Gay Erotic Stories

Home for Fall Break, Part 1

by VirginiaToilet

I guess you get a lot of “true stories” so it’s probably pointless to say this one’s true, too, but it is, so you can take it or not, I don’t care. This happened over fall break five years ago, and now that it’s fall I’ve been thinking about it a lot. I’m not in school any more, and I’ve never done anything like what happened since, but I beat off thinking about it at least a little bit most every time I beat off. I don’t know where to go to get more of the same. Maybe I’ll get lucky again. For now, I can tell other guys about it and maybe you can E-mail me or something.

During my junior year, I came home from school in the middle of October. It’s what we called fall break. Sweet. I was pretty burned out from partying and trying to keep my grades up, so I said no to some guys who wanted to chase chicks on the coast and just headed home for some R&R. But before we went our separate ways, we spent the weekend before break week with on bud, partying like there was no tomorrow.

I hit the road for home Sunday after lunch. I was really looking forward to getting home. My folks had decided to take a vacation that week knowing I’d be home to feed the cat and water the plants or whatever, so I knew it’d be hassle free for me. I love my folks but an empty two-story house with pool is a sweet thing. I might track down some old buds, might not. I was the only dude with a fall break, anyway.

I drove into town just before midnight in time to buy some brews before the witching hour blue laws kicked in. What my folks didn’t tell me is that they’d arranged to have the backyard re-landscaped. Mom left a note on the kitchen bar, but I realized it only later. When I got home with a couple bags of mostly beer and munchies I must have set my stuff on top of the note… When I later read it, the note said something like this: “Welcome Home, Dear – Hope you have a nice time alone, we’ll see you at the end of the week before you go back. I forgot to tell you that Cody from Newcomb & Sons Landscapers will be here Monday around 8:00 to start on backyard – hope he doesn’t disturb you! No need to do anything, all’s been taken care of. Should take a few days. Be nice – they gave us a great quote! Love, Mom.”

What mom doesn’t know is just how nice I ended up being.

Anyway, like I said, didn’t see the note. I started on the beer first thing in the door. Plopped myself on the couch in the family room in front of my dad’s mega entertainment center with a gazillion cable channels. The family room looks out onto the pool and I didn’t bother to pull the curtains since we have a high brick wall all around the yard and I’d never worried about my privacy. Tonight was going to be the best, since the folks were away and I could drink as much beer as I wanted and stay up as late as I wanted surfing for naked chicks on the tube.

I pulled the blinds and curtains on the front of the house and stripped to my briefs, went to my old bedroom and grabbed my bottle of baby oil and an old jack-off towel I had hidden in a draw full of old sports gear that my mom never touched. I was getting hard just gather my shit. This was going to be fun.

My folks got the system after my big brother went off to college when I was starting high school and they never bothered to put any child protection on it, so they had all kinds of soft porn stations. Of course, I wanted the hard stuff and my dad sent me an email telling me I could charge anything to his account (wink, wink), just not to tell mom. So why not? I found a great show about a chick spy who turned out to have a dick, but not until after she’d been fucked by several guys with huge cocks. We find out her little secret, which turned out or on to not being so little, when a pizza delivery guy goes down on her. Pretty crazy. Then the pizza guy has to take a piss and this private eye slut lets him piss in her mouth. Even crazier. I thought it was real hot – but I was not turned at that point, I’d probably have found anything hot. Anyway, this went on for a few hours, I had my brewskies and movies, and with my pole lathered with oil, a slow stroke kept going throughout, so it was just fine, whatever people want to do is fine with me, I guess. I’m just over 6 feet tall, was on the swim teem in high school, and ran pretty regularly in school, just to keep myself in shape. Blond hair, a little fuzz on my chest and limbs, and a nice dick – I mean, that’s what the ladies tell me!

