Gay Erotic Stories

Room To Grow

by MuscleHead

Here's my roommate story...

I worked with Ed Jacks at a factory in Mississippi from 94 to 96. However at the time we met neither of us realized that we worked at the same plant. We meet under the most “straight” circumstances which is partly why I believe we became so close.

I was at a local bar not long after taking a job here. We met by chance when I took his seat at the bar. The place was crowded and I ordered a beer. Ed comes up behind me and asks me to give his seat back. He tells me it’s his seat and he had been in the john. Not sure if he was shitting me, I told him to hold on a minute. When the bar-back brought the beer, I asked him. He confirmed that Ed had been there all night.

As I got up to leave the next seat came open, and Ed sat down there. So I had a seat and a beer. Ed and I began to talk. We were both single guys out on the hunt on Saturday night. But his girlfriend was supposed to come by later. We debated the ball games of the day and other guy stuff while we looked around for women. Ed caught a woman's eye and was gone dancing. I figured that was the last I would see of him tonight and maybe ever. For some reason I didn’t understand, I secretly really want him to stay.

Man he's a sight. At six four or so, he looks around 250lbs. The only true mesomorph I have ever known personally; his body is solid muscle. Jacks stayed in excellent physical condition by working hard all day and lifting at the gym for about an hour four nights a week. That was all he had to do while I knew him and apparently it was all it took.

Dressed in a black "A" shirt, jeans and boots he was noticed by most of the men and all of the women in the place. His face is somewhat intimidating but very handsome. Dark black curly hair, blue eyes, and a dark complexion he looks like the actor Ken Wahl. His beard shadow started way before 5. He smiles when he's in a good mood and looks almost goofy the way Tom Cruise does when he smiles. As a result, if he likes someone they know it and he isn't intimidating at all. That's why I was comfortable with him. I knew when he smiled at me that he liked me at first sight.

Everything I could see was an awesome man which to be honest is a rare sight in Mississippi. And I tried to understand how I could have met him and had a conversation without really trying. I still remember his startling deep voice that night and how compelling it was to me. I wanted to talk with and see him everyday for the rest of my life, but now he was gone.

I left the bar area shortly thereafter and began hitting on an attractive woman in her late thirties. She was very interested and we were doing really well when the place began to close. I guess she wasn't ready for a one night stand, and told me to call her. So I headed out the door horny and drunk.

When I got to my Bronco, there was Ed kissing and rubbing hard on a good-looking young woman. I figured his girlfriend had showed up, and he was getting her warmed up. I interrupted and told them I had to go.

"This your truck?" asked Ed. "Yeah?" "Can we catch a ride?" "Where you headed?" "A little town called Merona, just down the road." "Sure why not?"

We got in the truck all of us in the front seat and headed in the direction Ed gave me. The woman introduced herself, but I've forgotten her name. We'll call her Sally. Anyway as I drove drunkenly down the mostly deserted highway Ed and Sally went back to making out. After a few miles I asked Ed where to turn.

"Holy shit!" said Ed. "What?" "Oh, you passed the turn and I have no idea where we're at." was Ed's less than useful reply. "Well fuck, why weren't you paying attention?" "Cause my dick's harder than a rock." This was Ed's honest response, and it sent him and Sally giggling like hyenas. "Okay," I said. "We’ll go back to the gas station I passed back aways and ask them how to get back to town". It was all I could think to do.

Back at the station Ed and I got out and pumped some gas. He apologized for getting me lost and offered to pay for the gas. I asked why his girlfriend didn't have a car. He told me that he had picked up Sally at the bar, his girlfriend never showed up. I guess if I hadn't been so drunk I would have asked him when he asked for the ride.

We went inside to pay and piss. We went in the bathroom and it was a one-man place. So Ed went in the commode and I went in the sink. The room was small as many old gas stations bathroom are and when I looked in the mirror I got a perfect side view of Ed. Now I could sneak a look at the only part of the man that had escaped my inspection before now. His dick was long and thick. Sure it was probably extended from his foreplay with Sally, but he was easily eight inches semi-soft. We finished and I realized that I better get a cup of coffee. So he headed out to my truck and agreed to move it to free up the gas pump while I filled a cup.

