Gay Erotic Stories

Big Brother's Unexpected Visit, Part 1

by JackFlorida

I was excited when I opened my e-mail to see that I had a new message from my older brother Josh. I hadn't heard from Josh since I left home the previous September to attend a liberal arts college in Michigan. I'd written him a few times--but never got a response. Phone calls went unanswered and he always made sure he wasn't home the few times I traveled back to Ohio to visit the family. His no-nonsense note said "Luke--coming your way for overdue visit--will see you when I get there." Typical for Josh--no specific arrival date or time--as if he was certain I'd drop everything I was doing and wait for him to show up an hour, day or week from now.

Josh was one of those guys that seemed to peak in high school. He was a major jock--excelling in football, baseball and wrestling. He was 6'3 and 180 pounds of solid muscle. He was dark haired with amazing pecs covered with a soft layer of fur. Even in high school he had a beard that he kept cut very close to his skin. He had the dark looks that fueled the fantasies of both sexes--and a confident swagger that made you either want to be him or get fucked by him. He was a lady's man--becoming sexual in his freshman year with more than a couple of the older high school girls--and legend surrounded the size of his cock and the size of his sex drive. As his brother, I had seen him naked on more than one occasion and watched him jack off in the shadows of our bedroom late and night--even without a great view, I could tell he was huge. Even coming out of the shower, his soft cock sneaked down his hairy, muscular thighs--I would often compare myself--thinking that what I lacked in his length, maybe I made up for in thickness. The truth was, he had both in spades.

Josh was the homecoming king and the local town hero. Kids befriended me all through school so that they could be around Josh--as if proximity to him would somehow increase their "coolness" factor. I was a bit shorter than Josh--but just as muscular and hairy--but I was fair haired--taking after my mother's side of the family. Although our body types were similar, my athletic prowess was nothing like his. My hand-eye coordination didn't quite work out for me as it did for him. So I worshipped him much like younger brothers worship their older brothers--and hoped that I would one day be like him (knowing secretly that I probably never would be).

He was so happy being in his element in high school that he didn't think about what was going to happen after he graduated. So now he was 25 (a full five years older than me) and working a dead end blue color job on a local construction crew. He had lost the prominence that he had in high school even though he retained all of his looks. The only difference was that his lean muscular body had packed on about 20 pounds of hard earned real muscle--the kind of muscle that comes from working a hammer, shovel--lifting--real manual labor.

His confident swagger had been replaced by more than a little anger and resentment--much of it directed at me, his younger brother by five years who was now doing something he couldn't do--go to college. He inched away from my life over the summer before I headed off to college. On the day that I left, he sat on the porch eating an apple, spitting seeds inches from my feet as I awkwardly tried to tell him I would miss him. As I got in dads truck, I watched him walk inside and slam the door--not even bothering to see my drive away.

Dad said he would come to his senses--and the morning's e-mail was the first positive sign that maybe he had gotten over whatever it was that made me the enemy. I turned off my computer and quickly started to clean up both my side of the room and my roommate’s side--just in case he was on his way. As I was straightening up his side of the room, my roommate Glen bounded in as was his usual way--bumping into everything as opposed to gracefully walking through. He was a big farm boy from Indiana. Corn fed, beefy, handsome--with wire rimmed glasses too small for his face. He reminded me of a fairer version of Josh. He was a last minute substitute for a roommate--assigned by the college housing department a week after my first roommate, a Chinese guy named Yun, decided that he didn't want to go to college after all. On Glen's first night, we started talking about sex. By the end of the week, we were trading off blow jobs. He seemed straight--but open to shooting a load whenever and wherever it was convenient. We had become lazy suck buddies--climbing into each other's bunks to blow each other whenever we were too tired or too bored to go find something better. I caught Glen up on the situation and got him to help me straighten up the pig sty that was our dorm room. I then asked him for some privacy as I waited for my brother Josh to arrive.

