Gay Erotic Stories

Legolas Greenleaf

by Borednshiiiiiiiii

I walked through the forest cautiously, alert and ready for anything. There were stories about these woods, and most of them weren't pleasant. I had my two short swords ready at my waist, tucked neatly into their sheaths that were strapped to my thighs.

I had been drawn to these woods by the stories of the elves, the magical people who were immortal and beautiful. The village I lived in wasn't far from these woods, but I had never seen an elf. The old women in the village told stories of how beautiful and handsome all of them were, and I was willing to risk the dangers of the woods to see them. I think that was mostly because, although I'd been pressured by all my mates, I had never felt any desire to be with any of the girls in the village. Actually, the only people I had any desire to look at WERE my mates. I often caught myself staring at them and all their parts as we bathed in the streams and ponds around the village. As we grew up, I found that I longed to touch their bodies more and more. The summer was my favorite time of year, because we would swim every day. During the middle of the day, when it was the hottest, we would all run down to the ponds in our brown britches. As soon as we got deep enough into the woods so that nobody else could see us, we would all pull down our pants as fast as we could and jump into the water. All my mates round asses and muscled bodies from their farm work would be right in front of me. Their developing dicks and balls would bounce around in the water. Sometimes I thought that some of my mates felt like I did, because often times we would wrestle in the water and on the soft dirt nearby. We would always grab and touch the best parts, but only in wrestling. I wanted more. My desire to venture into these woods started one day at the pond. A few mates and I were playing around in the water like any other day. The woods that bordered the pond were right next to the mysterious woods. As one of my mates and I wrestled out of the water onto the soil, I looked out into the trees. For a split second I caught a flash of long blond hair as a boy in green tights with a long brown top covering turned and ran into the woods. I saw his beautiful, perfectly shaped ass disappear into the woods for only a second. I hadn't realized that I was sitting on the chest of my mate, and my growing member was beginning to inch towards his face. He shoved me off, stood up, and looked down at his own growing dick. He laughed, turned, and dashed into the water to tackle another friend.

I couldn't get my mind off the elf in the woods. He had been like nothing I had ever seen anymore. No longer did I think about the opportunity to meet beautiful young elf women, but longed to touch the body of a young elf male.

Now I found myself walking deeper and deeper into the woods of the elves, hoping that I would not be met with hostility, and hoping even more that I would be met at all. Suddenly, I got the feeling that I was being watched. I spun in a circle, and quickly took out my swords as I scanned my surroundings. Nothing. I had been warned by some of the older boys in the village before I had left that the elves weren't like everyone else. They were magical, and were quicker than the deer. I scanned again, still nothing. Suddenly my swords were knocked from my hands and my arms were pulled behind my back. I struggled to break free, but whoever was behind me held my arms back with seemingly no effort. I was quickly blindfolded.

A gentle voice was right next to my ear. "We will not hurt you, but you cannot see the way to our dwellings. Go easy, and easy the journey will be." I felt his breath close against my ear. His lips must have been only centimeters from my ear, his chin just above my shoulder. I struggled again to pull my arms free, and my captor held more firmly. He pulled my arms against his chest, and our bodies met. His chest and stomach were hard against my back, and I could feel his genitals pressing against my ass. "Please," he said, "come along easily and you won't regret it." The voice sounded gentle and warm, and I no longer felt that I was a prisoner. I felt that I was being escorted somewhere sacred, and my blindfold was only a precautionary measure. I was lead through woods for what seemed like forever. As we walked, less and less light found its way through my blindfold and I realized that it was now night. The same man/boy held my arms the whole way, gently, and never let go. There were others, I could hear them, but I had no idea how many. Every so often, maybe by accident, hopefully on purpose, my escort would again bump his front against my back, as if to reassure me. It was working.

Finally we stopped, suddenly. I heard mumbled phrases in a beautiful language I didn't know. In my ear, my escort whispered, "Do not be afraid. You are here because you are welcomed. If you were not, you would not be here." At that, he let go of my arms, and I could hear him taking backward steps. I wished he would take hold of my arms again, his touch seemed so kind. I was scared to take the blindfold of, for fear of what I might find on the other side of the thin cloth. I slowly brought my hand up to the cloth, and pealed it back. Although it was night, and we were under a canopy of thick forest leaves, there seemed to be a faint glow to the whole area. In faded blue and purple light, I saw in front of me about 20 elves, all male, and all armed with swords not unlike my own or bow and arrows. I shrunk to my knees in their magnificence. They stood so proud in front of me, and so beautiful. I could only stare.

From behind me, I heard the same gentle voice that had comforted me through the woods. "Welcome to Greenwood, I am Prince Legolas, and this is my royal guard." I had hoped to find a few elves to talk with, and now I was being welcomed by their prince! I slowly got to my feet and turned around. There was Prince Legolas, in all his beauty and manhood. He seemed young, maybe near 19 or 20, but with elves I guess you couldn't tell. I was 18 myself, and I can say that I am well built, a very trim and nice body. But Prince Legolas! He was thin and tall, yet his muscles were tight and strong. His brown shirt was long and came under his belt, but you could still see his thin but muscled legs. The tights he wore stretched as the reached upwards from his knees, and I could only imagine what hid under the few inches of brown shirt under his belt. His chest was broad and proud, and his long blond hair came down over his shoulders. I wondered if he was the same elf who I had seen running through the woods.

