Gay Erotic Stories

The Two Brads, Part One

by Snowcrash

The Two Brads, Part One By Snowcrash Brad Pitt stretched out on the bunk in his trailer. He was beginning to get bored - and horny. Okay, it had been his idea to spend a few days at the prison location while Sleepers was shooting there - get a feel for the place, do a bit of emotional packing for his character. But these were days he would otherwise have had off and the isolation of the location, with very little to do, was beginning to get to him. And it had been days since he'd got laid. His hand wandered down to his crotch, where it didn't take much to inspire an erection. He's unbuttoned his jeans and was beginning to pull down his fly to release his straining cock when there was a knock at the door. "Shit," he muttered, pulling up the zipper. "Yeah? Who is it?" "Brad? It's me," a voice called gently. "Me who?" He was beginning to get irritated that his wank had been interrupted by someone who couldn't even properly identify themselves. "Brad," the voice came quietly again. "What?" he shouted. "No, I mean it's me - Brad. Brad Renfro?" "Oh, Brad. Come in," Pitt said, sitting up and adjusting his jeans to make his still swollen cock look less obvious. The trailer door creaked open and Brad Renfro's face appeared in the gap. "Is it okay if I come in for a sec?" "Sure," Pitt said, "Make yourself at home." "Thanks," the younger Brad said, stepping in. He stood somewhat sheepishly near the door as he closed it, hesitant. "Come in, for God's sake - have a seat." "Thanks." Renfro perched on the edge of a chair near the table that was fixed to one of the trailer's walls. And look around nervously. "What can I do for you? You want a drink or something? I mean, I've got soda and stuff. Or beer - if you're not too young." "No - no, thanks. I'm okay." "So, how's the shoot going? You looked pretty good in the scene I was watching earlier." And he had looked good. Pitt was almost convinced that young Brad Renfro was a younger incarnation of himself - as he was meant to be in the film. "Well, that's kinda what I wanted to talk to you about." "Yeah?" "Yeah." "No," the older Brad corrected. "I mean what did you wanna talk about exactly?" "Well, it's kinda hard to - I'm not sure how to - " "Just take your time, Brad. What's the problem?" "Well, " the younger Brad continued, "it's the scene I've got tomorrow. It's the, uh, the rape scene?" "Yeah," Pitt said, "I saw it on the shooting schedule. Uh, what's the problem? I mean, okay, it's a tough scene, but is there something specific that's - I mean apart from, well..." Now it was the older Brad's turn to be at a loss for words. They had only met a few times since the first reading, but they'd had pretty good conversations each time, mostly discussing acting - instead of the usual discussion of careers. And Pitt was impressed by the teenagers abilities - what he'd seen of them anyway. "Well, " the younger man continued, "I was wondering if - this isn't easy - I wondered if you might help me out with something. An acting problem." "Sure, yeah. What can I do?" "Uh, well. That's the hard part." "What?" "Well, Brad, you know how we were talking about how when you're acting you have to - you know, use stuff from your own experience." "Yeah..." "You know, like something similar from your own life that's like what your character's going through?" "Yeah, sure. Substitution." "Right. Well, this rape scene... Brad, I'm really worried. I don't know if I can do it. I mean, not the scene itself. I mean - I just don't think I can be convincing. There's - well, I don't have anything to substitute for getting raped. I mean - shit, Brad - there's nothing in my experience that's similar to that." The older Brad regarded the youth for a moment, trying to figure how to help. "Well, it doesn't have to be something exactly like what the character's going through, you know? Like, in this case - being forced to do anything that you didn't want to do could be substituted..." "No, it couldn't, Brad. And you probably know it. I mean - rape. There's nothing like that, is there. That kind of violation? I mean, it's not like being forced to do your homework, you know?" "Right..." "And - and there's another thing..." "What's that?" Pitt asked, hoping for a change of subject. "Well, I've never even - I, uh - Well, I'm sort of - a virgin?" "Oh." This one caught the older man off