At midnight, I had given up. Josh wasn't going to show; maybe a cruel trick to get my hopes up. Maybe he wasn't finished punishing me yet for whatever phantom wrongdoing I had committed. I called Glenn on his cell phone and found him studying in the campus library. "Come on back, Glenn,” I said in a tired and dejected voice. "False alarm."

Glenn returned a few minutes later and found me forlorn sitting on the foot of my bed. "What's up bro"--I could tell he was concerned for me. I told him that I didn't believe I could ever work this out with Josh--and that it was hard for me to let go of someone who had been my hero for as long as I could remember. Glen came over and put his arm around my shoulder--He had massive python biceps--and I could tell he must have worked out before he went to the library as his pits smelled rank. "damn man--do us both a favor and hit the showers." Glen gave a sheepish smile; play slapped me on the cheek, grabbed his towel and headed to the shower room.

By the time Glen came back, I was already in my bed--pretending to read but really obsessing about the whole big brother problem. I watched Glen come in and drop his towel--catching a glimpse of his white but perfectly formed muscular bubble butt--and then a slow reveal of his light blond pubes covering a pink, flush cock with massive mushroom head--a cock that I had gotten to know intimately with my tongue on more than a few occasions. "So, are you too depressed to take care of big Ben?"

He looked at me with a pleading look and I noticed the pulsing beginning in his cock as it started to snake to its full 8 inch length. "Bring it over here," I said, pretending to be more put out by the request than excited by it. After sucking his cock for a few minutes, Glen asked if I would be open to trying something different--and before I could answer, he flipped me onto my stomach and started to trace his fingers around the crack of my ass. "Relax man, I won't do anything you aren't prepared to do"--he spoke in a calm but confident voice and I decided that I didn't care what he did to me. I wanted him to completely consume me--to use me and pound whatever thoughts were in my head right out of me. His circling finger was quickly replaced by a hot, wet sensation--and I quickly realized that I was feeling the stubble from his cheeks and his tongue pushing into my hole. I started to squirm and lift my hips up off the bed, grinding my ass into his mouth. I have to admit, it felt so fucking hot. He started alternating his tongue with a couple of well-lubed fingers that he inserted slowly and deliberately into my tight hole. We had never passed this physical barrier before, limiting our play to hand jobs and blow jobs. I had fantasized about his thick cock in my ass before but had never acted on it. I decided to let him take it tonight as far as he wanted to go.

After a few minutes of lubing my ass with his spit, Glen positioned a pillow underneath my hips, and slowly grazing my cock as he pulled his hands back out from under me. He told me to relax my hole and I felt the head of his dick start to spread my ass open--I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. He was being very careful--only a little in and a time. I was so turned on that I started to push my ass into him--feeling more of his thick cock enter me. It was a strange sensation--pain and pleasure combined. But I didn't want him to stop--and I winced as he completely entered me--stopping to rest his whole body on my back and his crotch grinding slowly into my ass. At that moment that he had reached full penetration, I looked up to see the face of my brother staring at me from the doorway.

"What the fuck!" Josh yelled. Glen jumped up as if someone had burned his ass. "um...sorry man...umm...I'll let you guys get some privacy." Glen had just enough time to grab his towel before Josh grabbed him by the back of the neck and forced him out into the hallway. "Sick faggot!" he yelled as he slammed and locked the door.

"Well what have we here?" Josh said as he took off his leather jacket, revealing a tight sleeveless t-shirt with biceps bigger than I remembered--huge guns sporting new tattoos--some type of Indian band around both arms. "I turn my back for a few months as little bro heads off to college to become a first class faggot. Wait until mom and dad hear about this update."

"Josh, don't say anything. I'm sorry--it doesn't mean anything. I'm not a fag." I was pleading now and trying to reach down to pull the sheet over my still naked body. Josh grabbed the sheet before I could and pulled it away from me--"no--don't cover up if you haven't done anything wrong bro." "I mean, I'm sure this is natural college behavior having a guy's raw cock up your ass." "So when did you become a fuck hole?" He moved his face within inches of mine waiting for my response. I mustered as much indignation as I could as said "Fuck You!--you don't know a thing about me." Josh reared back and then spit a huge gob of spit right into my mouth. "You like that don't you fuck boy?"