I really wasn't that overly trusting back then, but he was such a nice guy, and I was really drunk. I asked again how to get back to town and paid for my coffee before heading out to the end of the parking lot.

Well you won't be surprised that I found Ed and Sally all over each other. I thought about waiting them out, but decided fuck that, it was my truck. So I got in. I had to kinda move Sally over to get in my seat, but instead of acting surprised she just sort of moaned.

I turned to look at Ed. He was laid back in the seat with his pants down to his ankles. She was sucking his big dick right there. Of course we were in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night so he was really exposing himself to the whole world. The station had some business, but not enough to think anyone would notice. I debated what to do.

Ed opened his eyes and smiled. He looked and me and said, "You need to get some of this."

He was right I did need some. I was harder than hell by this point and my groin wanted relief. Sally solved the problem by turning around in the seat and un-buckling my belt. Shortly she was blowing me while Ed went to work on her. First he ate her out, and then I saw him get up on his knees to fuck her. Good thing Bronco have lots of head room.

He began to ride her, and she licked my cock to his rhythm. It was so hot. I was getting a great blow job and watching some serious fucking at the same time. I was thankful there was enough light from the parking lot to give me such a good view.

Ed grunted and pulled out of Sally. He sent cum flying all over her back. Seeing him explode sent me over the edge and I blew my load down her throat. We both fucked her again (but not at the same time). Then I drove her home. He stayed at the hotel (two beds) with me that night but in the morning he was in a hurrying to leave. I saw him naked in the daylight and it was even better than I remembered from the night before. But I played it cool and told him that I would see him around. I walked him to the lobby so that his girlfriend would know that he hadn't spent the night with another woman.

So Ed and I meet in the "straightest" of circumstances one could imagine. And the intimacy of fucking the same women would begin a very strong bond between us.

We Meet Again. A couple of weeks later, I was walking around the factory on my new job as Plant Manager. As I introduced myself to a machine operator, Ed walks up and says it's good to see me again.

Surprised and happy, I bought him lunch in the cafeteria and we laughed about our night out. We started going to the bars together and I got to know him and his girlfriend well. We traveled on fishing trips and to a couple of ball games together. Then I met his family and so forth.

I found out that he was very comfortable in his sexuality. He had two or three gay buddies and he never hesitated to go anywhere with them. If they hit on him, he just laughed it off. I asked him about it and he said that he liked the attention, but just didn't like sex with guys. I asked if he had tried it with a guy and he said no. But he knew that he wouldn't. Still he liked his gay buddies and thought discrimination was wrong. I tried to understand my own attraction to him. I had gotten a couple of blow jobs from guys, but only because I was dead-dog horny and had no hope getting it from a girl. When a straight guy is really hard up, he’ll fuck a goat if he has to. I wondered if Ed was telling the truth, but there was no question that he could get a woman any night of the week. In fact, he fucked all of the time. He lived with his girlfriend and kept several on the side. He had been married three times and said he wasn't ever going to do it again. He had four kids (he was 26) so a lot of his check went for child support before he got it.

I bought a house in the country. I told Jacks that he could come play pool and hang out anytime. He came out and told me how great he thought the place was for a guy to live. Of course I told him I needed a room mate. He declined then but in a few months he split with his girlfriend and he needed a place. I had saved it for him.

So he moved in. We were on thirteen wooded acres and could do anything we wanted without concern for the neighbors. Jacks had no modesty at all. He would regularly walk around the house and even outside on the back deck in his underwear or naked if he had just got out of bed. He came in the bathroom the first day he lived with me and shaved while I took a shower. Both of us naked in the same room clearly wasn't a problem for him at all.

Women came and went all the time. And he would disappear for a couple days only to tell me at work that he was coming by for clothes because he was fucking a new girl for a while.

