Gay Erotic Stories

Daddy And The Stockboy

by Wildgate1

Daddy and the Stockboy By John Josept

Bryan Sharp walked into the Ralph's Market to start his shift. It was noon and even though he was scheduled for just half a day's work, he still wasn't looking forward to it, especially on a Sunday.

Bryan spent most of the first two hours of his shift stocking the shelves on aisle 3, before he heard the announcement over the store's PA system.

"All baggers to the front, Please," the voice blared.

This meant the store was getting crowded and that the checkout stands had long lines. Bryan didn't mind doing the bagging because it gave him a chance to talk with the customers. Bryan was very outgoing for his 18 years; he enjoyed talking with people, especially the men. Bryan was gay and had been out since he was 15 years old. He started having sex at a very early age, so he was pretty experienced for a young guy. Not that he went to bed with every good-looking guy he saw, but Bryan was particular whom he had sex with. He had a certain type he liked and he pretty much stayed within this category.

Bryan looked at his watch as he approached his favorite checker at Check Stand 5. He only had 2 hours left to his shift and couldn't wait to get out of there.

"Hi Marion," Bryan said.

"Hi Bryan, looks like we got real busy all of a sudden," Marion said.

"Yeah, they came out of nowhere," Bryan replied.

Bryan looked to the present customer and asked the familiar, "Hi, Paper or Plastic?"

Three customers back in line on Check Stand 5, Nicholas March, stood waiting patiently for his turn at the check out. As he got closer to the checker, he noticed the handsome young man who was bagging groceries. He normally wouldn’t pay attention to guys who are young enough to be his grandson, but there was something about this kid that caught Nick's eye.

Bryan was bagging the groceries for his next customer, and happily talking with her. When he looked up and saw the customer behind her and he started to stammer.

"Wow," he thought to himself, "This guy is Hot! Is he or isn't he?," Bryan wondered. He looked over at Nick as discreetly as possible.

Bryan was attracted to older mature men, and this guy had elegance and an air to him that Bryan found extremely attractive. He figured he was in his mid-50's. His very short-cropped hair was mostly gray, as were his neatly trimmed goatee and moustache. The next thing he noticed was his deep blue eyes. He could see them sparkle from that distance.

Nick realized that he was staring at the young Stockboy and hoped he wasn't being too obvious. He was transfixed on this handsome young man with his black hair that kept falling into his eyes. He wasn't very tall but then neither was Nick. Then he noticed that the young man was staring at him. Nick turned his eyes away so he wouldn't be caught staring back.

But it was too late; Bryan had already seen Nick staring at him. He figured he had to at least talk to this handsome gentleman who was making him feel so uneasy. He also figured he would not be gay, "but then why was he still staring at me," Bryan said to himself.

It was now Nick's turn in line and he greeted the checker as she started to run his purchases past the scanner.

"Paper or Plastic," Bryan said to Nick. Bryan couldn't take his eyes off of him.

Nick looked over at the young man, "Plastic would be fine, son." "He called me 'son', cool," Bryan said to himself. "Beautiful day today isn't it, sir?" Bryan said trying to start a conservation. "Aren't you glad all the rain stopped? I love the sun, don't you?"

Nick looked at the young man's nametag. "Yes, I love the sun too, Bryan."

Bryan was surprised to hear his name. Most customers don't bother to read his nametag. "I can see that. You do have a great tan."

"Thank you, Bryan," Nick said staring Bryan in the eye. Bryan just about melted.

The checker had finish ringing up Nick's groceries and handed him the receipt. Nick wanted to continue his conversation with Bryan but he didn't know how to without sounding like a desperate old man. He thought he was going to walk out of the market and never see the young man again.

Bryan solved the dilemma, "Do you need help to your car with your groceries, sir?" he asked, hoping Nick would say yes.

"Ummm, yes, thank you, I could use the help," Nick said. He really didn't need help but he figured he would get to talk more openly with the handsome young man outside the store.

Bryan told the checker he would be right back and began to push the cart out of the market. Nick led the way to his car.

When they stopped in front of Nick's new BMW Z4 Roadster, Bryan's jaw dropped. "Wow, this is your car? How cool." Bryan said as Nick opened the trunk. Bryan looked at the car with all the exuberance a teenage has over a flashy, hot car. Bryan looked at Nick, "I will own one of these someday," Bryan declared.

"I bet you will. Ummm, would you like to go for a drive later?" Nick said slowly, not believing he just made a pass at this young kid.