I think I was well into my second six-pack and had shot two loads when I fell asleep around 4:00 a.m. I’d fallen asleep in the family room watching TV as a kid and never thought much about it, and with my folks away it never occurred to me that I ought to think twice now. I probably looked pretty out there, sprawled on the couch, the TV still going, naked, my worn-out cock lying around for all to see. Wouldn’t have mattered normally – nobody was expected to be around the house. Or so I thought, having not read the note my mom left. I think back on it and I feel kind of stupid, but college doesn’t prep a guy for this kind of thing.

I think it was around 8:30 or so the doorbell rings. And rings. I don’t know how many times, I’m so out of it, as you can imagine, right? Somehow I woke up, got up, and made my way to the front door – thinking “what the fuck?!?”

Since I wasn’t wear anything, I cracked the door open and there’s this guy there, dressed in overalls, nothing but overalls it seems.

“Hi, my name’s Cody, I’m working on the landscaping of the back yard.”

He said it like a question – I guess to check out if I knew who he was.

I didn’t know what the fuck he was talking about, so we just looked at each other – me looking at him in his overalls and I guess him looking at me through the crack in the door.

“Sorry, I don’t mean to disturb you – I saw you was home and I thought you could let me use the bathroom. Coffee break and all. Okay?”

Wow, I thought, if he knew I was home, he must have seen me from the sliding glass door.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know anything about this,” I say. “You’re doing what?”

He fills me on what’s going on and since he knows my folks name and I know all about Newcomb and Sons – they’d done the front yard the year before last – I figured he was legit.

“Sure, I guess it’s okay.”

I opened the door to let him in without thinking I wasn’t wearing anything – I guess I was a little disoriented. As he comes in I’m saying how I know folks at his business but didn’t know that they were doing anything that week, and then when I see him give me the once over I woke up to the fact that I’m stark naked with my weenie on display. He smiles and says, “Yeah, you weren’t expected no dude working on the yard, were you?!”

“Shit,” I say, “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking. I was asleep when you rang.”

“Yeah, that’s okay.. I’m kidding you – I saw you in the house asleep – sorry, I just have to take a piss real bad. Where to?”

He looked at me in a real different way … his voice was real warm and I thought he was going to take my hand or rub my shoulder, he was so warm sounding.

“Sure,” I stammered. “No problem. It’s down the hall and to the right.”

– and then said, “Great, thanks, I’ll be just a minute… or so. You don’t need it right now, do you?”

“Nope – and there’s two others upstairs, so take your time!” I laughed. But he stood there for a second and looked me up and down, smiling real big – boy, it made me want to run and put some clothes on. I thought, “Wow, this is kind of weird,” was getting kind of interested or something.

As he walked down the hall, I said, “I just got in late last night and I’m a little shaky about what’s up with the old homestead, y’know?” As I say that, I see the piece of paper under the bag of beer and pull it out, reading what my mom has said about this Cody guy showing up, etc. This makes me upbeat, like, yeah, okay, everything’s copasetic…

But this guy Cody – he’s about 5’ 7”, blond and smooth as far as I can see from his overalls – as he’s heading for the john, he unsnaps his overalls and starts lowering them, once he gets to the bathroom, he turns and looks at me, smiles, and disappears into the room, but without closing the door. This is too much and I run upstairs to get out of the way or escape or I don’t know what.

I wait to hear him flush.


Then I remember I’m naked and all my stuff is still downstairs in the den. So I walk down listening for him. Nothing. I don’t look down the hall – and think that maybe I didn’t hear him go back outside – what a jerk; he couldn’t flush a client’s toilet? I go over to the couch, grab my boxer shorts and put them on – shorts are about as dressed as I think I need to get at home with no one around.

I look out the back, and see no sign of him. And still no sound from the bathroom. So I call out, “So, how much work do you have to do?”


At this point, I figure I just can’t hear him pissing, so I just keep quiet, and, sure enough, I hear a flush and he walks out of the bathroom, with his overalls pulled up, but not snapped. What’s with not snapping his overalls?

“Sorry, what did you say?” He smiles real big. I can’t help but smile in return and my mind goes blank.

“Oh, nothing, I was just wondering how things were going with the backyard.”

