peck of a kiss and a slap on my ass. The slap on the ass stung. He hit squarely on the brand. I had almost forgotten it. I bent over to see the one on my groin. I wanted to see the design. Master had branded me with his mark. It consisted of an uppercase “M” at the top. Coming down from the inner “v” point of the “M” was a short line. As I looked at it more closely I could see it had a bit of a shape. It represented a penis. Directly below the “penis” of the “M” was a lowercase “s”. “Master loves his slave” is what it said to me. I looked up at Master and smiled. He grabbed me in his arms and embraced me with a passionate kiss. Both Master and I were exhausted and slowly made our way back to Master’s site. Master led me by my leash. Campers on the sites offered their ‘thank yous’ and other greetings to Master as we passed by. When we got to the camper, Master took me inside and to the shower. There he had me wash him and told me to clean myself up. He showed me the salve jar and told me to apply more on the brand marks. After I had cleaned and dried Master, he disappeared into the bedroom. I took my time and washed myself thoroughly, playing at times with my larger rings. I took time to carefully clean out my ass. When I had finished with my shower I stood in front of the mirror and admired Master’s new property. I applied the salve and slowly rubbed it over the marks. I admired the design and my manhood started to swell. I took control of my thoughts because I knew I dared not go too far. I busied myself cleaning and straightening the bathroom and putting clean towels out for Master’s morning shower. I checked and secured the camper on last time, turned out the lights and went to the bedroom. Master was already asleep. I lay down in my dog bed, curled up and went to sleep. I woke up to the sensation of being kicked by a boot. Master was kicking me to wake me up and telling me to get his breakfast. During breakfast he told me that as soon as I was done with my chores, I was to go out to the play area and clean up the grounds. I was not to engage in any play with anyone. I did as I was told and went to the play area. A few other men were there and some were helping. I policed the grounds and picked up all the trash and took the trash bags to the dumpster. I returned the tables to the rec hall and the borrowed items to their owners. I was nearly finished when another master from another site approached me. He started fondling me and asking me to suck him. He would come up behind me when I was bent over and try to ram his prong up my ass. I was refusing his advances and he was becoming annoyed at me. He was most aggressive and annoying. Finally he left and I finished. As I approached Master’s campsite, Master was standing outside and looking very angry. As I approached him he wailed me with a forceful backhand and called me an “ungrateful whore”. I quickly knelt on the ground, lowered my head, and started to beg his forgiveness for whatever I had done. Master was furious and would not hear my pleas. He grabbed a flogger and began to violently thrash me across my back as I knelt there. He was savage. He was mad. As the flogging continued, Master began to make his charges. Another master had come to him and told him that I had made advances on the master. I had been untrue to Master. I was whoring with others so soon after having pledged my servitude to Master. I was a “worthless slut” and unworthy. I tried to protest and claim my innocence, but Master only told me to “shut my fucking mouth.” I finally knelt subserviently and took the blows from Master quietly. As this scene continued, some of the men from other sites looked on. Out of my lowered eyes, I could see another slave seeking to speak to his master. The master was intent on watching my punishment and pointing me out as an example to his slave. The slave was relentless and finally was permitted to speak to his master. Suddenly the other master approached our site and Master himself. He asked Master if he could interrupt him and if he could speak with him privately. Master was irritated at this, but the other master persisted, saying it was important. Master paused and told me not to move that he would continue with me shortly. He and the other master stepped aside and spoke quietly. As they talked I could not hear their words, but I could hear Master becoming even angrier. It was not long until Master returned to me and I prepared myself for the continuing blows or worse. My back was already raw. Instead Master grabbed my leash and pulled me to my feet. He put his hand under my chin and raised my head so that he looked me directly in the eyes. There was fire in his eyes! I was honestly afraid of what he would do! “Is what this man told me true?” Master asked me, and then he explained that the other master’s slave had witnessed the events in the play area as he was performing morning chores. He had told his master, at the peril of being beaten himself, how the master in the play area had tried to have me and how I had resisted. I assured Master that it was the truth. Master looked with softening eyes at me, although I could tell he was angry. He returned to the master who had interrupted him and thanked him for his word. He told that master that he had a commendable, honorable, and brave slave. The other master bent down and petted his slave lovingly. My Master then came back to me. He told me to kneel and to sit my ass on my heels. He tied my leash to a stake and left. A bit later I saw the offending master being escorted out of the campground. As he was led out, he was protesting that it was “just a slave’s word against a master’s” and that a “master’s word should be trusted.” Master entered the campsite, untied me from the stake and led me inside the camper. He took me to the bathroom and carefully cleaned my wounds from the thrashing. He then led me to the bedroom. It was late morning. Master lay on his back in the middle of the bed. I stood at the foot of the bed facing him. Slowly he pulled my leash toward him and I crawled over him towards his head. He pulled my head to his and engaged me in a passionate masculine kiss. As he kissed me, he also played with my nipple rings. I was instantly hard. Master put his hands on my shoulders and began to push them away from himself and toward his groin. I lowered my head and began to nuzzle and lick my way down through his thick fur. Master moaned quietly. Soon I was in the midst of his pubic