"If you will, you can stay here for a few weeks, and live as one of us. We don’t welcome many of your kind into our kingdom, but your eyes show more than most. You are good, and I hope we can learn much from each other. If you wish, my messengers can make sure your family knows you are save, in their own means. But for now, it is late. If you will come with me, I can show you to your living quarters. They are part of my own, as that is all that is available, I hope you feel comfortable."

I couldn't believe that I would be spending weeks with these people, so close to their Prince...Prince Legolas! As he turned, he motioned me to follow him with his arm. As I began to, I noticed his ass. It was perfectly shaped, and I longed to touch it. I was beginning to think that it had indeed been Prince Legolas in the woods near the pond.

As we wound our way up wooden stairways that stretched miles up the enchanted trees of Greenwood, I was surprised that the 'royal guard' did not follow. I was actually humbled, I guess they felt I was no threat whatsoever to their noble Prince. As we got higher and higher, the forest strangely darkened. I would have thought that the closer we got to the sky the lighter it would get, but it seemed that the magical glow that covered the ground in Greenwood did not reach into the treetop dwellings. It made sense, for that glow would be quite annoying when trying to get to sleep. Finally we stopped at a door that was carved from the tree itself. The rooms were in the massive trunks, and the stairs wound their way around through the branches.

"You will stay here. My own quarters are directly above yours. We shall retire, for tomorrow we will have many things to talk about. Before I go, what is your name?" I stared blankly at Prince Legolas, awed by his handsome face and perfect body. "My name is Keven..." I said stuttering. He smiled the most wonderful smile I had ever seen. "Well Keven, I hope that you and I will become very close before you depart. Until the morning," he said as he bowed slightly and turned to walk up the stairs. I followed him to the doorway and watched as he walked up the stairs. He moved light as a feather, and was at the door to his own quarters in seconds, but not before I saw his swift legs and ass move from below.

The following couple of days were amazing. Prince Legolas and I went all around Greenwood, meeting all the people and learning from each other greatly. One day one of the youngest looking boys in the prince's royal guard took me aside. "Prince Legolas has really taken a liking to you, Keven...he hasn't let you out of his sight since you've been here...he never spends this much time with anyone. Keven, you should feel very lucky, Prince Legolas is very noble."

I walked back over to Legolas's side slowly. The words were sinking in, and I truly did feel lucky. Just being with him made every moment happier than any I had experienced before I had ventured into the woods. He turned as I approached him and smiled. "Come Keven, it is getting late. We must be returning to home." I was very tired, and the warm elvish bed that I had been sleeping in seemed to give rest I had never had before. We made it back to our quarters in no time at all, talking about nothing and everything. As we got to my door, I smiled and thanked Prince Legolas for another wonderful day, and turned to retire like all the other nights. "Wait," he said, "you have not washed in a few days. I have washed every night, but you have no bathing rooms here. Why dont you come up to my quarters above, and wash up so you can feel refreshed for tomorrow." Although I didn't expect anything, getting clean sounded very good. For a few days I had been running and dancing through the woods, and hadn't even thought of cleaning myself. I eagerly accepted his offer, trying to hide the smile that was working its way onto my face.

He led the way up the stairs, just as he had done the first day I had arrived, every once and a while looking back to make sure I was still behind him. He moved so much more gracefully than I did, and faster, and waited for me at the next level. When I got there, he was opening the door. I expected to see a room not unlike mine a level below, with nothing much more than a bed and a few other pieces of furniture, but with a bathroom attached. What I saw was nothing like that. I should have known that a Prince would live more lavishly than his guests. His room was twice the size of mine, and much more intricately designed. There was a door to the right that had something written on it in elvish.

"That says BATH," Legolas said with a smile. "Let us not waste time, so that we can still retire not to late for tomorrow." He opened the door, and inside was a seemingly completely stone room. The floor was definitely stone, and the walls and ceiling seemed to be as well. There were two baths next to each other, with a very thin screen in between them. Behind them was a much larger bath that was in ground. "I usually bath on the right," he said, telling me that I would bath on the left. We both walked to our respective sides of the thin screen. I looked at it. It was almost see through, although it slightly blurred details. Basically, it was see through except you couldn’t make out facial features, designs on clothing, and other small details. Everything's shape was clearly visible. I tried to remain calm, but my eyes danced around the figure of Legolas behind the screen. I was glad that he could not see where my eyes looked. I heard him unsheathe his swords, and I did the same.

He slowly began to undress, and I followed at the same pace. He first took off his brown shirt, revealing a well-defined chest, so much so that I could make out the lines of his pecs through the screen. He then undid the strapping around his arms and wrists, and let them drop to the ground, along with his belt. My penis began to grow. I hoped that it would face the ground until I sat into the water, so that Legolas would not be able to see my excitement.