"Yeah, that would be brilliant. I get off at four."

"Okay, do you want me to pick you up here?"

"Yeah, I can't wait... Hell I don't even know your name."

"Oh sorry, my name is Nick, Nick March."

"Great to meet you Nick March. I gotta get back in the store. Can't wait till four o'clock, Bye," Bryan said heading back to the store. He was riding on air as he walked back into the market, grinning from ear to ear. He walked back to Checkstand 5, and started to think about what it would be like to make love to Nick. Bryan found himself starting to get aroused. He thought he had better think of something else before he embarrassed himself.

"Paper or Plastic," he asked the next customer on Checkstand 5.


Nick got into his Z4 and sped away. He couldn't get over what he just did.

"I am such an old fool," Nick said out loud to no one. He started to chastise himself for asking this young kid, who could pass as his grandson, out for a drive. By the time he got to his house, he talked himself into not going.

Nick parked his car in this garage and unloaded the groceries, all the while, muttering to himself what a fool he was for making a pass at the handsome young man at the market. Nick put his groceries away, still going back and forth as to whether to meet with Bryan.

He walked into his bedroom. On the dresser was a picture of him and Nathan, his lover of 20 years, who passed away of a sudden heart attack about three years ago. Nick didn't get to say goodbye. By the time he got to the hospital, Nathan had died. Nick never did forgive himself for not being there at the time he was needed the most.

Nick and Nathan had run a successful travel agency in the affluent Palos Verdes Estates area of the South Bay Beach cities of Los Angeles. When Nathan died, Nick just didn't have the desire to continue so he sold the business and made a very good profit that had set him up quite comfortably for the rest of his life.

"Well Nate," Nick said to the picture, "what do you think of this old fool. Think a kid that cute would want to go out with an old fart like me? Oh I know it has been a long time since I was with anyone and if I do pick him up, it's just for a drive and nothing else. I think he is just fascinated with the car."

Before long Nick had convinced himself to go and pick up Bryan and just take him for a short drive and drop him back at the market. Nick looked at his watch, there was still an hour and half before he was to meet up with Bryan. He decided to go for a swim in his pool to pass the time. Nick walked onto the veranda of his large home and looked at his private yard where he and Nate used to go swimming naked. Nick still did when he uses the pool. He removed his clothes and dove in. He swam for a while then got out and headed to the bathroom for a shower.

It was now 3:30 and Nick was all dressed and ready to go pick up Bryan and let whatever was going to happen just happen. But why was his heart beating so fast. Nick thought a bit, then went over to the drawer next to the bed, grabbed one of the pill bottles and took out one of the little blue, diamond shaped pills and debated whether he should take it or not.

"What the hell," he thought, as he swallowed the pill, "if we don't go to bed then I will just use it with myself, like I usually do."

Nick went to the garage, put the top down on the Z4, pulled out and sped to the Palos Verdes Estates, Ralph's Market.

As he pulled up in front of the store, Bryan was standing outside waiting for him. He saw Nick and his eyes beamed.

"Hi Bryan, hop in."

Bryan ran to the passenger side and got in the car. Nick's heart started to beat fast again, just looking at the handsome young man.

"Hi Nick, this is really great, thanks, I love this car, it is so cool," Bryan said. He wanted to say so much more but he just didn't know how to say that he was attracted to Nick without sounding like he was rushing things.

Nick drove away and decided to drive up toward the coast and drive along the oceanfront and up to the top of the bluff to the Wayfarers Chapel. Surprisingly there was no Wedding going on at the chapel on that Sunday afternoon, so they had the beautiful grounds all to themselves. The view up there was breathtaking. They walked into the small Chapel with its open beam ceiling and its glass walls.

"This is beautiful, Nick. I have never been up here."

"Yeah, sometimes I like to come up here and just sit in the gardens."

Nick led the way out of the chapel and they found the bench in the gardens where Nick liked to sit, overlooking the ocean. There was a period of awkward silence, and then Nick spoke.

"I've never really done anything like this Bryan. I mean, asking someone out for a drive, especially someone, well as young as you.

"Well then, I am flattered, Nick, that you chose me to be the first one. I have to admit when I saw you in the market I was floored. I am glad we met."

There was another short silence.

"Bryan, would you want to come to my house for a while?"

"Yeah, I would love that," was Bryan's reply. Nick grabbed Bryan's hand and squeezed it.

"Okay, let’s go.”

