Gay Erotic Stories

Pizza Delivery

by Usmsex

My first time with another man was when I was 18 and delivering pizzas in Biloxi, MS. I had been working there for a few months, while going to school at the local community college. It was a weekday so it was not busy at all. I had plenty of time to waste between deliveries.

It was about 7:30 that evening and I was making a delivery to an apartment complex. The apartment was on the third floor at the very back of the complex. I went up the stairs rang the doorbell and was greeted at the door by a very muscular man in only his boxers. He was probably in his late 40's and in very good shape. His entire body was covered with hair. He asked me to put the pizza on the coffee table and he would get the money from the other room. I sat it down and stood there waiting by the door. When he came back he gave me the money and said he was sorry he did not have enough to give me a tip. He then grabbed my crotch and said if I was interested he would give me a blowjob instead of the tip. I almost ran out the door, but his hand rubbing my crotch was already getting me hard.

Without me even answering he started to unzip my pants and reach inside to feel my growing bulge. He then pushed the door shut and unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down to my ankles. He shoved his face in my crotch and started licking my cock through my underwear. I had never been touched and teased the way he was doing my right then. He then pulled down my underwear and I stepped out my pants, he pushed me down onto the couch and took my entire cock into his mouth. It was all I could do not to shoot my load right then. Then he let go of my cock and start to lick my balls and suck on them, next he lifted my legs and started licking my ass hole.

I was in completely focused on him when I heard someone coming in from the kitchen. It was a great looking guy in his early 20's standing there completely naked and hard as a rock. My instinct was to leave but the tongue in my ass felt great. He came closer and just sat down next to me. Without saying a word he leaned over and started sucking my cock. The older man the pushed him away and told him that I was his and that he would get his chance when he was done with me. The older man than stood up and took his underwear off to reveal the biggest cock I had ever seen. It was about 10 inches long and as big around as a beer can. He put it directly in front of my face and then grabbed a slice of pizza and rubbed it all over his cock.

He then ordered me to lick the pizza sauce off his cock. I started at the tip and worked my way around and down to the base of the shaft, then decided I would try to suck it. I could only get a few inches in my mouth. I then felt the younger guy moving down between my legs, and he started to lick my ass.

Then they moved me off the couch and laid me on my back on the floor, with the older one fucking my mouth and the younger one servicing my ass. My older man then turned around so he could suck my cock while I took care of his. The younger one left my ass and I was just about to cum when I felt my hips being lifted. The younger one the got in position and I felt his cock pressing against my ass hole. He shoved it in with on quick shove and it felt like my as was being ripped open.

I screamed but it was muffled because the older cock was shoved deeper into my mouth. He stayed on top of me while the younger one began to slowly fuck my virgin ass. After a little while the pain started to ease of and was replaced by a pleasure that I was not expecting. I guess they realized that I was starting to enjoy it the older one got off of me and started to suck my cock again. I could only take about 30 seconds of this double pleasure and I shot my load down his throat. He then pulled off my cock and jacked himself off and came on my face. The younger one then pulled out of my ass and shot his load onto my cock.

They both then started to wipe the come off of me told me to come back by anytime I wanted, and I got dressed and left.

My ass was sore for the rest of the night, and I could not get what had happened off my mind. The next day, while at work, I noticed an order to be delivered to that same apartment. I made sure I was the driver for that order, and it was not the last one I made there either.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Usmsex

Pizza Delivery

My first time with another man was when I was 18 and delivering pizzas in Biloxi, MS. I had been working there for a few months, while going to school at the local community college. It was a weekday so it was not busy at all. I had plenty of time to waste between deliveries. It was about 7:30 that evening and I was making a delivery to an apartment complex. The apartment was on the third


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