Gay Erotic Stories

Snacking During the Game

by Freemeng

This is a true story that involves my best friend and I who have been buds for as long as I can remember; on and off through the high school years and out of touch for awhile afterwards. I shouldn't say completely out of touch, as he just went to another city for the first couple of years of college, but then we ended up in the same city. When he phoned me and told me he was moving back into town it was purely coincidental that I was looking for a new - more affordable apartment in which to live. Without question, we agreed to find a place to share together. He came down the next weekend and we really spent the entire weekend searching apartments, and finally on Sunday afternoon, we agreed on one that we could live in comfortably and financially.

Unfortunately, we really didn't have much time to get re-acquainted as we were leafing through newspaper ads, and driving around, getting lost and checking out apartments. You know, it was one of those friendships where you just continue on where you left off, even if there's a couple of year's absence in between...and we had kept in touch by email and phone. I'd agreed to finalize the arrangements, and we set up a moving date.

In a month, we had moved in together. A little strange for me as I'd always had my own place, but he and I grew up together in the same neighborhood, we knew each other's families and had even double-dated a few times. So there was some comfort in our history together and we felt immediately comfortable.

The first week together was just so easy. We had agreed on furniture placement, bedrooms, and sharing of the meals. We were very open in the apartment with nakedness; we'd shit, shower and shave sharing the washroom in the morning and the rest of the time, the washroom door was rarely shut. Other friends - male and female were in and out of the place as were both pretty social guys.

Both of us have average bodies, and by that I mean not too skinny and no too muscular - just comfortable. I have a smoother body than Dave does with some hair on my legs while he's got a blond/brown coating of hair on his legs, chest, pits and head. And, we're both okay to look at - no complaints that I know of!

At the end of the first month on a Saturday nigh, a hockey game was playing, and we decided to stay home and watch it. This is when IT happened. To this day, I still don't know how it happened so easily or effortlessly, but it did. About 30 minutes before the game started we were bumbling about the apartment gathering up junk food; frying up a couple of burgers and yakking away. When I popped open a bottle, the beer shot all over Dave's pants and on the floor. We had a good laugh and threw a few fake punches, but instead of cleaning it up with another cloth, he took off his pants and wiped up the beer that had spilled on the floor.

When he stood up I realized he was not wearing any underwear - all he had on was a blue t-shirt and his wooly socks - his hairy dick flopping around - caught my attention - but - I didn't say anything.

"I guess I better throw these in the wash with my other shit" he said, then gathered up the rest of his laundry and threw it in the machine. In the meantime, I brought all the food in to the living room and put it on the table. When he returned, he was still not wearing his pants. He thought nothing of it, and I didn't really care. He sat down on the couch beside me, and we started watching the game and munching on the goodies.

I don't like sitting for a long period, and prefer to lie down and after about an hour Dave could tell I was getting squirmish.

"You want to lie down, don't you?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's okay, I'll just lie down on the floor" I said starting to move.

"Hey man, lie down. Put your head up at that end or down here, I don't really care" he said. Without even having to think about it, I decided to prop my head by his lap, putting my feet up on the arm of the couch. We stayed that way for a while as the game wasn't overly exciting, but then a wicked play was happening in the game, and we both got excited. We sat up, leaned forward, and when they scored, we jumped up high-fived it. Commercial time - he took a leak, and I lay back down.

When he came back, he aimed for the same spot, but my head was there. So he stood there with his dick hanging over my head and told me to sit up so he could sit back down. I did as he asked, but this time, when I settled, I found Dave had slouched down more on the couch, and my head went on his stomach. He comfortably rested his arm over my shoulder.

I can't say there was sexual tension; it was just exceptionally friendly and slightly sexy. My head was about a foot from his bush and he didn't seem to care, and I couldn't stop staring. I brought my hand up to support my head and found it touching his pubes - he still didn't care. There were no snide comments made, only about the game. He did however start slowly stroking my hair and it felt so good - so I let him. There seemed to be a confirmation that we were soul mates or something.

Commercial. This time, I got up to piss, and when I came back, Dave hadn't changed position. We looked at each other and smiled - I went to the kitchen, brought back a couple more beers and took my previous position. This time though, instead of putting my hand in his pubes, I started lightly caressing his penis. Nothing happened - it was like it was the next thing to do. I leaned in and put his soft plump penis in my mouth, with some very gentle sucking and licking. Again, nothing was said, he caressed my head and we just kept watching the game. When things got exciting, I stopped sucking, but then we settled back down. Dave's cock grew pretty big, and over the course of about an hour or more, I just played lightly. (I was not experienced at this; it was something that just felt natural)

At one commercial close to the end of the game, he gripped my head a little harder and started to fuck my mouth. I had seen this cock so many times in the showers or at sleep- overs, and it felt good to have it in my mouth. My best buddy's dick! My head was on his slightly hairy abdomen being fed a beautiful cut cock; his legs were spread and I decided to reach down and play with his balls while he fucked my face. In about a minute, he came with a full load down my throat with a little groan. I took it; I swallowed and kept him in my mouth for another half hour.

The game was over, we finished up the snacks, and I washed his semen down with a few good gulps of beer. We got up, dressed and went out for walk - saying nothing. It didn't bother me at all that he didn't reciprocate the blowjob or even a hand job. I wholly enjoyed his company and his friendship. Somewhere in the middle of the walk, we put our arms around our shoulders as kind-of-a-confirmation that everything was cool.

It seemed we had begun a tradition. Whenever we were watching a game (if no one else was over) we'd follow the same routine. Always nice and slow, and lasting throughout the game. It seemed to fulfill a need for both of us and it went on for years - even throughout girlfriends and wives. If there's a game on, and we're alone you can bet his cock is in my mouth - but never any other time. We've been on camp-outs together, or out to movies or shows - and it's never even been brought up. But put on a hockey or football jersey...!!



1 Gay Erotic Stories from Freemeng

Snacking During the Game

This is a true story that involves my best friend and I who have been buds for as long as I can remember; on and off through the high school years and out of touch for awhile afterwards. I shouldn't say completely out of touch, as he just went to another city for the first couple of years of college, but then we ended up in the same city. When he phoned me and told me he was moving back into


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