When they got into the car, Bryan asked to have the top put up. Nick said ok, but didn't understand why he wanted to put it up on such a beautiful afternoon.

Nick was about to start the engine when Bryan took hold of his hand and leaned into him and kissed him hard on the lips. They let their tongues dance softly around in their mouths. They broke their kiss and smiled at each other. "Hmmm, so that's why he wanted the top put up," Nick said to himself.

The blue pill was working for Nick and his hard on was poking up in his pants. Bryan noticed and smiled, as his erection was doing the same.

Nick sped toward his house, he was aroused and didn't want to waste time. Bryan held Nick's hand most of the way. When they pulled up in front of Nick's huge home, Bryan was floored once again.

"Wow, is this place all yours?"

"Yeah, its all mine," Nick said as a matter of fact.

He parked the car in the front of the house and they walked through the entryway and into the huge expanse of a living room. Nick took Bryan in his arms and kissed him gently on the mouth.

"You sure you want to go through with this, you know, with this old man," Nick said.

"I will make you feel young again," Bryan said, half bragging and half telling the truth.

Nick took Bryan by the hand and led him into his bedroom.

"Wow look at this room," Bryan said, but Nick only had eyes for him. Nick took Bryan in his arms again and kissed him, but this time he let all restraint go and kissed him wildly. His tongue darted in and out of Bryan mouth.

"Take your clothes off for me Bryan," Nick asked, softly.

Bryan smiled as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall from his shoulders. Nick was overcome with lust, when he saw Bryan's upper body. He wasn't muscular, just evenly proportioned, similar to a swimmer. His stomach was flat and hard. Nick reached and touched Bryan's hairless, velvety smooth chest. Bryan began to unbuckle his belt and opened his pants and let them fall to the floor. The only thing he had on was his tight white jockey shorts, with his hard cock pushing at the cloth wanting to be released. Precum was oozing from his cockhead and was leaving a wet stain on his shorts where you could see the outline of his cockhead.

Nick, still fully clothed was staring at the young god in front of him. His own dick was pushing at his pants. Bryan started to remove his jockey's when Nick stopped him. He led Bryan toward the bed. Nick sat down and grabbed the elastic band around Bryan's shorts and putting his hands inside, slowly pulled them down freeing Bryan's ever so hard cock.

Nick, was astonished as the site of Bryan huge erection. Bryan's young dick was sticking straight out with a slight up turn. Drops of precum were oozing from the slit. Nick looked up into Bryan's deep brown eyes and licked the tip of Bryan's manhood, running his tongue around the pee slit savoring in the taste of his young companion's precum. Slowly he swallowed Bryan's cock.

"Hmmmm," Bryan moaned, "God Nick, you have a great mouth. Suck me, suck me daddy, please!" Bryan loved the attention Nick was giving his dick.

Nick couldn't get over how hard Bryan's dick was in his mouth. "Only an 18 year old could be this hard," he thought as he continued he in and out motion on Bryan cock.

Bryan looked down at Nick and realized Nick still had all his clothes on. "Take you clothes off too, daddy," a breathless Bryan said.

Nick let go of Bryan's dick and stood up, kissed his young "son". He then removed his pants and pulled down his underwear. His dick was hard and was at its full eight inches.

"Damn, my daddy has big dick," Bryan said with a smile, "Take your shirt off dad."

"Bryan I am an old man, you don't want to see this old body," Nick said with sadness in his voice.

"Yes I do, daddy," Bryan said, as he lifted Nick's sweater and shirt over his dad's head.

"Oh dad, you have a beautiful body," Bryan said. Nick was in good shape for a man 57 years. His chest was still cut and his stomach was flat. He had a thick coat of hair that was turning gray on his upper chest and stomach.

Bryan ran his hands through Nick's chest hair and was overcome with desire. "Oh daddy, you are so beautiful." Bryan pulled Nick in close to him and they kissed wildly. They fell on the bed and Nick rolled on top of his young son. Nick was consumed with passion, something he has not felt in many years.

"I want to fuck you son. Will you let me?"

"Oh yes, daddy, fuck me, fuck me please," Bryan said, as he spread his legs and stretched them apart, exposing his waiting rosebud.

"Fuck me daddy."

Nick, pulled out an old tube of KY he had in the nightstand next to the bed. He couldn't remember the last time he used it. He flipped the top off and rubbed a glob all over his Viagra hardened cock. He then put a glob on his finger and inserted it gently into his son's eager ass. Bryan jumped from the coldness. He had been fucked since he was 15 years old and was used to a man entering him. But he felt this was going to be very different, something very special.