My face was red. Here is my big brother, my hero, spitting in my face; talking to me as if I was a whore. "Well Luke--I didn't know what I would find when I came up here. Wasn't sure what Id even say to you even." I thought about beating your ass for making me look like such a loser to mom and dad. Bragging about your grades, your experiences, your future without even one bit of concern I would feel after my fifth college rejection letter. Since when did you become such a self-centered bastard?"

I was dumbfounded. I had never heard any of this before. What had I done? "Josh, I don't know what is going on. Tell me! Help me understand?

"I'm going to help you understand alright" Josh said in a voice more sinister than I had ever remembered. "I'm going to take a piss--don't you move one inch before I get back."

He left the room and I quickly sat up--trying to think what to do next. I had taken a few of Josh's punches in the past--but they were more playful punches that happen between brothers. This was a fucking hulk of a man--well over 220 of hard muscle--and a face that didn't look like my big brother anymore. One that was fiercer, focused, fed up.

I saw my boxer briefs on the floor near Glen's bed. I quickly jumped up and was in the process of reaching down for them when the Josh bounded in through the door.

"Fucker, I told you not to move!" he screamed at me and then punched me in the gut. I fell to the floor-mad at myself that I didn't react quickly enough. As I lay on the floor, he straddled me and pulled his cock out. "I thought twice about this and thought not to waste this piss on an anonymous urinal--open your mouth!" I refused, not quite believing my big brother was standing over me ready to piss in my face. I tried to fight him with my hands and feet--he was too powerful--throwing off my punches and kicks with little effort. When I wouldn't open my mouth, he reached down and started slapping me hard on the cheeks. I started to cry despite my best efforts not to. He continued to slap me and call me a fuck pig and a bottom boy. I opened my mouth a little and he let out a hot, heavy stream of piss all over my face.

When he was done, I just lay there in a pool of his urine--completely defeated. Tears were flowing freely from my eyes. I had no fight left in me. I looked up at him--with a look that asked "Why?" and I think for the first time, he saw me--his younger brother. His face got completely white--as if it had finally registered with him what he had done. He reached down and extended his hand to help me up. I just looked at him--not moving an inch. He then reached down and picked me up off the floor, carrying me in his arms towards my bed.

Before he lowered me onto the bed, he hesitated for a moment, and pulled me into his chest and kissed the top of my head. I could feel his chest heave and knew that he was starting to sob. "I'm so sorry Luke--I love you. I didn't mean to do this. I am so sorry." He held me against him for a couple of minutes and then lowered me back on the bed. I still was too afraid to say a word.

He went over to the chest of drawers and grabbed a towel and started to wipe the piss off of my face and chest hairs with one hand and with the other hand he started to stroke my hair.

"Man--you look like the perfect mix of mom and dad Luke--beautiful blond hair like mom, and tight muscular build like dad. I think we have the same eyes."

I didn't know what to make of this quick change in mood. I wasn't sure if it was a precursor to another round of beating or if this monster was letting a bit of my brother out.

"I really am sorry Luke"--his eyes were pleading. He was now just stroking my hair and face. He reached down and kissed me on the forehead and then on the cheeks. He stunk of beer. He licked the tears from the sides of my cheeks. "I'm really, really sorry Luke." He then gently traced his lips down my cheeks and towards my lips. "Really sorry man" he whispered as his lips gently bit my lips. "I'm sorry I called you names--of all people, I shouldn't ever call anyone a faggot after what I've done these past few months."

I looked up at his eyes--moist from tears--they were kind. They were the eyes I remembered. I finally was able to say to him. "I forgive you Josh--I know you didn't mean it. I love you--you're my big brother."