guard. Okay, Renfro was pretty young, but Pitt figured he'd probably had more than his share of offers - and in his place, Pitt would certainly have taken advantage of them. "I mean - okay, I've been with a few girls and all, but - well, I've never even, like jerked off with another guy." "What? And you think I have ?" "No! No, that's not what I meant! In fact, it might be better if you haven't either. Then we'd be in the same boat." "What do you mean?" "Well, your character's got the same history as mine, you know? I mean, we're the same character. And I thought, maybe - well, maybe we could help each other..." Pitt was wondering where all this was leading - and wasn't sure he wanted to know. "Uh, help each other, like, how?" "Well, we're both supposed to have been raped - both been forced to do something we didn't want to - both been made to have sex with another guy..." "And?" "And I don't know if I can play this scene - I don't know if I can play this character - without some kind of experience. Can you?" "Can I what? Play the character?" "Yeah - I mean really get into this guy's past. Have you thought about those scenes when you're re-living the past?" "Yeah. Yeah, I have," Pitt replied. "And I do admit some of those scenes are looking pretty tough." "Great!" "What?" "No, I mean, then maybe we can help each other," Renfro said enthusiastically. "I still don't see how - " "Yes, you do. You just don't want to see how." "What?" Brad Renfro looked a bit exasperated, but the more they were talking, the easier this seemed to broach. He finally decided to just blurt it out. "Brad - I need you to rape me." "You what?" "You heard me. I mean, not really rape me - well, sorta. I mean I don't really want to do this - I've got to. I have to know what it's like, Brad. And so do you. I can't play this scene tomorrow otherwise. And neither of us can play this character." "Wait a minute. Wait a minute - I don't need to - I mean I don't have to - Are you serious?" "Never been more serious." "So why are you coming to me? Why not Kevin?" "Kevin?" "Kevin Bacon? Remember? The guy who's supposed to rape you in the scene?" "I know who Kevin is, you fool." "Right - so why not ask him? Wouldn't that be more - appropriate?" The younger Brad looked a bit frustrated. "I know. I thought of that at first, but - " "But?" "Well - I mean - I thought this would be good for us. Good for our acting, I mean - bring us closer together as a character. You know? Both go through the same thing that neither of us wants to do. And - and, well, I - I like you. I trust you." Pitt was flattered by the young man's affection, but still wasn't very happy with the turn the conversation had taken. How was he going to talk Renfro out of this? "And what? You don't trust Kevin?" "That's not it exactly. I mean, I don't know him very well. I mean, he and I have had scenes togther and we still haven't talked the way you and I have. You know, about important stuff? Acting and everything? Besides," the kid grinned for the first time since he arrived in the trailer, "It looks like he's got a huge cock." Pitt chuckled in spite of himself. "And you think I don't?" "No - it's not that! I have no idea. Maybe yours is even bigger. No, I just said that. But - well, I think, maybe Kevin - I think maybe he'd like it too much." "You mean, you think he's..." "No - I don't know. I just - well, I just trust you a lot more. Like I said. I thought you'd understand. I thought you'd wanna help..." "Hey, I do wanna help - I'm just not sure that this is the best way to -" "It's the only way it's gonna help me. Believe me - I've thought of everything, tried everything. There's just no way I can play this scene tomorrow. Unless I get fucked." Pitt was a bit taken aback by the younger man's bluntness. "I'm sorry," Renfro said, "I didn't mean to - I mean I can ask Kevin and I'll bet he'd do it. It's just I'd rather - I'd rather it was you." He looked into Brad Pitt's eyes and held their stare. "Look, Brad - " Pitt began. "Please, Brad," Renfro said, moving from the chair to crouch near where Pitt was sitting on the bed. He placed a hand on the older man's thigh. "Please...?" Pitt now got his biggest surprise yet - a bigger surprise than Renfro's request, a bigger surprise than the younger man's seeming trust and affection. When the youth's hand touched his thigh, he felt his cock stir and throb and expand. What was happening