Nick lined up his cock to Bryan's rosebud and pushed in. He was surprised how easily he entered his son's hole. He slid all the way in resting his balls in the crack of Bryan's ass.

"Oh daddy, you feel so good inside me," Bryan gasped in ecstasy. Nick couldn't believe how hard his own cock was and how good it felt to be inside Bryan like this. He didn't think he would be ever feeling a sensation like this again, but here he was, his dick buried deep into Bryan's rectum. He started to pump in and out. Bryan's cock never went soft; it was still as hard as when Nick was sucking him.

Bryan's prostate was being massaged by Nick's big dick and Bryan knew he was close to cumming. "Oh daddy you are going to make me cum." Being 18 years old, he still had not learned how to control his orgasm. He stroked his cock a couple times.

"Oh daddy," Bryan screamed again as cum shot between their bodies and over his head and hit the headboard, then another shot hit him in his face, then another and another hit him on his chest and stomach. Nick, seeing his new son cum, lost control of his orgasm and shot into Bryan's ass.

"God son, shit, fuck," Nick said softly as he shot repeatedly into his son's butt. Nick stopped cumming but Bryan was still shooting all over his own body. Nick held himself over Bryan and marveled how his 18-year-old son just kept extracting semen from his ever-hardened dick.

"Damn son, do you ever stop cumming," Nick laughed, as he lowered himself a bit over Bryan and licked some of his cum off his face and kissed him. Nick's softening cock was still inside Bryan.

Finally, Bryan stopped cumming. Nick pulled out of Bryan and lay down next to him. He opened the bottom draw of this nightstand and removed a cum towel and cleaned Bryan face, neck and hard chest and stomach. Then he took another towel an cleaned himself.

"Nick that was brilliant. I hope you didn't mind me calling you daddy."

"No, Bryan, I kinda like it. I hope you don't mind me calling you son."

"Will you really be my dad?" Bryan asked with all the innocence of a young child.

"If that is what you want, Bryan, then I can be your dad," Nick said really not understanding what has come over him. He just met this very young man and he had strong feelings already. But Nick didn't care, he was enjoying being with Bryan and if he wanted a daddy then he would be his daddy.

Bryan rolled on top of Nick and held him close. "You feel good dad."

"You feel good too, son."

They lay there for a long time just enjoying their naked touch.

"Let's go for a swim," Nick said.

"I have no suit, dad," Bryan replied.

"It’s very private back there. I never wear a bathing suit when I swim."

"Oh that's why you are tanned, even on your butt," Bryan laughed.

They got out of bed and Nick looked at Bryan's beautiful body.

"Do you ever go soft?" Nick asked as he saw his son's dick still very hard.

"Sometimes it does," Bryan joked, "but I think as long as I am with you, it will be hard a lot." They both laughed as they headed to the pool.

When they got outside, Bryan was astonished at the view of the ocean and the setting sun, from Nick's backyard. The pool was very private and they both dove in and swam and played until the sun set. They got out of the pool, and of course, Bryan's dick was hard. Nick took his son in his arms and kissed him. The Viagra was still influencing him and his dick was getting hard.

"Dad, you're hard again. I told you I would make you feel young again," Bryan laughed. He then got down on his knees and licked his new dad's cock and balls. "Daddy, I want to taste your cum, is that okay?" Bryan asked his dad.

"If you can make me cum, son, then its all yours," Nick had not cum twice since he was a kid, so he doubted that Bryan could perform such a feat.

Bryan swallowed his dad's big dick. If there was one thing Bryan had learned from being out at the young age of 15, is how to suck a cock. His grandfather was the first to show him how at an age much younger than that.

"Damn, son, you are good at this. Shit I think you may actually make me cum," Nick said. He felt his balls start to move up into his body and Bryan feverishly sucked on his manhood.

Bryan was in his glory sucking his dad's big dick. Now he wanted to take his spunk and wouldn't stop his in and out motion because he knew his dad was close.

"Of fuck, son, I'm going to cum," Nick say trying to catch his breath.

Nick's first blast poured down Bryan's throat. Then another blast and another. Bryan loved the taste of his dad cum and swallowed it willingly. Nick’s knees were getting weak from this unbelievable orgasm. Bryan let go of his dad's dick and stood up and they kissed again.