This made Josh even more upset and the tears streamed down his face and into his beard. He reached down again and this time, he pushed his tongue into my mouth--kissing me forcefully and passionately. My cock wasn't my own and I could feel it harden--just inches from where my brother was. There would be no hiding it. I was mortified that the sight of my hard cock would put him back in a rage. He removed his mouth from mine, looked over at my pulsing cock--gave an appreciative wink and took his big hands and encircled the head; jerking it slowly as he went back to kissing me deeply.

After a few minutes of kissing he stood up and said "Josh--I'm going to fuck you now--something I've been wanting to say to you for a few years. I want to be in you--like brothers rarely if ever get a chance to experience. I want to make it up to you." He continued to maintain eye contact while He took off his muscle shirt, revealing a tight eight pack of hairy muscle and pecs that extended inches from his body with big, eraser sized nipples. He then reached down and took off his oversized belt buckle and started unbuttoning his button fly jeans--exposing a faded jock strap fully extended from his body by a hard cock. He pulled his cock free of the elastic--revealing a cock much bigger than I remember--at least 10 inches and over 6 or 7 inches in circumference--huge. He then spit a lob of spit on the head of his cock and told me to lift my legs over his shoulders.

He was being gentle--taking the head of his cock much like where Glen had left off--and slowly inserting it into my waiting ass. It felt so good. I secretly admitted that I had wanted this to happen for years myself. Josh shuttered as the first half of his cock disappeared into my tight hole.

"I'm going to breed you Luke. Do you know what that means? I'm going to shoot my seed in you. I'm going to make you mine." He started to slowly pull his cock out until only the head was inside--and then he slowly rammed it all the way ito my ass. I could feel his balls hit my ass each time he was fully inserted. I reached up and ran my hands through the forest of black hair--finding his erect nipples and pinching them--as I started to pinch them, he shuttered violently and started to increase the strength of his thrusts--settling into a hard, plowing motion--stopping only to periodically put his tongue in my mouth and kiss me before sitting upright again with my legs over his shoulders. After a few minutes of deep fucking, he pulled my legs off of his shoulders and pushed my legs into my chest--placing his hands under my thighs for leverage--"See how tight it feels with you in this position? Lets me watch my cock disappear into your hole--I love this position when I'm fucking a guy."

I looked up at him incredulous--"fucking a guy?" I couldn't believe it. "Yeah--I've been known to fuck anything that wouldn't move Luke." I thought you knew about me and Matt. Matt was a wrestling buddy and Josh's best friend growing up. They had a major falling out involving some bloody noses--I always assumed it was over a girl. "You knew Matt and I had fucked all through high school; until he started opening his big mouth."

I looked up at this powerful man that was my brother, making my hole his own--amazed that he didn't know me any better than I knew him. I started to ask him another question and he reached down to kiss me "Shhhsss--no more talking--I want to enjoy breeding this ass." He quickened the pace of his thrusts; I could tell by his tensing muscles that he was getting close. Minutes later, I felt a powerful shot of hot liquid inside me as he shot streams of cum into my ass. He pulled his cock out and it was still spurting--he sprayed it over my hairy chest--on his hairy chest--and while he was still shooting, he rammed it violently back into my hole. He collapsed in a heap of sweat and hot breath on top of me.

While he was recovering on top of me, I heard th door creak open and Glen was standing there with two of my friends--clearly ready to take revenge.

Stay tuned for part 2…


2 Gay Erotic Stories from JackFlorida

Big Brother's Unexpected Visit, Part 1

I was excited when I opened my e-mail to see that I had a new message from my older brother Josh. I hadn't heard from Josh since I left home the previous September to attend a liberal arts college in Michigan. I'd written him a few times--but never got a response. Phone calls went unanswered and he always made sure he wasn't home the few times I traveled back to Ohio to visit the family. His

Big Brother's Unexpected Visit, Part 2

Glen stood in the doorway with two of our friends--Bill, a tall, lean, Italian who was a former swimming champion from my home state of Ohio and Buddy, a short, stocky and hairy accounting major from Tampa. They charged the room--pulling my big brother Luke off of me and pulling his still hard and cum soaked cock out of my ass as they stood him up against the wall. "Stop Glen," I yelled, “you


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