Gay Erotic Stories


by Seductive boy

Dennis was the type of guy that thought himself to be hot as hell. Indeed, he looked suave in a button-down shirt, tough in a basketball jersey, cool in jean shorts, and mature in jeans. Nevertheless, what made him attractive to me was how lean, yet muscular, he was. His well-defined arms, with perfect biceps, were total eye candy for me when he was in a basketball jersey. His lean calf muscles flexed beautifully as he made every step, and I knew, from playfully punching him in the stomach, that hard washboard abs hid beneath his clothing. Taken in combination with how lean he was, I though him to be hot as hell too.

Why did I know he was gay? From how he interacted with me in class; sitting beside each other, we would joke away when the professor droned on about some physics principle. Whenever I made a poignantly smart-ass remark, he would slap me hard on my thighs. Sometimes, he would go as far as to, not pat me on the back, but pat me on my pecs. On the other hand, out of the corner of my eye, I would often see his hands discreetly snake their way down his pants, adjust what was obviously a boner, then quickly snake out again. He had no problems flexing his biceps in class, and he would push himself hard against me whenever he leaned over to look at how to solve a problem.

When we reached our junior year, we decided to sign up to be roommates. When that was granted, I couldn’t be more excited. Finally, I had a chance to jump on him – or for him to finally jump on me. The day we moved in together, we secretly opened a bottle of Dom Perignon to celebrate. I am a strong drinker – a bottle of champagne doesn’t do anything to me. Little did I know that Dennis couldn’t really handle even one glass. Halfway through that first glass, he was already half-slumped on his bed; his legs spread open, and his arms loosely hanging by his sides.

I knew it was my chance.

I climbed onto his bed and slowly crept towards him. He sleepily smiled and said, “You don’t wanna do that. I’m pretty violent when I’m drunk.”

“I like it rough, you know,” I whispered into his ear before gently biting his earlobe. As I drew back, he gently laughed, grabbed my hair, pulled my head backwards, and licked up the sides of my neck.

Pushing him down until he was fully lying on the bed, I straddled my crotch over his, feeling his bulging package against my own. Pushing his arms over his head, I licked his armpits before licking his biceps and gently biting them, “Oh yeah…” he moaned as his hand reached into his basketball jersey and began toying with his nipples. I kissed him and received his tongue forcefully circling the inside of my mouth. I kissed down the sides of his neck before lifting up his jersey and licking his nipples. He arched in pleasure and flexed his abs as he came back down. I bit each solid six-pack before pulling the jersey off him and stripping off his sweatpants.

Pulling down his Calvin Klein boxers, I wrapped my lips around his cock, gently sucking. “Fuck yeah… shit yeah…” he moaned loudly as his hands began pressing my head down. Sucking him off, I began to take off my own clothes. Dennis half sat up and he began toying with my nipples. Suddenly, he pulled my head up, flipped me onto my back, and began forcefully grinding his ass against my cock.

He sucked on my nipples gently while tugging at my solid boner. Then, his lips locked onto mine as he began grinding my cock with his ass again. Suddenly, he plunged his asshole down on my cock. I arched and moaned in pleasure as he gently laughed and said, “I told you I’m violent.” Fucking me slowly, he kept on kissing me and playing with my nipples as I tugged at his huge boner. “I’m gonna cum… shit… oh yeah…” I moaned to him. We both groaned in pleasure as I shot my load inside his ass. He then began jerking his own cock, cumming all over my body, even hitting my mouth.

As we stepped into the shower to clean off, I suddenly felt his cock up my ass again. I turned around and locked my eyes into his. We laughed…


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Seductive boy

1 And Only

Before I had romanced Josh, I only knew him as the curly-haired guy with bulging biceps and captivating puppy-dog eyes. He was a college junior above me, but I had skipped a grade level, thus ending up in the same class as him. He wasn’t very bright, but he always worked hard. We became acquainted with each other during our free periods when we would sit in the library and race through our

1 Leaky Encounter

We had picked the last row in the whole cinema. I had lied to Sam that the movie we were about to see was an absolute gem – how could a WWII movie with bad effects be anything but extreme boredom? All I wanted to do was to spend time with him. I met Sam the first year I transferred from my previous college to the one I am at now. Upon first seeing him, I thought I was going to get it. Spiked

1 Varsity Hottie

I never expected Andrew to fall in love with me. We were polar opposites: he was muscles and sports, while I was skinny and academics. Being on our school’s varsity soccer team, he was a typical college jock: gelled hair, loud voice, and a constant “I’m so cool” personality. We only ended up together because we were roommates – a coincidence I initially took as a great misfortune. However, little


Dennis was the type of guy that thought himself to be hot as hell. Indeed, he looked suave in a button-down shirt, tough in a basketball jersey, cool in jean shorts, and mature in jeans. Nevertheless, what made him attractive to me was how lean, yet muscular, he was. His well-defined arms, with perfect biceps, were total eye candy for me when he was in a basketball jersey. His lean calf muscles


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