"I came too dad," Bryan said with a smile. Nick looked down and Bryan's cock was still dripping into a puddle of sperm on the deck of the pool.

"Hmmm, so you did, son, so you did," they both laughed and kissed again.

"Come on, let's shower and dress up and go get something to eat," Nick said.

"Okay dad, I am getting really hungry."

"Son, would you stay with me tonight? I mean, if you can that is, without your family worrying about you."

"I have no family really. My mom died a few years ago, and I never did know my dad. He left my mom right after I was born. I live with a friend's family and they won't care." "Then I will be your dad from now on." They kissed again then went into the shower.

Sometime over the next couple months, Nick fell deeply in love with Bryan. Bryan on the other hand, had fallen in love with Nick on that first day. Nick asked Bryan to move in with him after knowing each other only a month and Bryan eagerly accepted. Nick told Bryan he would never have to worry about money or not having the things he wanted, ever again. He took Bryan shopping and bought him all the things a young man of 18 would love. But Bryan was not impressed with money. He would have loved Nick even if he was a pauper.

Nick felt content and happy for the first time in many years. Bryan was in love and knew he was loved. Things went perfect, but life has a way of playing nasty tricks on you, as Nick and Bryan would soon find out.

On the eve of their one-year anniversary, Nick came home feeling very despondent. He got some devastating news and he didn't know how he was going to handle it. He knew he had to spare his young son from all the unpleasantness, somehow.

"Hi Dad," Bryan said as Nick walked into the kitchen where Bryan was preparing dinner for both of them. Nick didn't say anything, he just grunted. "Anything wrong, dad?"

"Bryan, I think its time you moved out."

"Huh?" Bryan asked, at first thinking his dad was joking with him. Then he saw the look on his face and he knew something was not right.

"But, dad, why? Why would you want me to leave? Did I do something wrong?"

"I'm just tired of you. Take the things I bought you and get out, the sooner the better," Nick's words were overwhelming Bryan. Nick was holding back tears, knowing he was hurting the young man he loved so much.

"Dad, there's something wrong I can tell. Why are you sending me away, please don't send me away dad, I love you."

"And don't call me dad anymore. I am not your father," Nick said, knowing these words would probably send Bryan running out the door.

Tears started to flow down Bryan face, "But dad, why, what did I do? Please tell me so I could make it right."

"Just get out," Nick screamed, still trying not to cry. He wanted to hold his son in his arms and tell him the truth, but he wanted to spare him the agony of what was to come.

"Wait, you went to the doctor today. What did the doctor say dad?"

"None of your fucking business," Nick said knowing now that Bryan was smart enough to figure out what the problem was.

"Tell me, dad, what did the doctor say?" Bryan screamed.

"Just get the fuck out of my house!"

"No, not until you tell me what the doctor said. Tell me God damn it, what the fucking doctor said," Bryan screamed. He never swore in front of his dad before.

Nick couldn't take it anymore, "Okay you want to know what's wrong," Nick screamed, "You want to know what the fucking doctor said? I'll tell you what he said. I'm dying, I have terminal cancer and there is nothing that anyone can do about it." There, Nick said it for the first time out loud. It hurt and it cut him like a knife.

"No, dad, this is not true, you're lying to me," Bryan said in disbelief. "No! No! No! No! No! You are not dying," Bryan was getting hysterical. "Oh daddy, please say you are not going to die!" Bryan threw himself in Nick's arms and kept saying over and over, No, No, No, No." The thought of not being immortal never crossed the 19-year-old's mind. "I won’t let you die. Look you have money, lots of money, you keep telling me that. Get a doctor to fix you. Give him all the money, I don't want any of it, sell the house, you could get millions for it, its nothing without you anyway. Go outside the country, to Europe or Mexico, they do things differently. Please dad, don't die." Bryan's sobs were uncontrollable, as he felt his world was coming to an end

Nick held his son in his arms until he started to calm down.

"Bryan, there is nothing that can be done," Nick said softly, "I have known this for about a month now and they have been doing tests, all kinds of tests. I have been to the best doctor's. I'm terminal. I wanted to spare you the grief of watching me die, but I was wrong in trying to send you away."

Bryan slowly gained control of himself, "I would never leave you dad. How long did the doctor say?"

"Six months to a year more or less."

"Oh God, dad, that's not very long. I want to be with you, please don't send me away."

"I won't son, but I don't intend to just sit here and die, I want to live it up."

