Gay Erotic Stories

The Exchange Student

by David Carter

Larsen arrived on the 12.30 flight from Norway, when he got off the plane, he was tired and wanted to do nothing but go home and get some sleep. The flight had been rather grueling, 15 hours non-stop, and he looked as though he had been on the plane for weeks. After the initial handshakes, and greetings, I introduced myself as Bob, and that I was to be his host for the next 12 weeks. Larsen was on a cultural exchange for 3 months. Let me describe him, he was tall about 6'6", medium build, tan and had blonde hair and steely blue eyes, eyes that I would like to swim in for hours. We hopped in the car after going through customs, and after picking up his luggage. On the way home he commented how different Australia seemed compared to Norway, but he was eager to try out our beaches and seeing a kangaroo and a koala-bear. It wasn't too long before Larsen drifted off to sleep, and it was then that I could really take in the sight of my new flatmate for the next 3 months. Wow!!!!, what a babe, he was thickly muscled and it seemed as though in "that" area, he was more muscled than anywhere else. An hour after leaving the airport, we arrived at my beachside apartment overlooking the Pacific Ocean in a place called The Entrance on the Central Coast of New South Wales. I nudged Larsen and told him that we were home. He stretched and I could hear the bones creaking. I helped him with his luggage, and entered the apartment. I took him straight to his room on the 1st floor, he thought it was very comfortable, and wasn't too impressed until I opened the bedroom curtains. He stood in disbelief, and his jaw fell open. Here he was in a strange country, but with a view that thousands of people would give their last buck for. Our apartment overlooked the beach, and while we were looking he noticed several people of both sexes, wander down to the beach, before shedding their swimsuits and going in for a swim. I quickly told him that the beach was a private nude beach, and that I kept the basement open for anyone who wanted to use it for sex or whatever else. At this Larsen became very interested indeed. I showed him the remainder of the flat, and told him that he should go in and freshen up, while I prepared something for him to eat, after his long flight. As Larsen started to peel off his clothes, I decided not to stay and perve, but instead act cooly and leave, as I got to the door, I turned to tell him to take his time, by which time, he was down to his g-string, which seemed to disappear up between his tight buns. He smiled back at me, and then all of a sudden came rushing up to me, put his arms around my neck, and gave me a kiss on the cheek, telling me how happy he was, and happy he would be staying with me here, in this paradise for the next 3 months. I showed no reaction, I wanted too, but not just yet. I made my way down to the kitchen, where I heard the shower start. Oh, how I wanted to go upstairs and peer at him in the shower. The weeks passed too quickly, and it wasn't too long before we both realised that Larsen was leaving on the weekend. One day after getting home from work, I saw a note on the table telling me Larsen was at the beach. Since he had arrived, you can imagine, he had become very popular with the girls, not to mention a few guys as well, but to all of them he showed no attraction. Anyway, I went upstairs, put on my swimming trunks, and grabbed my towel. I opened the glass door leading to the beach, but saw Larsen striding up the beach towards the basement entrance. Looking at him, always excited me, I had seem him naked many times by this stage. He had muscles where I only dreamed muscles should be, and his dick was huge, uncut with two large heavy balls hanging nearby. I closed the door, and made my way downstairs. I was about to open the door, when I heard a loud thump, then crash, then I heard the painful moans of Larsen, he had obviously hurt himself. I quickly opened the door, to find the naked Larsen lying on his back on the floor, with some cardboard boxes lying on top of him. I had meant to move those stupid boxes, but I had never got around to doing it. I quickly moved the boxes, then knelt down to see if Larsen was alright, I felt for his pulse, it was racing, probably the shock. I placed my head onto his heaving abs, and checked his heart-rate, and then out of nowhere Larsen's thick arms, entwined my head, and he sat up, planting a long sloppy kiss on my lips. I returned the favour. Then Larsen told me he was alright, but now that we were both on the floor, why don't we make the most of it. I told him I didn't know what he was talking about, and he said that he would show me. He made my lie where he had been, then proceeded to take off my swimming trunks, where upon, he knelt down and took my 8" cock into his mouth. He sucked for awhile, then re-positioned himself so that I was now slurping on his massive pole. Without notice, Larsen shot a huge load of ropy, sticky white cum down my throat, but some seemed to escape and dribble down my chin. When Larsen pulled his dick out of my mouth, he licked the escapee cum from my chin, then moved back up to my mouth and gave me another kiss. So there I was kissing my exchange student, his cum still in my mouth, but now in his mouth too. He then stood up, towering over me, and started to piss on my body, I sat up quickly and while he was still peeing, I took his dick into my mouth. When his bladder was empty, he got back down to sucking me off, and it wasn't too long before I shot a load into his mouth, then I returned the favour of the piss. He seemed to like it too. He then asked me to fuck him, so I knelt behind him and opened those two mounds of hard muscle to allow me entry. I pumped his ass for ages, before emptying another hot load inside his ass. We fucked and sucked for the next few hours, and he told me that his stay in Australia had been one he would remember forever. He even invited me to visit him in Norway, and then I could stay with him and his brothers. He had 3 and they were all as horny as him. The next morning we dressed and I took him to the airport. After saying our goodbyes, and giving our last kisses, my Larsen left. I made my way to the booking lounge and made enquiries about Norway. I leave tomorrow.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from David Carter

The Exchange Student

Larsen arrived on the 12.30 flight from Norway, when he got off the plane, he was tired and wanted to do nothing but go home and get some sleep. The flight had been rather grueling, 15 hours non-stop, and he looked as though he had been on the plane for weeks. After the initial handshakes, and greetings, I introduced myself as Bob, and that I was to be his host for the next 12


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