A couple of times I got to put him to bed drunk. We would take off all of his clothes and he would fall down in bed. I would enjoy massaging his naked body, but his dick never responded--even when I would lick his balls. I know it was wrong to take advantage of him passed out drunk, but his body was so fucking hot I just had to touch him when I could. There was one time he got out of bed still drunk and naked. After taking a piss he came in my room. I'm not sure what was going on in his head but he climbed right in bed with me and went back to sleep. The next morning he apologized. I told him it was okay that I had butt-fucked him while he was asleep. We laughed and that was it.

I was confused and frustrated with my feelings toward him. I had never lusted after another guy. Yet here I was wanting to hold him as much as I had any woman. What the fuck was wrong with me?

I became happy with our relationship even though I still wished that I could be closer to him. We were very physical with each other and I really enjoyed lying in the living room, me and Jacks in our underwear drinking beer and watching football, or taking a shower and shaving in the morning before work, or swimming naked in a river on a fishing trip, or naked on the deck in the hot tub late at night. But he never got the slightest hard on with me. It seemed evident that he was happy with the close "brotherly" relationship that we had as well.

We shared everything about our past with each other. He was a manic stud. He had fucked so many women he had no idea how many it had been. Of course, I had done plenty of plowing in my time as well so we shared our best stories with each other.

I really liked that he used his hands to communicate on a regular basis. He would touch my shoulder, or put his arm around me without so much as a thought. It was great to feel so close to him. He was also the kind of guy to pinch your nipple or grab your balls to startle you from time to time.

His children were all younger than eight. Two different mothers and two of the boys were almost the same age having been born only five months apart. Jacks had cheated on his first wife with his second while the first was pregnant. Of course the admission of the second wife's pregnancy resulted in divorce from the first. He remarried, delivered the child, and soon thereafter re-impregnated the second wife. He cheated on her with the third wife while she was pregnant with their second child (his fourth). So he was a real asshole when it came to women, but he just really liked fucking around. He told me that he always intended to be faithful when he married but just couldn't discipline himself enough to do it. He had decided not to screw up another woman's life and so he never intended to marry again.

The boy's were great. They were around a lot and we had a good time playing army, teaching them how to throw a ball, etc. I think they were the only thing that kept Jacks coming home on a regular basis. Otherwise he would have traveled the nation fucking. His children looked like him and were physical like him. And playing with the little guys started me and Jacks wrestling. We wrestled all the time and I loved feeling his solid manly body. He fought dirty and it felt so good to have his hands grab my balls or my ass that I couldn't help but get a hard-on. But he never seemed to mind. He knew that I liked women and would tease me about needing to get some.

Anyway, I had a good time with him and he really helped me with the women. I got laid on a regular basis and I think sometimes just so they could get to know him. We would fuck the same woman all the time. If they wanted more after he was done with them then he would send them to my room. Sometimes he would wake me up and tell me to join him with a woman in his room and we would both fuck her all night. If I couldn't have him, this was the next best thing. One woman asked us to put our dicks together and fuck her at the same time. Jacks hesitated but agreed when I told him that I would do it. It was so cool putting my cock up against his and feeling his hand hold our cocks together. We got a great rhythm going and I lasted surprising long considering the circumstances. When we talked about the joint fucking. He had liked it, but I could tell he was a little uncomfortable with how much he had liked it.

We lived together like this for two years. And things were really good for both of us. He never paid rent but I just let it slide because I knew the child support took all his money and I wanted him to stay. He told me that he had never wanted to live with his girlfriends but had to do it for the money. So he was really happy with the situation.

The plant where we worked normally shut down for two weeks at Christmas, but things were slow and the decision was made to make it three. Jacks would usually have one set of kids or the other with him at Thanksgiving and switch at Christmas. But this year his second wife was going to Hawaii for Christmas and he had all four for Thanksgiving, and none at Christmas.

I friend of mine from college asked me to go Elk hunting in Colorado and I made plans to spend the three weeks there. When I realized that Jacks was going to be alone or with his parents for Christmas I asked him to come along. He didn't have the money, but I told not to worry about it that I would be driving and renting a cabin anyway so why not join me. He agreed.