"Damn, dad, the party!" Bryan said, remembering they were having several friends over tomorrow, to help celebrate their one-year anniversary, "I can't celebrate now. Call everyone and tell them not to come!"

"Why, son, we have lots to celebrate. I told you we won't curl up and die. I want these last few months to be memorable for you."

Bryan was still in disbelief and he kept shaking his head.

"Look I bought us something to commemorate our one year anniversary. Nick went into his den and came out with a small package and handed it to his son.

"Go head and open it."

Bryan slowly opened the package. He usually felt embarrassed with the gifts Nick lavished on him, but he did enjoy the look on his dad's face when he opened them. Somehow his heart was not in this one.

He opened the small box and in it were two wedding bands, one for him and one for Nick. Nick took the rings and put one on Bryan and one on himself. "See, as of today we are one. If we could get married legally, we would be doing it today, son."

Bryan's tears started to flow again, "Thank you dad, I love the rings, but we were one the day I met you in the Ralph's market."

"I know son, but this now tells everyone that we are one. So, lets not let the unpleasantness spoil our wonderful day. We will celebrate with our friends tomorrow and we won't tell anyone. Okay?”

"Okay, dad, I will do what you want," Bryan said reluctantly giving in to his dad's wishes.

"I got you something for our anniversary too, dad."

"You did? Thanks babe."

Bryan got up and went to the closet and got the beautifully wrapped package and handed it to his dad."

"Wow, this package is so beautiful I hate to open it, but I think I will risk it." They both laughed.

Nick tore at the package and opened the box. Inside was a picture of him and Bryan holding each other on a trip they once took. Nick was overwhelmed.

"Do you like the picture, dad?"

"I love it, son.”

"I'm glad, dad."

"Right now though, I want to get you naked and make love to you."

"Hmmm, okay daddy, I want to hold your naked body next to mine."

Father and son walked hand in hand into their bedroom. Bryan slowly removed his clothes. His perpetual hard on was in its full glory. Nick went to the nightstand and took a blue pill. He figured while he was waiting for it to work he would please his son. Nick removed his clothes and he and his son, lay down on the bed. Bryan was near tears again, thinking of his father dying.

"Hey, young man, no crying, I am going to make love to you now. I want to taste your cum again. I want you to just lay back and enjoy while my pill starts to work, then I want you to do something special for me."

"Okay daddy, what's that, I'll do anything you want me to do?"

"I will tell you later," Nick said, as he brought his lips to his son's mouth and kissed him hard. He pushed his tongue past Bryan's lips and they explored the inside of their mouths.

Nick began to work his way down his son's body, licking and caressing various parts as he did. He licked his neck, then down his smooth velvety skin to his chest, then his right nipple. He sucked on the dime-sized nub and ran his tongue around and around the tip. He then licked his way down his smooth hard stomach and ran his tongue around Bryan's belly button.

"Oh God Daddy, I love you so much."

Nick didn't respond because right at that moment, he was in the process of devouring his son's large manhood.

"Oh God Daddy," is all Bryan could say.

His son gave up a lot of precum and Nick reveled in it. He loved the taste of his semen and would drink it whenever he could. Today would be another one of those days.

Nick worked his way up and down Bryan's engorged throbbing cock wanting him to shoot in his mouth more and more. Nick swallowed his son's dick, letting the tip of it tickle the back of his throat. He buried his nose in his pubic hair, drinking in the smell of youth. Then he started his up and down motion again determined to bring his son to his first orgasm of the night.

Bryan was getting closer and closer to his climax. His breathing was getting quicker and his balls were moving up into his body.

"Oh daddy, I am going to cum."

Nick worked harder to bring him to orgasm. "Daddy!" Bryan yelled as his first wave of cum hit Nick in the back of his throat. More and more cum came shooting from his son's cock. Nick kept swallowing his son's sweet nectar. Over and over Bryan shot his spunk down Nick's throat. When he stopped, Nick kept Bryan's cock in his mouth, trying to catch his breath. He finally let go and moved up to his son's lips and kissed him.

"You do that so good, Dad. I hope to be that good someday."

"You already are son," Nick said. Bryan smiled.

Nick noticed that his son's dick was getting rock hard again. This is what he was hoping.

The two lay next to each other, their legs were intertwined.

Nick noticed his own dick was getting really hard. He didn't always need the Viagra but he wanted it tonight because of the special request he had for his son.

"Now that you are hard Dad, what is it you want me to do?"

Nick was silent for a moment. "Son, I want you to fuck me"

"What? Me fuck you dad? I've never fucked you before."