He says, “Too soon to say – should take a few days, at least. I see you dressed. You don’t have to on my account.” Then he adds, as he goes out the back, and without looking back at me, so I might have been imagining it: “I think young guys should be able to let it all hang out when they’re at home alone, don’t you?”

Whoa! Did I hear him right? And as I look out after him, he’s not snapped up his

For some reason, I’m out of breath and feel the need to beat off, so I head down to the bathroom, even though I’d normally head upstairs to my bedroom. I’m really pissed when I see he’s taken a leak all over the john. “What the fuck!” Then I remember his smile, and my dick bounces, and for some fucked up reason I don’t know what, I got down on my knees and sniffed at his piss. And you know what? It’s kind of hot to think of his smiling blond face, smooth skin, and overalls, pissing all over the toilet. So I got hard and started whacking. For a moment I actually put my nose almost in his piss, and then I think, “Shit, this is crazy!” I gave the toilet a cleaning, just in case I forgot later and my mom saw her lovely bowl lined with man piss. I head upstairs to shower, beat off, and dress. Gotta admit I thought about Cody during much of this.

I went out for breakfast, did some cruising downtown, and figured the morning was just a weird moment in the Big Picture of Life. But when I got home, I saw that Cody’s truck was still parked on the street. The weird thing is that my dick got hard – but I tried to ignore this. Feeling kind of pissed I didn’t go inside but walked around to the back, but didn’t see anyone.

“Hey, Cody?!”

No sound. This was kind of freaking me out. I walked into the back and saw that the patio door was open. Shit, I though, the guy’s ripping us off! I rushed inside and ran upstairs to my folk’s bedroom, figuring that’s where the loot was. No one. And then I kind of laughed, thinking, shit. My folks know this guy, these people, they’re not gonna rip us off.

I head down to the kitchen, figuring he’d taken a walk or gone to fetch something on foot, or got a lift from a bud, or whatever. I cracked myself a brew, stripped to my shorts, and fired up the tube.

It was then that I heard it. Sounded like the water running at first, but as I walked down the hall I realized it was pissing, and I figured I knew who it was.

On the way to the john and just called out, “Hey, is that you, Cody?”

After a beat of silence, he responded with “Yeah, it’s me – hope it’s okay, but nature was calling, needed to take a nice, long piss, and I thought you wouldn’t mind. Is that okay?”

Well, right – as you can imagine, I though, how long does it take to piss? Nice and long or whatever! But I called back, “Sure, that’s fine – but aim it better, man, I had to clean up after you this morning!”

“Shit, really? Hey, sorry” and now he’s coming out of the bathroom, his cock rock hard and extended in front of him a good foot’s length. “I’m having trouble with keeping my dick from acting up and it’s hard to aim piss through an erect penis.” He laughs as he shoves his pole into his overalls… but doesn’t snap again!

“Are you kidding me, man?” I ask. I probably choked as I asked, ‘cause things were getting pretty intense and my tool was beginning to mobilize for duty.

“No, I’m not – come on, seeing you running around here with your pretty boy good looks and cock hanging down to your knees, don’t you think that’s a turn on for any strong and healthy dude like me?” He smiles as he heads out the back door and – now get this! – he pinches my face as he walks by.

I didn’t or couldn’t say anything. I let him go out without a word and went into the bathroom to see if he’d made a mess. But there was actually no sign of anyone pissing or even using the john since I cleaned up this morning. I’d finished my beer, and there probably wasn’t much on the tube in the later afternoon, so I got up and walked to the glass door and called out: “Hey, Cody, you want a beer?”

It was the only thing I could think of saying. What was I supposed to ask? What I wanted to do was get another look at his mammoth rod.

After a sec or two, he came around the corner and said, “Sure, why not, I’m basically done.”

He comes inside and I can feel my dick beginning to stand up. I get a brew out of the fridge and turn to hand it to him, but he’s not there. I call his name and I hear him from the bathroom, calling back: “I’m in the john taking a pre-beer piss.”

Now, I couldn’t help myself: “Boy, you sure do piss a helluvalot!”