A week before the trip my buddy from college got shot in the leg while on a different hunting trip in Arkansas. He had gone out hunting deer and his partner accidentally shot him. He was going to be okay, but could not go to Colorado. I tried to cancel the cabin but could not get a refund however they were willing to sub a cabin closer to a ski lift called Wolfe's Creek Pass.

Jacks and I were going skiing in Colorado instead of hunting, but that was okay. In fact, the girls we had invited were even happier with a ski trip than a hunting trip.

Everything looked great until my date for the trip had to cancel due to the death of an aunt. There was just no way for her to miss the funeral and it was way too far for her to drive and meet us there. I tried the plane ticket approach and the price was unbelievable. It was Christmas so there ware no frequent-flyer flights or anything like that. I was bummed but Jacks was happy. He felt this would give us an excuse to hit the bars and his date would have to agree.

She was okay with it until she caught Jacks getting a blow job from her sister the night before we were supposed to leave. His story was that she went for beer and the sister asked to suck his cock while she was gone. I doubted that, but it really didn't matter. We were now two guys headed to Colorado in my Bronco for three weeks of skiing and bar hopping.

My plan was to drive straight through taking turns at the wheel. But that was with four drivers. It was so tuff going a thousand miles without stopping. But we made the most of it, riding down the road in our underwear in the middle of the night talking about sex and singing country songs.

We get there and check in. The cabin is actually a condo and we have too much room. Of course it was originally reserved at a different location for six people. We collapsed.

The next day brought a quick drive up the mountain and some great skiing. After skiing, we drove to Durango to hit the bars. We were successful and both got laid that night by college girls from California. Day two was the same. We meet the girls back in Durango for supper and dancing. Day three was also great but it would be last with the girls, because they were headed home for Christmas.

Day four was completely different. We had difficulty reaching the lift due a storm that was moving in. It snowed a good part of the day on the slopes, but we still enjoyed ourselves. That night the road to Durango was closed, and the next day the slopes were closed. We didn't mind. We were tired. So we rested, drank beer, played cards and sat in the hot tub.

Day five still no relief from the snow. We made an hour long trip to town that was only five miles away. Even the Bronco with chains had trouble on the two lane highway. But we got out of the cabin for a while and restocked on beer. As bad as the roads were to town, they were much worse going up the mountain and we wondered how long we would be stuck with no skiing and the road to Durango (and thus women) closed. I stopped at the video store and picked up some movies. Jacks found the adult section by asking the owner about them. He had a closet full of them, but no sign. You had to ask or you didn't know. We picked several of them as well.

That night we watched a Bruce Willis movie and then a porno while drinking beer.

Day six required some creativity. We could not drive up the mountain to ski but the snow had stopped. It was supposed to start back that night, and they were not going to clear the road until the next day at the earliest. We had to get out and get some exercise. Lying around just wasn't enjoyable any longer. I called the cabin people and they suggested cross country skiing. I had never done it but we were in good shape so I thought what the hell. They even delivered the skis.

We took off on a trail that ran through the woods surrounding the cabins. There were lots of people out on the trail, I assume for the same reason we were. Most were families spending Christmas in Colorado. The trail was really, really long, and I was exhausted with several more miles to get back to the cabin. I told Jacks that I needed a break and he admitted that he had been wore out for over a mile. It took a long time but we made it back.

The cross-country had done the trick. We were tired and not so irritable. We showered, ate and drank, then watched a porno. After the movie we went downstairs to the hot tub.

The hot tub was the only room on the ground floor. To enter the cabin you went up outside stairs to the second floor. Because the hot tub room was small the cabin looked like a mushroom from the outside. The purpose was to put a hot tub inside with a good view but with privacy. The snow kept anyone from looking inside the room, but large windows and mirrors gave you a view of the outside no matter which way you faced in the hot tub.