hair. His quickly hardening cock was bobbing up and hitting me on the throat and neck. Master took hold of my ears and guided his tool down my throat. I ate it greedily and gave it every treatment of manly love I knew. Master became rock hard. He pulled my face off his cock and began again to pull my body toward him with his hands in my armpits. When my face was level with his face again, he reversed the direction of his pull. At nearly the same time I could feel the warm head of his dick pressing against my canal. I willed myself to open. There was no lube but his pre-cum and my own hole’s wetness. But Master was being gentle and he slowly entered me. He did so by easing in a bit and then coming out, going in again a bit further and easing out. It was not long until I was seated in his lap with the full length of his rigid pole in my gut. Master was moaning in delight. I was gasping in the pleasure of the pressure on my masculine g-spot. Master began to thrust and I began to hump up and down. I leaned back to add more pressure to Master’s dick and to drive him in further. Master raised himself up a bit and began to play at first with my nipples. I reached down and reciprocated by twisting and tweaking Master’s nipples through his chest hair. Master closed his eyes and groaned loudly. I must comment here that it was such a different feeling for me. I had been “deforested” the night before and was as bare as a newly born baby. The feeling of my freshly, completely shaved body against the thickness of Master’s hairy masculine body was incredibly erotic. Master left his work on my tits and moved to my slave meat. He played and played with the silver arc coming out of my slit. Pre-cum generously bathed this arc and Master took some on his thumb and made my whole head and shaft slippery. He then began to slowly fist me across the length of that shaft. He had an incredible touch. His grasp was firm yet feather light, his speed was stimulating, yet slow enough to only bring me to the brink. I was panting like a horse in heat. Finally Master began to writhe with that pre-ejaculatory turmoil in which the body struggles with the need to shoot and with the desire to maintain the sensory overload of being “almost there.” With loud grunts, growls, and groans Master rammed himself into me as hard as he could and I felt the warmth of his gift. I tightened my internal grasp on him and with that I shot to his chin. My cum landed on his goatee. We both continued our gyrations until we were both spent and tender with having cum. Master’s large, but softening dick stayed in me as he pulled me down to his chest and I let his hairy chest tickle my tender pierced nips. I kissed him and knew that everything was okay. Master held me on top of him and gently caressed my scarred back. It was then that I understood the extent of his love. He had pulled me on top of him so that the wounds of my beating would not be further irritated in our lovemaking. I nuzzled into his fur and drifted off in peace. The days and weeks passed as summer headed into fall. Master and I settled more and more into a routine. I became more and more comfortable with my role in Master’s house and in my understanding of his expectations of me. At least once a day Master would fuck me and at least once a day he would feed me his cum. Once a week, if I had pleased him, he would allow me to cum. How I would be allowed to ejaculate would vary, but I was always grateful when he permitted me to do so. During the first number of weeks, Master would take me down to Mac’s site and would purchase increasingly bigger jewelry for me until by the end of the summer I was up to a 0 gauge. It was an awesome feeling to be sporting such thick rings. Each of the rings was of the “circular barbell” design. The rod of the jewelry curved in an arc of a nearly complete circle. At each of the ends of the arc was a small ball. Master loved to flick the rings on my nips up and down with his tongue. His attention to my nips always sent shivers of pleasure through my system. It was only a week after my branding that it was apparent that my body hair was growing back. I recall Master standing me in front of the full-length mirror at the end of that week. He stood behind me and ran his hands all over my body feeling the newly sprouting bristles from my head to my toe. He naturally spent a great deal of time rubbing my chest, abdomen, and love triangle. Master pondered for quite a while before telling me that he was trying to decide whether to keep me shaved or to allow my hair to grow back in. My slave status suggested that I should remain always shaved as a reminder to me. Master also confessed that he had been attracted to my own hairiness from the first time he saw me. He decided to allow me to re-grow my hair except on my head and on my cock and balls. My head would be shaved bald above and behind my ears. I would be allowed to re-grow my goatee. My balls and the shaft of my cock were to be kept hair-free. My pubic bush would return as well as any hair on my chest, abdomen, legs, arms, etc. It would take a number of weeks for me to be restored to my previous glory of fur. In the meantime I was frequently driven crazy with the itchiness of the process. Master enjoyed monitoring my re-growth. He would spend a lot of time running his hands through my fur and, as it grew, I could see the effect this inspection would have on his own cock. It was not long until we were faced with the prospect of the impeding closing of the campsite at the end of the camping season. I had discovered that Master had made wise investments in his early days of employment and had written some books and articles from which he received royalties. We lived simply as well, so the resulting impact was that neither of us had to work. Master was free to go wherever he wished and I would go along as his prized property. After Master had re-invested my assets, it was clear that we could be comfortable and without financial worries. Master decided to winter this first year of my servitude in the south. I had never traveled much in the south and so I was excited. He found a similar all-male clothing optional campground in the region and rented a small cabin for the winter. He had me pack only the items we would need. I climbed on board behind him on his motorcycle and we headed south. I was sad to leave, but I knew Master would bring me back. Back to that special place that I simply called “The Campground”.


