Gay Erotic Stories

Computer Programmed

by Rynorage2006

Computer Programmed By Ryno

PART 1-THE HERE AND NOW Wesley Pritchard, Big Man on Campus, well that was who I once was, but that seems like so long ago. But I guess, I should tell you my story and how I became who I am now, a slut that lives to serve men.


I loved my apartment that meant I did not have to share my place with a messy roommate or have to share my sexual escapades with a roommate through the paper thin walls, and I loved women all types. I looked once more in the mirror, at 6’2”, 175lbs blonde hair, blue eyes, I was a God and I knew it…damn I could have any bitch I wanted.

I first noticed Ashlee Jameson in my History class at the college. She was beautiful with long brown curls and eyes that shined like emeralds. We went out a couple dates and on our third date I was so hot for her, I ripped her clothes off and thrust myself into her…she screamed for me to stop but I knew that she wanted it…she was too hot and wet not to be. After that night she avoided me, but that was alright there were more fish in the sea. A couple days later, a guy approached me, he had black hair, green eyes and wore a black shirt with Riddex Games splashed in red and baggy blue jeans. “Hey man, are you a gamer?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I said. “How would you like to test a game for our company? It is a hot new RP, called Mind Warp. ” I thought about it and agreed. He pulled a disc out of his saddle bag and handed it to me and gave me a business card with his name on it. “Give me a call,” He said and walked off.

School was pretty much the norm, nothing spectacular….all I wanted to do was go home and play, Mind Warp. And 5 hours later I walked through my door threw my bag down and started up my computer. I slid the disc into the drive and watched as the computer screen went black with Mind Warp in white…then the screen went back to black and white words flashed rapidly… you are a cocksucker you live to serve men you’re a faggot you want to be fucked

Other phrases flashed warping his mind, changing him to become new and improved. Then as quickly as it begun it was over, the screen fading to black. I sat there my eyes glazed over as somewhere it seemed in the distance a phone rang. I stood and went and picked up the phone listening to voice…

“Hello faggot.” It was the voice of the guy that gave me the game, “If you do not realize by now my name, Jacob Jameson, my sister is the one you raped, my Ashlee. Now you will the one men will use and fuck though, I will be coming to your house to get you ready, Welcome to your new life boy.” He gave me a few more instructions and then he hung up.


An hour later, there was a knock on the door and I answered the door, buck naked as I was instructed. He looked over my body and decided there were a few changes that needed to be made. “Crawl to the bathroom boy,” he ordered. I did my ass swaying and my pink hole on display. He ordered me into the tub and then lathered my body up with shaving cream and proceeded to remove the hair from the neck down chest, pits, pubes and ass. I cried as the last vestiges of my manhood were smoothed away from my body and then washing the rest with freezing cold water as I screamed.

I was pulled into the bedroom where Master’s bag lay on the bed, he reached in and gave me a pink thong that I slid up my smooth body and slid my feet into my socks and boots; lastly he buckled a thick leather collar around my neck.

As Master opened the door to the club, I blushed as everyone in the club looked and I was on full display. My bulge prominent in the thong, I stepped inside.

Master put his hand on my bare butt and guided me into the throng of people. I blushed as I hardened and thickened inside the pink pouch. “On your knees,” Mastered ordered in a gruff voice. I fell to my knee as Master unzipped himself and I placed my warm wet mouth over his throbbing cock. He tasted of sweat and piss. I bobbed my head up and down on his cock feeling so slutty hearing the people around us cheer at the show I was giving. His balls tightened as he fucked my mouth, he grabbed my head and pulled my mouth over his entire length as he blew his salty big load into my mouth and I swallowed because I knew that is what is expected of me.

“Stand up boy and bend over.” I did as I was told and felt the strip of cloth pulled away and my pink hole winking at the whole club. Master spit on a finger and rubbed it against my hole. God it felt so good, my hole was needy to be filled, oh my god did I really think that? “Please Sir, take me,” I begged. Master led me to the pool room and pushed me over the pool table and ripped my thong off. I blushed as felt Master spit on my aching hole…oh god please I thought to myself. Master lined his 9” cock against my tight little hole and then he slammed himself all the way in as I screamed in a mixture of pleasure and pain. Master fucked me hard. I was in heaven and hell as he slid in and out of me. Master was building to another big climax and I was not disappointed as he slid all the way inside me and moaned as he filled me with his cum, and he kept cumming till his cum was dripping out of my ass unto the dirty wooden floor.

“Next?” Master called out and the next guy readied himself. It was going to be a long night. That night I serviced 23 guys or more.


In the dark of night I saw him. “Here it is,” I say, as I hand over the silver disc.”Just as I said. It is an awesome game.” I watched as he walked away, knowing his fate will be as mine, but knowing that it was Master’s wish. In the dark of night I laughed softly.


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Rynorage2006

Computer Programmed

Computer Programmed By Ryno PART 1-THE HERE AND NOW Wesley Pritchard, Big Man on Campus, well that was who I once was, but that seems like so long ago. But I guess, I should tell you my story and how I became who I am now, a slut that lives to serve men. PART 2-ONE YEAR AGO… I loved my apartment that meant I did not have to share my place with a messy roommate or have to

Top to Bottom

Top to Bottom My stories are for men 18+, if this isn’t you or your not into men having sex with men then click the X at the top right…..Any comment welcome at and as always. Enjoy!!! I walked into the bar and the familiar smell of leather and sweat was in the air. My name is Kevin and I am a 38, 6’2”, brown hair green eyes, muscular and a top, but not just a top I


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