I relaxed in the hot water as Jacks came down the stairs. He brought the radio and was dancing around as he took his clothes off. He was drunk and was shaking his ass at the large picture window. Of course I couldn't help but see him because of the mirrors. He turned around and was taking off his socks when I noticed his partial erection.

"Don't bring that shit in here with me." I told him.

"Hey Dude, I just watched three girls fuck each other in a movie, and I haven't had sex for three days, I can't help it." was his reply.

"Besides you know how much you like the looks of this big cock" he said smiling and shaking his dick at me.

"Fuck you." I said

"Just kidding, but I got hard during the movie and it won't go down all the way. Nothing I can do about it."

"I know, come on in. I'm still horned-up myself."

"We can jerk off." Jacks suggested.

"Yeah, I will before I go to sleep tonight." I told him.

After an hour or so we climbed out and headed upstairs in our towels. We had some whiskey and started drinking it while watching another porno. By the time the movie ended it was dark outside and we were both very drunk. I turned the T.V. off and the only light came from the fire place. I got up and put three more big logs on it for the night. It roared up and I realized that the cabin was already pretty warm. I asked Jacks if he were headed to bed, but he didn't answer. I walked over to the chair that he was in to shake him awake.

He responded, but said he would just sleep in the chair. I told him that he better not. He would be sore from the skiing in the morning and once the fire went out the room that was warm (with just a towel on at the time) would get very cold by morning. He said okay and asked me to help him to his bed.

As he sat down on his bed he grabs me around the neck and started pulling me to the bed. He jumped on top of me telling me to "say Uncle". So he wanted to wrestle. Well, I figured that he's drunk and can't complete so I roll him over and start trying to pin him. That's when it hits me that we are both naked. Our towels had fallen aside and we're wrestling in the nude. We had wrestled in our underwear before, but totally naked was something new and felt very different. But I wasn't going to stop. After all he had started it, and the room was completely dark.

I reached down and grabbed his thigh to pin his legs. I was successful and I had him immobile underneath me. But my dick was now directly over his ass and my legs were wrapped around him. My cock began to swell as Jacks worked to get out of my hold. Jacks had been a wrestler in high school so he had some training that I didn't have. He got out of my hold and rolled on top of me. We were now face to face. Naked and sweaty our bodies slid on one another. I was concerned that he would quit once his drunk brain realized that my hard cock was sliding on his belly. He hadn't let my hard cock slide on him in our wrestling matches before. But as I tried to pull away I slid further down and felt his cock slide up next to mine. His big cock was HARD and he was letting it slide next to mine. The distraction of our cocks cost me in the wrestling match. Jacks reached both his arms around my shoulder and then back in front of my face. He spun me around and held me pinned with his front and very hard cock to my back.

"Give up?" he asked. "Yes, I'm wasted." "And horny," he pointed out. "Yep, that to, now let me go, so I can go jerk off." I said honestly. "After I do," was his answer.

He began to move his cock up and down the crack of my ass.

"Wait a fuckin’ minute!" I demanded. "Please don't say that," he answered but he stopped moving. "You're not going to fuck me Jacks." I told him. "Tell you what, let me turn you over and we will slide on each other to get off. It will be much better than jerking off."

I couldn't believe it. Jacks is the straightest guy I knew. How could he consider having sex of any kind with me?

"Dude I'm not into guys," I lied to him. I really wanted to have sex with him, but I thought I would lose him as my best buddy if I did. Sex would be great but wouldn't be worth losing my relationship with Jacks.

"I know you’re not. But I want to feel a body next to mine so bad. Please let's do it. You need to get off too," was his answer.

I couldn't resist. I said okay and Jacks let me go. I turned over and put my arms around him. I lay back on the bed and he climbed on top of me. As he began to slide up and down I kissed his neck and slid my hands to his ass. He responded by licking my ear and pinching my nipples. He stopped sliding and pulled back some.

"You know I've always wanted to suck a cock," he said.

"What the fuck do you mean? You told me once that gay sex wasn't something you would enjoy."