13 Gay Erotic Stories from EJ

At the Seven-Eleven

“How do they ever make it?!” I heard the voice next to me at the coffee bar as I emptied the flavored cream into the paper cup and poured the coffee. I assumed he was speaking to me. No one else was nearby in the Seven-Eleven store at the time. The radio newscaster had just reported that the cast of a popular TV series was negotiating for an even more exorbitant salary per

The Bear Room

(This story is true. Names, etc., are changed to protect the sexy.) Tick. Click. Click. Tick. Click. Tick. Tick. Click. My fingers stumbled over the keyboard of the computer. “Interested in r/t this morning,” I typed. I was adding the text to my chat profile. Then I clicked on “Enter Room”. I typed “Hi men,” and waited. The small green window appeared blank on the screen. A

The Campground, Part 1

My hand was quivering a bit with excitement as I downshifted and went through the auto-toll lane. On the other side of the toll island was the toll road. I was excited and apprehensive because I had never done this before. No! No! I am not talking about driving on a turnpike! Been there, done that many times! No, I was taking the toll road to the campground. I had never been to

The Campground, Part 2

My master led me back to his campsite and to his camper by my leash and by my balls. On the way through the campsites the other men often greeted us with whistles and catcalls as well as with approving and admiring comments. Master said nothing. He walked straight to his site and to his camper, opened the door and walked in pulling me behind him. It was the first I was inside the

The Campground, Part 3

I awoke in the sunlight of the new day in much the same position as I had fallen asleep. My hands had released their hug and lay at my side. Master lay asleep on top of me. His head rested on my chest and his nostrils emitted his warm breath across my right nipple. My legs were still curiously propped on his shoulders and were somewhat cramped from being in that position for so

The Campground, Part 4

Although my nips and penis were still a bit tender, Mac declared me fit for service when he examined me on the following Saturday morning. The piercings were healing well. Master smiled at the good news and winked at Mac. He patted me underneath my ring-weighted balls. When we arrived back at the camper, Master assigned me to my duties and indicated that he had some business to

The Campground, part 4

Although my nips and penis were still a bit tender, Mac declared me fit for service when he examined me on the following Saturday morning. The piercings were healing well. Master smiled at the good news and winked at Mac. He patted me underneath my ring-weighted balls. When we arrived back at the camper, Master assigned me to my duties and indicated that he had some business to

The Campground, Part 4

Although my nips and penis were still a bit tender, Mac declared me fit for service when he examined me on the following Saturday morning. The piercings were healing well. Master smiled at the good news and winked at Mac. He patted me underneath my ring-weighted balls. When we arrived back at the camper, Master assigned me to my duties and indicated that he had some business to

The Storm

I had moved to this remote area in the rural area of the northern part of the state only a few years ago. Life had gone south on me. I had had enough of corporate shenanigans and enough of people. I moved here to be alone. I figured I was my own best friend. So I bought a good-sized piece of land and built a log home on it. A mile long lane led from the highway to the house and

The Storm, Part 2: Monday

In Part 1, during a fierce snowstorm two hairy buddies (Troy and Todd) lose control of their vehicle and slide off the road near my remote log home. I rescue and welcome them into my home. After cleaning up and sharing a good meal, we gather before the fire for some hot interaction. We retire exhausted to my bed. See “The Storm” for the full first episode. We continue with Part 2,

The Storm, Part 3: Monday Evening

Troy and Todd, stranded by the winter storm at Eric’s home, while they await their car being repaired, form a strong bond with their host and experience some hot action. Check out parts 1 and 2. The story resumes on Monday evening of the eventful week, the evening before the last full day of their stay. * * * After the hot leather experience of late Monday afternoon, Troy, Todd, and

The Storm, Part 4: Tuesday

I was still having a tough time making a decision about getting pierced. I knew it looked incredibly hot on my two friends and other men; I wasn’t sure that it would look right on me. I wasn’t sure that I could handle the questions or the looks from others in this part of the world who might not understand. I would need to decide before tomorrow morning. We spent the rest of the

The Storm, Part 5: Conclusion

Wednesday The phone rang. It was the call I had been dreading now for two days. I knew who it was. I just didn’t get that many calls. “This is Jake,” the voice said. “Hi, Jake. This is Eric.” “Just thought you’d like to know that those fellows’ car is done. They can pick it up anytime.” Jake went on to explain in detail the damage, how he had repaired it, and what the final


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