here? "Please?" the youth repeated. "I don't know, Brad. This is - I don't know. I mean, you're just a kid. I don't wanna do something that's gonna, like, fuck you up, you know? I mean, do you think you'd be able for this?" "I don't know. I just know that, as it is, I can't play that scene tomorrow. And if I fail as an actor, that will fuck me up. And I'm not able for that." He slid his hand up the older man's thigh, closer to the warmth of his crotch. "Brad. I really, really need your help. I need you to do this." Pitt didn't say anything. He looked down into his lap, where his cock was expanding even more, then met Brad Renfro's eyes. "Okay, Brad?" the younger man asked as his fingers made contact with the swelling in Pitt's jeans, "Okay?" He squeezed. Pitt gasped slightly at the sensation and involuntarily shifted his hips. "Brad, wait -" "I'm running out of time, you know? It's an early scene." His hand traveled further up, his palm pressing against the firm, warm mound in the older man's pants. "C'mon..." "Unngh," Pitt moaned, his cock hardening under Renfro's pressure. Suddenly, the kid had his jeans unbuttoned again and was tugging at the zipper. He reached down a grabbed the kid's wrist to stop him. "Wait! Fuck. This is - this is so... Okay, look." Renfro stared up at him, waiting. "Look, if I do this - fuck, what am I saying?" "You're saying that you're gonna do your best to help another actor who's in trouble? C'mon, Brad - where's the harm in that?" "No, but - it's just that - Well, you may not think it to look at me, but - Well, when it comes to sex, I don't have a lot of control." "What do you mean?" "I mean - don't start something here, that you can't finish. I'm just - I mean, I haven't had sex in about four days, you know? Hanging out at this stupid location? And once I get started - Well, I can be a bit of an animal, okay? I don't wanna hurt you or anything. But once I get going, it's really hard for me to stop. So you'd better know what you're getting into." "Hey, this was my idea. Besides, if it gets a little rough - well, heck, that's the kind of experience I need for this. Right?" He tugged Pitt's zipper all the way down and the older man's cock expanded yet again. "I hereby absolve you of all responsibility," Renfro grinned. Then his face was buried in Brad Pitt's crotch. "Anngh, fuck! Brad!" The youth grabbed the waistband of Pitt's jeans and began yanking them down. Pitt raised his hips slightly, allowing the kid to pull his jeans off his thighs, over his knees to his ankles. Then Renfro's mouth was back on Pitt's cock, his warm breath penetrating the cotton of his shorts, the kid's saliva wetting the fabric. Renfro ran his hands up Pitt's thighs. He grabbed the waistband of the shorts and yanked them down as well. Pitt's cock sprang out and up, slapping his abs. It was over seven inches, possibly nearing eight, an inch and half or more in diameter. The head was swollen and pink, glistening with a few drops of pre-cum. "Looks like you were ready for this," Renfro smiled. "You ready for this?" And his mouth was on the throbbing head of Pitt's cock. "Annngh - yeah... Fuck!" The kid's hot, wet mouth felt incredible on Pitt's cock. The youth began swirling his tongue around the head, his lips closed around the shaft. He reached down and took Renfro's head in his hands as the kid began licking down the shaft, down, down to his balls, then back. Then his cock was once more engulfed by the youth's hot mouth, taking more of it, running his lips and tongue up and down the shaft. Renfro sat back and looked up at the older Brad, smiling. "Is that okay?" "The kid's got a gorgeous smile," Pitt thought, "A smile that's just been wrapped around my cock." Aloud, he said, "Jesus, Brad. Okay? You sure you've never done this sort of thing before?" "First time. Promise." "Well, I've had pros who weren't as good as that." "Cool." Then he was on Pitt's cock again, taking it deeper and deeper. Licking, sucking, feeling it grow even bigger, firmer. Then he was at the older man's balls, taking each in his mouth in turn, running his tongue over and around them. "Angh, Brad - fuck, man. Yeahhh..." Pitt reared up on the bunk, arching his back, and the youth took the opportunity to let his tongue travel below his balls, tickling at Pitt's tight hole, then back up over his balls and up the shaft of his cock. He swallowed the head again, taking