"I meant that I didn't want a dick up my ass. But I've always thought about sucking a cock. Every time a woman puts her lips on my cock I've wondered how it felt. I didn't want to do anything with a gay guy. But you're straight, and you’re my best friend ever."

"Man I would love a blow job right now. Tell you what you suck mine and I’ll suck yours, Dude." was my agreeable answer.

Jacks spun around and startled licking on my cock. He clearly had no idea what he was doing. I told him to use his tongue and lips not his teeth. Once he was doing it somewhat right I grabbed his big cock and started my tongue at the based. I licked up and down his meaty shaft circling the large head. Then I licked and sucked his balls. He stopped working on me momentarily.

"Yeah, suck those balls, man that's so good. Yeah, lick my cock."

Jacks started sucking my balls and got them both in his mouth. It was fuckin’ great. He moved up and down my hard cock licking and sucking me. He even ventured down to the back of my scrotum a couple of times. I could feel the pressure building at the base of my cock. I had his entire thick eight inches down my throat. He was fucking my mouth with slow thrust. Jacks tried to swallow all of my cock, but reflex would stop him with about two-thirds of my dick in his mouth. I wasn't going to push him too hard.

The pleasure was to too intense and I could hold it no longer. Pre-cum began to dribble out of my cock as I tried to pull out of his mouth.

"No, don't pull out, I want to taste your cum."

I couldn't believe it, but I was certainly willing to let him swallow it all. Semen rushed up my hot pulsating cock and shot out like a water cannon into his throat. Jacks closed his lips around my cock and licked hungrily at my load. As I finished, Jacks pumped his cock into my mouth quickly four or five times and then his cock erupted. His cum was thick and I didn't think I could swallow it all. He just kept spurting more and more. I pulled back to have just his cockhead in my mouth, so that I could catch every drop of his juicy load.

We lay back. Jacks turned back around next to me. Turning on his side he slid his hand across my chest. Reaching across me he leaned down and kissed me Opening my mouth with his lips his tongue entered and I tasted my own cum in his mouth. I opened my mouth wide and kissed him fully.

We pulled back the covers and he held me in his arms as we both went to sleep.

I woke up with his back to my front and a ragging hard-on pressed up against his ass. As I started to pull away, Jacks stirred and turned to face me.

"I'm sorry about last night, and I promise I won't ever mention it" I told him.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I don't want to loose our friendship. I'm closer to you than my brothers and I don't want there to be an unspoken separation between us in the future" I answered.

"Then don't be sorry and don't be afraid to talk about it. I liked it, and I know you did too. I know you don't do it with guys, and I don't either. But now we know what it's like and to be honest I want to do again."

I was again shocked by his willingness to ask me to have sex with him. He reached out pulling me next to him. His cock was rock hard just like mine.

"Come here we have some work to do."

And we began again rubbing our bodies together before moving to a 69 position. It was a dream come true for me. This handsome, muscle-bound stud was sucking my cock. And this time he wasn't drunk.

We continued to have sex every night for the rest of the trip. The slopes re-opened the next day and stayed open the rest of the trip. We skied by day and fucked at night. Jacks wanted to try everything and had no interest in going back to Durango to meet women.

He licked my entire body sticking his tongue as far up my asshole as he could get it. He followed it with his fingers as he sucked my cock until I filled his mouth with cum. I had never been fucked in the ass and knew that I wasn't going to start with his huge dick. But I told him that everything else was open to him.

He wanted to get fucked. And damn, fuck him I did. It took several tries of fingers stretching his sphincter and lubing his asshole but I finally got my cock in him all the way and waited for him to relax. His ass was so tight I didn't last very long. He wanted it again and again. It was great sex for two weeks.

On the way home, we had the chance to talk since one of us had to drive. Truth is we hadn't talked in two weeks because every time we were back at the cabin we were fucking, eating or sitting in the hot tub. The tub really helped in healing Jacks' ass. But after about a week he was broken in.

Things did return to almost normal at home. And we were even better friends. I no longer had to worry about getting erections around Jacks, but he didn't pursue sex with me very often. We did continue to have sex, but only about once a week.


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