"I know son, now I want to feel that big hard 19 year old cock inside me." Bryan had a birthday in the one year they were together.

"Okay, dad, I hope I can do it right," Bryan said, truly wanting to please his dad.

Nick rolled onto his back and Bryan lay on top of him. They kissed and explored their mouths once again. All the while, Nick was beating off his son, to make sure he stayed nice and hard. Nick spread his legs as Bryan got the KY and coated his rock hard cock. He then did like his dad does and used the residue to coat the inside of his dad's rosebud.

It had been a long time since he had been fucked, but Nick knew all the tricks on how to relax.

"You ready son?"

"Yes dad." Bryan said as he put his dad's legs on his shoulders.

"Now line up your cock with my hole." Bryan did as his dad told him. He was a good son.

"Now slowly push into me, but slowly ok?'

"Okay dad," Bryan said as he gradually pushed inside the man he loved so much.

Nick felt a bit of pain but it quickly went away as his sphincter gave way to Bryan's invasion of his rectum. Bryan slowly pushed his big dick the rest of the way until his balls were resting in Nick's asscrack.

"Oh god, daddy this feel fantastic," Bryan cried, feeling the inside of his dad's bowels for the first time.

Nick was beside himself with ecstasy. He had his son dick inside him and the feeling was ecstatic.

"Fuck me son, Fuck me now." Nick demanded.

Bryan, remembering how his dad did it, slowly pulled his dick out until only the head of his cock was inside then slowly pushed back in."

"Oh god, you are a good son. Daddy has taught you well. Fuck me more son."

Bryan did the same thing again and Nick felt that hard 19-year-old cock rub against his prostate.

"More son, more."

Bryan did it again and again. Nick's own dick was hard and leaking precum on his stomach, as his legs were still on his son's shoulders.

"Fuck me son, fuck me harder," Nick demanded.

Bryan picked up speed. He had never experienced sex like this before. He was fucking his dad, the man he loved more than life itself.

Nick felt like his bowels were going to explode from the pounding his son was giving him, but this is how he wanted it. Nick knew it wouldn't be long before Bryan would cum, so he started to jack his own hard cock.

"I can’t hold it anymore dad, I can’t," Bryan exclaimed.

"Then cum inside me son, cum now cause I am going to cum too."

With those words, Bryan blasted Nick's ass with loads and loads of his cream. It seemed the cum would not stop. Nick, feeling his son's body quiver from his orgasm, squirted his jizz all over his stomach, more jizz than he had in a very long time.

"Oh god daddy, I am still cumming," Bryan said as the last of his load squished into Nick already cum-ladened rosebud.

Bryan let his dad's legs fall from his shoulders and he collapsed on top of him and on top of the cum that Nick deposited on his stomach.

"I love you dad," Bryan said as he let his still hard cock slide from his dad's sore rectum.

"I love you too son."

Both men were exhausted and could barely keep their eyes open. Bryan got a cum towel from the nightstand and cleaned his dad, then himself.

They lay down next to each other trying to remember the love they had for each other and trying to forget what was going to happen sooner than either of them wanted. Bryan moved in closer to his dad, not wanting to feel too far away from him. He needed to be close to him from now on. Soon they were both in a restful and quiet sleep.


The morning sun beamed into the bedroom and woke Bryan from a deep sleep, but his head was still in a sleep-induced fog. A smile came over his face and he turned around to put his arm around his dad. But he wasn't there. He hadn't been there for a while now.

"How difficult it is to break old habits," he thought to himself, as sadness took over.

His beloved dad had died two months ago, yet he was still expecting to see him next to him every morning.

Bryan didn't cry anymore. Now it was time to remember his dad and the wonderful times they had together. Nick fooled the doctors for two years. They told him he only had a year at the most. Within those two years, he and his dad did everything they ever wanted to. Bryan was now 21 years old. Nick died a couple months past his 60th birthday.

Bryan smiled thinking of the big party he threw for his dad for that milestone of a day. He knew Nick was very ill but he wanted his dad to have that special time with family and friends.

Bryan was at the hospital the day Nick died. He remembered how Nick looked at him and smiled and softly said I love you son and Bryan said I love you too daddy. Bryan kissed his dad's forehead and held his hand until he felt him release it as he took his last breath.

Bryan cried for weeks, but now it was time to move on. Bryan sold the house, there were too many memories of his dad there, and the place would not be the same without him. He had to start fresh.