it deeper than before, his mouth traveling down the shaft, further, further... Again the kid sat back, leaving Pitt panting on the bed. "So when do you start to lose control?" Renfro smiled again. "About now," Pitt said. "Stand up." Renfro stood and Pitt unfastened the kid's belt. Then he opened his jeans and jerked them off the youth's hips. He grabbed the top of the kid's shorts and, in one movement, pulled them and the kid's jeans to his ankles. Renfro's own cock sprang out and Pitt was not altogether surprised to find that he, too, was quite hard. He was a bit more surprised to find that Renfro's cock was only an inch or so shorter than his own. "Not bad, " he thought, "for a - what? - sixteen-year-old? Fifteen? Jesus, what am I doing?" His doubts were distracted, though, by the feel of the kid's hand on the back of his head, Renfro's cock brushing his lips. Almost without thinking, he took the kid's cock in his mouth. His tongue encircled the head a few time's tasting Renfro's pre-cum, then he was down on the kid's cock, his nose buried in Renfro's soft pubes. "Damn, Brad!" Renfro exclaimed, his cock throbbing in the older man's mouth. "Damn!" Pitt sucked the kid's cock for a few minutes, feeling the lad's thighs quivering at the sensation. When Renfro started to moan softly, Pitt released the kid's cock, leaning back on the bed. "So, how do you want this?" Almost before he spoke, Renfro's hand was back on the older man's cock, stroking its full length. "Whoa - Brad. C'mon, how you wanna do this?" "Well, in the movie, I'm bent over a table. So, I guess from behind somehow." "Okay... turn around." The kid obeyed, presenting Pitt with a perfect pair of buttocks, small, round, firm. Without another thought, Pitt's face was between the kid's taut cheeks, his tongue seeking the small, tight pucker. "Awwww, man!" Renfro cried as Pitt's tongue found the tiny opening. He kicked off his jeans and shorts, spreading his thighs, as the older Brad's tongue teased at his butthole. "Fuck, Brad!" Pitt licked up and down the warm valley, inhaling the Renfro's youthful aroma. He shoved his face forward, his tongue penetrating the tight hole. "Fuck!" Renfro couldn't believe the sensation of the hot, wet tongue entering him. He'd expected this to be unpleasant from start to finish, but so far, everything had felt pretty good - the feel of Brad Pitt's cock in his mouth, the feel of his cock in Pitt's mouth, and, especially, now, the feel of the older man's tongue inside him. "Fuck!" Pitt forced his tongue deeper, savoring the taste of the kid's hole - deeper, pushing his tongue in and sliding it out. He wouldn't have believed he could've got into this sort of thing, but the deeper he penetrated Renfro's hole with his tongue, the harder his cock got. It throbbed in the cool air, dripping pre-cum, and he knew if he wasn't fucking this kid soon, he'd go crazy. "Get up here on the bed." Pitt could hardly believe he was saying these things - doing these things! But, before he could have second thoughts, Renfro was on all fours on the bunk, his head resting on his folded arms. "You better take your things off, Brad - you might trip." Pitt pulled his jeans and shorts from around his ankles and turned to look at the cute little but, glistening with his own saliva, and the tiny pinkish-brown pucker which seemed to be winking at him. He hadn't been joking with the kid, he did feel like he was losing control. Right now, he wanted nothing more than to be buried ball deep in this teen-age ass. He knelt between Renfro's spread legs, stroking his dick. Leaning forward, he again forced his tongue into the kid's butthole, then licked all around it. "Shit," he said, sitting back, "I don't think I've got any condoms." "Why," Renfro asked, looking over his shoulder, "You got AIDS?" "No," Pitt replied, "And I do get HIV-tested every three months." "So what's the problem? I've only been with two girls and wore a rubber each time. Unless you got the clap or something, we're safe." Pitt considered this, his cock throbbing in the cool air. "Besides, when's the last time you rode anything bareback?" Okay," Pitt said, his horniness getting the better of him, "Fuck it." Then buried his face in Renfro's ass once again. The lad moaned, stroking his cock as Brad Pitt shoved his hot, wet tongue deep in his hole, spreading his firm cheeks to delve even deeper. Then the older lad leaned back