“Yeah, that’s what guys tell me. You wanna check it out?”

Now I’m kind of stunned. “Hey, no way, you can keep your pissing to yourself, dude!” And we both laughed, but I’m slowly heading down the hall.

“Well, at least you can bring me my beer!” But by that time I’m standing at the door, holding his brew, and watching him stand there, overalls completely off and set to the side, prick in hand, slow stroke in process.

“Hey, I thought you were pissing.”

“I changed my mind.”

“Are you okay?” I ask, beginning to think maybe he’s crazy. This does a shrink job on my dick, which was a relief.

He took the beer and downed it in one non-stop swill.

“Kid, I’m just fine. Check this out.”

I didn’t move. And he reached out, took my empty hand and brought it to his dancing pole’s tip, letting loose a squirt of piss, saying: “Isn’t that a great feeling?” He looks at me, smiles and leans over to plant a wet one on my lips, I think. I pulled myself away and said, kind of hoarse from being so turned on in spite of myself: “What are you doing?” Then I walked kind of fast back to the kitchen.

I hear the toilet flush, and Cody’s back with his overalls snapped, saying, “Never mind, kid – if you need to ask, it’s not worth answering.”

“Ask what?”

“What I’m doing! You little punk. Shit, you either want it or not – but don’t be such a cock tease, dude! Some guys find that a turn-off after a while.”

All of a sudden I felt really let down, even crushed, I’d no idea what was going on inside me – I grabbed his arm and said, “Hey, wait – sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude.”

Rude? What the fuck did I mean by that? Suddenly I felt this sketchy neediness. He turned to me, smiled one of those smiles, and said, “You’re not being rude, I’m sure you’re the perfect host. And I’m just out of line – sorry, day got of to a pretty rocky start, you here sprawled and hard near where I have to work. You should be more careful!”

Now he’s almost whining at me. I think, wow, was I hard while asleep? How hard? That could be pretty obvious, even from a distance.

And then, suddenly, he unsnapped his overalls, let them drop, revealing that mega-cock bobbing for all the world, or at least me, to see.

This really stunned me, but he put his two hands on my shoulders and pushed me down in front of him. I kind of resisted I think, but there I was with his big, fat cock poking at me, and him saying “God, I gotta take this big, long piss… that beer went right through me and is heading for my piss-hole… I don’t think I’m gonna make it to the bathroom. Can you help me, kid?”

And I’m thinking, how the hell did he know this turns me on? Was he camped out during the night watching me beating off to the piss videos or what?

But as I’m asking myself this, he let’s loose with a stream of warm piss. Shit, I think mom is going to kill me and so I put my face in the way, trying to grab his dick and guide it somewhere safe. The first spray lands on my leg and then, as I get down on my knees, on my chin and then, knocking my hands away, he sticks his dick directly into my face, covering my nose and mouth with his golden shower. I’d looked at porn sites with this kind of stuff and I got really turned on right away. He must of seen my hard on, cause he called me a whore and a toilet and grabbed me by the back of my neck and crammed his pissing dick in my mouth. I gagged and he pulled out saying I was a tease and a wussie, and I should get with the program if I wanted any satisfaction.

I thought what satisfaction? Then he dropped to his knees and wrapped his mouth around my dangling pole. Wow. Fireworks. In no time I was shooting my load. He took it all. Shit, I thought, no chick would do that. But he stood up and, looking straight into my eyes, bent down and French kissed me, pushing all my cum into my mouth. I grunted with disgust and he laughed and grabbed my groin, lifting me up and swallowing my dick again. He pulled away for a sec and said let it rip. I looked at him, like what did he mean, and he said, “Piss, man, piss!”

To be continued…


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from VirginiaToilet

Home for Fall Break, Part 1

I guess you get a lot of “true stories” so it’s probably pointless to say this one’s true, too, but it is, so you can take it or not, I don’t care. This happened over fall break five years ago, and now that it’s fall I’ve been thinking about it a lot. I’m not in school any more, and I’ve never done anything like what happened since, but I beat off thinking about it at least a little bit most

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