He slipped off his boots and kicked them aside, as I still copied his every move. Slowly, I watched as he slipped his thumbs under his tights, and slowly pulled them down. I had to cover my mouth with my hand to avoid gasping. As he stood back up, the screen did nothing to hide his genitals. A beautiful blond trail of hair led down from his belly button until it met a small bush. Underneath hung the most beautiful set of cock and balls I had ever seen. It was the perfect size, and hung filled out and heavy looking. The head was covered almost to the tip by smooth foreskin, but the tip still protruded, too proud to be hidden completely. His heavy balls hung beneath perfectly shaped between his slender yet muscled thighs.

I suddenly realized I had been staring, and quickly kicked off my own boots. I pulled my brown britches and sheep cotton briefs down together, and stood back up to take another glance at Prince Legolas. I looked up to his face, and was surprised to see it obviously pointed downward toward my own genitals. I couldn't make out any of his facial features because of the screen, but he was certainly looking. I glanced down at myself. I smiled. I was no chump myself. My own brown trail of hair led down to my cock. It was uncut just like the elf prince's, but seemed a little bit smaller to me. I had always been one of the biggest of my mates, but compared to this Prince I felt inadequate. "The water will start to pour as soon as you sit down," he said as he sat down himself and I heard the water start to pour. I sat down, and immediately water of the perfect temperature began filling my bath. I was still in shock at what I had just been so privileged to see. My cock began to thicken and harden as the water filled. I pulled back my foreskin and let the warm water caress the head. He must have been doing similar things, as we both remained quiet for a few minutes. Slowly our conversation began to pick up again as the warm water made us more and more comfortable.

As our conversation continued, Legolas surprised me when he said, "Why don't we pull back the screen so we can see each others faces at least." He didn’t wait for an answer as I saw his fingers come onto my side of the screen and he pulled it back. We were both low enough in the tubs that we couldn't see each others bodies, so we lay and talked and laughed for a while longer. It was good to see his beautiful smile without the screen again. We talked and talked until our conversation seemed to break.

"I've had enough of this bath, what about you?" Legolas said. I replied that I had as well. I waited for him to pull the screen back between us so that we could get out. He dunked his head under the water, and came back up smoothing his long hair behind his head. I looked over to see his mouth open into his smile, just before he put his hands on the side of the tub and stood up! The screen remained off to the side, and I stared at his dripping body, totally uncovered right next to me. His engorged member swung heavily between his legs, his balls tightened, and he smiled down at me. Standing, he could obviously already see my whole body, so I stood as well. There I was, nude, only inches from the Prince of the elves, the most beautiful man I had ever seen. I couldn't keep my eyes off of his genitals as we stood there, nude for each other. My dick began to grow upward as I desperately scanned the room for a towel. Just as I considered flopping back down into the bath water to obscure his few of my growing excitement, he said, "Do you want to go in the large bath...we can both fit, and its bubbles are very comfortable."

I looked over at him, and he smiled. He made me comfortable just as he had done while he escorted me through the woods blindfolded. I agreed, and we both walked over to the large bath, with our genitals flopping in front of us. I stepped down into it, and walked through the water to the opposite side, leaving the closest side for him to sit. I sat down. He remained standing, and smiled. Then he too walked across the bath and sat down right next to me, stretching his arms across the edge, his right arm relaxing against my back. I turned and looked at him.

"I know you saw me running through the woods that day near the pond..." he said. So it had been him I thought. "I was watching you and your friends wrestle around, naked. We elf people know that your ways are different then ours, but I saw in your eyes that you were more like us..." I was confused. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, we elves find everything and everyone beautiful. We love each other so greatly, that we do not limit ourselves to...." He hesitated, I waited in desire.

"We do not limit ourselves to only women. We elves feel free to love all our people the same. Do you know what I am saying," he said.

I had started to say "Not really" when he took my face in his hand and brought his lips to mine. I looked into his eyes, and felt what he felt. We locked our mouths together, our tongues swirling around each other’s. I had never felt such joy, such amazing feelings. He reached through the water, and grabbed my now hard dick in his hand. I reached over and did the same to him. He smiled, that wonderful, wonderful smile. "I love you, Keven." I loved him too. We kissed again as we pulled ourselves out of the water. I dropped down and brought his uncut dick into my mouth. He turned and did the same. Inside our mouths, our foreskins were pulled back and forth as we both sucked more passionately than ever imaginable. Finally, as we both worked our hips towards each others faces, we came at the same time. Swallowing this Prince of elves cum was the best moment of my life. As we both grew softer, I moved my head towards his. He smiled again, and we kissed passionately. "We will be together forever Keven, I will see to it that the blessing of uninterrupted life that my people hold passes to you as well. Our love will never end."

I began to cry, we kissed, and I rested my head on his chest. My life was now complete-- my Prince was mine forever.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Borednshiiiiiiiii

Legolas Greenleaf

I walked through the forest cautiously, alert and ready for anything. There were stories about these woods, and most of them weren't pleasant. I had my two short swords ready at my waist, tucked neatly into their sheaths that were strapped to my thighs. I had been drawn to these woods by the stories of the elves, the magical people who were immortal and beautiful. The village I lived in wasn't


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