Gay Erotic Stories

Men At Work: Story of Two Horny Men

by Fuckmeintheass

It was Tuesday and a boring day at the office. Dave was doing his work in his office and Steve was doing work in his. Dave has always admired him especially since he has the athletic build of a 20 year old. Dave saw Steve get up to use the restroom, so he thought that he would follow Steve.

They both have always had a thing for each other but they never really expressed it. Dave, as he's walking through the halls to get to the bathroom, is trying to cover his 9 inch boner. Steve hasn't realized that he is following him. Steve entered the bathroom and moments after, Dave entered too.

"Hey Steve, how's work going?” Dave asked.

"It's been going fine Dave; I've been noticing that you have been checking me out." Steve said.

By now, Dave is so turned on that he can hardly hide his boner anymore. "Yeah, I have been, but you are so sexy, who can't stop looking at you." Dave confessed.

So, with a quick movement, Steve walked over to Dave and he started to feel the bulge in his pants. Then Steve got on his knees and started to tease Dave. He first undid his belt then unbuttoned his pants. Steve pulled down the zipper and pulled out 9 inch cock through the hole in his pants.

"No underwear, huh?" Steve remarked.

"Saves time to take out my monster cock." Dave retorted.

Steve started to suck his cock while Dave started to button his own shirt and took off his shirt and undershirt, and then took off his shoes and his pants. By this time, Dave was completely naked. Steve started to kiss all over his, hairy, muscled body and his firm bubble ass.

Steve took off all his clothes, pulled out his massive 11 inch dick and put it in Dave's ass. He fucked him so hard and Dave was moaning and Dave said, "Oh yeah, fuck me! FUCK ME!"

Then Steve got on the floor and Dave stuck his cock in there, bareback, and started to pound his ass.

"Put that huge dick in my ass, fuck me!" Steve urged.

Then, Steve stood up and Dave got onto his knees and started to suck his dick. "Oh, ohh, I'm gonna cumm!" Dave got loads of hot, white cum shot into his mouth and onto his face.

Then, Steve started to suck Dave's fat bulging cock; Dave came after about 30 seconds onto Steve's body. Steve started to lick off Dave, and Dave did the same thing to Steve. They made out for a couple of minutes, then, they both got dressed, and went on to work, thinking about that amazing experience with each other...


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Fuckmeintheass

Men At Work: Story of Two Horny Men

It was Tuesday and a boring day at the office. Dave was doing his work in his office and Steve was doing work in his. Dave has always admired him especially since he has the athletic build of a 20 year old. Dave saw Steve get up to use the restroom, so he thought that he would follow Steve. They both have always had a thing for each other but they never really expressed it. Dave, as he's


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