Nick left his son everything he had in a Living Trust. Bryan was a very wealthy young man, but somehow money didn't mean anything to him. It never did.

Today was the last day he was going to spend in this house. The only thing left was the bed and a few pieces of furniture that the movers were going to take away today. Bryan sat naked at the edge of the bed. He looked at the wedding ring his dad gave him on their first anniversary. He never took it off.

Bryan was staring at the picture of him and Nick that was taken a long time ago. It was the picture that Bryan gave his dad on their first anniversary. Bryan started to remember the times gone by. Like the day he first saw his dad at the Palos Verdes Ralph's Market.

"God, you were handsome," Bryan said out loud to his dad in the picture.

Then there was the first time they made love; the first time Bryan did anal intercourse to his dad and the many times after. He remembered all the parties and the trips they took in the two years before his death. Bryan smiled and whispered, "I love you daddy," and tears started to run down his face. Bryan lay back on the bed, his feet still on the floor. His dick started to rise remembering the times he was with his dad. Bryan took hold of his hard cock and started to masturbate.

"One more time, Dad, just for you," Bryan said out loud as if Nick could hear him, "I wish you were here to see this." Tears were running down his face again.

Bryan started to beat his cock faster and faster. He kept thinking of his dad sucking him and it was about to bring him to a quick climax. Bryan's load shot from his hard on and into the air and landed on his chest and stomach. Three more loads landed on him until he was all spent.

Bryan was about to get up, when off in the corner of the room, he swore he saw his dad standing there smiling. Then the image disappeared. Bryan smiled figuring his dad was with him this one last time. He got up, put the picture of him and his dad, in his suitcase and closed the lid.

Having showered and finished dressing, he took his suitcase in hand and looked over the house with its emptiness. It was time to leave now and begin his new life. He walked out the door and into the garage and got into the Z4. He smiled again, remembering the time on the first day they met, saying to his dad, he would own one of these someday. Now his dad left him the car where they first shared a kiss. It was a bittersweet memory.

Bryan started the car and felt the engines roar, he backed out, knowing that he experienced something very few people his age ever felt - True everlasting love that would, that could never be forgotten.

"I Love you Daddy," he said one last time and drove away.

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6 Gay Erotic Stories from Wildgate1

Daddy And The Stockboy

Daddy and the Stockboy By John Josept Bryan Sharp walked into the Ralph's Market to start his shift. It was noon and even though he was scheduled for just half a day's work, he still wasn't looking forward to it, especially on a Sunday. Bryan spent most of the first two hours of his shift stocking the shelves on aisle 3, before he heard the announcement over the store's PA system.

Man in the Mirror, Part 1

I stood in front of the full-length mirror in my bedroom, naked. "Not bad" I thought to myself. "Not bad for a guy who will be 40 in a few days", I said, this time out loud, as if my reflection in the mirror was looking back at me, admiring what it saw. My six foot frame was still in great shape. I worked out in my gym everyday. My hard muscled pecs had a coating of dark blond hair. I still

Man in the Mirror, Part 2

Man in the Mirror Chapter 2 by John Josept I could hardly believe the events of the past few hours. Early this morning, I saw the most incredible man coming from the pool just outside my bedroom window. I knew I had to meet him, but what I didn't know was that he wanted to meet me just as bad, maybe even more, since he invented an elaborate scheme, just so we could meet. What I had first

Man in the Mirror, Part 3

by John Josept We eventually got up off the floor of the entryway. There still was a pool of cum that dripped from my ass on the marble floor that needed to be cleaned. I grabbed my torn shirt and wiped up the sticky goo. “There,” I said, “that's better.” Royce chuckled. “You look tired,” he said to me. “I am; you're wearing me out.” Royce smiled and his blue eyes sparkled,

Man In the Mirror, Part 4

by John Josept We stepped out of the elevator directly into the large expanse of living room of my apartment on the 15th floor of Timpson Enterprises. Royce gasped. With the exception of a fireplace that broke up the view, three walls of the huge room were glass. The view always astounded me. On one side was the Hollywood Hills with the legendary Hollywood sign way off in a distance. I

The Laborer

There I was trying to scrape up the old tile floor by myself. I am 40 now and realized that if I did it alone it would take me several days to get it all removed. I wanted to finish tiling my kitchen floor this weekend, but first the old tile had to be removed. I decided it would be best to get some help. I remembered that a few blocks away from my house there would always be several Mexican


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