on his heels, stroking his rigid cock and smearing the pre-cum around the swollen head. Pitt couldn't wait any longer. He needed to get off - more desperately now than half an hour earlier. He gripped his cock tightly, leaned up on his knees, and pressed the slick head of his dick against the tight, wet hole. The younger Brad caught his breath, then let it out with a sigh as he felt the heated knob of Pitt's cock nudging against his butthole. The older man leaned forward, pressing against the tiny orifice. Nothing. He gripped his cock again, attempting to force it through the clenched opening. "Nnngh..." Renfro moaned, feeling the warmth of the cock pressing against him, "come on..." Pitt was still making no progress in terms of penetrating the tight hole, but the feel of the lad's hot butt-cheeks surrounding his cock was terrific. He pressed harder. "Whoa," he said, "this is really tight. Try to relax or something." The older lad stroked his cock and felt more pre-cum pulsing up the shaft. He circled the head of his cock around the lad's butthole, then leaned toward him again. Brad Renfro reached back and spread his cheeks, allowing the head to shove more directly at his hole, concentrating on relaxing every muscle in his body. He thought of Brad's hot tongue and how easily it slipped inside him - and how great it felt. Then he began to feel something new - Pitt's cock was slowly spreading the entrance to the depths of his body, the tiny wrinkles radiating from his hole stretching to accommodate the thickness of the older man's knob. "Yeah, Brad - oh, yeah... You're - you're almost..." Brad Pitt could feel the younger man beginning to open up to him, the warmth of the boy's hole enveloping more of the tip of his cock. He paused, then increased his pressure - another drop of pre-cum pulsed from the end of his cock. "Yeah, Brad," Renfro sighed, relaxing even more, "yeahhh... You're - you're - anngh!" The head of Pitt's cock forced through the tight ring and slid about an inch into the lad's butt. "Fuck!" He paused, then shoved forward again. "Fuck!" The head of his cock slipped into the tight hole, which clamped around it like a vise. "Anngh, Brad - yeah!" Renfro raised up on his elbows and the movement forced Pitt's cock in another half-inch. "Fuck! You're in! Your cock's inside me! Fuck!!" The older lad had trouble restraining himself as he felt the kid's hole clutching at his dick. "Hang on, stud," he said, "That's just the head - there's a lot more to go." "I know, but - fuck. I didn't think you'd even get that much - I mean, it doesn't even hurt that much." "Yeah, well, I'm only gettin started, okay? You better reserve your judgement." The kid laughed and the movement sent a jolt through Pitt's body. He grasped Renfro's hips tighter. "You ready for more?" "I think so." "Oh, wait - I think I have something might make this easier." The older man slowly eased his cock back out of Renfro's tight hole, feeling it squeeze the tip of his cock as he withdrew. "Huh? What're you - " "Just a second." Pitt reached for his backpack and rummaged in it for a moment. "Aha! Got it." "What? Got what?" "I nearly forgot - I brought a bottle of poppers with me. You ever do them?" Renfro looked over his shoulder at the older lad. "Uh, yeah - but only for dancing. They can be quite a rush." "Well, they may be good for dancing, but they're great for fucking," Pitt replied. "Now, let's try this again." To Part Two... Comments to Story submitted June 4, 1999


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Snowcrash

The Two Brads, Part One

The Two Brads, Part One By Snowcrash Brad Pitt stretched out on the bunk in his trailer. He was beginning to get bored - and horny. Okay, it had been his idea to spend a few days at the prison location while Sleepers was shooting there - get a feel for the place, do a bit of emotional packing for his character. But these were days he would otherwise have had off and the

The Two Brads, Part Two

The Two Brads, Part Two By Snowcrash This is a direct continuation of Part One. If you haven't started there, maybe you'd better... Renfro's asshole twitched spasmodically as he felt the warm flesh of Pitt's dick nudging between his buttocks again. The older lad shuddered, his balls shifting upward as a throb ran down the underside of this cock. Renfro spread his legs a bit


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